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I've just lost my Texas pride, We used to say "remember the Alamo" But now it's" never forget the holocaust". Greg Abbott Just forced holocaust indoctrination onto children and passed an "antisemite"bill against free speech.

Every single aspect of COVID-19 and the vaccine are Jewish.

Gas chamber expert Fred Leuchter compares American homicidal gas chambers to alleged German wartime homicidal gas chambers for a startling conclusion.

BNAI BRITH\ADL always bully other Jews into their Communist/world Jewry agenda
Awesome Find from one of my favorite REAL history channels

2024, 75 years later a survivor speaks!

Renowned investigative journalist Michael Collins Piper joins the program to discuss his latest book ‘Confessions of an Anti-Semite’, and not just the who, what, where, when and how of the important historical question concerning ‘anti-Semitism’, but more importantly why
The Piper Report Nov 28, 2011
The Ugly Truth Podcast Dec 15, 2011

Carolyn Yeager demystifies and contextualizes Germany's eugenics and euthanasia programs, which have been intentionally distorted to prop up the comic book villain perception of National Socialism.
The Piper Report - January 26, 2009


talk given by David Brockschmidt in Australia.His father was a business acquaintance of Schindler so he exposes historical inaccuracies in the Movie "Schindler's List"introduced by Dr. Fredrick Töben

Ernst Zundel inteterview with Udo Walendy
one of the most prolific revisionist researchers, writers and publishers in the world. He has written numerous books and since the early 1970s has been publishing a German periodical called Historische Tatsachen (historical facts), so far encompassing over 110 issues -- including the German version of Did Six Million Really Die? and the German language version of the first Leuchter Report. Walendy was one of Ernst Zündel’s advisors and witnesses during the 1985 and 1988 Great Holocaust Trials. As a result of his activities, his home and offices were frequently raided by the police, business files, books, printing plates and computers were confiscated. Many of his publications are either indexed (i.e., they may not be offered publicly) or altogether prohibited.

In 1996 and 1997, Walendy, at that time aged 70, was convicted in Germany and sentenced to 15 and 14 months without parole, respectively, for having published and distributed several issues of his periodical Historische Tatsachen.

Shame on you, Stephen Spielberg.

Fred Leuchter speaks to a meeting in English which IHR director Mark Weber translates into German for the audience.

David John Cawdell Irving (born 24 March 1938) is a British historian specializing in the military and political history of World War II, biographies of WWII military commanders and top leaders. He is the author of many bestselling books on these topics. He was often praised for his extensive research and new findings using only primary sources. In 1977 the British historian Professor Hugh Trevor-Roper wrote "no praise can be too high for his [Irving's] indefatigable, scholarly industry

Benton L. Bradberry served as an officer and aviator in the U.S. Navy from 1955 to 1977, from near the beginning of the Cold War to near its end.
His generation was inundated with anti-German propaganda and “Holocaust” lore. Then, in his role as a naval officer and pilot, he was immersed in anti-Communist propaganda and the war psychosis of the Cold War era. He has had a life-long fascination with the history of this period and has read deeply into all aspects of it. He also saw much of Europe during his Navy years and has travelled widely in Europe since.
A natural skeptic, he long ago began to doubt that the “propaganda” told the whole story. He has spent years researching “the other side of the story” and has now written a book about it.

Michael Collins Piper (born Michael Bernard Piper; 16 July 1960 – May 2015) was an American political writer, writing on topics such as Jewish influence, the Anti-Defamation League, James Traficant, the John F. Kennedy assassination, the Oklahoma City bombing, and 9/11

Not much is known about revisionist Dean Irebodd as he prefers to remain anonymous. He is known for his entertaining documentaries. Nazi Shrunken Heads
A 24-minute free video about lies which justify war

What Christ says about them and where they came from

Keep naming the Jew, keep telling the truth,
This is the best conversation I've heard in a long time.

so-called" holocaust deniers "will be in prison longer than pedophiles who own child porn

Hit me up in the comments if you wanna be a part of this.

"No more holocaust denial laws, no more political prisoners ,demand free speech everywhere " CyberGnostic
An excellent interview about her new book and prison sentence she did as a so called
"Holocaust Denier" in Germany.

(Repost from my old channel , Over a 1000 views and positive comments,)My old channel was definitely getting messed with. I went to this original video and could just now see the comments. Please share this important message thank you.

Pay attention White man

It starts here and with all of us. Please engage in the comments


Created 3 months, 1 week ago.

203 videos

Category Education

Honest Historical content focusing primarily on the era of WW2 and the political climate at the time.
Free of the ADL lies and the current Marxist academic viewpoint. History should never be used as a Political weapon. Most of my previous work over the last few years can be found here