T&S Bee Farm

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T&S Bee Farm




Non-Lethal Varroa Detection System


Sampling and detecting the mite load in your hives has never been easier. The bees and the mites are temporarily anesthetized using CO2 gas. The unconscious mites are shaken off the bees through a screen to be counted.The sample bees are returned to the hive unharmed.

Kit includes: sample container, anesthetizing lid, screened sifting lid, CO2 dispenser, 16oz CO2 canister, and instructions

The world's honeybees are locked in a battle for survival. New potent insecticides GMO crops, loss of habitat, parasites, and diseases are taking their toll. The most devastating of all, however, is the mite, Varroa destructor. The Varroa mite has been credited with being the primary cause of colony collapse disorder.

Beekeepers have developed an arsenal of products to combat the mites. We use miticide strips, foggers, misters, powdered sugar and brood management to manage mite populations. The most important thing, however, is to know just how badly our hives are infested and how well our treatments are working. Sticky boards rely on a natural mite drop and the counts may not accurately indicate the mite load.

Current sample methods, such as the ether and alcohol rolls involve killing a specific sample of bees to count the mites on them and sticky board and the powder sugar shake can be inaccurate.

There is one method that has been found to be both accurate and non-lethal. The DETECT-O-MITE system. The sample of bees is anesthetized using CO2 gas. The mites are also anesthetized and can be knocked off the bees by shaking. The DETECT-O-MITE system is easy to use and affordable for all beekeepers. Best of all, it includes everything you need but a sheet of white paper to test for mites. The kit contains the sample container, the anesthetizing lid, shaker lid, CO2 applicator, needle valve and instructions. A handy carrying bag is provided which can hold the DETECT-O-MITE, as well as your notes or tablet.

Sampling and detecting the mite load in your hives has never been easier and the sample of bees can be returned to the hive unharmed. The bees and the mites are temporarily anesthetized using CO2 gas. The unconscious mites are then shaken off the bees through a screen to be counted.

To test for Varroa:
--Collect enough bees to bring the volume of bees up to the fill line on the container. This will amount to1/2 cup (~100mls) or approximately 300 bees.
-- Screw on the anesthetizing lid and expose the bees to CO2 for 4-6 seconds using the CO2 dispenser. (the bees will become sluggish and stop moving but it will not kill them)
--Wait 10 -20 seconds then replace the anesthetizing lid with the screened sifting lid. --Shake the container for 10 seconds to sift all the mites through the screen onto a clean surface for counting. (use a sheet of paper, paper plate or if you prefer to drown the mites - -a dish of water.)
--Return the sample of bees to the hive to revive.
--Count the mites.

Divide the number of mites by 3. This will give you the % mite load. (example: 300 bees have a count of 6 mites. Divide by 3. You have a 2% mite load)


Created 5 years, 7 months ago.

1 video

Category DIY & Gardening

T&S Bee Farm is built on the principles of producing quality hive products, educational beekeeping products and providing reliable service.

Our beekeeping education DVD series continues to grow by listening to the customers, improving our standards, and following a systematic approach to beekeeping Education.

We apply the same systematic approach to beekeeping. We use natural biologic or soft chemicals for pest and disease control when possible. We resort to the use of harder chemical treatments when it is in the bees best interest.