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Smoking commercial cigarettes is asking to get cancer. We will talk about tobacco addiction, what's in cigarettes and how smoking is a catalyst to many diseases, and how to quit smoking naturally.

Veganism is a movement that became mainstream around 2011; it advocates against animal cruelty and eating animal products.
This video goes through why nutritionally, veganism is a nutritionally deficient diet.

The supplement industry is a billion dollar industry, that uses waste products, and chemical solvents, to produce a product that mimics vitamins in food, and sell them to health conscious people. Here is why you should eat natural whole foods, instead of taking pills, powders and supplements.

Why you should never use hydrogenated vegetable oils, debunking the cholesterol hypothesis and the truth about cardiovascular disease.

Cold therapy, ice baths and cold showers have been promoted heavily by self-improvement gurus and biohacking channels, the purported physical benefits of cold therapy, are that it reduces inflammation and boosts your immune system. They also claim psychological benefits of relieving depression.
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90-95% of serotonin and around 50-75% of our dopamine is produced in the digestive tract. Gut flora are the trillions of bacteria and other microorganisms that live in our digestive tract in harmony. Psychiatry falls short because they don't emphasize the importance of the gut brain connection; the main root cause of psychiatric disorders is caused by an imbalance in the gut flora.

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We’ve been taught all our lives that colds and flus are deadly flying viruses that are highly contagious, but is this really true?

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The cause of antisocial personality disorder is unknown, psychiatrists don’t have an answer but the Bible does. In the Bible, psychopaths are known as reprobates. They have rejected God and as a result their conscience has been seared with a hot iron, and they are permanently destined to Hell.

So no, Jeffrey Dahmer is not in Heaven, in fact, he's roasting in Hell.

There are many systems of medicine, that acknowledge positive thinking and stress have a profound influence on health. Stress causes the body to deplete large amounts of nutrients, combined with a poor diet, this weakens the body and leads to disease.

God created herbs and fruit, he sanctioned and ordained for us to eat (Genesis 1:29), and he approves of using plants as medicine. What God did not sanction and ordain are synthetic concoctions made in laboratories.

"it had been good for that man if he had not been born." Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus Christ and ultimately hanged himself and committed suicide (Acts 1:17-18). He is often used as an example of someone who lost their salvation but this is a heresy as Judas Iscariot was never saved to begin with.

King Saul knowing his fate, goes to battle, and being wounded and outnumbered, he commits suicide. (1 Samuel 31:4) "Then said Saul unto his armourbearer, Draw thy sword, and thrust me through therewith; lest these uncircumcised come and thrust me through, and abuse me. But his armourbearer would not; for he was sore afraid. Therefore Saul took a sword, and fell upon it."

In this video I will provide you evidence why not to use modern Bible versions, and instead, use the 1611 King James Bible. This does not apply to the Spanish translation “Reina Valera Gomez 2010” which derives from the same textus receptus manuscript, as the King James Version, and is an excellent translation.

The Bible is the inspired, preserved inerrant word of God. I will talk about the difference between Biblical manuscripts, the critical text and the received text, and why the textus receptus is faithful to the original.

Jesus Christ was a real person, he’s the most documented person to have ever existed; even secular historians admit the existence of Jesus Christ, but like the pharisees, they reject his divinity and resurrection.

“Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;”

Psychedelics and marijuana have been promoted heavily by the mainstream by people like Joe Rogan and Mike Tyson; they claim psychedelics open you up to different dimensions and realities, communicating with foreign entities, and other forms of consciousness beyond our understanding.

The word of God has been preached to all nations, since the beginning of creation in the old testament, to the new testament, the Gospel has always been preached.

How to make kefir without grains, and the healing benefits on the gut flora.

Kefir is made simply from putting a few tablespoons of unheated raw honey in raw milk and letting it sit in a dark place, when the milk becomes thick, usually on the second day, it is ready.

The probiotics, which are beneficial bacteria in clabbered milk or kefir, help alleviate depression by replenishing your intestinal flora, which is where most of your neurotransmitters are produced from, around 90-95% of serotonin and around 50-75% of our dopamine is made in the digestive tract. These neurotransmitters are then transported to the brain for various functions. If you have low bacterial levels in the body, your body will be overloaded with toxins and experience depression, this is common with former drug addicts and alcoholics, or anyone who has taken heavy courses of antibiotics.

Psychiatry undermines the significance of spiritual trauma. According to the Bible, diseases such as multiple personality disorder and some of cases of schizophrenia, and self harm behaviour are demonic in nature.

There is mental illness caused by physical disease, and then there is demonic possession and reprobation, which are spiritual in nature, and manifests themselves as mental illness.

“Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;”

Veganism is a movement that became mainstream around 2011; it advocates against animal cruelty and eating animal products.

There are Biblical verses that oppose Veganism, and to begin, let’s look at the first case of Veganism, after the Garden of Eden, after the world was corrupted by sin, in the Bible.

Many people today are led to believe that the Bible is a collection of old fables which never happened, and that contradict science, however this is not true. The Bible is a historical and spiritual book; It’s a textbook of science.

How to make celery and carrot juice, and the benefits of it.

My vegetable juice recipe is mostly celery, a little bit of parsley, mint, cilantro, lemon and raw honey, and I also drink carrot juice with raw honey because it tastes delicious. I drink a cup or two in the morning on an empty stomach.

Celery and carrot juice provide us with hydration, vitamins, minerals and enzymes, they alkalinize and cleanse our blood, and nourish our nervous system and brain.

I use a centrifugal juicer, however a masticating juicer has better yield.


Created 4 months, 2 weeks ago.

21 videos

Category Health & Medical

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My work is on spirituality, holistic health and addiction recovery.

