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I am found on Odysee, follow me there instead.
Odysee: "".

I am making a video game based on my passions - evolution and underground. An online multiplayer video game of genres survival, sandbox, colony and simulation where people live underground, expand, build communities, eat fungus and much more, and where everything evolves.

Thumbnail: DeepAI - Fantasy world generator - "".
Engine: Godot Engine - "".

Today I woke up and spit blood.

Thank you BitChute! This is a big step forward but we can not stay on this!
- Provide a possibility of choosing a Video Category in the new Editor.
- Provide a possibility of choosing a frame to be captured in the new Thumbnail Editor.
- Provide a possibility of zooming out the thumbnail in the new Thumbnail Editore.
- Provide a possibility of Thumbnail Editor in the Settings, once a video has Proceeded.
- Provide even more Notifications!

What I forgot to mention in the video that has been changed is:
- Improved looking.
- Videos can be sped up by a factor of 4.

Again, thank you!

Fetus in a jar.

Video link: " ".


Embrace My project! - An online multiplayer turn-based strategy card game.

The name yet has not been given to it.

The game portraits the most famous and beloved memes from, mostly, the Balkan region.

I tend to make it easy-getting-into - high-skilled game, so that every player, regardless of capability, can express himself.

I spend the night, about 7 hours, making the titles for the English language.

Please respect My work.

With all those flashy images and memes will be hella fun, regardless of the legal problems.

Thank you!

Me, Police and Drug abuse.

Thank you!

The biggest tree I've seen in MineCraft!

BitChute make good notifications!

Due to My physical and mental health, My productivity level is at the bare minimum, with that said, I need someone to force Me working thus fulfilling My potential.

The author of the book I am currently reading: " ".
The book itself: " ".

If you are interested make a suggestion.
Follow the progress on: " ".

My experience with our health system.

Health - Slaves of fear (Comaduster remix), Disco4+ - " ".

This was recorded in the late hours of yesterday but a severe OCD prevented Me from finishing it the same day so I had to sleep.

Breaking Benjamin - Breath - " ".


Created 5 years, 2 months ago.

28 videos

Category Science & Technology