A Few Sights & Sounds

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A Few Sights & Sounds

A Few Sights & Sounds


What to do in a day in Thailand? Well, there are many things you could do, you could jump in a taxi or tuk tuk or, if you are prepared to brave a walk in the Thai sunshine you could do what we did. We took a stroll around Chinatown, hopped on a boat, and then wandered to Khaosan Road, this is what we saw.

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I went on a visa run to Georgetown in Penang, Malaysia via Hat Yai Thailand. Where I found a very cheap but very shabby room for the night. I was clearly not the first person to be surprised as shown by the funny graffiti on the back of the toilet door. Penang was a much brighter affair with beautiful street art everywhere and delicious food on every corner.

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A simple guide on how to spend a lazy weekend in Koh Samet. A beautiful Island just a stone's throw from Bangkok with a lively and a more chilled side. We take a weekend to see as much of it as we can on foot where we encounter the beautiful beaches and rock formations, a pack of friendly dogs. And of course plenty of delicious Thai food!

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Created 4 years, 6 months ago.

5 videos

Category Travel

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A Travel Vlog Bringing You “A Few Sight & Sounds” From The Road.