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the problem with niggers isnt poverty or location. its niggers themselves!

segregation protected our kids safety and kept the educational standards high.
bussing niggers and spics from poor and violent areas of there own creation ruined it.

you think thats bad parrot? you should hear about what happened to him in prison when he was sent away for CP. GDL material for sure.

foul, worthless, stupid, violent, subhuman wetbacks that are closer to niggers then actual humans.
all there countries are dirty, filled with trash, gangs, crime and corruption.
kick these fucking beaners out of america and have a shoot to kill order for border trespassers! amen!

sick synagogue of satan kikes.
they are by nature pathological liars, thieves, rapists, pedophiles, demonic spawns of satan.
everything they do has the underlying motive of destroying the purity in this world.
this is the kind of sick shit TjJohnson supported before we exposed him and ran that jew off. disgusting kike.

stole dis from Jim Crenshaw - https://www.bitchute.com/video/u13o8JSlxTeo/

how does one develop this fetish?
i dig how he had the common courtesy to hang the gas pump back up tho.

it would be fatal if niggers had brains.
regardless, funniest video ive seen all day!

definitely related to HispaniC KingS aka PerplexingPerceptions333. foul subhuman wetback trash.

this is why i think the death penalty to apply to niggers when stuff like this happens. this isnt youthful shenanigans they will grow out of. they will only get worse. kill them now and save future victims of violence and crime that comes from subhuman niggers. they are worthless and should all be shipped to israel.

i dunno about u but i was amused by that.

the stupidity of niggers never ceases to amaze.

stole dis from Jim Crenshaw - https://www.bitchute.com/video/QJImL4IvXn3U/

this is why everything in dirty ass hispanio is a broken down shithole.
sure made for some good ViVi Media tho!

jews are so confident and proud of waving there desire for white genocide in our faces.
i think we need a solution. a final solution.

what a joke. these hair hat creatures belong in the genocidal jungles of shithole africa, not structured and civilized white societies.
send these subhumans back!

gun safety rule - no magazine doesnt mean safe!
macs are also notorious for discharging when dropped. if it aint full auto its just a heavy and pointlessly oversized dangerous handgun.
he just learned that. notice he clutches his chest near his heart when shot. hopefully he died

you have to be absolutely ruthless to plan something like that

cant wait until the wife backs out of the driveway tomorrow morning.
shits gonna be golden.
yal can find me sleeping on the couch for the rest of the week.

if you havent seen this documentary, you should.
the first step is admitting the bad guys won in wwii.
everything we see going on today is a side effect of that.
wake up!

jews did this. make no mistake about it. multiculturalism is a cutesy name given to this kike white replacement weapon wielded to cause conflict and unrest, to destroy the culture and societies of white western europe from within.

stole dis from Philosophers-stone.info pureblood - https://www.bitchute.com/video/ul8ywKrawXYL/

have a nice trip, sell you next fall!
bet the aftermath of that battle smelled of curry!

fucking white people bringing morality, empathy, humanity, law & order, cohesive society and common decency to the far reaches of the globe, while having the audacity to pave roads, teach math, science, farming, the alphabet, reading, writing, modern medicine, and free trade, while instructing the locals to not rape kids. goddamn white people!

fucking nasty ass std slathered faggot spic filth.
these are the commercials that would play exclusively during Don Lemon segments on CNN.
i shit you not

stole dis from MAGAlionHAT - https://www.bitchute.com/video/aFDfewHZ4nC5/


Created 2 years, 1 month ago.

2077 videos

Category None

i document human turds. trash. garbage. degeneracy. filth. crap. take a bite 💩🍔

if you mute me you will be blocked! fair warning.
if you spam or do something where i ask u to stop and u dont listen or cop a attitude, u will be blocked! fair warning.

the thumbs downs all come from idiots and assholes who were blocked, but being 'super fans' of this channel they are addicted to the content and watch every video, thumbing it down as a sad, pitiful and helpless scream in the dark. pathetic but also hilarious!

you are free to post my videos 'as is' on your own video channels. they are mostly all watermarked to prevent content theft and refusal to give me credit as the bitchute source by TjJohnson. problem has been fixed. share away, that jew wont now that i watermark them

below are shill and bot accounts. created and run by paid trolls or ai. they are nearly always run by democrat super pacs, soros/ADL/JIDF sources. they focus on pretending to be pro white but exclusively attack pro white channels or spread disinfo, pro israel propaganda. dont be fooled by these accounts. they are not what they pretend to be. do not engage with them, thats how they earn money and will try to get you into a never ending argument that can go on forever without needing sleep. dont fall for it. block and mute them.

TjJohnson aka Itchy Titty Bang Bang (content thieving JIDF kikes) https://www.bitchute.com/channel/dHtSfCWN84Pa/

Shlock-Puppet (literally a sock puppet account of TjJohnsons) https://www.bitchute.com/profile/bsyOw3NIkMqA/

DeploribusUnum (another kike loving TjJohnson pet) https://www.bitchute.com/profile/mfD2tiwCm7hB/

Bored Yacht Ape (cant figure out if hes TjJohnsons jew pet, Hispanio TVs spic pet, or a white nationalist) https://www.bitchute.com/profile/A2fPj3RsoY5Q/

Hispano TV (wetback) https://www.bitchute.com/channel/UAM4PHKc8sZn/ [lol! we killed his channel!]

PerplexingPerceptions333 (a beaner sock puppet account of Hispanio TV) https://www.bitchute.com/profile/3TjdfKSHsFmB/

Michael Weston (JIDF kike) https://www.bitchute.com/channel/9RsqD2W5oMGz/

Goldstalker1972 (Tj pet & Pedo) https://www.bitchute.com/channel/yMLJoBLuxosq/ [lol! he deleted his account!]

EroMod (pedophile bot account. some weird project. not what it seems to be) https://www.bitchute.com/channel/DxJ3AQIm5TGF/

LOTUS ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ (honeypot fed account) https://www.bitchute.com/profile/ncivelo2i0Cc/

Morlocks (sock puppet account of LOTUS ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ) https://www.bitchute.com/profile/XwZ0TWZoDntT/

NiggpotsAdventures (mentally ill half breed) https://www.bitchute.com/channel/P6fhBNw9G28M/

yhkyh1711 (mentally ill retard spammer) https://www.bitchute.com/profile/oPXjcgA3Ejwv/

Iamnottrump (page was full of nigger tranny porn until i called him on it and he erased it. fag) https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ttNPm6hg761n/

johnyrubberboots (sock puppet account of Iamnottrump) https://www.bitchute.com/profile/vRW6rbFBBEDr/

yelojedi (sock puppet account of Iamnottrump) https://www.bitchute.com/profile/GVvYitTcd3E7/

straightman1 (sock puppet account of Iamnottrump) https://www.bitchute.com/video/XYAzsuthQnK3/ [deleted account after i posted it was Iamnottrump]

Anti-Baxter (nigger loving anifa supporting communist) https://www.bitchute.com/profile/f7elI30Zk8wh/

Bitchute_Sadsack#44 (nigger loving communist who makes shitty meth music) https://www.bitchute.com/channel/LS6xzRRqy1va/

enragedkimchis (mentally ill retard who talks like he had a stroke and calls everyone 'jewsa') https://www.bitchute.com/profile/kiGYSSM44twQ/

jewsa3 (sock puppet account of enragedkimchis. bet he has 'jewsa' tatted above his ass) https://www.bitchute.com/profile/ax36NCftrc7x/

siwixnnxjeu (sock puppet account of enragedkimchis. bet he has 'jewsa' tatted above his ass) https://www.bitchute.com/profile/lMuxfUMSNGzP/

Fluffs_the_Evil (far left, lgbt, nigger loving, star wars soy boy and satanist worshipper) https://www.bitchute.com/channel/zs5mEI4glKpD/

billyjones (spamming jewish bot account. do not engage or like his content)

jewish bot accounts pretending to be patriots, maga, neo nazis, etc. all are liberal run shill accounts that will only attack pro white channels. they are overly desperate for attention and can strangely comment back 24/7. these accounts tend to use hitler/nazi or anime avatars. big clue. no urls for these because they are paid to interact. do not interact with them! block/mute! trust me!

Tyrone Jackson
White People Suck