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Jesus repeats, “only the sign of Jonah will be given to any wicked and adulterous generation.”
- by : Abraham - Overcome Babylon - HIDDEN History Is Repeating (Watch Before DELETED!) (2024)
0:00 - Introduction
2:54 - The Great American Eclipse Cycle
5:46 - Sign of Jonah
16:16 - Cherokee Nation Omen
33:36 - The Great Awakening
41:37 - Federal Reserve
44:26 - New Madrid Death Cross
52:37 - Upcoming Hawaii / South America Eclipse
54:08 - The Tares and the Wheat

America has now experienced a triple solar eclipse omen over the entire country. What if I told you that this particular celestial sign from God is something that has happened more than once in American history? What if I told you that this omen might just be the exact same thing as the sign of Jonah referred to in the Old and New Testament of the Bible? Make sure to watch this mini documentary till the end to find out how this hidden history is going to impact the USA unlike anything else we have ever seen. Discover the truth about the spiritual events leading up to America’s Independence Day on July 4, 1776. Learn about the Cherokee Nation prophetic omen that the Natives received. And… learn the secrets about the 1811 and 1812 earthquakes.

If the Cascadia Subduction Zone and / or the New Madrid Seismic Seismic Zone experiences the 7.0 - 9.5 magnitude earthquakes that are being forecasted by the scientific community, the entire country will experience a refugee crisis and plunge into a serious economic crisis overnight. This will make all other natural disasters in recorded history look like a walk in the park by comparison. There will be tsunamis on the Pacific Northwest - PNW - and a collapse of the Midwest. And the media…? They are almost completely silent about the looming danger that has been pronounced by God’s solar eclipses.

by : Abraham - Overcome Babylon
Jun 1, 2024 -- The media is hiding this, and no one sees the imminent danger coming. Even if a small percentage of the information presented in this video comes to pass, the United States will never be the same again. This mini-documentary is based on my latest book Bible Prophecy Secrets II.

from the article : https://henrymakow.com/2024/06/how-america-went-gay.html

[No Copyright Music] Whisper In The Deep - (Royalty Free Music)

"NATO is cooking up something big" and Putin is ready for all out war | Redacted News - May 30, 2024
A hot war with Russia is coming. NATO is cooking up something big right now. Russia is warning NATO that they are on to them. Putin just launched a massive attack against a NATO staging target in western Ukraine.

Eva Karene Bartlett
I've heard from several contacts now who have gotten the same, nearly verbatim, emails and questions.

NATO's mouthpieces are cooking something up.

I don't care about a new smear, I've gotten them since late 2016 for not toeing the NATO narrative on Syria and instead reporting from on the ground there (unlike all who pen the smears).

Been smeared relentlessly also for my reporting from the Donbass, 2019, throughout 2022 (when NATO's henchmen in Ukrainian uniforms were raining hell down on Donbass cities).

It's always the same copy paste slurs lifted my previous smears and the Wikipedia smears entry on me, factually incorrect in nearly every regard.

However, the question is: Why now? What are they concocting? A distraction or an escalation of NATO'S war on Russia? (Hence the need to attempt--but fail--to tarnish those of us countering their lies and propaganda, from on the ground as always.)

Source : (read the article) https://healthimpactnews.com/2024/the-crumbling-empire-will-americas-defense-of-israel-be-her-last-stand/

Revelation 3:9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold,

Without comment

GREG REESE - MAY 30, 2024
- Adolf Hitler’s father was Alois Schicklgruber, the bastard child of Maria Schicklgruber, who changed his name to Hitler to hide the fact that he was an illegitimate child. Many historians have claimed that Maria was impregnated by Baron Rothschild when she worked for him. The Rothschilds have been known to breed thousands of illegitimate children under different names to serve the family’s agenda. And their name isn’t really Rothschild. In the late eighteenth century, Mayer Amschel Bauer was the private banker for the Black Nobility through the House of Hesse, and changed the family name just before expanding the family business.

Rothschild means, “Red Shield,” which was their company logo. A six-pointed star which has become known as the Star of David. This was not a Jewish symbol, it was introduced by the Rothschilds who later funded the Zionists. And in 1948, Rothschild influence compelled the state of Israel to adopt the hexagram as their national symbol.

In the late 1800s, Cecil Rhodes set up a secret society to preserve the expansion of the British Empire. Known as the Milner group, their main focus from 1920 to 1938 was to maintain the balance of power in Europe by building up Germany and pitting them against France and Russia. They discussed creating a situation that would compel Germany to start a second World War.

During this time, the reparations from the Treaty of Versailles led to hyper-inflation in Germany. And in 1930, as the international banking system was collapsing, the Young Plan was enacted which required Germany to pay about two billion Reichsmarks annually payable through 1988. This scheme was funded by JP Morgan, led by the founder of RCA, and directed by members of the Milner group. It broke the German economy.

In 1933, Hitler secured funding from the Bank of England, which was run by the Rothschild banking dynasty. This deal was brokered by John Foster Dulles and Allen Dulles, who later headed the CIA.

With initial funding from the Rothschild bank of England, Germany invaded Poland and received additional funding from the Bush family’s Brown Brothers Harriman. The Germans were fueled by Standard Oil and supported by Ford, General Electric, DuPont, and IBM, all of which profited greatly from the war.

World War Two accomplished the stated goals of the Milner Group, it made the banks and their cronies even richer, and it directly led to the creation of the United Nations, and Israel.

Theodor Herzl, the founder of the Zionist movement, was not a religious Jew. Officially he was an atheist, but more likely he was an occultist agent of the Rothschilds. He was no fan of the Jews. In his own words he sympathized with anti Jewish sentiment. His original plan was to have them all convert to Catholicism. And when that failed, he decided they should be expelled from Europe.

In 1933, the Haavara Agreement, or "transfer agreement," was made between Nazi Germany and the Zionists wherein German Jews would be sent to Palestine. Non-Zionist Jews did not want to leave, and so the NAZIs encouraged them through persecution.

In 1917, the British Government announced its support for the establishment of a "national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine, known as the Balfour Declaration, and seized control of the land. After the second world war, with Holocaust propaganda used as the catalyst, this land was gifted to the Zionists from the British, and the state of Israel was officially created.

Between 1947 and 1949, the Zionists murdered the locals, destroyed hundreds of villages, and expelled more than seven-hundred-thousand Palestinians. A savage invasion celebrated every May 15th known as, Nakba Day.

Before Zionism created the state of Israel, Jews did not have a common language or nationality, and they were not considered to be a race.

The historical record tells us that the Khazars were known for starting wars through deception. And about seven hundred years ago, they all converted to Judaism. These are the Ashkenazi Jews who later became Zionists, and persecuted the Sephardic Jews of Palestine. They do not follow the teachings of the Torah, they follow the Talmud, ancient teachings that can be described as anti-christian or satanic. The motto of Israeli Mossad "By way of deception thou shalt do war," really sums up the nature of Zionism, which includes Evangelical Christians and certain sects of Islam. With eighty percent of the world being religious, religion is the easiest way to ignite war. Which is what the central banks always want.

May 25, 2024 - by Zain Fiaz
Richard Thomas Medhurst (1992) is an independent journalist, political commentator, and analyst from the United Kingdom with a focus on international affairs, US politics, and the Middle East.

Medhurst is known for his coverage of the Julian Assange extradition case in London, as one of the only journalists to report on the trial of the WikiLeaks founder from inside the court.

He has also covered the Iran nuclear deal talks on the ground in Vienna.

Medhurst was born in Damascus, Syria. His father is English and mother is Syrian. Both his parents served in United Nations Peacekeeping and Observer missions and were among the UN Peacekeepers awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1988.

Owing to his parents’ professional mobility, he has lived in Syria, Pakistan, Switzerland, and Austria. He speaks four languages fluently: English, Arabic, French, and German.

As an independent journalist, Medhurst regularly hosts live broadcasts and video reports on his YouTube channel. Previous guests include the Foreign Minister of Venezuela, the Dep Foreign Minister of Iran; the Palestinian, Russian and Cuban ambassadors to the United Nations in Vienna; the former British Ambassador to Syria; and various UN officials, journalists, and more.

Medhurst’s reports and analysis on Yemen, Ukraine, Syria, Niger, Lebanon, Iran, the Israeli occupation in Palestine and its genocide in Gaza have gone viral countless times, racking up millions of views.

Richard Medhurst has a combined following of roughly one million people online, and appears regularly on international news outlets including Al Jazeera, WikiLeaks, Black Agenda Report, Al Mayadeen, The Times, LBC, and others.

1 févr. 2019
Jewish Rabbi admits that Jews are aliens who are here to "conquer" Earth

Dr Rav Michael Laitman is a Jewish Rabbi who admits that Jews are inter-dimensional aliens who are sent on a mission to conquer planet Earth & enslave humanity.
Rav Michael Laitman

The rabbi says the collective of Jews will take on ANY EXTERNAL FORM, like undercover agents, in any country, among any people, appearing exactly as one of the indigenous populations, looking like them, acting like them, etc.

Obviously the rabbi is not joking because no Jew would make jokes on Memorial Day, where Israel honors its 23,000 dead (soldiers and “victims of terrorism”) since 1860.

Jews have always been yearning for return to their homeland, I think it's time for them to return to their own planet.

I believe the English translation of this video is accurate because this video is reposted on different Israeli YouTube channels and websites, that means they agree the translation is correct.

Sources - https://youtu.be/zAmiIZmeFdE?si=o8QvX50ZrjUhGbZm
Video/: "Israeli NATION (Lesson) with Rav Michael Laitman."


Liquid Interface - Humans Have Now Been Implanted by Another Species Through Nanotech!
Monday, May 27, 2024 8:44

After scientifically observing what they called “vaccines” under the microscope, La Quinta Columna concludes humans have been injected with what they are calling a “liquid interface” of a massive implantation of the humans species by another species, which they suggest are demons.

Hope and Tivon do a review and English translation read of La Quinta Columnas video and provide supporting documentation to back up what they are saying and help to explain what is being done to the human race.

La Quinta Columna Website: https://www.laquintacolumna.net/

Links for “Liquid Interface”

Maria Zeee post on it


After scientifically observing what they called “vaccines” under the microscope, La Quinta Columna concludes humans have been injected with what they are calling a “liquid interface” of a massive implantation of the humans species by another species, which they suggest are demons.

They have compared an implant inside a person who has experienced the “alien abduction” phenomenon and the COVID injection contents, and found the components to be the same.

They advise the aim is to have control over the human head and central nervous system, because it leads to, and I quote, “demonic possession.”

They say 5G is essential to this control of humans through this demonic technological control.

La Quinta Columna Video on Twitter:






We have been reporting on this for years. Let us bring up some of the information to try to back up what La Quinta Columna is saying.

Report from Mic Anderson Slide

Intra-body nano-network – Brief summary by Mik Andersen

We just did a report on Neuroscience with SGT Report

Slides from SGT Neuroscience

Slides from Technology of the Fallen

Graphene Health Care

National Nano Institute Retrospective Video: Creating a National Initiative

Redacted - May 22, 2024 - "THIS is where War in America will start... right here!" Redacted with Clayton Morris
A war is coming to the United States and it will happen in months not years. 24 year veteran of the Customs and Border Protection JJ Carrell has uncovered the truth of what's happening with Biden's border invasion. He explains how this war will start in black communities first who are being crushed by the tyranny of illegal immigration. Chicago is where it's coming to a head.

But, always remember that the real source of all that is SPIRITUAL, and that Jesus is the ONLY WAY for SALVATION.

By Redacted : May 20, 2024 - EXPOSED! United Nations has a secret plan to invade America | Redacted w Natali and Clayton Morris
United Nations has a secret plan to invade America. Among the millions of illegal immigrants pouring into the U.S. are United Nations trained army soldiers. They are being paid and delivered by the United Nations right to your doorstep.

But Remember! The battle is spiritual. Jesus is the ONLY WAY...

Dr. Andrew Moulden: Every Vaccine Produces Microvascular Damage
Dr. Andrew Moulden recognized that every dose of vaccine given to a person produced microvascular damage whether or not the person was aware of the damage or had debilitating symptoms at the time the vaccines were given. He courageously stepped out of the conventional box of medical diagnosis and treatment, and gave us a new way to look at modern neurodevelopmental illnesses and syndromes.

This series of articles is intended to preserve the work of Dr. Moulden, who unexpectedly died in November of 2013. I want to acknowledge the contribution of this forward-thinking pioneer who worked to explain the truth about vaccine damage. This is article two in a series of four articles about Dr. Moulden’s life work.

As a physician and PhD researcher, he raised strong public objection to vaccine use, because he could literally see evidence of vaccine damage in the expressions of the human face. Each dose of a vaccine causes tiny strokes in the brain and in other organs of the body, which bring about a wide range of unexpected health conditions.

Dr. Moulden saw that the rapid rise in modern neurodevelopmental diseases such as autism, Alzheimer’s, and numerous other syndromes were actually caused by the same process. He saw the current epidemic of these modern diseases as having a single origin. The notion of single diseases with single causes had to be put aside, because that model could not adequately explain what we are facing in the world today.

How Vaccines and Toxins Producing a Syndrome of Closely Related Illnesses
Dr. Moulden understood that vaccines and toxins (in the air, in our water, in our homes, and in our food) were producing a syndrome of closely related illnesses. He said that it was time to begin thinking in terms of multiple causes for a syndrome that had multiple sets of symptoms.

Multiple factors can work together to trigger a single type of reaction in the body, which can then produce various sets of symptoms. Even though there were different sets of symptoms and different disease names given to each one, they were actually all part of a spectrum of diseases that he called Moulden Anoxia Spectrum Syndromes.

Learning disabilities, autism, Alzheimer’s, irritable bowel disease, Crohn’s disease, colitis, food allergies, shaken baby syndrome, sudden infant death, idiopathic seizure disorders, Gulf War syndrome, Gardasil adverse reactions, schizophrenia, Tourette’s syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, expressive aphasia, impaired speech skills, attention deficit disorders, silent ischemic strokes, blood clots, idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura, Parkinson’s disease, and other modern neurodevelopmental disorders are closely related in many ways, and are part of a larger syndrome.

Opposition from Allopathic Medicine
If we step out of the box of conventional germ theory in which every disease has one cause, just as Dr. Moulden did, then it is possible to begin seeing this whole set of illnesses as a single syndrome. This also means that treating the underlying cause of the entire spectrum of illnesses that make up the syndrome can be thought of in a unified manner.

Dr. Moulden was looking deeply into the causes of modern syndromes and diseases. He was developing treatments that had the potential for curing modern illnesses such as autism, Alzheimer’s, learning disabilities, chronic fatigue, Gulf War Syndrome, etc.

His non-pharmaceutical cures were inexpensive. This provoked the pharmaceutical industry and the associations of allopathic physicians to react strongly against him and his research. He was seeing something important, and the dominant parts of the healthcare system did not want people to find out about it.

Zeta Potential and Colloidal Chemistry: Uncovering a Nearly Forgotten Science
Physicians no longer receive education about zeta potential and colloidal chemistry, yet it was doctors who were the main researchers in this field through the mid-1940s. This medical knowledge eventually fell through the cracks. However, with the help of Dr. Frank Hartman, Andrew Moulden was able to apply it to the understanding of vaccine damage.

In a statement made by Dr. Hartman in the Tolerance Lost video series, he explained that Zeta potential and colloidal chemistry are essential for understanding the activity of blood. Colloidal chemistry is a very well documented science, but there are very few people in this branch of science who are physicians or who are researching health.

Medical researchers could be using this science to look at the causes of illness and to find solutions that actually cure diseases. It opened the door for Dr. Moulden so that he could go beyond the use of pharmaceutical drugs for treating the symptoms of disease, and search foreal cures.

PDF of vaccine ingredients: https://courtroomwatch.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/wave-vaccine-ingredients-nice-ver

The Financial Incentive to Murder and Poison American Children
There are more deaths from vaccines than from the diseases they are said to prevent.
- GREG REESE - MAY 16, 2024
In an April 16th interview with Polly Tommey, Dr. Paul Thomas, explained how the American medical establishment incentivizes pediatricians to fully vaccinate their young patients, and fines them if they don’t. Vaccinations that have been proven to cause more death and harm than the diseases they are said to be preventing.

“Well, as other practices started kicking people out of their practices if they weren't following the CDC schedule, I was getting more and more families who didn't want to do any vaccines. Which was fine with me. So we took an entire month of every single billing sheet. And on every visit, on the back of that, our providers would mark off what vaccines we recommend according to the CDC schedule. Families could decline them. And then our billing department, insurance company by insurance company, vaccine by vaccine, we looked at how much money was being lost for vaccines that were refused, just the admin fee.

So there's three main ways you make money off of vaccines in pediatrics. The number one is the admin fee. And you get about, it depends on the insurance company, every contract's different, but I would average it out to say about $40 for the first antigen and $20 for each subsequent antigen. So let's just say a two month well baby visit. There’s a DPT. That's three shots, three antigens. Hib, Prevnar, HepB, Polio, Rotavirus, six shots, eight antigens, about $240. Thank you for giving those shots. Multiply that by the fact that I was getting 30 to 40 newborns per month. They're coming in repeatedly at two months, four months, six months, nine months, twelve months, fifteen, eighteen months, and age two. So we looked at the admin fee loss and from my practice that was billing at that time, about 3 million gross, we were losing a million dollars, over a million dollars, in vaccines that were refused. So you cannot stay in business if you're not giving, pretty close to the CDC schedule. It just doesn't pencil out economically at all.

But let me tell you about the other two ways we make money from vaccines. One is the markup. That's,that's small. They don't allow a lot of profit on vaccines as far as markups. But they do this thing called incentives or bonuses. And it's called a “Quality Bonus.” Well in pediatrics, one of the main quality measures is how well you vaccinate. Isn't that interesting? It has nothing to do with how healthy your kids are. Like when I studied my vaxed vs unvaxed patients, the unvaxed were so incredibly healthy. They rarely got sick. They rarely would end up in an emergency room or in a hospital or with any chronic condition. So being unvaxed results in very healthy kids who don't use a lot of medical dollars. Every health system should want that. But it's reversed, it's all flipped, It's bizarre.

You're supposed to have had your kids up to date about 80% of them by age two. Guess what percentage of my population was at fully vaccinated at age two? 1%. The goal is 80%. So Doctor Paul gets an F minus. Basically what that means is not only do I not get paid the normal amount for everything else we do in the office, I get dinged maybe 10 or 15% off of those RVUs, relative value units, that are ascribed. To everything you do in medicine is given a value. If you do very well on your quality measures, you're a really good vaccinator, you may get an additional 10% on everything you do in your office. That's huge.

SIDs is sudden infant death syndrome. When you hear the word syndrome, it means we don't know what it is. We don't know what causes it. Well, we actually have a pretty good clue because there are six data sets. Studies that looked at SIDs when that infant died, relative to when they got a vaccine. In one data set, 97% were in the first ten days after the vaccine. For the six other studies, a couple of them showed that 50% of the deaths happened in the first week. But 75 to about 90% of those deaths are happening in the first week after vaccines in all these studies. We've known this for decades. The countries that have the most infant vaccines have the highest infant mortality. Guess where the US stands? We are number one in infant vaccines. We are number one in industrial countries for infant mortality.

There's a document, 450 page legal document, that has tables showing for every single disease for which we have a vaccine, there are more deaths from the vaccine
than there are from the disease for which we have that vaccine.”
~ Dr. Paul Thomas

Source : https://gregreese.substack.com/p/the-financial-incentive-to-murder

UN Troops Being Brought in as Migrant Refugees
The United Nations plan for enforcing the Disease X lockdowns

MAY 14, 2024
The southern border of the United States is wide open, and the Federal government has been conducting a wide-scale criminal operation of flooding the country with unvetted foreigners, distributing them across the United States, and providing them with homes and financial support. The GOP’s talking point has been that this is all about election fraud, but this has been happening all across the Western world for over a decade. This is something far more sinister than election fraud.

The Population Division of the United Nations concerns themselves with international migration. In the year 2000, they published Replacement Migration, a solution put forth to deal with declining and ageing populations. For years we were told that this was a conspiracy theory, but now that we are seeing tens of millions murdered by the experimental shots, it is becoming more clear what the objective is.

We are told that these are poor families fleeing tyranny, but there are massive amounts of healthy young men without any families. And time and time again we have seen them act violently against the native population, with very little repercussions from the law. As we are expecting the announcement of Disease X, and another lockdown, a recent report from the UK’s Jim Ferguson provides a plausible explanation of what we are seeing.

“This isn't normal. There's something not right. This isn't just refugees coming, these aren’t people fleeing from some kind of war zone. These are predominantly men aged between 25 and 35, young fighting age man, as my old boss, Nigel Farage once referred to them. And I think he's right. John, what do you think's going on here mate?”
~ Jim Ferguson

“So I can tell you, these are UN soldiers and they will be deployed by the W.H.O. when they announce the next pandemic lockdown. That's what's going to happen. They've been trained by British soldiers. Been trained by the Black Watch Regiment. They were trained in Antalya, in Turkey, and in the east of Ukraine. They're predominantly down to sergeant ranks. They're then shipped to France. They all signed the Official Secrets Act, then they're ferried over. If you were fleeing war and tyranny, I don't know about you, but I would certainly take my wife and children with me. The most precious, They're my prized asset, you know, they're everything to me. If you're going to war, you go to war with lads. They gonna be deployed, they will be deployed.”
~ John O' Looney

“John, I mean you say you spoke to people in the Black Watch. I mean, Black Watch, a very famous yellow regiment. Are they actually going along with this?”
~ Jim Ferguson

"They've got no choice. I kind of said, you know, why are you doing it? And he said, soldiers follow orders. What you're going to see is the following, we'll have a minister somewhere in cabinets, suddenly come up with a great idea on how we're going to get these guys to contribute to help us. And they're going to put them in uniforms. A couple of people have told me these uniforms are burgundy. Others have told me they're U.N. blue. I really don't know. I guess we'll see when they deploy them. They are gonna be deployed. Because otherwise, if they announce another lockdown, what would everyone say? They'd say bollocks. And they’d go about their business wouldn’t they? They're gonna need armed young men in uniform to try and enforce it. Why did they import young men from the East? Because, traditionally, if you want to kill and tyrannize white people, you put black soldiers in. Because there's a cultural disassociation. And that's their method. That's the way these globalists are gonna do it.”
~ John O' Looney

“You know, in America, when it was a colony of the United Kingdom of Britain, there was a revolution against British colonial rule.”
~ Jim Ferguson

“That's right.”
~ John O' Looney

“And, you know, a lot of people don't realize, but it was only 3% of those people in America that overthrew the British forces and basically got rid of them. 3% of the population, John.”
~ Jim Ferguson

“I look forward to it. I'm ready, I'm ready. I can't wait because I know it's gonna be the beginning of the end for them. I do foresee victory. I see that at a very great cost. But we will see it. And people, I think the world will become closer than ever when we do see victory. It’s gonna come on the back of a load of bloodshed. And unfortunately, it has to. Once people of all colors come together and recognize their common enemy, We’ll walk over these people in ten minutes.”
~ John O' Looney


By Hibbeler Productions - Oct 27, 2023 #HibbelerProductions #Lahaina #Maui
We all know these "wildfires" were not natural, please SHARE so the rest of the world can understand the same. May God bless those suffering and may God strike down those responsible!

Maui 2023 was an Illuminati DEW Hit Job
Finally the whole truth comes out. (Start at 9 min if time-constrained)

by TheWarAgainstYou (Rumble)
Mirror of https://stateofthenation.co/?p=227889

Palestinian Smart City: Most Surveilled City on The Planet and Military Test City for Future Smart Cities Around the World

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Mint Press News published a documentary yesterday that is less than 10 minutes long showing how the Palestinian city of Hebron in the West Bank is currently the most advanced Smart City in the world where “Palestinians are the most surveilled people on the planet.”

The documentary is filmed inside the Palestinian area of Hebron. To enter you need to have your face scanned, and pass through gates where AI-powered unmanned machine guns are pointed at busy sections of the city.

Hebron is the test city for the Israeli “Wolf Pack” surveillance system.

The journalist, a Palestinian American woman, says that many of the cameras in the city can see through walls, making no section of this Smart City private, not even people’s homes.

I checked to verify that such cameras exist, and they do.


WHO's #GlobalPowerGrab is a must watch two-part film featuring over 100 health freedom advocates and politicians speaking out about the WHO-facilitated corporate power grab. This powerful public interest film was created, compiled and launched in South Africa in 2024, ahead of WHO's World Health Assembly 77 in May.
This informative and empowering film - which includes excerpts from news, interviews and conferences - highlights:

- What is the WHO? Who funds it, where are the hidden conflicts of interests?
- Who is its director-general Tedros? How did he come to power, despite his controversial history and protests?
- Understanding the WHO's Power Grab through constantly changing but legally binding IHR 2005 amendments + a proposed new pandemic treaty
- How does this power grab connect to the New World Order and the agenda to erode democracy through global governance?
- How are a growing number of politicians responding internationally? Is this an elections, voting and boycott issue?
- What about the role of mainstream media and factcheckers in censorship, misinformation and disinformation?
- How can We The People resist this global corporate coup? What actions can we take nationally and internationally?

Review 1, Age 18: "If I didn't know anything about the WHO-lead power grab, this film would bring me up to speed quickly and help me realise why we must resist in every country, and exit the WHO in 2024."

Review 2, age 67: "WHO's demand for unfettered power (behind secret doors) through organized tyranny must be challenged. It will override every country's health laws and systems through a one world order which will become legally binding, eroding every human being's personal freedom through oppression, mass surveillance, enslavement, and totalitarianism. If not challenged, this will be the order of the day and a dystopian future awaits all of us. Fascism comes to mind, which is rooted in the unfettered demand to be subjugated by corporations. A most frightening thought, unless we stand up collectively to rally against it. Wake up!"


Dr. David Martin explains the IHR and Pandemic Treaty issues in just 3 minutes
Friends beware: this WHO grab for the power to suspend human rights applies to all nations including the Canadian Constitution and The Canadian Charter of Human Rights and Freedom.

Source : https://drtrozzi.substack.com/p/urgent-message-and-call-to-action

Sources : Campus Protest Propaganda Snowballs; Congress Moves to Criminalize Israel Critics | SYSTEM UPDATE #264 - by Glen Greenwald - https://rumble.com/v4spxgi-system-update-264.html
- Article : Makow- Religious Fanatics have Hijacked Israel (and the US)
May 8, 2024 - https://henrymakow.com/2024/05/religious-fanatics-have-hijacked-Israel.html
- Congress Criminalizes The New Testament - By Pastor Chuck Baldwin - by pierre@raqiya - https://www.bitchute.com/video/K0fg6qj0UuD6/

- Article Israel Relocates to Washington, D.C. by Paul Craig Roberts - https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2024/05/03/israel-relocates-to-washington-d-c/
Israel Relocates to Washington, D.C.

Paul Craig Roberts' article

The US Congress has become an extension of the Israeli government. We don’t need a president. We have the Israel Lobby.

The US House of Representatives just passed a bill that means prison for any Christian or anyone for that matter who quotes the Bible that says Jesus was handed over by Jews to Pontius Pilate to be scourged and crucified by the Romans.

The bill, which passed 320-91, criminalizes all criticisms of Israel and Jews as anti-semitism. If the Senate passes this bill, I suppose it will end up in book-burning of many works of literature including Shakespeare.

Clearly the majority of the House of Representatives is so much in thrall to the Israel Lobby that there is no hesitancy about normalizing genocide and setting the scene for the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

This bill is such an obvious violation of Constitutionally-protected free speech that it tells us that Congress will not come to the aid of free speech as it is closed down everywhere. Will the Supreme Court be too fearful of its own destruction to rule against the bill’s violations of free speech and the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment?



Glenn Greenwald’s report is very important. Protest has become a criminal act. Freedom in America is dead. The US is a police state, and the police, presstitutes, Christian Zionists, and House of Representatives are very proud of it.
You have to wait through an ad twice before you have the option to cancel ad, and you have to wait for the program to begin. It is a mistake for Greenwald and Rumble to delay his program in this way.

Streamed live on May 2, 2024 Dr. Taylor Marshall Podcast OFFICIAL
The USA House with wide bipartisan approval passed a law that would effectively ban certain verses in the New Testament.


May 6, 2024 - by LibertyFellowshipMT -
By Pastor Chuck Baldwin on Sunday, May 5, 2024, during the service at Liberty Fellowship.

By Chuck Baldwin
May 9, 2024
I’ll lead off by quoting a brief missive by Dr. Stephen Jones. On May 2, he wrote:
Yesterday congress passed what is called the Anti-Semitic Awareness Act.
It is a bill which criminalizes any criticism of the Israeli state or of Zionism. It also criminalizes any Bible passage (such as Acts 4:10) which states that the Jews crucified Jesus. And because the bill assumes that all Jews are Zionists, it confounds anti-Semitism with anti-Zionism.
Many Christian congressmen voted for this bill. What will they do when the Bible is banned? No doubt they will claim that they never intended for this to happen, or that they voted for the bill without even reading it. Yet they should have known how unconstitutional the bill is, as it greatly restricts the right of free speech.
This would not have been possible had it not been for the support of Christian Zionists such as Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, who used to be a constitutional lawyer.

By restricting free speech, he has betrayed all of us and is a good example of a modern Judas.
Amen, Dr. Jones.

House Speaker Mike Johnson touts himself as being a strong man of faith. He calls himself an evangelical Christian. Yet Johnson has quickly joined the ranks of the Deep State and atheist Zionism as a big-government, warmongering, anti-free speech and antichrist toady: an enemy of God’s Holy Word.
The bill referenced above that Johnson rammed through Congress codifies into U.S. law blasphemy against New Testament Scriptures. Real Christians couldn’t have any part of such sacrilege.

Only the foolish ignore the words of Christ where He said, Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. (Matthew 7:15)

In a similar fashion, the Apostle Paul warned:
For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works. (II Corinthians 11:13 – 15)

Jesus also told us frankly: Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. (Matthew 7:20)
By his fruits, Mike Johnson has proven himself to be a false prophet and deceitful worker.
Remember, the Antisemitic Awareness Act is a bill which criminalizes any criticism of the Israeli state or of Zionism. It also criminalizes any Bible passage (such as Acts 4:10) which states that the Jews crucified Jesus.

Let’s read Acts 4:10. The Apostle Peter is the speaker:
Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you whole. [Emphasis added]
According to Mike Johnson’s bill, preachers and Christians cannot quote this verse from God’s Word without being guilty of “antisemitism.”
And let’s not forget Matthew 27:20:
But the [Jewish] chief priests and elders persuaded the multitude that they should ask Barabbas, and destroy Jesus. [Emphasis added]
Then, according to God’s Holy Word, the Jewish crowd shouted to Pilate,
His blood be on us, and on our children. [Emphasis added] (Matthew 27:25)
This proclamation by that Jewish mob was a public admission of their bloodguilt for the death of Jesus Christ.
Again, this passage of God’s Word is illegal under Johnson’s “antisemitism” bill.
Plus, Acts 7:52 records Stephen proclaiming to the Jews:
Which of the prophets have not your fathers persecuted? and they have slain them which shewed before of the coming of the Just One [Jesus]; of whom ye have been now the betrayers and murderers. [Emphasis added]
And then the Jews killed Stephen, the first Christian martyr.

This is another Biblical passage that Johnson has commanded that we tear out of our Bibles.
And notice the myriad of mentions in the Gospels where the Jews are recorded as trying to kill Jesus: Mark 14:44; John 5:16; 5:18; 7:30; 7:32; 8:59; 10:31; 10:39; 11:57; etc. Johnson demands that we tear these passages from the Gospels out of our Bibles as being “antisemitic.”
The passages in the Book of Acts that record the attempts by the Jews to persecute, beat, imprison and kill Christ’s apostles are almost too numerous to count. See Acts 9:23; 11:19; 12:3; 13:50; 14:5; 14:19; 17:5; 18:12; 20:3; 21:27; 22:30; 24:27; 25:7; 25:24; 26:2; 26:7; 28:17.
House Speaker Mike Johnson (a professing Christian) considers all of these Bible passages “antisemitic” and demands through law that they be banned and the people who quote or proclaim these Biblical truths be treated as criminals.


Created 4 years, 1 month ago.

1041 videos

Category Education

Pierre Girard,
Activiste chrétien sous Jésus-Christ --- Christian activist under Jesus-Christ

Activist since more than 15 years with Quebec journalists and politicians by e-mail
