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Created 5 years, 6 months ago.

75 videos

Category None

Greetings to all and welcome to my channel!

Green Mountain Gold Trap is a Patent Pending product that I designed and filed as a "Classifier" not a sluice. I did this in hopes to bypass the regulations that many of us face with sluice boxes.
I have many video I want to move over here to BitChute from my YouTube channel and will be doing so slowly.
In these videos, I take you on our adventures here in the state of Vermont where there was also a gold rush that took place back in the late 1800's
In Vermont we have both glacial till and load gold. And our gold is very pure at 98% or 92 to 93.5ct.
In these adventures, you will see various demonstrations of both size gold traps in use and us just out enjoying time on the river looking for that precious metal, GOLD!!!
So sit back and enjoy. If you like what you see, please do subscribe. And if you interested in purchasing a Green Mountain Gold Trap, stop by our web site.
Oh and here's a little treat; Subscribers Get Deals when sales aren't running.

Thank You For Stopping By. don't be a stranger and hey, leave a comment! I love comments.
Owner / Inventor