running w/ scissors

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running w/ scissors

running w/ scissors


"Probing the Holocaust" (Part 1). Interesting doc about the Holocaust, found online, posted here unedited, for extended archival purposes. This doc presents a perspective well outside the mainstream narrative and is therefore worthy, for that reason (and in my opinion) of consideration.

Note: still in search of Part 2

Report by Double Down News on the events of Oct 7, 2023.

Docu-drama of Marvin Heermeyer, the guy who wrecked a town with a modified bulldozer in Colorado in 2004. Welded himself into the thing, went on a rampage through town destroying whatever he wanted, and finally shot himself in the head w/ a 357 mag.

A religious man, Heermeyer had a strong moral sense of good & evil which eventually led to his extreme reaction.

Mash of clips from pop media outlets during height of Covid pandemic. If you never learned anything else from the "pandemic" period, you must surely have learned how quickly it is for a "Democratic Republic" to devolve into a fascist dictatorship.

They shoved needles into us, made us wear masks, locked us in our homes and threatened us with everything from social ostracism to loss of business and employment, loss of free speech, to indefinite detention in FEMA re-education/concentration camps.

Note: Originally edited (awesomely so) by someone called "Grabien." Our editors agreed public statements made by Alan Dershowitz should be included for additional context of the time & for archival purposes.

Mash of clips of people and animals celebrating and innovating in the arts and sciences of life, dance and dying.

Psychedelic Furs video of "The Ghost in You." Favorite song by a favorite band.

"A man in my shoes runs a light
And all the papers lied tonight
But falling over you
Is the news of the day
Angels fall like rain
And love, love, love
Is all of heaven away (Love, love, love, love, love)

Inside you the time moves and she don't fade
The ghost in you, she don't fade
Inside you the time moves and she don't fade

A race is on, I'm on your side
And here in you, my engines die
I'm in a mood for you
Or running away
Stars come down in you
And love, love, love
You can't give it away (Love, love, love, love, love)

Inside you the time moves and she don't fade
The ghost in you, she don't fade
Inside you the time moves and she don't fade

Don't you go, it makes no sense
When all your talk and supermen
Just take away the time
And get in the way
Ain't it just like rain?
And love, love, love
Is only heaven away (Love, love, love, love, love)

Inside you the time moves and she don't fade
The ghost in you, she don't fade
Inside you the time moves and she don't fade
The ghost in you, she don't fade
Inside you the time moves and she don't fade
The ghost in you, she don't fade
Inside you the time moves...

More Psy Furs (get it?) here:

Romantic ballad performed by Jimmy "Buckshot" Robbins, "I'm Going to Wichita to Sniff Some Ass." A rare musical record (and ultimately state's evidence) of Buckshot's state wide serial rapist career whilst driving back and forth across the state of Kansas without sleep for 3 weeks straight in a stolen 1972 Buick Skylark while jacked up on methamphetamine & oxycodone. His story, and how he finally came to Christ is told here.

More about Buckshot Robbins here:

Short doc on the origins, cultural inputs, historical consequences and various aspects of "Replacement Theory." A theory which proposes the existence of a well-organized and long-term project by anti-White racists to eliminate the White race from Earth. Interesting concepts, archived here for purposes of current and future research.

AI interpretation of Frank Sinatra singing "Smells Like Teen Spirit" by Nirvana. Another way AI is disappearing history by replacing it with fabrications. Without the addition of necessary context, the next generation will assume this is real.

Another AI generated music history that never happened.

Bill Burr explains psychopathy.

Subtitle: "How Israel hijacked the U.S. to fight its wars, and its significance in context of the 2023 Israel-Hamas war."

Smart video essay on three decades of U.S. foreign policy concerning Israel. From the advent of Neo-conservatism (1990's) to the Neo-liberalism of the current Biden administration the well-documented historical facts presented here are easily verifiable through cursory independent research.

Nothing amazing. Just a fish-headed chicken smoking a Marlboro.
Plus, various clips of other intriguing animals found online.

Small collection of sunsets over the Pacific ocean off the coast of El Sauzal, Mexico.

Osama bin Laden vid found in an old folder. Can't confirm its authenticity or veracity. He could have been a psy op (imaginary being) all along. Archived here for future reference.

Vicente Fernandez (1940-2021) performs "La Movida" (1991)
Singer, movie actor, Fernandez was as much a beloved pop icon in Mexico as Elvis Presley was in the United States.

More info on Vicente Fernandez here:

Photographic art by Twelve31. Video homage to a good friend and great artist.
More of Twelve31 here:

Music: "Base Metal" from the album "The Eyes of Stanley Pain" by Download
More here:

WEF forum presentation on the state of technological interface & authoritarian management over human brainwaves. The statement proudly made herein is that thought control is now being directed by AI, and that even the privacy of autonomous thought can be "hacked" via system integration. This is the initial stage of the trans-humanist agenda towards a globalist technocratic paradigm.

Behold your next POTUS. You'll get what you asked for: Trump. We all saw you sometimes foaming at the mouth, waving flags, & wearing special hats. You've made idiots out of yourselves with your cult-like behavior, worshiping a jackass. Politics... is not the same as cheering for one side at a college football game. You were sufficiently warned. Now you're going to find out.

Something recently found & only slightly tweaked for audio levels, gamma & saturation. The editing in this is pretty outstanding. The subliminals are compelling, controversial, provocative. Worth an archive. Don't know who did it. Searched for the @ but no soap.

A collection of cameo appearances by highly-respected and extremely wealthy U.S. political representatives in D.C. who have at least one thing in common which you may already have guessed.

Americans. Your leaders have sold you down the river to the highest bidder. Hardly shocking since our true God has always been $. Meantime you were kept in states of perpetual anxiety over Communists, nuclear war, Marxists, Covid 19, rock music, vaccines, Jesus, Satan, Hell, Muslim terrorists, climate change, transvestites, pedophiles, extra-terrestrials, blood thirsty zombies and/or another mass murdering by high school students jacked up on prescription drugs from the same pharma you trust. Then you obediently took the jab. You move easily en masse exactly like herds of cattle spooked by thunder or fireflies. You are precisely goyim.

But it wasn't entirely your fault for being hypnotized every day of your lives by the lies and disinformation provided as public service by the highly-venerated educational, media, social, economic and religious institutions by which you are programmed from cradle to grave. The coup of your government was thus inevitable, predictable, gradual, generational and mostly imperceptible. But here we are now facing the realization that the America we believed in is either gone forever, or never was in the first place.

Music by Brick - "Dazz." Great song by great band.
More Brick:

Here Bollyn provides detailed historical background to formation of Israeli state, Mossad and Israel's leading role in 9-11. This vid has been around for awhile now but is becoming harder to find. Uploaded here for archival support.

More on Bollyn here:

Favorite song "Rain" by Tones on Tail, who use to be Love & Rockets & were Bauhaus before that.

Notes: slight edits to vid found on internet. Spanish subs for unknown reasons included.

More info:
Tones on Tail :
Love & Rockets :
Bauhaus :

Video exposition of Israeli involvement in assassination of the Kennedys. Plus Israeli involvement in 9-11. Also, Israeli infiltration of US govt./intelligence, state department, media, academia & the relation of these events to current Israeli/US policies of genocide of Palestinians.

If anyone believes there is anything "moral" about bombing thousands of children to pieces and then laughing and dancing about it, they may be suffering from a serious misunderstanding of morality.


Created 1 year, 5 months ago.

275 videos

Category Vlogging

A collection of media resources including (but not limited to) contemporary expressions of sound & graphical artifacts which invariably become distant in space/time from our own. The impetus here is to assist future archivists in their forensic pursuit of veracity of already & always fabricated history.

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