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I am distributing this video not because I am ideologically a National Socialist, but because I want to appreciate the Bible. These two ideologies agree here, don't they? I hope for you that you also have the opportunity to act more and more according to the Bible.

Nicht weil ich ideologisch Nationalsozialist bin, sondern weil ich die Bibel schätzen möchte verbreite ich dieses Video. Hier stimmen diese beiden Ideologien überein, oder?Ich hoffe für euch, das ihr auch die Möglichkeit besitzt mehr und mehr nach der Bibel zu handeln.

Hitler talks about European history from around 2000 years ago until today and compares the attacks of foreigners on European civilization during this time. This is a speech excerpt from the declaration of war to the "Paradise of the Peasants and Workers", which long before the war cost the lives of 6 million Ukrainians. It is also important to know that our Adolf emphasizes at the beginning of his speech that he has no hatred against the Russian people - the complete speech is about an hour long if my memories are not deceptive. In Hitler's view, the Russian people have been enslaved by a small non-Russian class. A people who would certainly be culturally in no way inferior to Europe, if one considers buildings, literature, inventions etc.

Hitler redet über die europäische Geschichte von vor ca. 2000 Jahren bis heute und vergleicht die Angriffe kulturfremder Menschen auf die europäische Zivilisation während dieser Zeit. Dies ist ein Redeausschnitt der Kriegserkärung an das "Paradies der Bauern und Arbeiter", welches lange Zeit vor dem Krieg 6 Millionen Ukrainern das Leben kostete. Wichtig ist auch zu wissen, das unser Adolf am Anfang seiner Rede betont, das er keinen Hass gegen das russische Volk hegt- die komplette Rede ist wenn meine Erinnerungen nicht trügen ca. eine Stunde lang. Nach Hitlers Ansicht ist das russische Volk von einer kleinen nicht-russischen Schicht versklavt worden. Ein Volk, das sicherlich Europa kulturell nichts nachstehen würde, betrachtet man Bauwerke, Literatur, Erfindungen usw.

the greeks, but later in the story, as in Part 3 of the series

historical series by Reuvin Matveev, spread the gospel

Here is part 7 of the video series: "the not so chosen people" The original link from the author is: Here you can also see other parts of the video (part 7.2 for example) without the annoying download logo.
Thank you for making the videos.

free speech > propaganda

part one

i do not own this video

different perspective from regular school& media

I do not own this video. Re-upload. This video tells the story from an other point of view compared to what is taught in school. Even though this perspective in unusual today everyone should be able to inform him/herself. Our German state bans videos like this. For the purpose of free speech I re-upload & share.

taken from a good guy who does not care about all negative propaganda of the government in america and europe.

Re-upload from "Jews for Hitler".

video taken from "Jews for Hitler". Re-upload, I do not own this video. Government stop ban our history!

Video taken from "jews for hitler". I do not own this video.

Taken from "Jews for Hitler". I do not own this video. Re-upload, god may help you do good things! & We should listen to all sides before judging.

taken from "Jews for Hitler" Re-upload. Purpose: Freedom of opinion sharing! I do not own this video. Enjoy!

Re-upload from "Jews for Hitler". I re-uploaded this. History should not be banned. I do not own this video. I do not agree (nor disagree) with several statements done in this videos. Like "they steal our homes, and so on- and sometimes they also steal our names". But after all- regarding the historical work of the author of this video and compare it to the defamation of the other works of the official history of today- i think it's right to upload it. Just do not take some of the authors comments personally and god may bless you!

Noch ein Interview mit Udo Walendy.



Der Titel sagt alles.

Die Wahrheit soll siegen!


Created 3 years, 9 months ago.

27 videos

Category Arts & Literature

If you got any thoughts of dislike to any video, or want to discuss with me or want to tell me what i can do better or just share your own thoughts or anything else: I am there for you, send me a mail: [email protected]