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Chatting about fears, doubts and emotions.

Just some more mysteries revealed if anyone is interested.

Only two short chapters in this book of Haggai but a lot of information pertinent to the times.

When confusion deceives us to be violent, we must submit our emotion to logic that we not fall short of our calling to follow Jesus.

Pay careful attention to all that I mention because it all fits together to show us what is taking place in the world today.

I pray reality hits home with this video.

Seven Trumpets reveal the Sevenfold Spirit of God, revealing the Seven warnings both blessings and curses.

There is only 1 sin which leads to death and once committed, there is no further forgiveness available to the one who has committed that sin.

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding - Proverbs 9:10.

The LORD's army of locust will strike fear into the hearts of all men when they realize that what they thought is not what is.

Delving deep to discover the power hidden in the Gospel which reveals God and His Christ.

Revealing what made Abaddon the Destroyer pass over a house and not destroy those inside in the past, in the present and in the future.

Identifying exactly what purgatory is, may reveal the mystery.

People talk a lot about things they truly have no understanding of, so be aware of the deceivers and what identifies them as wolves.

A hard teaching which is only understood when all of the witnesses in Scripture are joined together to reveal the mystery.

Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.

The Kingdom which is within us; the capital city which is the new Jerusalem; the Temple Bride; the red heifer and the sacrifices, all a mystery but not a mystery beyond finding out.

A chat about the deception of lies, those demons which are the messengers of Falsehood the devil who hates Father TRUTH and thinks that he should be God.

The separation of living by rules and regulation vs living by faith, started a very long time ago.

Light and darkness, day and night discussed.

Think of the LORD and His gifts of His Spirit.

Who, what, when, where, why and how is God?

Learning how to battle the enemy of man, who is Falsehood the devil.

True Fasting is not what those ignorant of the Spirit think it is just as baptism is not what men think it is either.

Born of the Spirit who is TRUTH changes one's perception of proper behavior.


Created 4 years, 11 months ago.

241 videos

Category People & Family

Discussing Bible Issues Not Discussed These Days Within The Confines Of Organized Religion.
As the Bible states, there are two sides to wisdom. One side puts to death while the other side brings to life. One side comes from the forbidden fruit of the knowledge of good and evil while the other side comes from Jesus the Holy Spirit Tree of Life. Depending upon which side of wisdom a person uses to interpret Scripture, one will get a completely different understanding of what is written from each side of wisdom. I discuss only the wisdom offered by Jesus the Tree of Life and if you join me in listening to what I share with you from Scripture, you too will glean a completely different interpretation and understanding of what is recorded in the Law, Psalms and Prophets of both the Old and the New Testaments.