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George Lucas crying about fan movies and them restoring the original trilogy. What a joke.

They try to normalize suicide and organ harvesting, then they promote turning yourself into a robot as a "good thing".

Victor Salva video:

Based on a true story:

Another video on the actual area:

Related article:

I find it very interesting studying art, films, manifestations and prophecies. It's ridiculous what people suppress in this world vs what is promoted the most. It makes no logical sense. I am convinced the more it occurs, the more insane those in power will literally become - and the rest of the world will see it too.

There really is no place for deceptions, lies and pretending to be in control anymore - or pretending to know the future and try to play everyone with a backwards agenda.
People have become too woke and those who continue to try and control everyone and abuse their power will eventually become the victims of their own stubborn folly and blindness.
Here is a perfect example:
Look up the top 4 followed users on Tik Tok. Why are they promoted so much and who are they really?
Why doesn't anyone do a video about who predicted the creation and manifestation of the tik tok app, which was me?
The world you live in is a lie and a vicious loop of cover ups - hiding a simple little truth, which makes no logical sense.
We are eternal.
I do matter and exist. I have purpose and one man is more important than the governments will ever admit, because they are stubborn, retarded little pussies that refuse to change their destructive backwards nature.
I demonstrate truth of prophecies and breaking out of vicious loops.
Accept that truth and acknowledge it.

These people pretend they are holy and righteous, constantly promoting themselves as "saviours and heroes".
They act like they are better than everyone else, meanwhile destroying cities and comitting genocides and murder with weapons like haarp.

Some of my artwork has depicted the future deaths of royals, politicians and celebrities.
It's like a secret book of the dead.
They place themselves up on pedestals higher and higher, claiming they are heroes saving the world. They are murderers using tools, distractions and devices against mankind.

Real demonic possession caught on film...
The Rowdy Girls 1999:
If you watch Species 1995 it demonstrates a similar subject matter - a demon tranny mating or having sex with a male.

He was the false female, hero icon image of Heavy Metal 2000. This is what transgenderism leads to - regret, psychological problems,
insecurity, demonic possession, violence, sexual immoralities and death.

Zgens, millenials and liberals all looming up a mountain to claim a victory that doesn't exist. Often they end up learning that the hard way.

It amazes me how much our freedom of speech, freedom of artistic expression and having our own opinions have been attacked so much the last 8 years.

The first mountain bikes were made in the 1970's.
I never owned a mountain bike until after high school.
The current developments and changes towards mountain bikes - seems to be transforming into a sort of monster bike. You can even find a few monster truck - like motorcycles on the internet.

You must comply with the beast transgenderism system. Now, cut off your breasts and nuts and convince yourselves that you are righteous.
Pretend it is normal.
Here, take some more monkey ass injections for your lips. Now flood the borders with criminals and terrorists who will start slaughtering homosexuals and drag queens. Declare martial law and a state of war. Bomb the shit out of everyone. Commence organ harvesting operations. Stay above the law, pretend you are holy, annointed and ordained.
Convince everyone that they are living on a flat plane inside a box that they can't escape.
Hand out white robes and kool-aid.
Play holy music.
Repeat cycle
Ignore Travis
Repeat cycle
Ignore Travis
Repeat cycle
Ignore Travis
Repeat cycle
Ignore Travis

Source video:

The great project blue beam, 2nd coming of Christ deception starring antichrist Donald Trump and his resurrected fake death actors.
How many celebrities died between 2020 and 2024 and or faked their deaths? How many of them were promoting the death jabs just like Donald Trump?

Some people might not like the things I write or subjects I cover in my videos. Well, I don't like the way the world has changed since Trump and the Qanon circus came on the scene. I have no respect for murderers or criminals -pretending that they are above the law.

Father Theresa some call her; and they believe she is Anthony Fauci's father. Scaly - mutating skin, shapeshifting hands, slit pupils, deep eye sockets. The face was literally melting off the skull at her funeral.
Tales of child trafficking and demonic possession.

Nobody listens.

Shared video.

Connections with my digital electric series, Cern, Hollywood's Dr. Strange, Shiva - god of destruction and a colored pencil drawing from the early 90's.

Music track: Neptunian Electro Punch by Neptune.

Do you know the true meanings of the words apocalypse and armageddon? Have you been misled about the end times, the rapture, the tribulation period, project blue beam and the artificial second coming of Christ?

Do your homework.

Read between the lines:

Project Blue Beam article:

Donald Trump and John F. Kennedy Jr. pretend to be saving the world, while destroying the entire country. More and more celebrities being revealed as faking their deaths... shameful deceptions.

Frequencies are being used against you. Look up brain frequencies and listening to different sounds when you feel you are being attacked or need help.

Comet Wirtanen labeled as the Christmas comet in 2018 was photographed and appeared green. It is a Jupiter class comet that comes around every 5 years or so.
It returns in May 2024 - traveling behind the sun out of our field of view. Could this be a marker again of a catastrophic event?

Fluoride, aspartame, sugars, high fructose corn syrup, brominated vegetable oil and dyes in our water, toothpaste and foods all contribute to hyperactivity and neurological problems.
Why do we poison our own people?

Hyperactive comets:,Wirtanen%20is%20one%20of%20them.

Comet Wirtanen:

Meteorite shower connections:


A video I'm sharing from Apocalypse Now In The Vatican.
Keep the ten commandments.
Pay heed to the seven deadly sins.

Rant Tube video #2

These people are sick:

Yanuka Rav Shlomo Yehuda
A baby dick sucking jew - they are claiming performs miracles and is a messiah - and no I'm not removing that statement. I'm sure his message is peace, while him and his supporters deliver deceptions and destruction.
They are wrong and filthy in my opinion.

Donald Trump lying about the vaccines:

Donald Trump promoting death jabs:

Do not vote for Trump. In fact, don't take part in their bullshit elections. Don't vote for anyone. It's fake election shit that nobody cares about anymore.

Trump, Biden, John F. Kennedy Jr. All Q and Trump supporters and their fake prophets wearing earpieces and saying they heard the "lord" say to them and the "lord" said such and such is going to happen are all completely full of shit.

It's all about making money and controlling the narrative, which they are learning the hard way that they have no control over prophecy.

My prophetic drawings Warp Drive 1984 and Land Of Illusion 1992 - parallel mass consciousness development, learning and understanding about creativity, manifestation, destruction and prophecies.
It is like a hidden world that I've been sharing in my videos and posts the last 6 years.


Created 3 years, 1 month ago.

148 videos

Category Education

Persistence, perseverance, patience and prayer.
I produce artwork, music and videos.
Freedom of speech, freedom of artistic expression, freedom of opinion and my own perspective.
If you can't handle that, please turn the channel.