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In order for heat to flow, there must be circulation of the water, even in a nominally stationary sea. However, trying to characterize the flow field is no mean feat, but it is questionable whether it is really relevant to the problem

The current approach to calculating temperature profiles is based on explicit solution of the equations of fluid flow. A simpler, more holistic approach appears to generate actual understanding, rather than merely generating numbers from a model.

Nobel Laureate (Physics 2022) John Clauser exposes the malfeasance behind the climate crisis scam

The purpose of the climate hoax is to depress the value of energy companies so they can be purchased with pennies in the pound. It is part of a much wider conspiracy which has been gestating over the past fifty years.

Prof Ian Plimer describes the anti-science of the climate hoax

The likely cause of the innaccuracy of the thermodynamic equation is discussed

A not altogether successful attempt at a theoretical prediction of temperature profile in an ideal, static ocean.

There will be an election soon, where one bunch of WEF lackeys will be replaced by another bunch of WEF lackeys, and the wishes of the people studiously ignored. That, coupled with the corruption of the academy and legacy media, all indicate that, perhaps, the time has come.

The correct theory of troposphere temperature distribution is presented. Sadly, it does not cause the alarm and panic the powers that be want.

The global warming hoax rests on the two pillars of sponsored consensus and models. Both are very shaky, and collapse under scrutiny.

The facts do not support the myth that there are too many people.

The non-problem of over-population, and its nefarious origin, are explained.

Any discussion on population must begin with facts, not third rate Malthusian fantasy.

If you still believe you can trust mainstream media, particularly when it rants about non-existent existential threats, let this gentleman enlighten you.

There nothing like graphics to hide a thousand lies

Adjust the temperature records to fit the carbon dioxide concentration, and then claim the data proves CO2 caused climate change. Really?

Like the climate alarmists, the flat earthers are driven by religious zealotry, and are impervious to reason or science.

This is seriously promoted as 'irrefutable settled science'

For those who find my posts too long for their busy schedules, here is a short presentation explaining why the 'greenhouse effect' is nonsense.

From duff models to invalid theory and tampered data sets, it is obvious why the climate crisis narrative is not open to debate. The fact that opposing views are suppressed and censored is the clearest evidence that the protagonists have someting to hide.

An improved estimate of troposphere temperature distribution is obtained using a single component condensing nitrogen atmosphere rather than a gaseous nitrogen with methane vapour mixture

Pat Condell gives us his take on higher education which may explain the junk science of climate alarmism and the poor standard of modern journalism.

The bogus bottle trick does not prove the greenhouse effect, it merely confirms that carbon dioxide absorbs infra red. Unfortunately, in failing to account for all energy flows, it ignores the energy re-radiated by the gas. At equilibrium these are the same, so 'blocking' of infra red radiation by a greenhouse gas is impossible

The runaway greenhouse effect has been used to frighten the public into accepting ludicrous energy policies. It is arrant nonsense.

An error was found in the code used to generate approximate planetary temperature profiles for planets having liquid oceans. This has been corrected and the video containing erroneous results has been deleted


Created 5 years, 1 month ago.

106 videos

Category Education

I am a conspiracy theorist. My co-conspirators include Sir Isaac Newton, Max Planck, James Joule, Sadi Carnot, Robert Boyle and Jacques Charles, among others. Together we refute the drivel that is propagated by knaves and fools concerning the 'climate crisis'.