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Trigger warnings: Discussion of ableism, suicidal ideation, hopelessness, political turmoil and genocide. Listener discretion advised.

Name: Winter In the Mountains; Summer In the Valley
Year: 2024
Genres: Indie electronica, industrial electronica, progressive rock, post-hardcore, experimental pop, synthpop, alternative electronica, post rock, mathcore, experimental rock

Pictured on the cover are the Sierra Nevada Mountains in California, just below the elevation where snow can be found during the Winter season. However, that was in 2022, and as of this December, I did not see snow.

Over the year that this album took to make, I seeked to involve various themes, from the struggles of navigating adulthood to the looming threat of trans genocide and an acceleration of the already present Fascism in the United States presented by Project 2025. The overarching musical motif is an attempt at conveying climate change and its destruction of the natural world. Another common theme, which is purely incidental, is my experience with autism's tendency to break down communication and structure. Ultimately, this album is a confessional patchwork of issues I face, and one that I hope resonates with people outside of my circle.

This album will be out on April 20th, 2024 through Lonely Bird Records. CDs can be preordered on the label's website.

I was going by Ryan, but that got cut off at the beginning for some reason. But yeah, I'm genderfluid.


Created 4 years, 7 months ago.

5 videos

Category Music

Hey. So basically this is my backup in case YouTube become so shit that even I can't use it. I may reupload some stuff, but I'm not 100% sure. I normally make music, so I may put my stuff on here.