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Lone_Wolf_On_A_Star ๐Ÿบ - Odysee - First published at 11:12 UTC on June 2nd, 2024.
Koncious Reality Coaching Services - Facebook

๐ŸบThis is for those who know...Your not alone!!!

When you are a highly intuitive person, you gotta keep so much inside of...

Lone_Wolf_On_A_Star ๐Ÿบ - Odysee - First published at 12:24 UTC on June 1st, 2024.
Outlaw Attitude - Facebook

๐ŸบThis is simply great advice!!!

Essential Life Advice

Lone_Wolf_On_A_Star ๐Ÿบ - Odysee - First published at 11:58 UTC on June 1st, 2024.
Healthline - Youtube

๐ŸบThis tea is a great source of chlorophyll...

Joe Leech (MSc Nutrition)
Matcha has skyrocketed in popularity lately, with matcha shots, lattes, teas and even desserts appearing everywhere from health stores to coffee shops.
Studies of matcha and its components have unearthed a variety of benefits, and in this video we're looking at 4 of the best ones.

Further reading: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/...

Lone_Wolf_On_A_Star ๐Ÿบ - Odysee - First published at 11:41 UTC on June 1st, 2024.
Hakeem McFarlane - Facebook

We are gut minded...

Lone_Wolf_On_A_Star ๐Ÿบ - Odysee - First published at 11:40 UTC on May 31st, 2024.
Money_onaires - Instagram

๐ŸบIsn't this they way...All of this non-sense clearly goes against the 2nd Commandment...Nice to see someone speaking the truth!!!

They've all sold their souls.

Lone_Wolf_On_A_Star ๐Ÿบ - Odysee - First published at 11:20 UTC on May 31st, 2024.
Cultivate Elevate - Youtube

Deuteronomy 22:11
Do not wear clothes of wool and linen woven together.

When it comes to clothing.. Which material is best for healing?

Highest frequency of healing:
Linen or Wool (5000)

Next best:
Organic Cotton (100)
Leather (30)

Materials to avoid:
Rayon or Bamboo (15)
Silk (10)
Synthetic materials polyester, acrylic, spandex, viscose or nylon (0)

Lone_Wolf_On_A_Star ๐Ÿบ - Odysee - First published at 01:52 UTC on May 31st, 2024.
Manifistation_Rituals - Instagram

๐ŸบThe title says it all...They are going to light you up with their 2.4Ghz cell towers, HAARP, cell phones, WIFI, NEXRAD and Doppler Radars...If the microwaves don't get you they are hoping the bluelights will trigger brain proteins that have developed slowly since the jab...

Lone_Wolf_On_A_Star ๐Ÿบ - Odysee - First published at 01:27 UTC on May 31st, 2024.
Flat Earth Research - Facebook

๐ŸบJust a reminder of Project Bluebeam so that the treachery doesn't fool you...This is just another one of their tricks to try and fool the masses...

Lone_Wolf_On_A_Star ๐Ÿบ - Odysee - First published at 19:58 UTC on May 30th, 2024.
Obdazen - TikTok

๐ŸบSo what are you going to do with this knowledge???...Ditch your smartphones and avoid these surveillance weapons...I've dully noted that they seem to like these purple lights at major intersections as this is attempt to gain maximum exposure for the unwitting victims...They have been silently installing these weapons...Do you get the picture that they are pulling out all the stops to end us???...Basically they are weaponizing all utilities against us...Think Kill Box as your home!!!

Lone_Wolf_On_A_Star ๐Ÿบ - Odysee - First published at 12:41 UTC on May 30th, 2024.
Clay Hayes - Youtube

๐ŸบAnother piece of valuable survival knowledge...

According to the CDC, waterborne disease killed over six thousand people last year in the US alone. Waterborne pathogens such as e. coli, cryptosporidium, and giardia are prevalent in many surface water sources. There are several primitive methods for water purification including surface wells (gypsy well), boiling, and other primitive water filters which utilize some combination of course substrate, plant materials, and charcoal. I recently found a research article from MIT (link below) that showed the xylem tissue of gymnosperms effectively filtered out all bacteria from contaminated water. In this video I set up a filter using those findings but also, using a never before seen method using grape vines as both a siphon and filter in one. A lab analysis confirmed the presence of e. coli bacteria in the water to be filtered. The water that passed through the grape vines had no detectable e. coli bacteria! You can't do any better than that with the best whole house water filter. This has practical uses in backpacking, survival situations, wilderness living, camping, etc.

Lone_Wolf_On_A_Star ๐Ÿบ - Odysee - First published at 12:22 UTC on May 30th, 2024.
Sonny Hendrik - Facebook

๐ŸบIt just seems to be one big show full of actors/actresses - AKA witches and warlocks...They like to pay homage to their players in hollywood...

Lone_Wolf_On_A_Star ๐Ÿบ - Odysee - First published at 15:37 UTC on May 28th, 2024.
wubzzy26 - Youtube

๐ŸบWe all most learn to pay closer attention to what's being said...

Lone_Wolf_On_A_Star ๐Ÿบ - Odysee - First published at 15:12 UTC on May 28th, 2024.
My Living Branch - Youtube

๐ŸบFYI, this video is over 9 years old...OK, here's my take of the letter J...When you go back to the older buildings with a time stamp placed on them, you will notice some of them have the abbreviated j in front of the numbers...Many have said the abbreviated j represents a figure '1'...So a building time stamped j582, aka, 1582, would really have come into existence in 582, as J wasn't created until approximately j524, by Gian Giorgio Tissino...Is is safe to conclude that abbreviate j has added 1,000 years to our present time line...Remember, you have been told the new testament was created approximately 25 - 50 AD (After Death of jesus) but the J never came into existence until approximately 500 years ago...That time anomaly/discrepancy calls into question the validity of the new testament and jesus His Story...Hmmm...Are you still praying in jesus name???...I don't think the Prime Creator is hearing you...YOU WANT WISDOM & DISCERNMENT, THEN STAY GROUNDED IN THE PRIME CREATOR AS THE ONLY GOD...HEED THE 10 COMMANDMENTS AS THOSE ARE THE PRIME CREATOR'S WORDS...STAY GROUNDED IN THE CREATION OF OUR WORLD AS DONE BY THE PRIME CREATOR...Once you do this, WISDOM and DISCERNMENT will be achieved and it will be almost impossible to deceive you!!!...Eyes to see, Ears to hear...There's more but, I trust you can now piece things together...Just sayin!!!

Where did the letter "J" come from where it was never in the Hebrew or Greek Language. This discovery will change your modern concept on how the Messiah and Father names are pronounced.

Lone_Wolf_On_A_Star ๐Ÿบ - Odysee - First published at 14:37 UTC on May 28th, 2024.
In2thinair - TikTok

๐ŸบIt seems as though those Evil POS are attempting to hide their weather manipulation machines...Maybe it's time we turn them off!!!

Lone_Wolf_On_A_Star ๐Ÿบ - Odysee - First published at 14:28 UTC on May 28th, 2024.
Alia's Herbals - Facebook

๐ŸบI've never heard anyone equate sleep to the body's ability to get rid of toxins via fasting...Interesting point of view...

Lone_Wolf_On_A_Star ๐Ÿบ - Odysee - First published at 11:55 UTC on May 27th, 2024.
DBVNation and dbvnation - Facebook

๐ŸบGen Alpha...Hahaha, Love it!!!...We are still here!!!

Lone_Wolf_On_A_Star ๐Ÿบ - Odysee - First published at 10:55 UTC on May 27th, 2024.
Gamalpha - Rumble

๐ŸบHis Story is always repeating itself...The semites always play the victim...We should be calling them "Fake Victims" instead of semites...TIME AND TIME AGAIN THE semites ARE LOSING CONTROL OF THE NARRATIVE!!!...PEOPLE AROUND THE WORLD KNOW WHAT AND WHO THEY ARE...Things are starting to happen!!!...BTW, she/her/it/semite didn't look any worse for the wear but, somehow this made the semite controlled news media...Hahaha!!!...What, No Wayyy...
Side Note: Notice how both fake news casters are wearing read...The lowest vibrational color...

Lone_Wolf_On_A_Star ๐Ÿบ - Odysee - First published at 10:31 UTC on May 27th, 2024.
Sovereignhumanbeing - TikTok

๐ŸบThis video pretty much explains what those evil POS have designed for humanity...There's no secretes here anymore...Adjust and plan accordingly!!!

Lone_Wolf_On_A_Star ๐Ÿบ - Odysee - First published at 12:54 UTC on May 25th, 2024.

๐ŸบWe live in a closed system that is domed and this is what gives them the ability to manipulate our weather...What more can I say!!!...This guy's channel should be something you bookmark and follow as he is nailing the weather manipulation while providing you with weather events...See link below:


Lone_Wolf_On_A_Star ๐Ÿบ - Odysee - First published at 01:46 UTC on May 25th, 2024.
Jeremy Poole 'The Family Man' - Odysee

๐ŸบWeather manipulation has been going on a long, long time...They've destroyed communities and people with this old technology..."Everybody complains about the weather but no one does anything about it"...That statement has new found meaning...

"They charge the air electrically (positive ions), with metallic nano compounds, assisted by cell towers 3,4,5G, LED street lamps, Nexrads, HAARP, RADAR...

YOUR Smart devices.

They won't tell you that, as they need them to do what they do... geo-terrorism.

So, time to ditch the wireless crap, maybe?"

Lone_Wolf_On_A_Star ๐Ÿบ - Odysee - First published at 00:08 UTC on May 25th, 2024.
From Scratch Farmstead - Facebook

๐ŸบNettles are a fantastic source of multivitamins!!!

From a nutritional standpoint, nettles are hard to beat! They are far superior in almost all vitamins and minerals compared to cultivated garden greens (or really any vegetable).

But, yes, they are called sting nettles for a reason!

I always wear pants when harvesting nettle and gloves are a good idea (I'm not sure why but the sting really doesn't bother me so I do it bare handed)

When you cook it, the sting goes away. It's great sautรฉed like cooked spinach or dried out and preserved to get those nutrients all year round!

Lone_Wolf_On_A_Star ๐Ÿบ - Odysee - First published at 01:10 UTC on May 21st, 2024.
S2 Underground - Odysee

๐ŸบI thought to share this with you...

Just a few reminders for everyone who's just become aware of us, in order to keep these briefings from being several hours long, we can't cover everything. We're probably covering 1% of the world events when we conduct these briefings, so please remember that if we left it out, it doesn't necessarily mean that it's unimportant. Also, remember that we do these briefings quite often, so we might have covered an issue previously that you might not see if you are only watching our most recent videos. We're also doing this in our spare time, so again we fully admit that these briefings aren't even close to being perfect; we're going for a healthy blend of speed and quality. If we were to wait and only post a brief when it's "perfect" we would never post anything at all. So expect some minor errors here and there. If there is a major error or correction that needs to be made, we will post it here in the description, and verbally address it in the next briefing, whenever that is. Also, thanks for reading this far. It is always surprising the number of people that don't actually read the description box to find more information.

This content is purely educational and does not advocate for violating any laws. Do not violate any laws or regulations. This is not legal advice. Consult with your attorney.

Lone_Wolf_On_A_Star ๐Ÿบ - Odysee - First published at 11:55 UTC on May 20th, 2024.
a.j_richards - Instagram

๐ŸบOne more point of view from someone close to the incoming FALSE FLAG/PLANDEMIC...Stand Your Ground...DO NOT COMPLY...Remember, we are dealing with cowards as they hide in the shadows and will not directly confront us...Are you still giving that fake government your obedience???...Hey, if you want to get an idea what starvation is like, simply go on a 4-5 day water fast...Be sure to add mineral salt to your water...It's not pleasant...Starvation, death and control is their MO (modus operandi)...STAY FROSTY!!!

Lone_Wolf_On_A_Star ๐Ÿบ - Odysee - First published at 12:09 UTC on May 20th, 2024.
Kristel Swan Griffin - Facebook

๐ŸบMost of you should know this by now...Remember, Sauerkraut, Kimchi and Keifer will help restore your good stomach biome and thereby eliminate these emotions...Also, remember to reduce your exposure to Glyphosate (round up) as it acts like an antibiotic which targets your good stomach biome...

Lone_Wolf_On_A_Star ๐Ÿบ - Odysee - First published at 11:35 UTC on May 20th, 2024.
Sreneeshelnutt - Instagram

๐ŸบIt's a commie tactic...Control the food and you control the people...They already control most of the food/production of food...Most of the shit they sell is toxic to the body so culling of farm livestock (real food) is just another one of their plans...Remember, the government is not your friend, they are actively ending people and they started this shit storm!!!


Created 1ย year, 12ย months ago.

2222 videos

Category Health & Medical

Question everything my friends...It's so important to learn new skills and gather useful information to move forward...No one should ever silence or censor/ban you...If this happens then consider it a blessing from the Universe as now you know there is one more untrustworthy source to avoid in your Journey...Please feel free to drop a comment or request and I will attempt to answer/respond to the best of my ability...All videos I drop will be of an educational topic as I am not a Truther...The truth is a personal journey for each of us and I will never attempt to sway you or your beliefs...I will never give you 30 second videos designed to dumb you down by reducing your attention span...Anything posted is intended to be Educational, informative and get the viewer to pose more questions for themselves...Thank you.

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