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As the lost saga concludes with both the struggles and triumphs of heroes past, the heroes of today prepare for the upcoming battle of the century.

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After the Eldo-Drakonisian war, our heroes oddly find themselves living detached lives separated from each other for some reason. However, there are those who know the exact reasons behind that mystery.

A young countess explains the dire circumstances plaguing Eldora to a wandering traveler with no memories.

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The brothers, Eios and Apollo confront each other on the battlefield, as the rest of Eios' comrades handle Eldorian forces.

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The war between Eldora and Drakonisia has finally arrived. However, Rasputin concocts underhanded methods in order to defeat his enemies.

Eldora strikes Drakonisia at dawn. However, Rasputin renders Eios in a state of hibernation until the invasion is over. In his dreams, Prince Eios meets Lilith, the infamous queen of shadows.

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Nicodemus meets up with Prince Eios one, particular night to inform the latter about the upcoming invasion Eldora has planned for Drakonisia. Meanwhile, Rasputin uses an advanced spell to act as telecommunication for King Apollo to spread his propaganda. Both sides prepare for battle.

Nicodemus meets up with Prince Eios in their secret rendezvous point. The prophet addresses to Eios the upcoming invasion Eldora has planned against Drakonisia. This was indeed Rasputin's involvement.

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The Black Monk, Rasputin returns years later now with the intent of spreading war and chaos between Eldora and Drakonisia. The naive and arrogant king, Apollo is the perfect catalyst.

Just when you think an individual would turn over a new leaf to do good when the opportunity, they instead do the exact opposite. Rasputin delves even further into darkness.

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The true mastermind behind the conflicts in the Northern Heights region has been revealed, as the news greatly distresses the Silver Wolf. However, justice must be served.

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The trio along with the Silver Wolf travel into a nearby crystal cave where the trio is shown the priceless materials not found anywhere else in the world. However, another entity follows the group and seeks to perpetuate the conflicts within the region.

Once the snowstorm passes, the trio along with the Silver Wolf travel into the crystalline snow cave to reveal the highly sought after raw materials that so many tribes are competing for. There were initially four in the cave, then there was a fifth explorer.

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King Drake sends the impromptu trio off a mission in the Northern Heights region to end the ongoing conflict between the humans and non-human tribes in that area. There, the trio meet the Wolfjäeger family.

The impromptu trio venture into the Northern Heights regions to aid the arctic wolf tribe as part of the Draconian alliance. However, they run into a friendly girl of the Wolfjäger family named Anya. 0

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Prince Eios and Keith stay in the tribal lands of Drakonisia, where the tribe's matriarch shares her backstory of how the Priest King delivered her from Lilith's control. However, King Drake assigns the humans on a dangerous mission in order to fully trust their loyalty.

Leda reveals the history of how she was delivered from Lilith's control by the Priest King.

#plotagon #cartoon #shorts #sneakpeek #untitledambition

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Years later, Prince Eios travels throughout Zestria in search of knowledge. However, his hunger for research has led him to set his sights on the mysterious lands of Drakonisia.

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Apollo gets appointed the next king of the Nation of Light; Four of the legendary heroes meet up to ascend with Lady Elpis. Prior her departure, Titania gifts Eios the "Untitled Ambition," as the latter sets off to start his own journey.


Created 2 years, 2 months ago.

211 videos

Category Anime & Animation

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