The Mad Shangi

You had every opportunity to clown on me, but you took the high road. Thank you.

When one scorned woman gets exposed, she tries to expose things I've already copped to. I have white and black friends and there's no excuse for me using the n-word.

Sam Hill, a man that once publicly falsely claimed that I was ejaculating on children was just exposed recently by RDA for talking to what sounded like pre-schoolers on a live-stream. GLM made some pretty wild accusations about me on his show, but he didn't allow me to come on and defend myself. Shall I extend him the courtesy that he won't? I'm calling Sam Hill out to explain himself!

#SHA #RHA #SamHillArmy #GLM #RuthMoab

No, the music wasn't added in. This was screen recorded from Tyree's live as he's fucking a crack-head named Jenny while "Jaws" music is playing (and has his ex-gf on the screen for extra creep factor).

Sam Hill is live right now, since he's too much of a coward to let me on his panel while I'm being talked about, I'm going to go live and have my say on my own platform. This stream was copyright struck by J-Rahm, and then was retracted. A lot of interesting things happened while I was live: we went over Brutally Lauren's video then switched to J-Rahm's live and witnessed the exposing of ODN.

We are back, motherfuckers! Ain't going to let a DMCA stop the Shangi from streaming. Mr. Diaper-Wearing Bitch Boy named J-Rahm decided to give me a DMCA copyright strike when I happened to simulcast a portion of J-Rahm's stream while live, so we decided to have a little roast in honor of J-Cuck and the #NoBallzLegion.

Deborlee Ann Watson is a mental health counselor that rubs shoulders with the worst trolls on YouTube, cries foul when things get messy, and then goes bonkers when she's called out for her BS. Now, she's buddy-buddy with the likes of BrutalMafia, the very person that was supposedly stalking her and doxxing her all over the place, now it's looking like she's been deliberately doxxing herself to fuel a phony victim narrative. There's also the issue of her sexting with various men and then turning on them... then there's her immature posting of animal cruelty videos when she's triggered, and calling people pedophiles when she's called out.

Well, I just had a technician come and replaced the modem. Let's see how we run now!

So the last time Devon Vinson was on my panel, we peaced it up - but I knew that this guy was a flip-flopper and it was only a matter of time before he was running his mouth again. I even set my watch to it. So now the guy wants a piece of me again, so we going to rumble. I have no respect for a black man that sucks up to racist white homosexuals that calls my friend a "white n*gger." Lycantheory and Sara will also be exposed.

GLM was big mad when she saw me in JB Gunner's chat today. I was only there to support the Jamie bashing. JB knows I'm not his buddy. But GLM wanted to start something and I think it's funny as hell. First, she tried to bring up JB Gunner's Warchest, when JB said he didn't care about that, she switched tactics and claimed I had one on Trim Hits, because she's been desperately trying to get him to clap at me for her. No one's buying it. GLM has been getting called out all over, and I think it's funny.

Just one thing...

Damn, I make this look easy.


This is a response to the "#Lycanlegion" video titled "Coach Keith is Beta Bitch, PROVE ME WRONG. - #LYCANLEGION" where the video's author, Jamie, pathetically attempts to call someone out on the internet. This is being backed up to Bitchute first, because I'm going to prove a point. If this video gets DMCA'd for any reason, it's because I hurt Jamie's feelings and he can't take what he dishes out.

Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for β€œfair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research.

Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing.

Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.

ODN did a live-stream and I screen-recorded what I could before the stream disappeared. Here he exposes Sara Barrett and plays some of her voice notes.

Red Pill Phizzin is getting mad that people are talking about his confession to statutory rape. Well, too bad. This dude thinks playtime is over: it's only just begun.

This is a mirror of JB Gunner's video. I'm archiving it here because I just happened to have grabbed it before it got DMCA'd by J-Rahm, one of the perverts getting called out in this video. Let's forget about how I actually feel about JB Gunner for a minute, because here he is absolutely on point!

Be careful about who you trust here on YouTube. I felt bad for this woman because people were going after her and her young son. Now I'm exposing her hypocrisy.

Just because I had this broad on my panel, doesn't mean we're buddies. I was just seeing what I could learn from her. Turns out, Janet is back in cahoots with Sara Barrett, while Mr. Unknown is stuck with Sharon Hensley. Janet, YER DONE OUT HERR!

UPDATE: Mr. Unknown was the surprise guest on the panel. He dropped Sharon because she and Janet tried to dox him.

Red Pill Phizzin was on panel with Grizzly Mula, Crowned Key, and Sage McKenzie. While these dudes are banging on Dose for being with a sixteen/seventeen year old when he was 19 (legal in New Jersey), Red Pill Phizzin admits to having sex with a 15-year-old girl, because her mother pimped her out (illegal).

Watch as Sara Barrett whines about being accused of abusing Johnny (which she totally is, she's the one that's been leaking his nude pictures to YouTube) in the live-chat. She's the one controlling his channel and commenting under his name.

Delusional Sharon Hensley shows her appreciation to Mad Shangi for booting Suzi out of his Discord server, by offering him titty pics nobody asked for. This woman is so out-of-touch with reality, she interpreted banter in a Discord server as a genuine request for pictures. Let's keep in mind: this woman previously accused The Mad Shangi of basically being a pedophile after her disasterous first appearance on The Mad Shangi Show.

So now that it's been exposed that Lycantheory is whacking off with other men on Streamyards, Lycantheory decides to join forces with the biggest clown on YouTube, Tyree Sneed, to try and do damage control over his blatant racism and use of the N-word. Right, Jamie, the meth-head Dylan Roof look-a-like is going to save your reputation.

The Mad Shangi jumps on Sam Hill's live and verbally spars with him.

Mad Aussie Bushman secretly records Sharon's conversation with Coach Eli, as Eli plots and schemes some major fuck-shit and actually says out loud that he plans on making Lycantheory the fall guy for their insane plot.


Created 6Β years, 3Β months ago.

397 videos

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