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Hey, you lousy kids, it's the last game of mystery game week. I'm not going to tell you what game I'm playing, but I can tell you:
* It reminds me of my childhood
* I've never played it before.
* I've never watched anyone else play it.
* I will load it into my Nintendo Switch just so that I can install any updates to it.

Please say something in chat if you stop by! For those watching, live or later, please talk in the comments if you'd like me to play this game more often.

Discord server: (REVISED LINK 5/7/2024)

YouLousyKids usually plays 4-6 PM Central Time on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. My stream is family-friendly PG, with no swearing beyond the occasional "crap" and PG-rated memes.

Watch my channel but get off my lawn! I'm twice your age and just doing this for fun. I'm not playing video games for a living like you face-tattooed, nose-ringed young punks. Watch me struggle with new games and teach you some old games from the physical media era!

Hey, you lousy kids, are you ready for the second Mystery Game? Monday, we played About Us and I had an absolute ball. Will this be as fun? I'm hoping so!

I'm not going to tell you what game I'm playing, but I can tell you:
* I've never played it before.
* I've only watched it played briefly a long time ago.
* I will load it into my Nintendo Switch and fire it up just enough to get any updates loaded.

(And yes, the thumbnail for this is a nipple joke.)

This game is a mystery to me, and I really hope I can figure it out. For those watching, live or later, please talk in the comments if you'd like me to play this game more often.

Discord server: (REVISED LINK 5/7/2024)

YouLousyKids usually plays 4-6 PM Central Time on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. My stream is family-friendly PG, with no swearing beyond the occasional "crap" and PG-rated memes.

Watch my channel but get off my lawn! I'm twice your age and just doing this for fun. I'm not playing video games for a living like you face-tattooed, nose-ringed young punks. Watch me struggle with new games and teach you some old games from the physical media era!

Monday, Wednesday and Friday of this week, 4-6PM Central, I will be playing a brand new mystery game each day! It's new to you and it's brand new to me. I haven't played these, I haven't really watched other people play them, I don't know HOW to play them...they are brand new, and this will be as puzzling to me as it will be surprising to you. I hope you'll check it out!

Hey, you lousy kids, it's mystery game week. I'm not going to tell you what game I'm playing, but I can tell you:
* I've never played it before.
* I've never even WATCHED IT BEING PLAYED before!
* I have, though, seen many memes based on it.
* I haven't even fired it up, beyond loading it into my Nintendo Switch.

This game is a mystery to me, and I really hope I can figure it out. I might really need help in chat with this one, so please join me live if you can. For those watching, live or later, please talk in the comments if you'd like me to play this game more often.

Discord server: (REVISED LINK 5/7/2024)

YouLousyKids usually plays 4-6 PM Central Time on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. My stream is family-friendly PG, with no swearing beyond the occasional "crap" and PG-rated memes.

Watch my channel but get off my lawn! I'm twice your age and just doing this for fun. I'm not playing video games for a living like you face-tattooed, nose-ringed young punks. Watch me struggle with new games and teach you some old games from the physical media era!

Thanks for letting me have Wednesday off for my Silver wedding anniversary. Some things are more important than gaming. But now this old fart is going to continue farting around Hyrule, doing this or that. There are some very fun side quests that I want to conquer and some armor I need to grab. It's two hours only, though. Got a tree guy showing up around the end of my show, so it's a hard cut-off tonight, leaving you free to enjoy your Friday night.

Glory Run playlist:
Discord server: (REVISED LINK 5/7/2024)

YouLousyKids usually plays 4-6 PM Central Time on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. My stream is family-friendly PG, with no swearing beyond the occasional "crap" and PG-rated memes.

Watch my channel but get off my lawn! I'm twice your age and just doing this for fun. I'm not playing video games for a living like you face-tattooed, nose-ringed young punks. Watch me struggle with new games and teach you some old games from the physical media era!

Let's start with grabbing the last of the Tears of the dragon. Then we'll get the rest of the climbing gear, some of the other costumes, or maybe I'll just help some Koroks and finish some stable quests. It's all up in the air, because this is FARTIN' AROUND HYRULE!

Glory Run playlist:
Discord server: (REVISED LINK 5/7/2024)

YouLousyKids usually plays 4-6 PM Central Time on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. My stream is family-friendly PG, with no swearing beyond the occasional "crap" and PG-rated memes.

Watch my channel but get off my lawn! I'm twice your age and just doing this for fun. I'm not playing video games for a living like you face-tattooed, nose-ringed young punks. Watch me struggle with new games and teach you some old games from the physical media era!

I've got a little gem quest that should take about a minute, and then we're heading to the Depths to start lighting up all the south. Oh, and there's a coliseum full of Lynels that need dusting. Who's with me?

Glory Run playlist:
Discord server: (REVISED LINK 5/7/2024)

YouLousyKids usually plays 4-6 PM Central Time on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. My stream is family-friendly PG, with no swearing beyond the occasional "crap" and PG-rated memes.

Watch my channel but get off my lawn! I'm twice your age and just doing this for fun. I'm not playing video games for a living like you face-tattooed, nose-ringed young punks. Watch me struggle with new games and teach you some old games from the physical media era!

I'm going to knock off the stable side quests, starting with getting that stupid yellow horse that ran off. Am I in a bad mood? Is that why I didn't work hard on the thumbnail? Yeah, I'm ticked off at YouTube.

Glory Run playlist:
Discord server: (REVISED LINK 5/7/2024)

YouLousyKids usually plays 4-6 PM Central Time on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. My stream is family-friendly PG, with no swearing beyond the occasional "crap" and PG-rated memes.

Watch my channel but get off my lawn! I'm twice your age and just doing this for fun. I'm not playing video games for a living like you face-tattooed, nose-ringed young punks. Watch me struggle with new games and teach you some old games from the physical media era!

Oh, my. Link is a little overdressed for the beach in that royal guard's uniform. Time to get down to the skivvies, because today is beach day!

Plans for episode 39:
* Explore that cave
* Get the fishing trawler schematic
* Find the korok who needs to get to Eventide Island
* Take him to Eventide Island on the fishing trawler
* Clean out Eventide Island
* Do the coliseum UNDER Eventide!

Glory Run playlist:
Discord server: (REVISED LINK 4/11/2024)

YouLousyKids usually plays 4-6 PM Central Time on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. My stream is family-friendly PG, with no swearing beyond the occasional "crap" and PG-rated memes.

Watch my channel but get off my lawn! I'm twice your age and just doing this for fun. I'm not playing video games for a living like you face-tattooed, nose-ringed young punks. Watch me struggle with new games and teach you some old games from the physical media era!

I've already gotten Mineru, but why not do this whole sidequest anyway! I get to beat on a huge number of Lizalfos and along the way, pick up an awesome battle suit.

Glory Run playlist:
Discord server: (REVISED LINK 4/11/2024)

YouLousyKids usually plays 4-6 PM Central Time on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. My stream is family-friendly PG, with no swearing beyond the occasional "crap" and PG-rated memes.

Watch my channel but get off my lawn! I'm twice your age and just doing this for fun. I'm not playing video games for a living like you face-tattooed, nose-ringed young punks. Watch me struggle with new games and teach you some old games from the physical media era!

Now that I have all five sages, Zelda has appeared in the castle, and it's totally her and it's totally not a trap.

Glory Run playlist:
Discord server: (REVISED LINK 4/11/2024)

YouLousyKids usually plays 4-6 PM Central Time on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. My stream is family-friendly PG, with no swearing beyond the occasional "crap" and PG-rated memes.

Watch my channel but get off my lawn! I'm twice your age and just doing this for fun. I'm not playing video games for a living like you face-tattooed, nose-ringed young punks. Watch me struggle with new games and teach you some old games from the physical media era!

Last show, I did the entire Lightning Temple, only to be told...JUST as I got ready to fight the boss...that my sound was not working!!!


Sorry about episode 35. Let's hope this one is awesome.

Glory Run playlist:
Discord server: (REVISED LINK 4/11/2024)

YouLousyKids usually plays 4-6 PM Central Time on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. My stream is family-friendly PG, with no swearing beyond the occasional "crap" and PG-rated memes.

Watch my channel but get off my lawn! I'm twice your age and just doing this for fun. I'm not playing video games for a living like you face-tattooed, nose-ringed young punks. Watch me struggle with new games and teach you some old games from the physical media era!

Let's get the Lightning Temple done in one show, ASAP. But first, I need to make a few preparations.

Glory Run playlist:
Discord server: (REVISED LINK 4/11/2024)

YouLousyKids usually plays 4-6 PM Central Time on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. My stream is family-friendly PG, with no swearing beyond the occasional "crap" and PG-rated memes.

Watch my channel but get off my lawn! I'm twice your age and just doing this for fun. I'm not playing video games for a living like you face-tattooed, nose-ringed young punks. Watch me struggle with new games and teach you some old games from the physical media era!

I can't get the last two signs out of the desert without doing something about that sandstorm, so we have to go to Gerudo Town. Ugh. I repeat. UGH. I hate the Gerudo desert. How QUICKLY can I get this done?

Glory Run playlist:
Discord server: (REVISED LINK 4/11/2024)

YouLousyKids usually plays 4-6 PM Central Time on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. My stream is family-friendly PG, with no swearing beyond the occasional "crap" and PG-rated memes.

Watch my channel but get off my lawn! I'm twice your age and just doing this for fun. I'm not playing video games for a living like you face-tattooed, nose-ringed young punks. Watch me struggle with new games and teach you some old games from the physical media era!

Friday, there were 33 Hudson signs on our map, and when we finished, there were only 11 left to do. For those of you educated in an American public school, that means we are two-thirds done with the remaining Hudson signs. NINE of them are in the southeast of Hyrule and they should be rather easy to knock of. And when we're done with that, we'll see what we can do in Gerudo, what with the sandstorm and all. It may be time (sigh) for Gerudo. I think it says a lot about how much I don't like Gerudo that the place is full of half-naked gorgeous warrior women and I wish I could just skip the place than listen to an hour of "Savaak" and "Sarqso". How can I make it more interesting? Time for some memes, I think.

Glory Run playlist:
Discord server: (REVISED LINK 4/11/2024)

YouLousyKids usually plays 4-6 PM Central Time on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. My stream is family-friendly PG, with no swearing beyond the occasional "crap" and PG-rated memes.

Watch my channel but get off my lawn! I'm twice your age and just doing this for fun. I'm not playing video games for a living like you face-tattooed, nose-ringed young punks. Watch me struggle with new games and teach you some old games from the physical media era!

33. It's how old Superman was in "Man of Steel"...because that's how old Jesus was at the crucifixion, and that's what Snyder was going for. More relevant to our video today, I'm going to finally race this sign quest!

We are armed with:
* A REUSABLE floating square!
* A flying RV with a dragon part
* Batteries (BATTERIES!)
* A battery-saving suit
* A map that shows a pretty clear path we can take
We'll do our best to not get distracted...but there ARE maybe two stables we've totally missed along our route.

Glory Run playlist:
Discord server: (REVISED LINK 4/11/2024)

YouLousyKids usually plays 4-6 PM Central Time on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. My stream is family-friendly PG, with no swearing beyond the occasional "crap" and PG-rated memes.

Watch my channel but get off my lawn! I'm twice your age and just doing this for fun. I'm not playing video games for a living like you face-tattooed, nose-ringed young punks. Watch me struggle with new games and teach you some old games from the physical media era!

I'm going to show you where to get THE BEST weapons in Tears of the Kingdom. Get ready to mark your maps!

Glory Run playlist:
Discord server: (REVISED LINK 4/11/2024)

YouLousyKids usually plays 4-6 PM Central Time on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. My stream is family-friendly PG, with no swearing beyond the occasional "crap" and PG-rated memes.

Watch my channel but get off my lawn! I'm twice your age and just doing this for fun. I'm not playing video games for a living like you face-tattooed, nose-ringed young punks. Watch me struggle with new games and teach you some old games from the physical media era!

It's tax day in America, and as a taxpayer, I think it's time we steal from the Royal Family a bit. Let's go get all three pieces of the Royal Armor, perhaps the toughest armor set in the game.

First things first: For the Glory Run, at least this time I'm doing this quest AFTER GETTING YUNOBO! You read that right: on my first run through, clearing out the Royal Hidden Passage of endless rocks, I DIDN'T EVEN HAVE YUNOBO!!! What an IDIOT I was! It took forever, took endless rock hammer forging. And it doesn't help that there's a rock entrance that won't be destroyed until you've bombed it three times. But this time, I not only have Yunobo, but I'm going to try something that should make this go even faster. If you want to see if this works, you'll have to watch my show. Will my idea pay off?

"It's a bold strategy, Cotton! Let's see if it pays off!"

Glory Run playlist:
Discord server: (REVISED LINK 4/11/2024)

YouLousyKids usually plays 4-6 PM Central Time on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. My stream is family-friendly PG, with no swearing beyond the occasional "crap" and PG-rated memes.

Watch my channel but get off my lawn! I'm twice your age and just doing this for fun. I'm not playing video games for a living like you face-tattooed, nose-ringed young punks. Watch me struggle with new games and teach you some old games from the physical media era!

This is the Glory Run, folks, where I bring all my experience of my first run-through of Tears of the Kingdom to see how much better I can do this a second time. And the Fire Temple is truly a test of fire for me, because in my first run-through I got so stuck it took many hours...many, MANY hours, including my leaving the temple completely and studying videos to figure stuff out. It's not an impossible temple, but I got really confused by some things. So this long will it take to complete The Fire Temple, a/k/a Lost Gorondia?

Whoa, did you catch that? The Fire Temple IS the Lost Gorondia that that little Goron tyke has been looking for? I completely missed that little sub-head when I did my first play-through. (Well, TBH, I missed it this time too and only caught it when doing my thumbnail screen captures!) Here I thought there was some "lost Gorondia" side-quest that I still needed to do. Newp! This is the Fire Temple. A/K/A, Lost Gorondia!

Glory Run playlist:
Discord server: (REVISED LINK 4/11/2024)

YouLousyKids usually plays 4-6 PM Central Time on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. My stream is family-friendly PG, with no swearing beyond the occasional "crap" and PG-rated memes.

Watch my channel but get off my lawn! I'm twice your age and just doing this for fun. I'm not playing video games for a living like you face-tattooed, nose-ringed young punks. Watch me struggle with new games and teach you some old games from the physical media era!

Missed episode 27, did you? You missed me freeing the Deku tree and GETTING THE MASTER SWORD!

With that done, I'm heading for Death Mountain to activate shrines, get the flameproof clothing, and help our buddy Yunobo. How far can we get in only 2 hours? That's right, I can't run long because I'm appearing on the Mattriarchy show at 8PM. Wish me luck!

Glory Run playlist:
Discord server: (REVISED LINK 2/5/2024)

YouLousyKids usually plays 4-6 PM Central Time on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. My stream is family-friendly PG, with no swearing beyond the occasional "crap" and PG-rated memes.

Watch my channel but get off my lawn! I'm twice your age and just doing this for fun. I'm not playing video games for a living like you face-tattooed, nose-ringed young punks. Watch me struggle with new games and teach you some old games from the physical media era!

If we can free the Deku Tree, the Light Dragon will drop down to a height where I can grab that sword off her nose. Whattaya say we make that happen?! It only means doing this out of order, when I shouldn't do this until I have all five sages, right? Oh, and it means I have to deal with GLOOM HANDS!!!! AHHHHHHHH!

Sorry. Scared myself. Gloom hands. Fine. I'll just go fight GLOOM HANDS...TWICE! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

Glory Run playlist:
Discord server: (REVISED LINK 2/5/2024)

YouLousyKids usually plays 4-6 PM Central Time on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. My stream is family-friendly PG, with no swearing beyond the occasional "crap" and PG-rated memes.

Watch my channel but get off my lawn! I'm twice your age and just doing this for fun. I'm not playing video games for a living like you face-tattooed, nose-ringed young punks. Watch me struggle with new games and teach you some old games from the physical media era!

Uff. FINE! I'll get this done just to make the dumb reporter bird happy, but I knew this was a Yiga trick the LAST time I played through this game. Oh, boo hoo hoo. Whoa is me. Won't some hero help me? Boo hoo hoo. Come on. I was never this gullible. I'll get this done, and maybe, maybe I'll do some ATV-ing finally! (If you missed it, I have successfully wrought a beautiful ATV in episode 25.)

Glory Run playlist:
Discord server: (REVISED LINK 2/5/2024)

YouLousyKids usually plays 4-6 PM Central Time on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. My stream is family-friendly PG, with no swearing beyond the occasional "crap" and PG-rated memes.

Watch my channel but get off my lawn! I'm twice your age and just doing this for fun. I'm not playing video games for a living like you face-tattooed, nose-ringed young punks. Watch me struggle with new games and teach you some old games from the physical media era!

2CPhoenix designed a flying ATV that is an amazing vehicle, and in this episode I will try to build a perfectly balanced one. This device has enough oomph to transport koroks or shrine crystals, it can float, drive or fly! We'll get this completed and then we'll head south to knock off some map objectives, and we'll see how much easier it is. I've been wanting to do this since day one, but I needed enough batteries for it to be worth it!

Big question: If I enter a shrine, does it despawn? That could be a deal-breaker!

If you want to make your own flying ATV, please check out the original video:

Glory Run playlist:
Discord server: (REVISED LINK 2/5/2024)

YouLousyKids usually plays 4-6 PM Central Time on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. My stream is family-friendly PG, with no swearing beyond the occasional "crap" and PG-rated memes.

Watch my channel but get off my lawn! I'm twice your age and just doing this for fun. I'm not playing video games for a living like you face-tattooed, nose-ringed young punks. Watch me struggle with new games and teach you some old games from the physical media era!

testing after my NVENC problems. Trying a new video encoder: x264

Glory Run playlist:
Discord server: (REVISED LINK 2/5/2024)

YouLousyKids usually plays 4-6 PM Central Time on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. My stream is family-friendly PG, with no swearing beyond the occasional "crap" and PG-rated memes.

Watch my channel but get off my lawn! I'm twice your age and just doing this for fun. I'm not playing video games for a living like you face-tattooed, nose-ringed young punks. Watch me struggle with new games and teach you some old games from the physical media era!

Addison is this dude who has to put signs up all over Hyrule, and he's the one guy I failed to help in my first run of the game. This is the Glory Run and I'm determined to get all of them, like he's the stupidest Pokemon. Of course, tromping all over the map is sure to lead to trouble. It's never that easy, but that's why we do it. Because this guy has no idea how to brace a sign. He probably has a college degree.

Glory Run playlist:
Discord server: (REVISED LINK 2/5/2024)

YouLousyKids usually plays 4-6 PM Central Time on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. My stream is family-friendly PG, with no swearing beyond the occasional "crap" and PG-rated memes.

Watch my channel but get off my lawn! I'm twice your age and just doing this for fun. I'm not playing video games for a living like you face-tattooed, nose-ringed young punks. Watch me struggle with new games and teach you some old games from the physical media era!


Created 10 months, 3 weeks ago.

113 videos

Category Entertainment

YouLousyKids has a daily Zelda Tears of the Kingdom stream 4-6 PM central time on YouTube. This stream is family-friendly, with no swearing beyond the occasional "crap" and PG-rated memes. On BitChute, I will share more cultivated content such as "greatest hits" and opinion content.

You Lousy Kids are so spoiled and rotten and you don't know anything about movies, history, science, politics, basic geography or math. You just sit there on your porn machines, I mean your phones, and you have relationships with nobody and your friendships are meaningless and I pity you. If you get the tone I'm conveying here, this channel is the place for you.

About me: My homepage is; as it is a blog, it is poorly-maintained and haphazardly updated. Wrote and Edited Fanzing Magazine, a DC Comics online fanzine ('97-'04). Created/wrote Metro Med, the Hospital for Superheroes ( Creator of the only Elongated Man website, Dibny Dirt, which I ran up til the point they killed off my favorite characters. Ages ago, I was an aspiring writer for DC Comics, but if they offered me the job now I wouldn't know what to write.

I'd still love to write comic books.