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In this video, we delve into the 3 major flaws of electric vehicles that you need to know about! From range anxiety to charging infrastructure, find out the challenges EV owners face.

But wait, there's more - head over to to uncover 2 additional hidden flaws of electric vehicles that may surprise you! Don't miss out on valuable insights - click the link below for more...

Remember to like and share this video with anyone interested in EVs!


00:00:00 The Flaws of Electric Vehicles
00:00:28 Limited Range
00:00:57 Charging Infrastructure
00:01:24 Environmental Impact of Battery Production
00:01:49 Conclusion and Future Outlook

#electrictrucks #electriccars #lithiumbatteries

To get 3 More Common Mistakes To Avoid When Setting Up Your Small Wood Shop...Click Here

In this informative video, we delve into the essential steps woodworkers need to take to avoid common mistakes when setting up their shop layout.

From maximizing space efficiency to optimizing workflow, we provide expert guidance based on established facts and industry best practices.

Whether you're a seasoned woodworker or just starting out, this video will equip you with the knowledge needed to set up your woodworking shop for success.

Don't miss out on these valuable tips - like and share this video with your fellow woodworking enthusiasts!


00:00:00 Introduction
00:00:06 Neglecting Workflow Planning
00:00:58 Overlooking Space Utilization
00:01:35 Ignoring Ergonomics
00:02:12 Conclusion

To see the full written version of this video, check out our 3 Common Woodworking Shop Layout Mistakes blog post here

#smallshop #woodshoplife #woodworkingshop

Welcome to the FindInfoWorld channel! 🌍✈️ To see our #1 Recommended way to save MORE money and earn cashback when you travel and on everything you already buy, go here now

In this video, we're spilling the beans on 7 game-changing travel hacks to help you explore the world without breaking the bank! Whether you're a seasoned globetrotter or planning your first adventure, these insider tips will revolutionize the way you travel.

From scoring unbeatable deals on flights and accommodations to maximizing your budget while on the road, our expert tips will empower you to travel smarter and cheaper. Say goodbye to overspending and hello to unforgettable experiences!

Join us as we uncover the secrets to affordable travel and show you how to make the most of every penny. Don't let budget constraints hold you back from your wanderlust dreams – watch now and start planning your next wallet-friendly adventure! ✨💼🌴

Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more invaluable travel insights from FindInfoWorld! Happy travels! 🌟🌎

To see our #1 Recommended way to save MORE money and earn cashback when you travel and on everything you already buy, go here now

#travelhacks #SaveMoney #BudgetTravel

00:00:00 Introduction
00:00:21 Flexible Travel Dates
00:00:38 Embrace Travel Rewards Programs
00:00:52 Budget-Friendly Accommodations
00:01:05 Travel Off the Beaten Path
00:01:23 Pack Smart and Avoid Extra Fees
00:01:47 Public Transportation and City Passes
00:01:59 Plan and Book in Advance
00:02:10 Conclusion

Go here now to see our #1 Recommended way to Save money and Earn Cash Back everywhere you shop on and offline

Today, we're diving into some quick and practical budgeting tips to help you navigate these challenging economic times. Let's get started!"

Tip 1: Track Your Spending: track your spending! Grab a notebook or use a budgeting app to keep tabs on every penny. It's the key to identifying areas where you can cut back and save more.

Tip 2: Create a realistic budget: Align your spending with your income, making sure to allocate funds for essentials and savings. It's like giving your money a roadmap!"

Tip 3: Prioritize Essential Expenses: Prioritize essential expenses. Distinguish between needs and wants. Focusing on the essentials ensures your money works where it matters most during tough times.

Tip 4: Explore Cost-Effective Alternatives: Explore cost-effective alternatives for your regular purchases. Quality doesn't always have to come with a hefty price tag.

Tip 5: Negotiate Bills and Contracts: Negotiate bills and contracts with your service providers. You'll be surprised how many are willing to work with you to find a more affordable solution.

Tip 6: Build an Emergency Fund: Start building a financial safety net by consistently saving a portion of your income. It's like a superhero cape for your wallet during unexpected expenses!

Tip 7: Regularly Review and Adjust: Last but not least, regularly review and adjust your budget. Life changes, and so should your budget. Stay flexible, adapt, and conquer!

In conclusion, implement these budgeting tips, and you'll be better equipped to handle whatever financial challenges come your way.

Remember, every dollar saved is a dollar earned.

If you got value out of this video, then please Subscribe, Like, and go to link below now if you would like to save more money and earn cash back at everywhere you shop on and offline

Check out my #1 Recommended blueprint to earning a full time income online here

In this video I talk about and breakdown why DNA tests are not accurate and misrepresent your ancestry.

The further you go back in time, the more ancestors you have. The further you go back, the less people there are in the world. So the pool of people available to related to becomes less diverse.

You may find that lots of mixing between races and direct family members may have been the case in the past. However, what really matters is who your Parents, Grand Parents, and Great Grand Parents were.

Anything ancestry that's less than 10% is irrelevant and too insignificant to be a factor to who you are today.

So let's all come together and not be divided. There's plenty of prosperity to have and enjoy if we all work together.

So if you want to create more income and freedom in your life, you should consider working with me.

Check out my #1 Recommended blueprint to earning a full time income online here


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If you liked the video about Why DNA Tests are not Accurate - DNA HOAX - African Americans Ain't African, hit like and subscribe to keep getting the goods!

#dnatesting #ancestrydna #africanamerican

Thanks for watching!

John Dorsey



Connect with John D. here


Internet Entrepreneur Resources

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which means that if you click on one of the product links and make a purchase, I'll receive a small commission. This helps support the channel and allows me to continue to make videos like this.

While I make every effort to ensure that I accurately represent all the products and services reviewed on this website and their potential for income, it should be noted that earnings and income statements made by me and my advertisers / sponsors are estimates only of what I or they think you can possibly earn.

There is no guarantee that you will make these levels of income and you accept the risk that the earnings and income statements differ by individual.

Thank you for the support!

Do You Think The End Times are Near? Cast Your vote, let your voice be heard here

All throughout history so called "experts", tribal leaders, village chiefs, witch doctors, etc... Have used natural phenomenon to manipulate and control the masses.

Whether it was solar eclipse's, lunar eclipse's, earthquakes, thunderstorms, tornados, monsoons, hurricanes, tsunamis, volcanos, sickness, plagues, etc...

They so called leaders of their tribes, pinned these events onto the "anger of the gods"...and only ritual and sacrifice will appease the gods and bring things back to "normal".

They'd ask the village people to give up their 1st born, their virgin daughters, their youngest child, their newborns, or even themselves as a sacrifice to the gods.

All the while, these events and storms would have passed naturally. Due to the peoples ignorance of what was actually going on, people did as they were told and paid a hefty price for their lack of knowledge.

Do you think this only happened in ancient times? Then you'd be wrong, this still goes on today. Just think, look around, consider what has been going on lately.

The only way to not fall victim to the manipulation is to question everything. Erase ignorance, gain knowledge, achieve wisdom.

If you got value out of this video, please like, share, and comment below.

If you're looking to break out of the mainstream daily grind, and use the power of the internet to create a fulltime income...go here


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If you liked the video about What's Old Is New Again - Sacrifice To The "gods" Population Control Throughout History, hit like and subscribe to keep getting the goods!

Thanks for watching!

John D.



Connect with John D. here


Internet Entrepreneur Resources

DISCLAIMER: This video and description may contain affiliate links,
which means that if you click on one of the product links,
I'll receive a small commission. This helps support the channel and
allows us to continue to make videos like this.

While I make every effort to ensure that I accurately represent all the products and services reviewed on this website and their potential for income, it should be noted that earnings and income statements made by me and my advertisers / sponsors are estimates only of what I or they think you can possibly earn. There is no guarantee that you will make these levels of income and you accept the risk that the earnings and income statements differ by individual.

Is there a way out of the mess we find ourselves in? Is there a plan, are we in the last days?
Go here to cast your vote, and let your voice be heard

This video was originally produced back on November 6, 2013. The information within is still relevant today. It sets the foundation for where we are today in 2022.

The Department of Homeland Security is to spend $19 million dollars on a private security force in Wisconsin and Minnesota, an armed unit that must have a "Top Secret" security clearance according to an official solicitation.

"The project will have a requirement for the contractor to have a Top Secret facility clearance by the start of performance," states the FPS notice.

The fact that the contractors being hired must have a "Top Secret" security clearance clearly suggests that the DHS is not merely seeking to hire armed guards, but Blackwater-style mercenaries who will be engaged in some kind of clandestine activity.

Let your voice be heard, are we in the End of Days? Cast your vote here

"All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent." -- Thomas Jefferson

Did you know that the United States Army National Guard has been advertising job openings for "Internment Specialists?" A leaked U.S. Army document prepared for the Department of Defense contains shocking plans for "political activists" to be pacified by "PSYOP officers" into developing an "appreciation of U.S. policies" while detained in prison camps inside the United States.

Has the time come when political dissidents and malcontents will no longer dare question the actions of their government? By doing so, would they risk being rounded up by Internment Specialists and filed away in a place where they cannot disturb a perfect Orwellian, "1984″ like peace?

Remember, in the parlance of New Speak, peace is war. The government simply wants to be prepared, as a part of Rex 84.

Rex 84, short for Readiness Exercise 1984, was written by Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North, who was both National Security Council White House Aide, and NSC liaison to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and John Brinkerhoff, the deputy director of "national preparedness" programs for FEMA.

It is a contingency plan developed by the United States federal government to suspend the United States Constitution, declare martial law, place military commanders in charge of state and local governments, and detain large numbers of American citizens who were deemed to be "national security threats", in the event that the President declared a "State of Domestic National Emergency".

So in the meantime, most Americans remain oblivious about these plans and go about their day struggling to make a living day to day, occasionally relying upon secured loans and installment loans for their daily bread. Just so you know...

Yes, The Re-Education Camp Manual Does Apply Domestically to U.S. Citizens!

Let your voice be heard, are we in the End of Days? Cast your vote here

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YES or NO, how would you answer this question here

In this video I ask, "do you know about the new world order illuminati"? Civilizations world wide have been manipulated by this secretive group of globalists. They aren't "elites", they just understand the power of the human mind and how to direct people to their own selfish ends.

For us, when we fight the takes us...we become the darkness. So how do we push back? By using love, because love wins. Not saying love them, but by loving one another and sticking together...humanity will win every time.

If you got value out of this video, please like, share, and subscribe.

To learn how to manifest your dream life of health, wealth, and abundance go to

We would love to get your honest answer to this question here You, as a parent should have as many facts as you can get about autism and vaccines dangers before you take any steps to vaccinate your child!

Do you find yourself having doubts whether vaccines can really protect your child from illness or disease? Do you worry that your child could become autistic, or develop asthma, allergies, or even a fatal childhood disease such as Sudden Infant Death syndrome? These are not theories. Millions of American infants have these conditions today. Yet most other countries recommend less than half the vaccines we do.

What you're about to discover through this video may come as a shock. It did for many people who chose to get informed and begin to research vaccines and their effect on the body. The information in this video comes from hundreds of hours of digging into the medical literature and checking and comparing the facts. This knowledge has compelled many to speak out, and they are ridiculed for asking questions and demanding the so called "experts" to do more research.

Much of what was discovered is in conflict with the way most of us are taught to care for our children. Let's face it, most parents agree to have their newborn child vaccinated and believe it is the right thing to do. It's what their parents did, and it's what their doctors recommend. Once they start, the child goes on to receive numerous vaccinations year after year, up through their teens. All the while you, the parent, continue to think you're doing the right thing.

Well as it turns out, it's often at the detriment of your child health and quality of life.

Learn more here:

This is not a game, NEW Urgent Poll values your response here

The Covid pandemic is a game of numbers used to fool the masses into believing cases and deaths are more than what they really are. Search engine algorithm AI bot does the impossible by providing a search result for almost any random number you search for. Check out the video, and test it out for yourself.

Help wake up the sleepwalkers by liking and sharing the video.

By the way, wouldn't more love, health, wealth, and happiness be a welcome added addition to your life? Download the 7 secrets to manifesting your dream life to find out how it's done here

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*IMPORTANT: We would love to get your answer to this question here

This is part 5 of a powerful investigation series by Project Veritas. In a sit-down interview with Pfizer insider, Melissa Strickler. She leaked internal emails that show corporate executives telling staff to be secretive about the use of human fetal tissue in laboratory testing of the COVID mRNA vaccine.

Check out the original video and post here "PFIZER LEAKS: Whistleblower Goes On Record, Reveals Internal Emails from Chief Scientific Officer & Senior Director of Worldwide Research Discussing COVID Vaccine ... ‘We Want to Avoid Having the Information on the Fetal Cells Floating Out There’

With all the chaos in the world, staying mentally and physically strong can be a challenge. Check out the link below to discover the 7 secrets to more health, wealth, love, and happiness starting today

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In this video, Grant Cardone does an in-depth and powerful interview with Dr. Robert Malone. The inventor of mRNA technology used in vaccines. He covers his bio, mRNA vaccine safety and effectiveness, PCR test effectiveness, the false narrative surrounding the COVID-19 virus vaccine, and Vaccine damage is being misrepresented and covered up.

Learn more about Grant Cardone at
Learn more about Dr. Robert Malone at

If you're tired of being forced to live in fear, and want to take control of your destiny...then this free download will expose the 7 secrets to more love, happiness, health, and wealth.
Grab your copy here

Medical Disclaimer: Information contained in this video is for educational purposes only. Seek the advice of a qualified medical professional before making any medical decision.

I'm glad you decided to watch this video, please take a second and answer this quick question here

Within, we will detail the extent of the current war we find ourselves in as a people of the planet called Earth.

This video was released the 2nd week of August 2021.

We are currently at war. Some would say World War 3 has begun.

It's a war against the billions of free people of our planet brought to us by the few hundred global elites who want to enslave the masses.

What does it mean to be enslaved?

Enslaved means to subjugate. Which means, to bring under control and governance as a subject and CONQUER.

If you don't see that 2020 was all about control the people, then you've been asleep.

You might think, “it was because of the virus”.

We're here to tell you that from the perspective of the global elite, you ARE the “virus”.

YOU are a “virus”.

The psychological operation that took place throughout 2020 and into 2021 was massive, deep, and wide.

It involved the 2020 election, it involved the climate change agenda, it involved implementing a scientific dictatorship, it involved the rise of medical tyranny.

The media, which include social media and the entertainment industry, were and are against the people. They ARE the enemy of the people.

Most of the politicians were against the people, most corporations were against the people, most law enforcement and intelligence agencies were and are against the people.

If you got value out of this video, please like and share.

** Do YOU Want to Learn How to Realistically Earn a Rock Solid Income Leveraging the Power of the Internet...Starting From Scratch?"

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Take a second and answer this 1 Question here

In this video I go on a road rant about the self righteous mask cult. The ones who think they hold the moral high ground because they are doing what they're told. The people who don't realize that their actions are pure optics and hold no basis in reality. I discuss the state of the world when it comes to the current "virus", and why what we're being told about it is pure misinformation. A PSYOP, larger than the world has ever seen is currently in play. It's bigger than money, it's about power, control, and the culling of the herd.

You might also like:

Discover 10 Vaccine Facts The Mainstream Media Doesn’t Want You To Know!


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Urgent Poll, what do you think about this==>

After the 2020 Presidential election, the debate of Voter ID has resurfaced and the democrats are pretty upset about it. Many state have, proposed, or have instituted new voter ID laws in order to ensure only legal citizens of the United States are able to vote in elections.

However, democrats and some corporations declare that the requirement to show an ID to vote violates people's constitutional right to vote with no obstructions.

Does it though????

I answer that and many other questions in this video.

If you get some value out of it, please subscribe, like and share.

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Would having more health, wealth, and freedom be something you'd enjoy.

Then go to to discover how you can generate income from multiple sources using the power of the internet.

Before you go, take a quick 1 Question Urgent Poll here

In this video I talk about how the old tried and true method of Problem, Reaction, Solution has been used to create fear and panic throughout the world. This fear and panic has caused the public to turn off almost all critical thinking. The lack of critical thinking has people running into the meat shredder of a Scientific dictatorship. Refuse to participate, and the illusion of fear and the tyranny of world leaders collapses.

Go to for me insight on this topic and others.


Created 3 years, 9 months ago.

17 videos

Category Education

Full Spectrum Awareness