Gf Savages

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Gf Savages

Gf Savages


#2024 #college #collegegraduation #collegegraduate
Hopefully this reaches the right people.

#lego #animalcrossing
having funn

#420 i made this while high

actually content soon I hope

#filmfestival #riversidecalifornia #filmmaking #qanda
The questions and answers portion of RIFF's Southern California college student section, featuring filmmakers Arlene Torres (El Halcón, 2023), Joey Edivan-Hernandez (Tooned Out!, 2023), Grandt Savages (Happy?, 2023), and Yifan Xiang (Strangers Under My Skin, 2024).

fuuny joke

#blender #blender3d #art #artist #comedy

A short, impulsively conceived conceptual collage.

Audio by Gf and @spongebobweed (Hugo Alexander)

Poems featured:

null Nostalgia, Frutiger Gong,
this on and on, Babylon gone
for Berlin slain, I know your name
know me

If the word is a fire then the fire is God
they'll burn in the fire all the liars and frauds
But if the word is a fire that's the work of a man
then it'll twist and burn any way that it can
cause if the sweat on a back is the mark of a man
then to deal with the Devil is according to plan
and the curse of God is the blood on our hands
I say "Peacemaker, Peacemaker, take the stand!"

I found an unopened lego star wars set and since I remember my cousins owning it when I was little I just had to get it. I figured I would stream myself building it as a sort of soft return to YouTubing.

And Deat isn't going to stop either

#bluray #4k #comedy #livestream
Just a lazy livestream where I talk about more movies I like

A simple meditation on moving forward. I didn't script this because I'm a hypocrite.

Originally uploaded July 20th 2020, remastered December 10th 2023

A short film about waking up.

Originally released in November 30th 2021, remastered December 10th 2023.


Filmed Horizontal cause I'm not a fucking fed

A Collage film about California.

Directed and Edited by Grandt from Savages
Sound Design by Laurie "Goatty" Smith and Hugo Alexander
Additional Sound Design by Gf Savages
Models by Gf Savages and Connor Lesch
Opening Song composed and preformed by The Bird

Plot Synopsis:
A man confronts his own demons in the mirror.

A short film by Grandt from Savages. Originally uploaded December 31st 2021, remastered December 10th 2023.

Sincerest thanks for watching.

#godzillaminusone2023 #godzillaminusone #godzilla #kaiju #tokusatsu

Thanks to my friend @deat9168 for editing the video for me, I just didn't have the energy to do it myself.

I wanted to get some of my thoughts about Godzilla Minus One out because I hadn't seen too many videos talking about it from this perspective. I would love to hear what you thought of it in the comments below. Have a great one!

A young man, lost in the megalopolis around him, struggles with isolation and violence. An experimental short made using original and found footage/audio. Originally released August 6th 2021, remastered December 10th 2023.

Jackson Mares as The Man
Grandt Savages as The Boy

Grant Savages

Jackson Mares
Nathaniel Grey

Grandt Savages
Connor Lesch
Jackson Mares
Nathaniel Grey

Production Assistants
Nathaniel Grey
Connor Lesch

Special Effects
Grandt Savages
Nathaniel Grey

Creative Consultants
Nathan Sears
Connor Lesch
“Rag” Ragnarok

Special Thanks
Jase Mongelli

Additional Thanks
My Cousin, voice & modeling
My Friend, technical and financial
& the rest, input and encouragement

Thank you all for watching

Merry Christmas

A person has a nightmare and decides to do something about it.

Short film by Grandt from Savages. Originally released March 22nd, 2021, remastered December 10th, 2023.

Admittedly, I think I could've done a lot better at communicating what I wanted to (creative anxiety for those wondering,) but whatever. I worked very hard on this and I hope it shows.

I'd love to hear feedback and criticism!

Directed by Grandt from Savages, Hugo Alexander, and Lauz "Goatty" Goattem

Video Editing by "Gf" Savages
Audio Editing by Hugo Alexander @spongebobweed and Goatty @Got_Goat

Featured Composition by: Noa @noanims

In the year 2020, a young adult grapples with the world around him and struggles with isolation. Made entirely with found media.

Original Digital Version:

Originally released December 15th 2020, remastered December 10th 2023.

A Simple Introduction to a series of videos where I will give my thoughts on the films of Akira Kurosawa. Thank you for watching.

The fifteenth in an ongoing series of collaborations between myself and various audio editors. This is the sixth collaboration featuring @Got_Goat . Made entirely using remixed media.


Created 5 years, 5 months ago.

224 videos

Category Entertainment

Grandt from Savages is a right-handed Caucasian male. His father reports normal milestone development.

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