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But he doesn't know that wood is naturally antibacterial. Tests on wood and plastic cutting boards were done. WayBeyondTheMatrix

I may not agree with everything from the content producers I share. Apply critical thinking and use discernment to come to your own conclusions regarding the content in the videos / link.
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minutesofhorror CIA Scapegoat Charlie Manson Mendacities

Mad Bomber of New York, 33 bombs planted 1940-56 by George Metesky
ARMY Captain Frank Olson murder, November 28, 1953
Paula Passavant, mother of three, murdered by Fordham University Ann Kernan 1961
JFK, George Dealy Plaza 999 KILL BOX, November 22, 1963. (11-22 = 33)
RFK, murdered at #7 Wilshire Blvd, died on June 7, 1968. #!3.
Zodiac killings (seven victims, five dead) Dec. 1968-Oct 1969.
Folger-Tate-LaBianca, August 9-10, 1969, at 3333 & 7 KILL BOX sites
Diane Linkletter, age 20, murdered Oct 4, 1969, with Ed Durston, age 27 present.
Dr Victor Ohta Family massacred at 999 Noth Rodeo Gulch Road, Oct 1970
Richard Flaco (David Berkowitz) Son of Sam, Apt 7E, #13 victims, six dead
Ted Koscinski, Unabomber, 26 bombs, 3 dead.
Dan Cooper air piracy, November 24, 1971, 66 fingerprints found. ($200,000 lost)
Natalie Wood, murdered November 28, 1981. 33 days before new year.
Pope John Paul I murdered 33 days into his papacy.
Roberto Calvi, God's Banker hung by an orange rope under the Blackfriars Bridge.
COVID-19, 33 new COVID case reported today....

Actually I don't think it was a cut, just not an increase. In the criminal commercial cop world that is a considered a cut. Now the city has lost its extortion team. Even the city attorney. I wish I could get something like that here where I live. That would get the fight just down to me against the criminals without badges.

They need to turn in their badges, keys etc. Don't be breaking the laws boys as you go out the door. And don't let the door hit you in the ass. If you arrived in a cop car, walk home. Don't be driving city vehicles around, that could be theft. And we all know you know how to steal so we will be watching you.

What a bunch of crybabies. From what I could tell they were getting 14-15% of then entire budget. I don't know what percentage is appropriate for what city, but 4 million for a budget wont go far after everybody steals their fair share. I bet they got told not to be using public money to buy donuts.

Screw them. Let the militarized thugs go.


Created 5 years, 2 months ago.

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We are still suffering much persecution so please add us to your daily prayer list. Oh you don't have one yet? Well then today is the day to start. Thank you and God bless you.
