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Sometimes, it's what you've gotta do... especially when flanked by a cyberdisc!

Well, still relearning the controls yet again; but I managed to win!!

Reduced panic in Egypt a slight bit at least, though hopefully we'll be able to get the rest of the satellites online shortly and some more firestorms!!!

I was going to play more X: Beyond The Frontier, but felt more like doing this instead & so I have. This is actually a fun game, and so beautiful too, despite being somewhat repetitive. In a sense though, everything in life is repetitive anyways, and humanity really should be in space and fill the star systems with life already.

No commentary here, since I didn't feel like bothering to say anything.

Maybe too cautious, but I managed not to go Groundhog Day at least this round. Got to be careful when surrounded by superior enemies. OF DOOM!!

The bugs plopped a stargate there and it's an entire freaking camping toilet's full of them!

Seems best to mostly focus on the more agile ships, generally, although that stinking claymore decided to try and become a statistical fluke... but it still got itself nuked in orbit!

Can't win!!! Not on this PC.

It's so lovely to try your best and still fail. -_-

Cleared up most of the assorted pirates which were already loitering about; so when the main ambush spawned in there were fewer total enemies to worry about. With my five maxed out Excalibur fighters, even the Stormcrow & Bident weren't long for this world within the game; they quickly found that their final destination was EXTRA CRISPY!!!!!!!

Finally got some Archangel armor afterwards as well, though I still need the advanced flight upgrade to really make it useful.

Reduced processes a bit more, I guess they were clogging the system; so, now I got the first mission done AGAIN & without freezing!!!!!

Didn't notice in the briefing if I was supposed to pick up anyone at the X zone, so I landed & waited a bit before dishing out some doom. Crashed a few times too, yay! -_-

Finally won the second mission, yay!!!

Easy to lose track of time, so now I'm using a timer on my watch to try & make each part easier to watch rather than drag on for a few eternities again!!

Yeah, I'm probably not ready for the doom of infinite bugs at the alien base, although since this isn't Enemy Within I think there's no base defense ordeal to work about subsequently however. Maybe I should've rescued more civvies, but I still got it done at least. Yay!

Pardon the French, but here's a funny cool clip interspliced with an oldies tune!!!

Or nearly doom, ran out of health dealing with the cleaning crew of corporate silencing gunmen who are there to clear up evidence of any bad press event.

Only a slight bit of going through the edge of tomorrow, mostly was able to get it done without having to go back in time; but there's no way I was going to let what should be my A-Team get toasted due to happenstance of course.

Should've landed closer the first time I suppose, saved some time for the stretcher crew to have to walk. Oh well, got it done!!

Just gotta try and capture one world after another!!!

It can get cold on Mars, & my computer is potato. -_-


Created 11 months, 3 weeks ago.

709 videos

Category Gaming

Hello there,

my name is Ben,
I'm a Christian,
an INTJ with Asperger's,
I care for my silly birds,
& I'm a sci-fi novelist

I've written three books so far, one science fiction novella, one short stories collection, and a political rant booklet. Hopefully I will write many more science fiction novellas, focusing mostly on colonies within the solar system using realistic technology. Eventually. -_-

Here's my author page on amazon:

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Monetary assistance.

If anyone wants to donate and help me focus on writing novels/articles and/or growing my gaming channels while I can't find regular work, here are these routes.

CashApp: $PsiCorps85

Venmo: @PsiCorps85 (0912)


Any help would be appreciated, thank you.