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It's finally time. And the last thing on your mind is not getting it up. You need not worry, this little wonder works like a charm.

A great breakfast for someone working outdoors cultivating land. Cold juicy watermelon, two scrumptious scrambled eggs and some porridge for energy. Stay tuned for part 2. A super food that can keep you running for more than a day. Eat wisely and live a better life.

The one diet that helped me shed weight. And the recipes are to fight over. No depriving your taste buds. No silly liquid diets that don't work just healthy wholesome food.

A little insight into why you are having problems losing weight. Remember it's not a race it's a process. The ultimate goal should always be to attain optimal health. Having said that a six pack or a flat stomach always looks good.

Not only does Keto help with weight loss, diabetes and overall wellbeing. The recipes are to die for!

Prompts are the guiding light in the vast sea of AI, shaping interactions and fostering understanding. They provide direction, context, and clarity, enabling AI systems to unlock their full potential and serve humanity effectively.

What I am About to reveal isn't common knowledge. Toothpaste that nice minty stuff you are using is killing you. And these two nuances are destroying your health.



Don't believe me look it up! The truth is scary.


No sugar and no Artificial preservatives. So a treat once in a while is welcome

How long do you reckon it takes to go viral. A month? A year? Five years?

None of the above! Becoming an influencer takes skill. And this little handy guide is exactly what you need before dipping your feet in deeper water.

The future is here. Will you stand up and excel or will you get swept away. AI and coding is the future. Act now!

Learn how to cure and manage your anxiety with the power of your mind. No medication or supplements. How does that sound.

Medicine Starts at home. This is what mom used to say. Treat a cold with warm honey and some cinnamon. And today our tradition of home remedies still runs strong.


Created 7 months, 4 weeks ago.

137 videos

Category People & Family

Alone and abandoned. Cornered and caged.

Feathers no longer there to support you fly. You look far and wide yet nothing brings peace. The only one who you cared about is now gone. That reality now a dream, slipping away from you.