X Marks The Spot

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X Marks The Spot



It's like children scheming in front of their parents out loud in ear shot, so as to pitch them on a greater allowance for having done nothing. Meanwhile they hid all the dead family pets they have been experimenting on under the rug and the room is wafted with the stench as others begin to take notice and... roll tape! LMAO should have sent em to camp... wait, this would be funny if they did not murder masses of people with their self assumed titles and NGO roles in the roll out of the mass genocide experiment. (sigh)
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No, seriously... look for yourselves, fucked eh?
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Tell me does your Mom still drive around with that sticker on her Truck door that reads "Bitch"? What's wrong? The "WALLS" of corn closing in? Time to get famous? No, not yet... Who's got the "key's"?. Tell me, did that Father who threatened you for selling drugs to their kid ever come back? Never mind that, how's Nat doing? Seen Ryan around lately? Me neither. But I did meet the girl that beat him with a hockey stick for making fun of handicapped kids when they grew up together, so she claims. (drops mic like a cold puck on the ice)
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Let me know when you fish your testicles out of the Vancouver waters Dunlop.You are about to miss the moment of fruition, sanctified truth incarnate. "I am", inevitable. "I am", the truth. "I am", expected...
You still watching "ice"-cream man" or did Pierre not remove you from office yet? tsk tsk
(slides a TDK in the cassette deck and presses play) https://www.bitchute.com/video/4EocvqXZyJYv/
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I wonder what would happen if I emailed this one to the gang at Victim services?
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Another "Hero" speaking the truth while more poison gets pushed and people do sweet fuk all about it. Eh?! Well?! How many more of our family have to die? Did you all get paid off? I sure as hell didn't ! MPP no care, MP no care, what's that? The PM? LOL he's making bank off of it, like he fukn' cares. Probably made so much he's eyeballing his next NDA. (rim shot)
wtf? https://www.bitchute.com/video/RwRyqwGFFRWH/
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It gets darker the deeper you go, as all holes do.
Odd, I lost all communication with the City and Public Offices after sending them the video of the hidden camera in a Masonic Ceremony. Seems Victim services never heard of Masons before, odd, I imagine a high percentage of victims do. Like the mayor who gave me whiskey when I was collecting for the Ottawa Citizen and he sat me down and rubbed my legs telling me how nice my tan was. Well, I slammed back that shot, stood up and thanked him, but stated I had to get collecting and I ran out his back door. I returned years later for a seance when he was out with his wife, while his daughter hosted a party and I was asked to be present as spiritual guardian. Who knew her Dad was a 33rd degree Master Mason? I bet the demon who turned Mikes eye's solid black that night did. I digress, we will return to that story another time.
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Here one day...
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There is an alternative... M.A.S.H. service, have you heard? https://www.bitchute.com/video/A58OJg6tOzcB/
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Make sure to watch the parody here : https://www.bitchute.com/video/K3PWXRfWsAf3/
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Don't let them kill your babies

Like that? There's more where that came from! https://www.bitchute.com/video/A58OJg6tOzcB/

original to be found here : https://www.bitchute.com/video/RwRyqwGFFRWH/
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(Messiah Assisted Safe Homicide) A mock NGO Service parody, to reflect upon the insanity of M.A.I.D. service being forced upon Canadians.
Suicide is not the answer, MAID is a Cancer!
Another creative product from the one and only "DUKES"
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music by DUKES
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I don't sing in my Mother tongue... no
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Bible tells us they will be given up by the signs and symbols they use. Color Alchemy. Us "ARTISTS" have an eye for it.
music by DUKES
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Inclusivity is going to destroy all Nations who embrace it's "Agenda". Stop hiring for sake of hire and return to the day when "BEST MAN FOR THE JOB" built strong foundations for Nations and it's people and cultures to thrive and embrace one another. END ALL ASSIMILATION TO FOREIGN CULTURES. Celebrate your differences people.
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All the respect in the World for what you do Sam.
Stay gorgeous in your truth! ;)
My vote is in for
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While migrants set a "distraction" , Hillarious rolls into Tonto National Forrest in Scottsdale with extraction team to harvest the needed supply. "SEND IT ALL!" cried out the crackheads Father, all too scared to face the Antichrist alone in debate. "If all fails, bring in my two clones and the Bidenbot, Elon rigged our neural relays to form together in time of need as Voltron. Inside Schiff you will find my sword he keeps tucked away in his "Spacey". Let Kevin know Hillarious will send payment post extraction. Why they can't just hand it to me on the runway like that kid did with the vial on live TV is beyond me, but hey, I gotta ho wipe my ass now and shower with my grandkids, stay American!". Or something like that. It's plausible... but probably just another "wild fire".
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Created 3 years, 10 months ago.

1093 videos

Category Entertainment

A Mixed Bag of Truth and Entertainment with Artistic Mash-ups and the assumed creative right to use anything published online as creative fodder to entertain the masses or be reviewed. Enjoy!