The Beacon

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The Beacon



Everyone is attacking Trump over the mid terms. Of course it fits their narrative to do so but are they just blowing smoke up our asses? The answer is yes. If they tell us something is bad the opposite must be true. They wouldn't have worked to so hard to undermine Trump's picks during the election unless they wanted to use it to try and convince people to jettison him.

Ballotpedia source for election wins.

So after gathering what I needed for this show it really left me to wonder if perhaps maybe white people are the ones trapped in the democrat party and not black ones. Food for thought at least.

If you watched the complete episode no reason to watch this.

It's always Amusing when they tell you who they really are.

If you watched the full program no reason to watch this one.

So let's set the stage and establish exactly what progressives mean by "Latte Liberal"

If you've watched the full cut no reason to watch this.

If you think blaming whites for all the woes of our current plight is a "left wing" things think again and these clips will prove it. Frankly I fear the right is being infiltrated by the same people who've done this to the democrat party.

If you watched the full cut no reason to watch this.

I'm going to just show you who the MOST vocal advocates for defunding were.

If you watched the full episode no reason to watch this.

Just to introduce my premise.

If you watched the full edition no need to watch this.

Do you ever wonder why people would join a party that fought to keep them as slaves and then tried disenfranchise them? Yet blacks have been blue voters for six decades even though the white members of that group so lowly of them? Doesn't make any sense does it. Unless you believe those people are actually deciding to vote for that group because they are in fact intelligent enough to make their own decisions.
The "bigoty of low expectations" isn't a trap for blacks but it is one for white liberals who've largely are liberals and progressives to avoid the title of "racist."
I know let me adjust my tin foil hat.
This one is long but I'm going to chop it up over the next few days for those who don't have 90 minutes to watch this.

I all those who have subscribe to my channel I would like to tell you how sorry I am for how long my absence was. Now let's get back on the horse.

Successful people set goals. Here are some that will take us through 2027. These years will be crucial. Remember, if we don't attain our goals when we want doesn't mean we can't.

Smaller "weaker" forces have been defeating larger stronger ones for thousands of years. We actually let it happen to us. So now it's time to understand we're the underdogs and start acting like it.

Successful people set goals. Here are some that will take us through 2029. We need to fight as hard as we can and not lose steam which will make these years critical. We are in a war for the soul of humanity which never ends. Remember, if we don't attain our goals when we want doesn't mean we can't.

I'm going to address a few things which I didn't get to during the overview of the plan. Most importantly how many on the right keep mentioning the damage "white liberals" are doing. I have news for those fools, it doesn't matter what color they are unchecked liberalism is the problem. On a side note, I uploaded these as soon as I could but I had a situation arise what prevented me from doing so.

Now that I've laid down a lot of what needs to change we're going to need tactics to move the plan forward. Here are just a few.

Successful people set goals. Here are some that will take us through 2120. While the goals in the portion are very broad and spread out I think it's important to address them for two reasons. 1 - We need to instill in a our children that this battle is never won. 2 - We will probably still be trying to get things accomplished that my previous rosy outlooks set time frames for other goals to already be achieved. Remember, if we don't attain our goals when we want doesn't mean we can't.

Successful people set goals. Here are some that will take us through 2036. By now the goals we're attempting to attain will be more broad and focused on true societal change but don't be surprised if we're still trying to get things done which I outlined in earlier goals. Remember, if we don't attain our goals when we want doesn't mean we can't.

Successful people set goals. Here are some that will take us through 2025. It's going to be a busy few years. Remember, if we don't attain our goals when we want doesn't mean we can't.

Did you know that there was no federal income tax until 1861. How did the government function without taxing the people? Tariffs on foreign goods. While I think we wouldn't be able to go back to that a flat sales tax would be a much better way to raise the funds we need for the government. If pairing down the governments agency was accomplished we'd need a less money to fund it anyway.
Secrecy has been killing our country since the end of WW2. Do aliens exist? Who shot JFK? Was the Star Wars Program real? The fact of the matter is Washington works for us not the other way around and how on earth has our employee leveraged so much power to hide things from us? Short answer, we let them. Let's do away with hiding things from the American people.

The federal government has accrued a massive amount of powers in the form of unelected agencies. This needs to stop...

No we don't need to reform laws, we need to reform how laws are created. Laws should be short succinct and to the point. There shouldn't be amendments that have 0 to do with a proposal attached.

The title says it sall.

Citizen reform. Does everyone have a right to vote? Should everyone have the right to vote? No...

We can't fix Washington until we take the money out of it.

Now let's talk about things we can really do something about, I'm talking about draining the swamp that is Washington.

The Military Do we really need it? Probably just a smaller version


Created 3 years, 2 months ago.

74 videos

Category Vlogging

If there is one thing the West has always proven to the rest of the world is that when it seems like we have no chance of holding out against them we rally and beat them back.

The Beacon aims to arm people with the tools they need to defend themselves against the overwhelming avalanche of propaganda that is overwhelming western civilization. This program will cover topics consisting of politics, philosophy, science, current events, and of course displaying propaganda amongst other things. We might even have a little fun with it.

Ultimately our goal is to counter attack the ideas and ideologies that want to see our fall. Words and ideas will be our weapons, ideals our armor. We will prove that we are a shining beacon on a hill and the last best hope for humanity.