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Feel free to skip through the parts that don’t interest you. This was originally intended to be a private conversation, but it covers so many important topics that I felt it was necessary to share with the world.

Achieve your International Protected Person (IPP) Status HERE:


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To learn more, check out my books - "The BIG Picture - A New Philosophy for a New Society," and "The Millennial Handbook" series, available on Amazon.



We have a strong disconnect that is the primary cause of our Society being destructive towards the planet. We see ourselves as separate from Nature. We need to come back to the realization that Humanity is a part of Nature, and Human Society is a Natural Ecosystem.

For more information check out my books - "The Millennial Handbook" and "The BIG Picture - A New Philosophy for a New Society." https://www.amazon.com/kindle-dbs/entity/author/B0831QTD89?_encoding=UTF8&node=618073011&offset=0&pageSize=12&searchAlias=stripbooks&sort=author-pages-popularity-rank&page=1&langFilter=default#formatSelectorHeader


Many people have already come to realize (finally) that our largest problems in society are associated with Government and Money. Government is only necessary because money exists, and money doesn't need to exist, so Government doesn't need to exist. But how to we transition a Global Society into a world with money or government? This video explains.

To learn more, check out my books - "The BIG Picture - A New Philosophy for a New Society," and "The Millennial Handbook" series, available on Amazon.



Why do we allow a body of people that is so far removed from society and the operations thereof to rule over and govern our society? They don't know how society actually works. They don't associate with the actual real people of society.

But it is not them we should be blaming for taking over our responsibility. No, we should be blaming ourselves for allowing it.

If we want to get back on track with what Society is supposed to be in this world, then it is time to begin setting up our very own Government. It's for Business Owners to unite and take back this world from our Organized Crime Government's.

For more information check out my books - "The Millennial Handbook" and "The BIG Picture - A New Philosophy for a New Society." https://www.amazon.com/kindle-dbs/entity/author/B0831QTD89?_encoding=UTF8&node=618073011&offset=0&pageSize=12&searchAlias=stripbooks&sort=author-pages-popularity-rank&page=1&langFilter=default#formatSelectorHeader



Created 4 years, 1 month ago.

4 videos

Category Vlogging

Kamiron Freeman has a very unique history and thus, perspective, on many topics as a result of receiving a Traumatic Brain Injury at just 2.5 years old, which healed after 25 years resulting in a Total Amnesia. This particular episode of his life Kamiron refers to as "My Factory Rebirth," as it seemed to mimic the same effects on his brain as a Factory Reset does for a computer.

This unique perspective, at first, caused Kamiron to be "like Spock in a Star Trek world." Having only 10% of the normal brain capacity to process emotions as a result of childhood TBI, Kamiron grew up with easy access to Logic and a high capacity for awareness, with a love for everything science and spiritual. Kamiron Freeman devoured books from a young age, becoming an Eclectic Philosopher by his early teens.

It wasn't until after his Factory Rebirth, however, when he became fully capable of experiencing emotions for the first time that all the knowledge he had gained growing up finally began to coalesce into a coherent philosophy, with no contradictions, that is both backed up by modern science, as well as paves the road for future scientific advances.

Having finally completed his Philosophy, Kamiron quickly realized that his philosophy wasn't just meant for the evolution and advancement of Science, but also, and perhaps more importantly, he realized that his philosophy also paves the road for the evolution and advancement of Human Society.

Having realized beyond any reasonable doubt that all humans have the Natural Birthright of Freedom, Equality and Sovereignty, as provided by Nature and Natural Law itself, Kamiron has decided to dedicate the rest of his life to the creation of an Alternative Global Society, that everyone is free to join, where all of humanity can, once and for all, live under the Principles of Freedom, Equality and Sovereignty for all.

The book series "The Millennial Handbook," and the book "The BIG Picture - A New Philosophy for a New Society," are dedicated to this cause. Kamiron will also continue to release more books dedicated to this cause as he continues to work on building this New Alternative Society with others like you.