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Michael Petro: Is there anything you'd like to leave our people with? I mean, we have people out there that have contacted us, they've been vaccinated. You know, things are changing with that. You and many other doctors are saying there's healing out of this, there is a way out. What would you encourage our listeners that are out there?
Dr Judy Mikovits: The way out is again, forgive yourselves! No more fear, fear nothing but the Lord! Trust! There's more than a way out, while there's breath there's life. And so, turn 180 degrees, never get another shot. Don't watch that poison on TV. Fear. That's, you know, fear is the virus, and God's the solution, love wins <3
July 2022 - Full interview with Michael Petro:

Clay Clark: How does an alpaca test positive for bird flu for the first time according to CNN?
Dr Judy Mikovits, PhD: well again, the alpacas are where you get the camelids, the kind of antibody that is the nanobody that goes right into your brain. That's why we were using camel hump fat in order to deliver our cannabinoids and our therapies and our ivermectin to the brain, you know, we just mix that horse paste right in there. It's no different than the same fraud. Nobody's testing positive, except they must take the healing modalities away from us, so that we can be poisoned and murdered faster, because we didn't buy their fear porn, and we won't buy their fear porn. So we need to take care of the alpacas and the camels and the birds and the cows and stop them from destroying our food supply. Nobody should ever be killing herds of birds for a fraudulent PCR test that has nothing to do with an envelope virus. That's a synthetic lipid nanoparticle. That's what your friend Robert Malone...
05/29/2024 - Thrivetime Show with Clay Clark:

As Dr. Malhotra said, there should be warning public service ads, like Joe Camel, to stop our children from eating that stuff, any packaged food. Cheerios have so much glyphosate and you put them on your little children as they poison their brain. They never took aspartame out of anything. Shout out to the late Betty Martini who fought this for years. You know, your government, your FDA, Food and Drug Administration, your food was supposed to be safe. That's all their job was. After they killed Kennedy, they just snuck in there in their little turmoil, the authority for efficacy of drugs. They don't make the law. They can't tell a doctor how to use something that satisfies the 2004 Botanical Drug Guidance Act: If it's generally regarded as safe, or it's been in human use: Ivermectin, Aspirin, Suramin, for 150 years. So they lied and said APEEL, A P E E L that crap they're putting on your food was grandfathered in was Generally Regarded As Safe, they said GRAS, it's FDA approved. No it's not! It's poison. Same as NUBEQA. Oh, Bayer Monsanto, the FDA just granted a $13,000 a month cost to Medical and Medicare...
Dr Judy Mikovits, PhD - 05/22/2024
Full replay of Dr Judy's Book Club X Space at

(found on Dr Judy's transcripts:

So this is September 11 2010. At a meeting, here's the head of one of the patient advocacy group that was a 20 years CDC veteran, and she went to take out the CFS patients. Her name was Dr. Suzanne Vernon, and she wrote: "agency heads are scared to death of how the patient population will react if XMRV works out." How will they react if it works out?!? You mean if we knew for 30 years, because Tony Fauci said women couldn't get infected with retroviruses or get AIDS, called them crazy, failed to treat them, left them agonizingly suffering with fibromyalgia, chronic regional pain syndrome, dead brains, fatigue, the torture they took on.

XMRV works out???
Dr Judy Mikovits, PhD - 08/2022
Full episode on Refuge of Sinners:

These sentences don't make sense. Michigan's largest egg farm... do cows lay eggs? "Michigan's largest egg farm lays off 400 workers among bird flu outbreak."
Which Coronavirus that's already in the egg? Pathogen specific free eggs were what were used to make our flu vaccines. Do they give flu vaccines to cows and cows don't lay eggs!
I don't understand why an egg farm has anything to do with cows, because it's supposed to be coming from the cows, which are testing positive in the last thing you showed me. So here you say three more dairy herds test positive for bird flu. Well, and yet you're destroying the eggs from the chickens and eggs actually have IGY, Immunoglobulin Y, that protects them from birds flu and that's why we want to eat eggs, that they don't deep in chlorine when they put them in grocery store. And we need to get raw eggs there that aren't poisoned and get that IGY the antibody that birds make that protects humans.
Dr Judy Mikovits, PhD - 05/22/2024
Full interview with Clay Clark on Thrivetime Show:

Clay Clark: What's your reaction to the bird flu propaganda scare being pushed in Michigan right now?
Dr Judy Mikovits: Okay! What's the test? Do the cows have the antibody to bird flu? Because every single injection a cow was given in a vaccine injected Avian Bird flu. So you're testing positive for what you injected in your shots. How many shots did you give your cow? What they just told you? They tested cattle and they found out three herds of cattle, is that what I heard? They tested positive for bird flu. Are the cows falling down? How do you tell a cow has bird flu? Are the cows getting diarrhea? Are the cows sick? Are the cows sneezing? Do the cows have a bit of a fever? What are they testing? And it's gonna go right back to the moronic PCR test which was "rape” up your nose that had nothing to do with SARSCoV2! What are we testing and what is positive? Are we being fooled by the same fear porn?
What are they doing to those cows? Are they quarantining them outside? How stupid are we? Take a look at our Twitter space. I showed you the MMR5 from Italy has avian that would be a bird leukosis virus. That means it makes your white blood cells fall apart. Are the cows white blood cells falling apart. How do we know our cows are sick? The infectious agent is not the disease! Injecting the infection!

Dr Judy Mikovits, PhD - 05/22/2024
Full interview with Clay Clark on Thrivetime Show:

The only other thing to show you in the next slide is just what syncetin are, virus envelope fused cells, but that inset there shows you. That's my, that's my pen under my microscope showing syncetia: that's virus enveloped fused cells, the expression of the S protein. This is a paper in 2021, where they rewrote the litterature. So if you just express the spike protein the envelope alone, and that was Dr. Ruscetti's work from 1980. We knew alone. If you inject to the envelope alone, you cause disease. That answers the question. They're injecting the disease in every shot. Please don't let them boost you and kill you. If you got lucky and it didn't kill you yet. Take care of your immune system.

Dr Judy Mikovits, PhD - 07/12/2022
Full Episode with Alpha Warrior:

Dr Judy Mikovits (addressing Dr Sherri Tenpenny): I love to call it, much to John's dismay, Living Water. The nutrients are just simply minerals from plants. The zincs, the coppers as God had them in those plants with all the various phytonutrients, from the plants, not removed. So you get the synergies of the activation so that you don't have to take 22 pills!
You had the vision, I like to say, to show right there that ECP and all the data after 2020, where we of course have what Ryan Cole shows us as calamari clot from the synthetic shot after 2009. You're the first one that showed me, remember, I think it was still the World Mercury Project with Children's Health Defense from 2005. And what you said was: what's coming through that needle could be killing you. The mRNA from monkeys, mouse, you showed it all. Look at all the special pathogens. You showed us the synergies how they intended evil by taking out those three pathways.
TGF beta, the way you sense a single virus. We were right there and you're like, Oh, well the eggs that they used in the flu vaccines, they never identified the coronaviruses. You know, and we're thinking right now as they try to hoodwink us again. Oh, here comes chickens. First time they jumped, and last time I looked you made all your mRNA vaccines in chicken eggs.

Cardio Miracle:

Watch the full replay of Women of Valor, sponsored by Cardio Miracle:

Dr Judy Mikovits: So you drink one glass of that for what? $2 a day and you've got everything you need to fuel your body! Pull up the calories, because it's another central thing, is to how we're totally lied to. We're told by our FDA - the FDA needs to be slashed by whoever walks in, because it's a Food and Drug Administration which is poisoning you!
So if you look at the label, it says total fat 0 grams, it says sodium 40 milligrams, it comes from those plants, natural sodium. we are salt in light! There's nothing sweet about me. There's no dietary fiber in it. Because fiber isn't what runs your gut! These nutrients are. A lot of people get this and they get diarrhea. Yeah, because you've been holding fluid because you're poisoning yourself with the poisonous Metamucil or whatever you take that you think is fiber! Less than 1 gram of sugar, 0 grams of protein, It's minerals!
Magnesium, zinc, its minerals! Grapeseedm Astaxanthin, Alpha Lipoic Acid that's how you fuel everything! Astaxanthin for your eyes. You make vitamin D. Sea salt, Monk fruit extract, Cholecalciferol, mixed Tocopherols, that's where you get vitamin D folks! Zinc Amino Acid Chelate, right from the plant. So the government requires, the FDA, they are not our lawmaker! The FDA and the WHO, unless anybody's confused, does not make the law. You do not obey them.
This label is legitimate as to what they are! 200 micrograms of Folate DFE. What does that mean? It's selenium right from those plants. Oh, there's too much vitamin B 12. There's 4167%.
Greg Penglis: That's a lot!
Dr Judy Mikovits: But it's coming right from the plant. What are all these morons doing? They're injecting B12, because this is how we're supposed to fuel our body according to God.

05/23/2024 - Full interview with Greg Penglis, and John Hewlett from Cardio Miracle:

Action Radio, about Citizen Legislature:
Vaccine product liability bill:
Bill to end big tech Censorship
Constitutional amendment to keeps us out of the WHO and other treaties

(found on Dr Judy's transcripts:

Well, I've been a longtime supporter of Children's Health Defense. My friends Brian Hooker, my hero, Brian Hooker and Dr. Ryan Cole and… Not one single thing called a vaccine was ever tested in a placebo controlled study… So I've been in this fight for about 40 years and I'm so grateful for Bobby and Children's Health Defense. A lot of heroes in this room, but we have a lot to do to protect the children!
Children's Health Defense was founded by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Its mission is to end childhood health epidemics by working to eliminate harmful exposures, hold those responsible, accountable and establish safeguards to prevent future harm.

Dr Judy Mikovits, PhD - 04/21/2024
Full CHD fundraiser testimonials:

Dr Judy Mikovits: We know what caused it. All I need to show you is how simple it is to fix it, by modulating the endocannabinoid system, the inflammatory, the dimmer switch on the flame, by modulating the oxidative stress; with things like Pro Lean Greens, spirulina and chlorella and Dimethyl Glycine. Silence the activated latent viruses. What are they doing with RSV? And I said: stop reading that stuff. Stop all the shots! Our call to action, as we did at Chirofest. You know, come on, folks, you're injecting poison and you're killing our kids. It's a holocost in the hospital. Stop it. You know, and everybody is: Well, what is respiratory syncytial virus?
Lee Dundas: I looked around at the beginning of 2020 and this is not something we're going to litigate our way out of. This is like being in a brothel in Thailand. You don't go up to the policeman and go: hey, Mr. Policeman, there's a bad guy selling a little kid to another bad guy over there! Because I'll tell you something, the policeman is the guy who after his day job clocks out, is moon lighting for the brothel as their muscle and their bouncer. So when your protector is your perpetrator, you're on your own!

November 2022
Full interview with Billy Demoss:

(found on Dr Judy's transcripts:

Dr Judy Mikovits: This is Gardasil injury, which has a synthetic lipid nanoparticle, very similar, it's synthetic virus. So this is Jessica before her puberty vaccines, beautiful, healthy athlete on her way to Stanford. After the vaccine, she's an AIDS patient, or is that long haul COVID? On the right, Lauren, same thing, Gardasil, as a teenager, never during vulnerable periods when the immune system is developing and growing do you inject anything!
Never do you inject anything again and bypass! This is hairloss. That looks like chemotherapy, doesn't it? Poison, toxin injecting into the vein. Is there any difference between that and this shot and all the injuries we're seeing they're calling COVID? Never had anything to do with SARSCoV2. Here's the science. But it's not the data that's the lie. Here's a Nature Medicine paper from 2016. It's the interpretation. It's the fake news, what they want you to think, how they twist the journals and honest scientists. This is propaganda masquerading as science. And I have always shown the data and I refuse! I was taught they're lies, damned lies and statistics by Dr. Ruscetti. We never, not one day, use this statistics to explain data. We showed the data!

Dr Judy Mikovits, PhD - 03/30/2022
Full presentation at ReAwaken America Tour, Salem, Or:

Clay Clark: What does this actually mean?
Dr Judy Mikovits: It means all that the flu shots in those toxic hospitals, where hospital homicide occurred in 2020 and was called COVID, is going right down the drain and coming right out in your faucet. Remember Bryan Ardis? It's in the water folks! So, again, wastewater, here in Ventura County, there's 0.97% dissolved solids, that means poop from other things. Again, all those flu shots have all those viruses, they go right down the drain along with all the opportunistic infections coming out of hospitals; from nosocomial spread, where they inject over and over again the patients and the nurses, and put masks on them and suffocate them, Asbestos on your face so that they just spit it everywhere and it goes right down the drain and into your sewer. Wastewater. Just don't drink it folks. Make sure you have a nice filter, watch Henry Ealy and Healing For The A.G.E.S. group on how to clean up your water.

Dr Judy Mikovits, PhD - 05/15/2024
Full Thrivetime Show episode with Clay Clark:

"Just to be clear, every flu shot before 2019 was made in what? Chicken eggs! It is and always was infection by injection. Just going back to bird flu, come on folks. How dumb really are we? Where did we make all our flu vaccines until the universal synthetic vaccine that unwittingly President Trump was conned into signing into law by Fauci and company in September of 2021.
Before our book, Plague of Corruption came out, and of course the movie, which had already been written. So folks, just to be clear, every flu shot before 2019 was made in what? Chicken eggs! So do you think you're gonna get a bird Coronavirus, a flu virus? Check back to my friend Dr. Sherri Tenpenny and see that they use specific pathogen free eggs. Oh, which specific pathogens don't they look for? Oh: Corona viruses from birds!"

Dr Judy Mikovits, PhD - 05/15/2024
Full Thrivetime Show episode with Clay Clark:

(found on Dr Judy's transcripts:

Alex Jones: What do people do to mitigate these synthetic nanoparticle colonies that are growing in our tissues?
Dr Judy Mikovits: Nutrify! No more GMOs! Cardio Miracle is the living water, the foundation for all things COVID! Those are the three key pathways. Our God protects us with pathways! We have redundant pathways. Feed your immune system. Get the 5G, cut those towers down, regenerate our soil, regenerate our waters! No more profits, no more patents! End the Bayh-Dole Act right now. Pay every single human being in the United States of America, the millions of dollars of those patent royalties.

Cardio Miracle:

INFOWARS - 05/11/2024
Full interview:

"They told me I was morally, legally, and ethically obligated to: “Do your job over your God" my entire life. That's not the way I was raised. I will not do anything unethical or immoral. I will disobey any law, anything that is illegal or unethical, Thomas Jefferson style, that's where I graduated.
If a law is illegal, or unconstitutional, you're not only supposed to not obey it, but you're supposed to openly defy it. It is Ephesians "Don't participate in things of the darkness." Don't go "shut up and be quiet." You scream it from the rooftops!"

Dr Judy Mikovits, PhD - 06/19/2023
Please listen to this very detailed free history lesson on Truth News Network:

"You don't inject a day-old baby with anything. They're not an IV drug user or a prostitute! And you're destroying their methylation.
You're destroying their ability to conduct a reaction given by God, that's central to gene expression.
No more shots! Not now not ever!"

Dr Judy Mikovits, PhD -  at OC Eagle Forum 02/05/2023
Full presentation:

"I'll just correct one thing: I'm not a virologist, they practice what I discover.
So, I'm a PhD, so we teach. I'm a molecular biologist and biochemist.
So, the virologists practice the practice of medicine. They have to be educated."

Dr Judy Mikovits, PhD -  at OC Eagle Forum 02/05/2023
Full presentation:

"They made SARS-CoV2 in the laboratory in 2004. SARS-CoV2. I'm just gonna keep saying it. It's not a Coronavirus it's a retrovirus, part HIV, part XMRV, part SARS.
The viruses we discovered were called XMRVs. Xeno- yeah we’re xenophobic and so are our immune systems!
And you don't inject them, bypassing your innate immune system, your skin, your gut, your nasal pharyngeal cavity.
Don't wear a mask and suffocate your immune system, because that's how you drive an RNA virus through your body."

Dr Judy Mikovits, PhD - at OC Eagle Forum 02/05/2023
Full presentation:

Dr Judy Mikovits: This piece of paper here says Leidos Biomedical. And it has the shipment. You know the last chapter of Plague of Corruption. Maybe there's one last story I should tell you that I told Bobby Kennedy in 2019 in October. Oh, wait a minute. Here's the freezer list of every single one of their bioweapons for 40 years. Do you want the proof in your hand, in Trump's hand and let him have every bit of this. We'll show you where the cures are. They're right here. Every word we say this. I'll bring them with me and give them to General Flynn.
Clay Clark: He needs them!
Dr Judy Mikovits: Then I won't speak conspiracy! I'll give you proof, hunny. It'll get Peter Navarro out of jail.
This is the cover of "Plague" and they changed it very quickly, so you couldn't see that we knew this in 2014. That's the last chapter of "Plague of Corruption." Maybe there's one last story I should tell you. We have ALL the proof and we have ALL the healing in the freezer. I've got the freezers. It's secure, folks.

Dr Judy Mikovits, PhD - May 2024
Full interview on InfoWars with Alex Jones with guest Dr Judy Mikovits, PhD: (05/11/2024)
Full interview with Clay Clark: (05/08/2024)

Alex Jones: Well, that's my next question. What do you make of Redfield, all of them? They're all running for the exits, what's happening?
Dr Judy Mikovits: They're liable for crimes against humanity, because when all liability was removed from pharma, it was placed right on HHS. Deborah Birx and Robert Redfield experimented on the military with an HIV vaccine. They took out adenine deaminase, the pathways! Well, we protected those pathways according to God, because God gave us everything we need! Clean house at the EPA, the FDA, the CDC! They colluded!
Alex Jones: and they're trying to play God!
Dr Judy Mikovits: They can't because we're not our DNA. We're our chromosomes. It's our primary defense. We're our chromosomes and they can't hack us and they know it. They failed in COVID. So all we have to do is protect the most vulnerable, no more injections ever. And immunization. We've got to immunize and we can do it orally.

Inforwars, May 11, 2024
Full interview on InfoWars with Alex Jones with guest Dr Judy Mikovits, PhD:

Mikki Willis: Snopes proclaims to be the internet's go to source for discerning what is true and what is total nonsense. Yet, one glance at their history of fact free checking tells another story. When Dr. Mikovits claimed she was arrested without a warrant and jailed without a charge, Snopes rated her statement: False.
Had they bothered to explore the arrest documents, they would have seen that indeed, there was neither a warrant nor signatures to officiate a charge. A fact that I confirmed with members of Dr. Mikovits' legal team.
Mikki Willis: Was there a search warrant?
Travis Middleton: No.
Mikki Willis: And what she ever charged?
Travis Middleton: No. Never charged with a crime
David J. Follin: 100% correct, Judy has never been charged with any crime.
Watch Plandemic 1:

Patrick Bet-David (PBD): Can we go back to your experience with Dr. Anthony Fauci at that time? He's 79 years old right now, so 1984, he is...
Dr Judy Mikovits: 45
PBD: he's 45. But who, was he already a credible voice? Was he as known, was he as powerful or not yet?
Dr Judy Mikovits: Not yet. But he was a credible voice. I don't think he got the job as the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease until the paper with HIV. Because that's one of the things he said was: "I want to be on The Tonight Show." They didn't care about millions of people dying. It's like, how are they going to position themselves. It was horrible to watch.
PBD: Who said this, he said this?
Dr Judy Mikovits: Yeah, and Cliff Lane, Bob Gallo and Tony Fauci all had their reasons for publishing "second" this paper, for taking the credit away from Luke Montagnier and the French and making this all their own. And they did that. They held up the paper so it wouldn't get published for months. They held up a diagnostic test. They wrote the patents to themselves for the discoveries which weren't their's. He basically let this disease spread around the world so that he could get glory, fame and money.

Dr Judy Mikovits, PhD - May 2020
Full interview with Patrick Bet David:

(Find my video transcripts at

Patrick Bet-David: What inspired you to go out there and want to do what you've done your entire life?
Dr Judy Mikovits: Well, it's actually because when I was, oh, maybe 10 or 12 years old, my grandfather got lung cancer. And so at that time, cancer was a closet disease. Nobody said anything about it. It was nobody knew if it was infectious, nobody knew anything. So I thought, well, we should be able to understand what causes cancer, and how to treat it like with food and with plant. So I went to University of Virginia, and got a degree in chemistry with a specialization in biology. I think of the 128 hours I took between 1976 and 1980, I took 124 hours in science biology, science physics, math, and 4 hours of German because it was required to get a chemistry degree.
I didn't take an English class. I didn't take a history class. I didn't get in medical school because we didn't have any money. And so I thought what I'll do on March 31 1980, the cover of Time Magazine was a hypodermic needle with a drop coming out. It was the big IF, interferon, the magic bullet for cancer. The reason I remember it, like it was yesterday, is it was the day before my birthday. So I saw that magazine, I answered an ad in The Washington Post, looking for biochemist to purify interferon. And I'm like, That's the job. I'm gonna go spend one or two years learning how to cure cancer and then I'll go back to medical school and it ended up being 40 years.

Dr Judy Mikovits, PhD - May 2020
Full interview with Patrick Bet David:

"A lipid nanoparticle is a virus. It's a retrovirus and a Coronavirus.
The lipid forms the envelope that you package the mRNA in, and then you ship it to the address, the city, the state and the zip code.
If you want to do brain damage, you send it to the brain, you send it to the microglia in the brain and cripple your detoxifying stem cell in the brain. If you want to cause a liver dysfunction, you send it to the Kupffer cell of the liver.
It's the zip code, and this is what Robert Malone actually did. He had nothing to do with RNA, it had to do with the synthetic virus that carries the bioweapon to the location in the body.
Our cells are lipid micro particles were 10 to the minus six. Nano is a virus. It's 10 to the minus nine. That's why we don't put nanoparticles in ourselves.
And yes, the viruses, every vaccine is a lipid nanoparticle that you inject. Sorry, it's a bioweapon."
Dr Judy Mikovits, PhD - 05/08/2024
Full interview with Clay Clark:


Created 11 months, 1 week ago.

187 videos

Category Health & Medical

Dr. Judy A Mikovits:
(Help Stop The Fraud, too many people using my name and selling things...:

Dr. Mikovits earned a BA in Chemistry from University of Virginia in 1980 and a PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from George Washington University in 1992. In her forty-year quest to understand the causes, prevention and treatment of chronic diseases, she has co-authored seminal papers culminating at least a decade of research in each of four fields: Immunology, natural products chemistry, epigenetics, and HIV/AIDs drug development.

In 2009, Dr Mikovits led the team that first isolated and characterized a new family of human disease-associated retroviruses, XMRVs. Dr Mikovits has co-authored more than 50 peer reviewed publications and book chapters, and holds a patent for Combination Therapy for Prostate Cancer using Botanical Compositions and Casodex.

Dr Mikovits is a New York Times Best selling author of the books Plague, Plague of Corruption, Ending Plague and the Truth about the Masks.

In 2020 Dr. Mikovits started DrJSolution, a company focused, not only on education, but on providing solutions for prevention and treatment of autoimmune/auto-inflammatory diseases resulting from viral infection, drugs and environmental toxins. Her heart and passion is to focus on natural products chemistry and plant based drug and nutritional therapeutic protocols.

Her current focus is on medical cannabis with breakthroughs in understanding of the pathophysiology of neuroimmune diseases such as vaccine acquired immune deficiency syndrome = vaccine AIDS.