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Burst like a balloon.

#fallout #videogames #bethesdasoftworks

These robots are so silly.

#fallout #fallout3 #bethesdasoftworks

Shouldn't have missed that first shot.

#fallout4 #videogames #bethesdasoftworks

pile of pish.... move along, move along!

#callofdutyvanguard #videogames #activision

Sometimes its the most fucking useless thing ever.

#fallout #fallout4 #bethesdasoftworks

I couldn't hit a fucking barn door.

#fallout #fallout4 #postapocalyptic

Pain in the burned cheeks.

#fallout #fallout4 #bethesdasoftworks

Haaaa so much for that stupid thing.

#bethesda #fallout3goty #postapocalyptic

Dumb zombie like twats!

#bethesda #fallout4 #nextgen

Its like when you jump in your sleep from a fall. #fallout #fallout3goty #bethesdasoftworks

Deathclaw is a big softie.

#bethesda #fallout4 #nextgen

Damn bloodbugs!!

#fallout #fallout4 #videogames

Some bugs remain.

#fallout #fallout4 #bethesda

Part 3 of the DooM 64 Longplay, no commentary.

#doom64 #idsoftware #longplay

Dogmeat is the goodest of boys!

#fallout4 #bethesdasoftworks #postapocalyptic

I didn't really like this dlc. its a bit dull.

#fallout3goty #bethesda #videogames

Yogi helped me....YAY!

#fallout3goty #postapocalyptic #bethesdasoftworks

Glitchthesda. #fallout4 #nextgen #bethesda

RIP Ant.

#fallout3 #bethesda #videogames

RPG rules are funny.

#fallout #fallout3 #videogames

glitched to perfection.

#fallout #fallout3 #fallout4

ooooft this bit

#fallout #fallout4 #videogames


Created 5 years, 4 months ago.

381 videos

Category Gaming

I'm Craggs the proprietor of this channel.

Let me start by saying this channel is not intended for anyone under the age of 13. If you are younger than 13 please find another more appropriate channel, thank you.

Let me welcome you all to thw channel here on the internet.

What you will find here is a sarcastic and grumpy Scotsman attempting to be funny whilst talking about video games, movies and the like.