Expat Farming in the Philippines

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Expat Farming in the Philippines

Expat Farming the Philippines


Same same and a search at the end.

Just a little walk and talk,

The best ingredient is the compony!

Thinking chickens, ducks, turkeys, and solar. And it's time to harvest a pork. Her name is Betsie.

Just have to keep focusing on the bright side.

Woke up on the wrong side today.

We'll see some Carabao, there are more than a few things to embrace here. Then I'll get home and get a little prep work done for the chicken bits.

We can't see how right now, but we will get there!

Embrace what, which part?

People drink!

I'm talking about different kinds of animals while in a good mood because of family time.

We started out to get a sink. We threw that idea out for a visit to our grandchild.

I took a ride.

I'm proud god made me a man. It can be a difficult thing to navigate, but non the less.

It is a truly beautiful day. In spite of all the things wrong around me.

A little on a few comments! And the rest of the story

Where does the music you listen to lead you? Is it up or down?

There's a huge question people need to ask themselves. There's a whole lot of people who don't even know its a real question. In their end, this will prove catastrophic to say the least. The question is this; Who do you fallow/worship?

Mission complete: So I'm in town way too early and I have time to do a little touring for my daughter. Then I'm able to get what I need, then go home. You'll see an actual castration in this video.

So I am on my way to get necessary items needed for castration of pigs. And I'm talking with my daughter along the way.

So it isn't all about walking today.

Preservation used to be a mainstay in my country.

Generational curses.

Feelings are no way to run a life!

Its always good when God directs!


Created 2 years, 8 months ago.

2101 videos

Category DIY & Gardening

Change can be a good thing , but I don't have to like it. I am an American farming in the Philippines. My wife and I are trying to make a living raising livestock and growing food. We are heavily effected by this bio weapon as are everyone in the world. Sometimes it's about farming and other times I'm sharing my experiences with what's happening and how it effects my self and the people around me. This is my account as an expat experiencing life in another country. I have been doing this since 2017.