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Emotions VS Facts
The Creator is in control of ALL of things.
Not every celebrity, famous, or wealthy politicians or peoples' death is a ritual or sacrifice.


Created 10 months, 1 week ago.

1 video

Category Vlogging

Welcome to Just My 2 Cent Podcast!

We appreciate you tapping in and giving us a look and listen. Off top...We cut to the chase while talking about all types of things this crazy life throws at us. Some things you may already be aware of others maybe not so much. Either way, it’s all good.

Just My 2 Cent Podcast is literally just our two cent on whatever we think of or feel like talking about. You’ve heard everybody and they mamas comments, thoughts, feelings and opinions on everything and anything you can think of so this is our take on it all...LOL.

As long as The Creator, thee Highest Power continues to allow this world to spin or in contrast suddenly, chooses to bring it to a stop, at least Just My 2 Cent Podcast will have left our mark on hearts and minds everywhere...Cool?

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