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Who is Jacob Chansley. You know him as the face behind the Jan 6th, 2001 protests. But now we will see him as Jacob Chansley the environmentalist. He`s been labelled as a ``domestic terrorist``, served time in solitary for his role in the January 6th protests. His face, more than any other, is associated with the Jan 6th Capital protest. Yet Jacon Chansley is totally different than the typical Trump supporter the media would have you believe. He is the most well-researched, most committed, gung-ho environmentalist would ever imagine, whose passion about the birds and the bees and ecosystems and the importance of organic food are eloquently revealed in his website Forbidden Truth Academy and the videos on Rumble. He shows the phony environmentalism of Agenda 2030 for what it is. This challenges the stereotype of Trump supporters who don`t believe in science, but why hasn`the been on CNN to talk about the importance of organic food or the threats from monoculture and genetically modified organisms? Because, as he so eloquently states, the terms of the debate have been fixed going in and we have a situation where the fox is guarding the henhouse and those in control are actually profitting from the environmental crisis while selling pre-packaged solutions. I imagine, like many of us, he is more concerned with the betrayal of our electoral system and constitutional democracy and the betrayal of our judicial system than Trump supporter per se.

TerrorStorm - How the Elites use Terror and Fear to Justify Endless War -
Documentary film by Alex Jones, founder of infowars

It`s videos like this which is the real reason they wanna shut down Alex Jones! These pseudo-intellectuals and psychopaths gather on stage and talk like they're gods, and they think they know what's best for you. They think they're better than you! They intend on controlling you, if you're one of the survivors they don't cull. These are bad Bilderberg bedfellows, creeps and thugs! Only an informed populous can stop them in their tracks! The globalist parasites want to end humanity! It`s time to shut them down before they end us all!!!

Alex Jones and The 9/11 Chronicles - Truth Rising (full movie)
An infowars primiere documentary, it traces the rise of the Sep 11th truth movement from its beginnings to a political force to be reckoned with. Sadly, it has been confined to the dustbin of history and down the political correct memory hole.

DETAILS, DETAILS, DETAILS! From the horses mouth. Don`t believe the total lies that are coming in the press! Feds Attempted To Shut Down Infowars last night: radio show, TV show, website, everything! Jones knows it`s CIA (that`s all been revealed)! It is not an accident jackbooted thugs are shutting down infowars at gun point a day after Trump´s conviction. This are going to get hot before the election and they want to silent Alex Jones ´´First they came for Alex Jones.`` They have turned covert operations loose on Jones, that`s all been it`s all admitted the CIA has been running things against Jones. I hope it doesn`t happen, but it probably is going to be shut down by tomorrow or even tonight. Please share and support independent media and help flood the zone! You can still follow Jones on X. His flagship website infowars dot com was at the forefront of exposing CIA drug dealing, the Clinton and Bush crime families, false flag terrorism and so much more! Now he will rise from the ashes stronger than ever! It`s a sad week for democracy! If they can shut up Alex Jones and convict Trump then none of us are safe! There will continue to be hijacked narratives and the world island will go further into the breakaway civilization, transhumanism and full-on slavery. I want to be an optimist but I see too many people going along! At least for history`s sake it can now be registered that there were some that didn`t go along. After the treasonous clown show kangaroo court that convicted Trump this week, and elections meddling, there is no way they will allow Alex Jones on the loose...especially as we imagine things are going to get totally out of control as November runs around. A red dawn scenario waits in the wings. Only an informed populous can stop Bilderberg in its tracks. Get ready for false flags!

Tulsi Gabbard reactions to Trump`s Conviction

FEDS MAKE BRAZEN MOVE TO SHUT DOWN INFOWARS AND SILENCE ALEX JONES! ´´The level of treachery us unprecedented,`` said Jones today on X.
´´It is so horrible and it`s because we´re viable and we don`t give up...Infowars is just a building. The movement is the people.``

The late Daniel Hopsicker was one of the best investigative journalists ever to live in the United States. He was published by Trine Day Press. Watch his interview with Amanda Keller. Her memory is incredible! Extra bacon and ham for the jihadi please! My favorite part is how she found an Israeli passport and followed him back to the military base when she wanted to see where he got his cocaine (which is in the book)! It reminds me of the Oklahoma City setup with McVeigh, all these German intel agents in the background running around with the patsy.

El flúor del agua (y de la sal en América Latina) sale de las chimeneas de la industria de fertilizantes. Pretenden que es un mineral. También tiene mercurio, plomo, aluminio y uranio. Es puro veneno y no se puede defender científicamente. Sería ilegal verter fluoruro en ríos o lagos porque no es un mineral sino un veneno. Sin embargo, de alguna manera pueden ponerlo en los suministros de agua municipales y afirmar que es una vitamina. Los refrescos también lo contienen dependiendo de la fuente de agua. El flúor te vuelve tonto. Disminuye la inteligencia y eso se sabe y es el único hecho en el que todo el mundo parece estar de acuerdo en cuanto a sus efectos. El flúor es la mota alrededor del castillo de la vacunación porque abre la conversación sobre toxicología que es un territorio prohibido para la oficialidad. ¿Quién querría admitir que ha estado envenenando al país durante 60 años? La gente oye esto y lo ve y, sin embargo, no puede creer realmente que el flúor sea un veneno por lo que revelaría sobre la naturaleza hitleriana de nuestros líderes políticos. A menudo es a nivel local donde el debate público sobre el flúor es menos informado y más estúpido. Cuando la gente me dice que parece estar bien después de haber consumido la sal, yo digo que el mero hecho de que estemos teniendo esta conversación significa que el flúor está funcionando. Está hecho para que la gente no pueda pensar por sí misma. A veces la gente me envía artículos después de hacer una búsqueda en Google como si el caso estuviera cerrado. No se dan cuenta de que a estos ``comprobadores de hechos`` se les paga para que mientan descaradamente y, sin embargo, en estos artículos, la cuestión de la toxicidad del flúor se evita cuidadosamente, optando en su lugar por desviaciones que ni siquiera son ciertas. Nadie que haya estudiado seriamente esta cuestión puede salir pensando lo mismo sobre el flúor. Mucha gente me dirá que forma parte del proceso de refinado de la sal o del proceso de limpieza del agua. No tienen ni idea de lo que estoy hablando, lo que demuestra que los medios de comunicación NO están haciendo su trabajo porque esto debería ser noticia de portada y estar en primera línea del debate político porque estamos hablando del cerebro de nuestros hijos y del desarrollo cognitivo y del sistema endocrino.

The fluoride for the water (and salt in Latin America) is scrubbed from chimneys of the fertilizer industry. They pretend it is a mineral. It also has mercury, lead, aluminum and uranium. It´s pure poison and cannot be defended scientifically. It would be illegal to dump fluoride in rivers or lakes because it is not a mineral but rather a poison. Yet somehow they can put it in the municipal water supplies and claim it is a vitamin. Soft drinks have it also depending on where their water source is. Fluoride makes you dumb. It lowers intelligence and that is known and is the one fact everyone now can seem to agree on in terms of its effects. Fluoride is the mote around the castle of vaccination because it opens the conversation about toxicology which is a forbidden territory for the officialdom. Who would want to admit they were poisoning the country for 60 years? People hear this and they see this and yet they cannot really believe that fluoride is a poison because of what it would reveal about the Hitlerian nature of our political leaders. It`s often at the local level where the public discussion around fluoride is the least-informed, most asinine. I see it where I live in Ecuador and when people tell me that they seem fine after having consumed the salt, I say the very fact that we are having this conversation means the fluoride is working. It is meant to make people unable to think for themselves. Sometimes people send me articles after doing a google search as if the case is closed. They don`t realize that these ``fact checkers`` are paid to lie through their teeth and yet, in these articles, the issue of fluoride`s toxicity is carefully avoided, instead choosing to go down diversions which aren`t even true. Nobody who has seriously looked at this issue can come away thinking the same about fluoride. A lot of people will tell me that it is part of the salt refining process or the water cleaning process. They have no idea what I am talking about, which shows that the media is NOT doing its job because this should be front-page news and at the forefront of the political debate because we`re talking about the brains of our children and cognitive development and the endochrine system.

How does AI hack the brain? A roadmap for future attractions! The good news here is that while electromagnetics are being weaponized, with virtually zero conversation as to the current capabilities of voice to skull remote transmission, energy medicine is exactly where it`s at in terms of just being able to dial into the body and turn off a disease, or even cure pollution just by neutralizing the frequencies.The two sides of the coin is that by looking at military applications of hidden technologies, we also have a pathway forward out of the environmental crisis once we see what this technology is capable of. There are a few steps that need to happen. Awareness of hidden brain hacking technology. Then deregulation of this technology for medical and environmental purposes. Then application for medical and environmental purposes. These last two steps, though, are being prevented from happening because virtually no discussion is allowed of these technologies in the mainstream press, so much so that most people don`t know it exists. Thus too the conversation about AI is warped and reduced to just that technology which is allowed to be acknowledged. A close parallel would be when conversations about privacy come up with futurists, they don`t talk about the backdoor the government has to your phone, evesdropping on you all the time and transcribing your conversations into text that then get fed into supercomputers and fed through alghrythms. This device that Begich shows that converts sound to infrasound is publicly available for a few hundred dollars. This should make us rethink the claims of so-called ``targeted individuals``, especially those who have been chipped and then claim to hear voices.

Masks were for establishing a base line radius for facial recognition technology for a kill zone and seeing how much of the face could still be identified when part of it was concealed. In the near future, this will be connected to killer drones which will operate based on identifying your face.

As the jury is set to deliberate today on the Trump ´´hush money´´ trial, I have some thoughts. Hint, not good for American democracy what is happening.

Raquel vivió una vida desordenada en la que empezó a inyectarse drogas cuando era adolescente en España. A finales de los ochenta se le diagnosticó seropositividad. Creo que su historia puede ayudar a mucha gente. ¿Cómo se escapa de la ambulancia del sida? Se trata de una mujer que se dio cuenta de que el sida es mucho más de lo que parece a primera vista. Ella cree que su vida se salvó al descubrir que hay una visión más amplia. Ella se una de los personas como también el Dr. Manuel Garrido, que tiene el sitio web Superando el sida, que fueron etiquetados como seropositivos en los años ochenta y que se resistieron a los tratamientos, o sólo los recibieron durante un breve periodo de tiempo, y esto les salvó la vida. Raquel fue parte de una película Positivamente Infierno, o Positive Hell, que cuenta su historia y la historia de otros viviendo en España. Silenciosamente, el sistema médico ha asumido que los 1500 mg de AZT mataron a toda una generación de enfermos de SIDA, aunque no lo digan en voz alta, porque retiraron el tratamiento. En muchos lugares del mundo, por desgracia, el AZT sigue siendo el tratamiento principal, como en Perú, y estas muertes se etiquetan como muertes por SIDA, aunque lo que ocurre es otra cosa. Es exactamente por esta razón que el mundo piensa que el VIH es una enfermedad mortal, porque tenemos la imagen de toda una generación muriendo porque recibieron el tratamiento mortal. Esto nunca puede admitirse en voz alta porque llevaría a la quiebra a las empresas que fabricaron los medicamentos, abriéndolas a demandas de personas que perdieron familiares. Pero si se analiza el estudio que introdujo el AZT en el mercado, como han hecho muchos, incluido John Laurenson, está claro que hubo trampas y fraude. Esta es una de las cosas que hace tan difícil hablar de este tema. El fraude y trampa es tan obvio, el abandono de los protocolos científicos, y sin embargo esto contrasta con la imagen a la que se aferra por razones emocionales la gran mayoría del público mundial. Personas como Raquel y el Dr. Manuel Garrido se centraron en el sida por motivos personales. El reto es ayudar al ciudadano de a pie a ver la importancia de analizar este tema de forma objetiva. Una de las formas de alcanzar este reto es mostrando cómo el patrón del SIDA ha sido utilizado una y otra vez para provocar falsas pandemias, psuedo-eventos, que moldean nuestra realidad basándose en pruebas que carecen de todo control, en definitiva una epidemia de una nueva prueba. Desde este punto de vista, Covid y sida son dos caras de la misma moneda. Y, cuando ves que no son enfermedades reales, ves que en realidad estamos hablando de lo mismo.

Un pseudoacontecimiento, o pseudo-evento, se produce porque alguien lo ha planeado o incitado. Por lo general, no se trata de un choque de trenes o un terremoto, sino de una entrevista. El público ya no puede distinguir entre la verdad y la ficción y se ve obligado a interpretar la realidad a través de la ilusión.

Utilizando mi experiencia personal, cuestiono la idea sobre las causas del deterioro de la visión y la necesidad de utilizar gafas. Hay factores muy importantes que quedan fuera de las teorías y de la conciencia pública. ¿Cuál es el papel de la visión y la percepción? Cómo se relacionan la hipermetropía y la miopía. No se trata de una presentación científica hoy aunque hay muchos médicos que pueden apoyar lo que estoy diciendo, aunque son eclipsados por un estamento médico que insiste en que están equivocados. Se trata de un relato personal, pero que puede cuantificarse y verificarse. Además, hay una obviedad en mucho de lo que estoy diciendo que es tan obvio en la superficie que estoy seguro de que hará que muchas personas piensen en esto de una manera nueva. USAR O NO USAR LENTES, NO ES EN LOS GENES SINO ES OTRA COSA (MI HISTORIA PERSONAL) - ES LA DEGENERACIÓN DE LA VISTA GENETICA? - ¿CUÁLES SON LAS CAUSAS DEL DETERIORO DE LA VISIÓN? (SEGUNDA PARTE)

Un pseudoacontecimiento, o pseudo-evento, se produce porque alguien lo ha planeado o incitado. Por lo general, no se trata de un choque de trenes o un terremoto, sino de una entrevista. El público ya no puede distinguir entre la verdad y la ficción y se ve obligado a interpretar la realidad a través de la ilusión. Se utilizan hechos aleatorios u oscuros datos para reforzar la ilusión y darle credibilidad, o se descartan si interfieren con el mensaje. ¿Una civilización en quebra para seperarse? Éste es el verdadero peligro de los psudoeventos. Y los psudoeventos son mucho más perniciosos que los estereotipos. No explican la realidad, como intentan los estereotipos, sino que SUSTITUYEN LA REALIDAD. Los psudoeventos redefinen la realidad según los parámetros establecidos por sus creadores. (Telegram)

What are pseudo-events? Pseudo events redfine reality.
``The public can no longer distinguish between truth and fiction and is left to interpret reality through illusion. Random facts or obscure bits of data and trivia are used either to bolster illusion and give it credibility, or discarded if they interfere with the message.´´ Hijacked narrative, anyone? A breakaway civilization? ``This is the real danger of psuedo-events. And psudo-events are far more pernicious than stereotypes. They do not explain reality, as stereotypes attempt to, but REPLACE REALITY. Psudo-events redefine reality by the parameters set by their creators.`` (Telegram)

It`s often argued that thanks to advances in liberalism since the enlightenment, women have gained equality with men. In this video, I argue that it`s the state which, by hook or by crook---one way of the other---is going to bias society in favor of one direction and so, in order to truly free women, we must recognize that the state is a player. Women need freeing now more than ever in light of the threats they face from the post-human agenda which is intrinsically anti-woman. I argue for the view that success cannot be measured on the basis of economics, but on how she contributes to society. Enormous messaging is put into the culture today in order to denegrate the position of women as educators of the next generation, and this has been very deliberate and conscious, so it doesn`t represent true equality anymore than societies like Victorian England where women were forced to stay at home because of laws that prevented them from studying and working.

Was Russia`s invasion of Ukraine really unprovoked? This is the narrative we hear time again in the western press. However, if we look at the events of the week before Russia`s intervention, it sheds valuable light on motivations. (Telegram)

Vaccine Maker Admits Ingredients --- PIGS AND CANCER AND GROUND UP BABIES!
Stanley Plotkin, known as the godfather of vaccines, says gladly he`ll rot in hell for what he did---using baby lunges and tongues from aborted babies. (Telegram)

I delve into a more personal approach to environmentalism and development based on the unique experience of having grown up in Humboldt County California, nestled in the redwood forests, and having seen the ideological battles played out over many decades spanning parts of two centuries. (Telegram)

Geoengineer David Keith on Climate Change and Climate Engineering. Watch as Stephen Colbert eats him for lunch! Colbert cuts through the serious sounding rhetoric and fraud while leaving the self-styled geoengineer looking foolish!! (Telegram)

We approach Sep 11th from a little different angle here, asking what is strange about the metanarrative of the terrorist attacks. What does it mean for society and why is it still so important and relevant today? Why should young people should care about what really happened and the truth about that day? (Telegram)