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NEVER BEFORE REVEALED SECRETS... In today’s “In-The-Zone” segment, we’ll be discussing the science behind whether your thoughts can actually program... or RE-program your genes to positively or negatively impact your health.

This is a "must-see" episode and chock full of great insights into one of the fastest-growing fields of scientific research on the planet.

Stay tuned... your health and longevity may depend on it!

To help you dial in, here are some of the pivotal points:
03:31 The secret to why people stay stuck
04:29 Increase your goal achievement by more than 50%!
10:15 Can your thoughts re-program your genes?
14:59 Warning! Doing this could increase your peak performance.
17:30 If you knew you could reduce your risk of diabetes and heart
disease doing this one thing, would you?

Here are the resources Dr Brian mentioned in this episode:
1. A four-dimensional model of mindfulness and its implications for health.
By Nilsson, Håkan

2. Thinking embodiment with genetics: epigenetics and postgenomic biology in embodied cognition and enactivism
Meloni, Maurizio and Reynolds, Jack (2020)

3. Epigenetic Response to Mindfulness in Peripheral Blood Leukocytes Involves Genes Linked to Common Human Diseases
Javier García-Campayo, Marta Puebla-Guedea, et al.

Dr Brian Brown hosts the Genesis Zone Advantage Show every Thursday and Friday at 12 noon, ET.


Created 2 years, 9 months ago.

1 video

Category Health & Medical

The mission is simple: to help high achievers naturally eliminate emotional and physical obstacles so they can optimize their life for higher achievement. Dr. Brian created the Genesis Zone Advantage(tm) an efficient 4-step formula.