Derek Bartolacelli

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Derek Bartolacelli

Derek Bartolacelli


What's The Science!? One of the answers is that's the title of this stellar jazzy soulful album full of mature mastery of jazz, hip hop & buttery raw lyricism.. John Robinson, aka Lil Sci is one of my top 10 favorite emcees of all time and this is just a tribute to his conscious contributions & creations that continue to culminate into classics!

Check out the album here and buy it where you can cuz I bet it sounds smoother than this on vinyl.

Edited, visualized & produced in 432hz by AwakenYaMind


This musical journey is made just to get lost in and come out with some new-found something on the other end.. this is more about what one resonates with and interpretate it as they will, unlike the majority of my projects that are charged with conviction about a certain subject matter.. for me and my focus on many important issues, this kinda conscious music i compiled to share has been some needed therapeutic "down time".. the Word Sound Power emanating from this art-form is ineffable and i still find hip hop to be one of the most powerful forms of expression.. much love and respect to artists making music that provokes thoughts and inspiration beyond what we currently feel & or perceive.. This project is just a drop in the ocean of ever flowing musical currents pushing limits, breaking boundaries, and being sovereign from any form of control & compartmentalizations.. the abstract art-form that makes one think and open their imagination to find an interpretation of what’s being portrayed and beyond.. so many ways of deciphering reality and it’s great that people from all walks of life are putting out their pieces to this jigsaw puzzle in this cosmic conundrum of fragmented consciousness.. We gotta put these pieces back together properly from the micro to the macrocosm

it’s not about glorifying how weird people can be- i see way too much ego and surface level intentions/identification with all that.. it’s about the complexity of the mind and what it’s gathered in its life experience and questioning the things we don’t know, making sense of the sensless, simplifying the abstract and de-mystifying that which is obscure or hard to grasp & understand.. words have their limitations, but the lyrical articulations provide an extra dimension of lingual understanding and it seems to speak more to the subconscious mind, which can be another way of seeing/hearing that popular metaphor when someone doesn’t catch what you said, like it went over their head.. if the..

This Bonus track was the cherry on top of a 4trak delicatessen of the rare and classic album 'P(Rays)e The Sun.. The only release from Per Aa Ra as far as I've looked, unfortunately- would've been cool to hear more for sure.. Produced by Koncepts, who's featured on the last verse with Hypnotic right before.. One of my favorite crews out of the West Coast Underground Hip Hop scene in the Bay Area, I somehow only got keyed into their music a little bit thru Kirby Dominant, as I could never seem to come across any of their other material in stores in the early 2000's.. Kemetic Suns are timeless and I've been keeping their sounds & messages alive throughout the years featuring them on dozens of mixes in the past, including my massive, almost 2hr mix about Maat featuring dozens of great songs & artists..

So this lil segment is highlighting Natural Law in the form of Justice, balance/harmony, Universal Morality & Truth thru the teachings of Maat & Anubis, whoo correspond to the 7th gate, Libra, the air sign of Justice & balance, like the scales suggest. And with Maat, you better get your heart in order well before you come across Anubis who'll test the weight of it next to Maat's feather.. Ammit will take you down for another cycle of life learning if it's too heavy.. So, how much learning & alchemy you do to rid yourself of all the muck that's holding you down mentally, emotionally & physically is up to you and your daily mindstate & choices you make.. Your life, your responsibilities, your karma, you reap what you sow.

Yes, Thoth, the great deceiver & traitor is the Tehuti imposter, and he was only a scribe- NOT the office/position of Anubis or Maat.. He's not even the thrice great, nor hermetically sealed, and if you don't know, please check out this very revealing presentation that goes deeper than what most people can fathom.

Arranged, mixed & produce..
Check it out sometime!

Also for got to mention if you have recommendations to other artists- you ain't gotta be one yourself to give some input


Had the honor & pleasure of speaking with Tanya, the creatrice of Trinity Awakenings! She had Fred Gingras from @thelibercast9098 & myself on to speak about the issues with relationships, men & women at the current time of the heights of these divide & conquer methods that have us at odds with each other. Shout out to @dissolvingthedivide where we have our platform based around confronting these dialectics with bridges & solutions in hand

@TrinityAwakening is where you can find her current youtube channel while she gets her new one set up for more videos like this to come.. She's pretty motivated to get things crackn' so all the best with that, and I'll probably be back for more in store..

I actually created a few playlists around relationships and psychology which feature a relative videos I did or was involved in.
Love & Relatioonship dynamics:

Psychology & Shadow Work:


This was a discussion I've been looking forward to for a while, years actually! haha.. Why? Let's just say I've heard too many critiques about the 4th Matrix movie from too many people who didn't understand it all to begin with.. People want a simple story line to follow, but like they ironically stated in the movie, the Matrix was mean to fuck with your head and make you think outside the box/tesseract/matrix.. So tune in and get comfortable while Glenn leads the discussion regarding what people missed in the movie and why it's important, as it's a stark reflection on our world and societal structures run by techno-monopolist oligarchs pushing transhumanism.

As stated in the video, Glenn has his tri-lingual website where you can check out his books and podcasts.
Accompanying Leslie and over a dozen previous guests here, they are part of the

All our other works, channels, platforms and contacts can be found in our links below
We also have a dedicated Odysee channel for Dissolving The Divide, which allows you to download any videos on there in-browser for free & no hassle..
Her website:

Derek's portal of conscious content of over 300 videos:

he's also a part of a weekly discussion table:

As You can see, we're quite active and got a lot more to come, so stay tuned and invite your friends and family!

Thank you for watching

Dissolving The Divide is a solution-based discussion series hosted by Leslie Powers & Derek Bartolacelli. Our aim is to seek unity among people who are divided by a number of issues in the world. Each show with feature a specific topic as we invite guests to come on and help us find ways we can bridge the gaps among the divide and conquer strategies that virtually everyone is effected by to varying degrees.

Please help spread the word about this channel as we try to populate this platform from scratch and get the algorithms to favor this work so it can ripple out further as we continue this work.

Track credits:
Bay Area Art Collective
RPM ThaBrownRobe
mixed by Derek Bartolacelli

For inquiries & interest in our works::

Leslie Powers:

[email protected]
Contact me if you would like to be a future guest

3 Recent Conferences we were involved in::::
***Join/sign up for the upcoming summit!

Our show has been profoundly enriched by every guest we've had on so far and we appreciate their knowledge & wisdom they shared with us and were inclined to help us dissolve all these divides!

Some guests are on the

Others have their own websites


Quick cut from a really dope track from CDC, who somehow only discovered this year.. I was in total shock, awe and amazement when I first saw this clip, as it plays as an anthem or theme song to my podcast I do with Leslie Powers called Dissolving The Divide..

Not to be all promotional about my other platform , but at the same time, I'm providing solutions while praising others' works.. As a response to the concerns and harsh realities exhibited in this song, there's solutions to them and this isn't a spectator sport for positive change to actually occur.. There's over 50 episodes we've done and we really try to highlight ways to overcome, resolve arguments/discord, and dissolve inner divisions/contradictions that came help build more movement with more people towards solutions on the micro & macro levels..

Much respect to @ChangeDaChannel for his efforts and the OG that he is in this truth speaking game since 911 pretty much as far as I understand from what he's said.. Plus an Oakland Records affiliate or something of the sort, which is how I discovered him since it's the same folks Azeem was rocking with, and that dude's in my top all time emcees, so I was more than happy to find out about this other brother.. Worried about his t-shirt? Well, he ain't pro republican nor democrat, it was apparently a style back then when this song was made- don't get hung up on that and avoid the messages/moral to the story/song


This was a cool synchronicity when recorded, as I mentioned briefly in this cool 3-way group chat headed by Fred of The Libercast.. Thanx again to him for having me gratefully on his platform and at the table once again with Kris Nelson who's got his fantastic website
-which I've been learning from and referencing for many years!

The timing of this livestream (now uploaded days later on my channel) was at the back end of a very long day of finalizing & uploading 2 videos on multiple platforms and at the tail end of a podcast double-header that started at midnight for me which finally ended around 5am..

So yesterday I dropped a video titled Lip-servicing spiritual fashion statements, which echoes the sentiments of this video, yet we take it further and wherever Fred wanted to navigate the conversation, which includes gatekeepers, which is an important point to be made and heeded wisely my friends.. And we best not gate-keep ourselves or others as well to empowering information

Fred's got quite a few places to check him out on, including a facebook group I'm in, so join in and say what's up!

Both Kris & Fred can also be found as well as many others on the

All my works, contacts, channels on a dozen platforms:


This was a very intriguing conversation that David led us through today. There's a lot to consider with what he's brought to the table and if you're interested to learn more, he's got a live workshop you can join for free on Saturdays (hesitant to say every Saturday, so best to stay up to date thru his website).

With this information being rather new to us, we're looking to attend his workshops as well and actually put this to the test to see what happens. If anyone has experience regarding what was discussed here, please feel free to share in the comments.

His other website & platforms:

All our other works, channels, platforms and contacts can be found in our links below
We also have a dedicated Odysee channel for Dissolving The Divide, which allows you to download any videos on there in-browser for free & no hassle..
Her website:
she's also a part of a great network of researchers and truth speakers, as is David:

Derek's portal of conscious content of over 300 videos:

he's also a part of a weekly discussion table:

As You can see, we're quite active and got a lot more to come, so stay tuned and invite your friends and family!

Thank you for watching

Quick cut from a mix I did years ago titled Positively Charged Hip Hop. This was a transformative sequence, as the title isn't eluding to just roses & sunshine, but stages to transmute the negativity into positive outcomes.. Life alchemy and living in harmony with the Laws of Nature and not be a part of the societal madness.
link to the full mix (great for workouts!)

This is evoking that sacred Generative Principle of Care to fuel the courage to go thru the process required as stated above. But in this context it's on the macro level of encouraging others to break the spells of social/gov conditioning & disempowerment thru a multitude of manipulations..

Mark Passio is a great teacher and his 9 hour seminar on Natural Law is where I sampled this sequence for that aforementioned mix and also many others.. Here is a special link to download what I've termed the trifecta, which includes his 3-part video lecture, all his corresponding slides and the written transcripts of the seminar co-authored by myself & Corey Wolfe.

His website is beyond worth checking out!

Going through hard times and trouble in life gave me motivation to try and bring positive light out of the negative things happening to me.. I had a determined outlook in that no matter what issues one may encounter, what counts is how we overcome that adversity and deal with the cards that have been dealt in those particular circumstances.. We can be more empowering to ourselves and others by accepting/assuming responsibility of our actions and admit our faults while looking for solutions instead of playing the victim or the blame game.. Keeping a positive attitude about ourselves opens up our acceptance of our own errors and sees these as learning tools and aspects of our lives to improve on.. Not that coulda woulda shoulda, what if or if i just did t..

This video breezes over some of the observations & revelations I've come across over the past, decade lets say, but more so in recent times.. I'm just looking for folks to be more correct, less pretentious, act accordingly & humble.. continue the alchemical, learning, integrating processes on the daily and align behavior to Cosmic Law & righteousness, especially during these times of tumultuous tyranny, distortions & confusion on so many fronts of society- and whatever's not resolved within one's self

This is not a spectator sport, nor a weekend ritual- this is your life and you need to take full control of it dealing with the mind body spirit first and foremost and oof course take care of what's going to sustain a proper abundant thriving life for you & yours!

So much more to work towards in this reality, so let's build- each other & society up towards something more Hermetically Sealed

There's gonna be some spiritual trend hoppers
half-way hobbits coming up short on going all the way, and whatever else.. I'm not here to dwell on it all.. It's just a friendly reminder for folks to check themselves & correct themselves, and for those it don't apply to cuz y'all ain't done much.. As I mentioned in the start of this vid, what better time than now to get down to brass tacks on

There's nothing new with this, yet what can be new is for people to stop acting pretentious around spirituality

Going over The Trivium a bit, so I threw in a project from last year for folks who didn't understand some of the "rhetorical" references

Music credits:
Intro: King Koncepts
3:40 transitition -
Shallow Days

Trivium Trifecta Mix 2 featuring Various artists made specially for The Freedom Under Natural Law Conference.. Their Third, and how fittingly so to have it titled The Trivium, which is what I catered this audio visual snippet session for.
Peep the 2 day, 24hr conference chalked full of heavy hitters of truth and research.

outro song: Annointed (feat. G..

Had a great experience fasting with some new friends who were down to have some discussions about the whole experience.. We weren't all synced up with the same amount of days or technique, yet all of us have dabbled in the Master Lemon Cleanse, which is what I did this time around, like I do for nearly all my fasting (intermitted doesn't count).. Sheena & I kicked things off 1 Harriet joined us to go more in depth and conclude our near 10 day detox, which I included a wonderful guided meditation video Harriet made under her youtube channel Godself.
She also provides some special services as an energetic healer/therapist:

Sheena's got quite a lot of research, articles and videos on her website to get informed about a lot about life:

We're actually back at it for a second go, and for up to 3 weeks this time, so if you're interested in joining, even by proxy and not be in our recordings, you can still correspond with us in a group chat I set up called Fasting For Freedom- Fast & Freedomous sounds too silly. haha.. get a hold of me via email:

Alright, let's get to the squeeze about this lemon cleanse

There are many ways to go about detoxing, there are many different types of fasting or cures, even a digital detox! Find one that works for you- be creative, haha.. not one thing works for everybody.
We're just sharing our experiences and how we've benefitted from them.

This procedure has been overhyped in the mainstream, like celebrities promoting it to lose weight- so nearsighted. yes you will lose weight- dangerous amounts sometimes, but there's so much more like:
Hits the reset button on your immune system to a good degree, cleanses pretty much everything- organs, lungs, skin, restored vitality, rejuvenated spirit, make you care more about your body, even get to know it better, increased energy, better sleep, clearer dreams, wake up super fresh- not c..

Quick cut of a snippet session I laced up for a mix I made some years ago titled The Hip Hop Time Capsule Trilogy: Time Stretches Out, Suspends and Slips Away.. and it slipped away from youtube not shortly after it was upload due to limitations here.. But, as always, I got back-up, soon to be more primary platforms that don't hold me, or others back from freely expressing themselves in the mediums we choose...

So how do folks spend their time? usually not too intelligently at first but over time, they learn how to spend time wisely since time can be equated with money- depends how one "spends" it, which correlates to what they'll get in return, like if we use time to read a book, we gain knowledge, etc.. They might go thru phases where they feel suspended in time, as if it stands still and they have plenty of time to waste away, which in the long run will leave fruitless time wasted once time slips away.. and when time slips away and one realizes how much time they wasted, feelings of remorse and regret might cloud over.. those feelings gotta be dealt with and eradicated from the mind- all in good time.. but the more awakened individual will be motivated to use whatever time remains to do something positive with it and be more efficient with their time.. instead of watching it, almost helplessly, slip away..

Thanks for spending some time listening to this, i know it's not short on the time length, but in this series of time capsules, there’s a mix for every number on the clock with a possible 13th hour if we even make it that far.. limited amount of mixes- too many songs to choose from.

Some credits of the various artists: Del, Koncepts, Lord Finesse, Dread Scott, Group Home, CL Smooth, New Moon

Produced in 432HZ on 29/10/2018 in sunny La Ciotat by Derek Bartolacelli aka AwakenYaMind

Peace out you pendulum swingers!

A follow up discussion Sheena put on and invited SteVAN & myself on after a good 15 minutes getting to know Fred from The Libercast.. Cool group of people hailing from Canada, California, England & France, so there's some interesting prospectives coagulating on the common grounds of Freedom & Natural Law

Fred's a familiar friend who I collaborated with for at least a dozen videos at this point it feels.. y'all can catch him @thelibercast9098

Sheena's website:

Her and I will be going on a detox for at least 10 days, and if you'd like to join us, we're encouraging others and have a private chat group set up.. Calling it fasting for freedom'!

Best way to follow/hear from Steven:

my new hyperlink hub

Plenty of ways to learn/understand and participate in ways towards freedom with what we've compiled on each of our ends

Sing up directly to stay tuned or participate in a few ways for an upcoming Freedom Summit


Great conversation with Jungle, the man behind the channel Metaphyzikal Dynamix. We go over the some of the martial arts and their original intentions behind the practices & teachings.. We wanted to cover this subject with the issue among men, and young boys who need a healthy outlet for self-expression, channel hormones & testosterone positively. There's many dojos and other training facilities, especially since the rise in popularity with MMA and such, which is not worth generalizing due to the vast differences of backgrounds of its international members & participants/competetors. But as mentioned in our chat, we can see differences in distorted teachings, or lacking some of the sacred principles in movies like Karate Kid and his adversaries Cobra Kai.

Jungle made some great points and observations during our discussion in relation to this topic. As the yin-yang symbol represents balance, we can have that friendly reminder for keeping our whole mind-body-spirit balanced in this dance of life. Hieros Gamos.. The balance of masculine & feminine, the non-violence principle & the self-defense principle.

Check out his video on youtube

Conotact him if you're interested in learning more and taking classes
[email protected]

All our other works, channels, platforms and contacts can be found in our links below
We also have a dedicated Odysee channel for Dissolving The Divide, which allows you to download any videos on there in-browser for free & no hassle..
Her website:
she's also a part of a great network of researchers and truth speakers

Derek's portal of conscious content of over 300 videos:

he's also a part of a weekly discussion table:

As You can see, we're quite active and got a lot more to come, so stay tuned and invite your friends and family!

Thank you for watching

A quick cut from the song Imagination by Bicasso featured in my conscious hip hop mix "The Mystik Journey of iMAGInation" featuring sound samples from Sethikus Boza via @drakkvonboza and some quick concluding words from myself. His works are something I have in rotation regularly, as there's so much he unpacks about a ton of profound knowledge that I highly recommend people check out.. The whole mix feautured more samples and most of them came from his Magi Grail Shaman series, which I made a convenient playlist of:
His website is also well worth checking out, as he founded a mystery school as well, which I was initiated into last year and was a game-changer!

Just a quick reminder for those in a place lacking imagination or inspiration over an old ass 4Track beat from one of my favorite artists from the Living Legends crew, Bicasso, aka DJ Bizarro

This is the nation within ourselves where we are at them helm- the king/queen of your castle, sage of your shrine, master of yourself and slave to no one. We harbor a vast source of consciousness within and can bring forth new ideas into reality from there.. In a world becoming increasingly addicted and unnecessarily dependent on ai, where machines are doing more thinking for humans than ever before, it's vital to keep an active imagination and not become complacent in the face of technology that's lessening the opportunity to develop life-skills. The artificial & counterfeit can never match the human spirit!

There's an entire universe inside you- don't ever forget that!

arranged, mixed and produced in 432Hz by Derek Bartolacelli aka AwakenYaMind at Wesh Coast Studios in La Ciotat


This is a direct video upload from Sheena Alexandra who I had the honor of being invited for an interesting discussion- I come on 30 minutes in.. Anarchy means no slavery in the essence of the true definition/etymology, so it does align with freedom & Natural Law- that's where SteVAN bases that handle under.. We can have a system that organizes the infrastructure we're used to depend on with out calling it government or anarchy..

She's been a really cool new friend recently and we've been recording several videos coming up after this, including some ways to attain self sovereignty thru fasting...

Best way to follow/hear from Steven:

my new hyperlink hub

Plenty of ways to learn/understand and participate in ways toawards freedom with what we've compiled on each of our ends

Sing up directly to stay tuned or participate in a few ways for an upcoming Freedom Summit


Such a dope duo of musical magicians! A quick cut from their track: The Dark Horse. Nu Vision Project is the metamorphosis of Vendetta Kings, a crew I totally slept on for years! Check out their music cuz it's phenomenal & very well aligned to what I've mixed, as this whole song was featured in my mix titled The Mystic Journey of iMAGInation

Feeling under-appreciated? underrated, under the radar, underestimated, under pressure? These are great opportunities to use that energy of frustration etc towards something positive to proove to yourself and others your self worth.. Take it thru the alchemical process for maximum effect & benefit with the transmutation of energy

this is for the warrior mentality, the perseverance, overcoming adversity, empowerment during times of weakness, consistency of right mindfulness despite all the negativity..

Arranged, mixed, and recorded in 432Hz by Derek Bartolacelli aka AwakenYaMind

composed in a way where this short snippet is a constant positive loop of conscious music not missing a beat unless the internet laggs

I've mixed these artist's masterful songs in a lot of mixes in the past and I recommend folks check out and support their channels and buy an album like I did.. That Holy Science is monumental as far as I'm concerned..
Much luv & respex to @nuvisionproject1201


Was happy to call in to a podcast that's not on many people's radar and despite some listeners not being able to relate, it was cool to just get on and go with the flow.. In this upload I sectioned out the ten minutes we spoke and some of my afterthoughts about it all, plus a snippet of the following caller who added onto what I touched upon

Most of us could all participate more and do things of this nature wether online or in real life.. How so? Seek places like this, audiences who are trying to get it, who may not be there, or aren't too aware.. Why keep catering to folks who are in the same camp or level of awareness? If you're really adamant on waking other people up, why aren't you targeting those who are sleeping/struggling/suffering? It's not to say I'm out there all the time doing my best at that, it's just some things to consider

Respects to @JackMorgan_RLP , as I'm not belittling him here and was overall grateful for the experience of chatting with him.. It's more about the negative comments I saw about me afterwards that I'm mostly adressing in this video.. It does take effort and courage to get on the mic and speak to many people in a livestream like this, and it's not for everyone, nor is it the end all be all.. Just an outlet/space he created to share whatever's on his mind and allow others to call in and do the same, so I respect that, find it beneficial and cool..

His channel:

The Livestream I called in on:

my portal of platforms and many other goods:

Natural Law
is King


got some advice for content creators, news about what I got in developments, networking and throwing in a lil music here & there

any questions, just leave in the comments & I'll make sure to get back to you..

This recording was kind of an in-promptu type of conversation between 3 gentlemen who've felt a disturbance in the force if you will.. A disturbance among folks who share many values towards freedom, yet have some hang-ups that can stagnate or derail a movement..

This is not a spectator sport regarding what we're speaking on, and we're encouraging folks to step their game up ultimately, cuz most of us can do better for all the right reasons right here right now until eternity

I've been happy to get back in connects with Fred via a few mediums, which led to this and a few other chats on deck, plus one on Dissolving The Divide..
Much respect to @thelibercast9098 for his Great Work & including my self & other friends on his pathwork..
If any of my french friends are listening, I hope y'all subscribe to his channel to catch your native language coving important topics

Kris Nelson is a man I'm always honored to be in collaboration with as well, which has been a few time now, and numerous times indirectly, as I've featured his fantastic info-graphs in many of my music mixing works in the past.. is his website worth checking out, as I've mentioned in recent & past videos

I'll make this description box brief

You're either in alignment, giving effort to be, or not, or ignorant to how the dynamics of creation & consciousness works.. These are some of the highest spiritual lessons we can learn in 3D to apply to our lives for the betterment of existence..

We referenced a bunch of resources to learn more via the slides and verbally.. Much can be found in our link here- scroll all the way down and peep our affiliates, as they speak volumes on this subject..

click on Brandon's page for a massive playlist of 300+ vids relevant to Natural Law

Unfortunately our dear colleague and friend Crypt Rick couldn't be here with us for the recording.. He may invite us on his radio show to continue this conversation on Revolution Radio- get them freedom slips!

Respect to the artist I sampled from in making the introduction, yes it is I who whipped up a lil Natty Law intro and had the honor to verbally kick things off

music intro credit:
Universal Law by Illustate ft. DJ Chonz


Great conversation exploring the min of Doriane Greens! Which she recently changed to her maiden name Sarrasin This conversation ties in well with one our our most recent with Kavalya regarding sovereignty, as Dorian told some interesting stories about her life in dealing with growing up, life choices, sacrifice & overcoming adversity.. She's got quite an interesting background from France to Taiwan, especially when she's living & creating in alignment to Natural Law

Please check out her fantastique creative projects::
🍃 More Creative Content, Process & Thoughts:

💻 Join the Newsletter (ENG) :​​
💻 Pour s’inscrire à ma lettre d’information (FR) :​​

🎁 My website + online shop:

Her video "Crash or Flow" with the cool ink effect:

Her exclusive video (Through The Shadow) made for The Freedom Under Natural Law (Convergence) Conference:

The End of Slavery Summit featuring 50 people put on by friend and previous guest, Cory Endrulat.. including Doriane, myself and other fellow speakers like Brandon Spencer, Marja West, Chris Jantzen & Leslie Powers

There's a new summit on the horizon actually, and it's still open for participants- all that's needed is a 1 minute video.. Check out this link for more info

Video relevant to our discussion as mentioned in there:
Waltzing in & out with Marja West -

All our other works, channels, platforms and contacts can be found in our links below

We also have a dedicated Odysee channel for Dissolving The Divide, which allows you to download any videos on there in-browser for free & no hassle..
Her website:
she's also a part of a great network of researchers and truth speakers

Derek's portal of conscious content of over 300 videos:

he's also a part of a weekly discussion table:

As You can see, we're quite active and got a lot more to come, so stay tuned and invite your friends and family!

Thank you for watching

Sound sample from the mighty Marja West- one of the best! She's a special friend of mine as well as a wise mentor, as I've learned so much from her directly in person and thru her videos, where she's got it going on @LoveTruthBeauty

Music credit to MEDL4 with his really cool instrumental 'Crystalline' @mrmedl4

This quick segment, which is a smidgen of what The Law of Gender entails, and also what she speaks about in her presentation given at the Freedom Under Natural Law Conference, The Trivium, which I also was a part of as well ass other friends & familiar folks.. Her presentation titled: he ONE Pronoun to UnSlave Us All: When Wokeism Hijacks Grammar can be found on their website, other video platforms aside from her own vast amount of platforms..

Her website, which offers premium services and courses, is a great place to learn more, as she's spoken volumes about spirituality, well being and the Hermeticum for decades!

There's many videos on her channel that goes deep and well as covering the everyday things people go thru regarding gender dynamics, whether it be internal, external or relationship-wise, her material is top notch and grounded.. One of the much more braver females to call out her kind on their bullshit to help erradicate this cancerous war of the sexes played out as a main vein in the divide & conquer dynamics.. She's one of the few that voice out the ancient history of the gynocracy and much more regarding anima/animus generational shadow healing

You'll find me on there in a couple videos, which all relate to this Hermetically Sealed short actually, including a near 2hr discussion on my other platform I share with Leslie Powers as we investigated the inner workings of the dynamics of this 7th Hermetic Principle and how we can harmonize and dissolve the inner divides within ourselves.. @dissolvingthedivide

Arranged, mixed and produced in 432Hz by Derek Bart..


Created 3 years, 4 months ago.

312 videos

Category Education

Greetings & Bonjour,

You may have heard of my work under the monicker AwakenYaMind, where i've been mixing provocative truth-infused themed music mixes since 2012.. Been holding out too long on doing my own work under my own name for a bit too long there, but it's been complicated over the years living in France.. Originally from The San Francisco Bay Area, but i've been in France for over the past decade now and i've been going through multidimensional transformations, awakenings, deprograming, ego deaths and all that other stuff that comes with becoming an activated individual.. I'm not as much of an activist as i should be, but i've been on a different path in a sense and i'm looking to really get things rolling for 2021 in a big way..

I'm aligned with Natural Natural Law, Morality, and the higher sciences of spirituality to keep it short

Looking to get at the heart of some matters here and speak my awakened & re-educated mind that is rooted in heart-based intelligence