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(PANDEMIC TREATY / IHR UPDATES contd below from 15. 05 .2024 fwd + 7 films on Rumble from where this film as 4 of 7 is taken links below)... The Codex Alimentarius (on standards but those standards are long gone) underpins the IHR & Pandemic treaty also below. This vid features Greg Reese, Catherine Austin Fitts, Elze Van Hamelen, & Carloyn Betts ... CODEX ALIMENTARIUS, BIG PHARMA AND THE UN EXPOSED - FULL DOCUMENTARY AND ALSO THE PLANNED POISONING OF ALL OUR FOOD... THE CODEX ALIMENTARIUS (FOOD CODE) (1 of 5 )

THE RUMBLE VERSION of this vid has a fuller list of papers & films on the Codex in its description box here

See also the following 7 films on Nutrition & Dietetics on Rumble GSZP

1. WHO Pandemic treaty & FOOD SCARCITY & famine today. Digital tokenisation of all (your) assets & the real 'N.E.S.A.R.A'

2. Ultra processed food & people (Tucker Carlson) Kiana Docherty, Dr Chris Tulleken & Calley Means

3. Flouride the Neurotoxin in your tap water (Fluoride = Rat Poison added with Uranium, Hexaflouride UF6 Nuclear Waste & Chlorine for cancer)

4.Codex Alimentarius 'Big Pharma biotech GMO food' born out of Ultra Processed 'food'. Greg Reese, Catherine Austin Fitts, Elze Van Hamelen, & Carloyn Betts (Codex Alimentarius in the description box & new Pandemic warnings)

5. Breasts, Breast-feeding & Baby formula (powder) Nestlé's Darkest Secret: The Disturbing Truth. Its Revolution time baby...

6.The Food Pyramid Hoax 1970's to date. Meat, Vegetables or Chemicals. President Nixon and the removal of people from the land (just as the Bolsheviks, Lenin & Trotsky did, as today)

7. Rockefeller Medicine "(7 of 7) Rockefeller Oil & Medicine. Homeopathy vs. Allopathy. Trans-humanism & Sykes Picot / Balfour declaration Oil or ? (what is health and spirit ? )

UPDATES PANDEMIC TREATY / IHR contd 2.4.2023 until 01 06 2024 .... UPDATES (previous updates in last film below on nations sovereignty)

(15.05.2024) Ex CDC director issues bird flu great pandemic warning

1. Pfizer vaxx risk to pregnant woman 2. AND CAUSES CANCER settling 10,000 lawsuits Codex Alimentarius

& in NOV 2023 Slovakia said " Will not sign the WHO amendments" ... ON 15.05.2024 Slovakian President victim of attempted assassination (speaking against it the week before the attempt)

(18.05.2024) .. BREAKING: AUSTRALIA PASSES DIGITAL ID! - The Technocratic World Order Knocking At Your Door EXPOSED CANADA is applying it as is Sierra Leone also linked to social credit behavior


(25.-05.2024 ) It’s NOW LAW: 130 Countries Signed on to Change Entire Food Supply

and Scamdemic 2.0.. "The Government" Is Preparing DEPLOYMENT Of New VAX army deployed


Trump CBDC, AI, Biometric Surveillance, Trafficking, Eugenics, Vaccine Murder & Transhumanism

Trump began all of this under the orders of the WEF, the biggest cull against babies and woman in history vaxx daddy

How peoples rights removed in March 2020 Trump began it "UNITED STATES IS OVER! TRUMP HANDS IT OVER TO F.E.M.A. ! "


Tom Barnett and Matt on Electroculture, Cloudbusting, Crop Circles, and Energy

0:30 What is electroculture?
3:00 Copper Vs Iron in the soil
6:00 Pyramids and Vortexes
8:15 Horizontal Versus Vertical Antennas
11:00 Do taller people tap into the atmospheric energy?
12:00 Wearing copper on the body or head?
16:00 Canes and Rods
20:00 How to start electroculture?
24:00 Energy and Pollinators
31:00 Structure and Conductivity
34:00 Electroculture EMF protection?
38:40 Dan Carlson Sonic Bloom with Bird sounds
43:00 Dolmens and Compression
48:00 Try it out and get creative

55 minutes

👍Follow Tom:
👍Follow Matt:

If you do not control what is in a QR code, somebody else will be!
Do not comply!

YouTube Channel : Earthing

This has been hanging around for a while, I think reason Im dithering is its a little mainstream - but the info is good so with that here it is...

Show Notes:-

"The Earthing Movie: The Remarkable Science of Grounding" is directed by Sundance Award-Winning filmmakers Josh and Rebecca Tickell (The Big Fix, FUEL, etc). This is a feature-length documentary based on their viral short film entitled 'Down To Earth,' that reveals the scientific phenomenon of how we can heal our bodies by doing the simplest thing that a person can do…standing barefoot on the earth.

The winner of the Audience Award for Best Documentary at Dances With Films Festival, the film shares the Tickell family's journey with the healing power of grounding, aka earthing, and the people they met and learned from along the way; featuring grounding pioneer Clint Ober, author Deepak Chopra M.D., actress/activist Amy Smart, author/activist Mariel Hemingway, cardiologist Dr. Stephen Sinatra, renowned healer Dr Joseph Mercola, engineer and physicist Gaetan Chevalier, PhD. and many others.

Over 20 peer-reviewed studies have shown that Grounding (Earthing) reduces of the most damaging internal biological processes that leads to chronic disease. So get out there and put your feet on the ground, and/or increase your grounding time indoors with grounding products. Your body and mind will thank you! Read up on all the studies and research at

Watch this Q&A with Mother and Filmmaker Rebecca Tickell as she shares her family's healing grounding experience, which ultimately led to the film being made:

Join the movement:

!!! Run, Do not Walk from PassKeys or Universal Password, or Digital ID !!!
0:00 Intro
0:56 What is Digital ID?
4:07 Who Is Pushing Digital ID?
9:00 When Will Digital ID Come?
14:45 Digital ID USA, EU, UK
19:41 Outcomes According To UN
23:15 Will Digital ID Succeed?
25:22 The Next Crisis
27:31 How To Escape Digital ID

Digital IDs Are HERE!! Why You Should Be WORRIED!!

Turnabout is fair play, they say...

If You have not seen it Yet?
The MMR Vaccine is all about this movie!
Vaxxed - The Movie

Cut from:
Lies of The Nuremberg Trials - David Irving

Taken from :

As Roger Waters says: "It's beyond our capacity to imagine such evil!"

From the YouTube Channel: My Lunch Break

Today, we open up a new question to this research. We ask if it is possible that all of these incredible structures were put here, all for us…with them now all being taken over and used against us. Destroying the ones that were always meant to be here to help heal us…. Were these buildings.. these palaces meant for us.. and not for them? We also go to Russia and find a painter that supposedly painted a cathedral before it was completed…and much more!

"The Frankfurt School - Unveiling the Western Subversion" by "Smash Cultural Marxism" delves into the history of the Frankfurt School, a group of German Marxists who aimed to dismantle Western culture from within. Contrary to widespread belief, the decline of our society did not begin in the 1960s, but can be traced back to the aftermath of World War I. Disheartened by their unsuccessful attempts to overthrow Western societies, disillusioned Communist revolutionaries sought guidance from Marxist theorists such as Antonio Gramsci and (((György Lukács))).
These influential thinkers identified Western culture and Christianity as the reasons behind the workers' reluctance to embrace Communism. In response, the Frankfurt School was established in 1923 under the leadership of (((Felix Weil))). The Institute for Social Research focused on transforming Marxism from an economic perspective to a cultural one, with the ultimate goal of eroding Western culture.

Their strategy centered around empowering marginalized groups and infiltrating key institutions, such as media, education, government, and religious organizations. This approach was inspired by Antonio Gramsci's vision of creating a new "Communist man" through cultural transformation before any political revolution could take place. (((György Lukács))), another prominent member, believed that the existing culture must be demolished to make way for a new Marxist culture.

Critical Theory, a form of destructive criticism aimed at the fundamental elements of Western culture, including Christianity and capitalism, served as their primary tool. The Frankfurt School's tactics have infiltrated and weakened our society, with their influence still palpable today. This exposé uncovers the truth behind their subversive efforts and urges viewers to share this information to raise awareness of the ongoing cultural subversion in our world.


Read - The Frankfurt School, Western Subversion by Design:

Watch - EU-Frankfurt School Neo-Marxism | BNPtv:

Watch - The Architects Of Western Decline: A Critical Study Of The Frankfurt School | VertigoPolitix:

Watch - The Origins Of Political Correctness:

A little dated, but provides a glimpse into the KNOWING by the Authority Figures of being "caught" in their crimes against Humanity...

This video details how the Covid-19 "vaccines" are killing millions worldwide. It shows that the excess deaths did not start at the beginning of 2020, when the authority figures claimed a deadly virus was running rampant.
The excess deaths began after the vaccines were introduced!

Beware of mainstream conservatives. We are at war, and the enemy continues to soft sell to the masses "don't be concerned".
Support independent media, not dependent upon any Mainstream revenue source, like:]

Substitutes of popular people is everywhere. The weak/ indoctrinated/ brainwashed are unaware.

From Telegram..


Created 4 years, 11 months ago.

363 videos

Category Health & Medical

It's about time the truth is being spoken. Enough with the propaganda.