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Blackpilled as it gets and why I remain there. Are you willing to die? I am. I'm not going to a camp/gulag, if or/when it happens and I'm still alive. What say you. I think it's too late and he's right, the US is dead. It'll either be death or the gulag. What's it gonna be?

Please share or mirror with a link back to this page in description. Thanks

Comments welcome below 👇🏻 If mirrored, please be kind and post link to the original vid in your description, thanks 😁

No nigger skull was damaged, during this experiment.

If you see a meme or vid here and decide to capture and repost on your channel, please be kind and leave a link back here in your description. Thanks
Comments welcome below 👇🏻

Comments welcome below 👇🏻
If you mirror this please be kind and post original source in your vid description, thanks 😁

If you see a meme or vid here and decide to capture and repost on your channel, please be kind and leave a link back here in your description. Thanks
Comments welcome below 👇🏻

The conclusion of the most dangerous superstition by LRose
I don't agree with everything but...
Listen closely for the definition of anarchy

The definition of nigger has sure changed over time and potential fake influencer, you decide 🥱

Anti-Nigger 🎧🎵🎶

🧑🏻🔄👨🏿 David Allan Coe 🎧🎵🎶



Enjoy a sunset, cool breeze, the stars...

Boston Dynamics Via Seoul Korea via Hyundai

Rheeeeeeeeee! Trigger ⚠️ for femtards. Now image a man doing this. I rest my case. 🎻


Funny, watch your ears 🎧 loud squeels 🤭
Something I would do.

Time to flush my radiator and power steering system ☕, I guess life goes on until, it doesn't 💥

🛑 Putting these ☣️ in the biomes

Live you best life, have a good day ☕

University of Texas in Austin.

“You can hate America, you can shout death to America that’s fine but hating Israel is not acceptable. By God you will love these jews or we’ll beat your asses until you do.” Obviously it's going to go nowhere,@USC as well.

Police state antics real or staged?
5.5 hrs away, little media coverage, more time given to cowgirl draft 🥱

The masculinize female, filthy apes (chimp out) and fake criers.
Earn the hate, filthy pig cops, statists, niggers, meskins, mudsharks, femtards...
I do not believe any woman who says she's not a fucking femtard, when she runs her chocolate dicksucker consistantly. Men have faught and died for your fucking femtard freedoms to do so. So until either the laws change or #femaleslectiveservice stfu. Points of concern: #metoo #believeallwomen, full and complete power over births, bias in welfare and family courts, male rapes in prison, 22 veterans a day suicide, #morefemaledrapedcoffins, #fuckyourfeelings #womanupbitch...

Fuck Your Feelings 😁👏🏻
Other key terms to search for my vids: femtards, feminism is carcinoma, feminism, feminist, degenerate, degeneracy, #femaleselectiveservice,
Camwhore, collage, Jews, niggers, mopheads, jewsa, walking vagina and other derogatory feminine evil terms.
Vid on bitshit trolls ☝🏻

There are numerous beta male orbiters and simps who will impregnate that thing again and care for that bastard child.

DEI mayor gets rheeeeeeeeeee'd
Another missed opportunity 😐

Oouuufffff! Ouch 😳 🤕

Vid link ☝🏻
Worth repeating, thanks Shane
Give him a like and sub if you haven't already heard it, let him know of the mirror, via OBX-girl. Catchy tune 🕺🎵🎶

Fuck Your Feelings 😁👏🏻
Other key terms to search for my vids: femtards, feminism is carcinoma, feminism, feminist, degenerate, degeneracy, #femaleselectiveservice,
Camwhore, collage, Jews, niggers, mopheads, jewsa, walking vagina and other derogatory feminine evil terms.
Vid on bitshit trolls ☝🏻


Created 5 years, 1 month ago.

771 videos

Category Education

About me and this channel: I post things I find to make people think and encourage a conversation. I will occasionally adlib and speak on vids but most of the stuff is not original so feel free to share. It's my channel, I post what I want, how I want. I originally was going to stop @700 vids but I didn't. I appreciate each of you, for putting up with my idiocies. Like, share, comment, sub but please check you feelings at the door. Give me facts & logic.

Please save at least one of my vids, I'm being shadow banned in 31 countries, check back often, people are being unsubbed almost daily. Bitshit is fucking with people's accounts on purpose, it's not me. I've experienced it being unsubbed on others channels. Here's the current list: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom