Cody McKibben

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Cody McKibben



Resurrection Day re-broadcast

Wishing our Orthodox friends a very happy Pascha🙏

In honor of Resurrection Day men, I'd like to share another behind-the-scenes re-broadcast of our savage, weaponized, "Warrior King" men's group.

Not for the feint of heart, but this group gave me the space, and all the tools I needed to implement and put Dr. Peterson's teachings into PRACTICE, to overcome a crippling PTSD diagnosis and climb out of the ABYSS of Hell (that I had created)!

I'd sure LOVE if you'll join me LIVE momentarily and let me know what YOU think!


Kings in Christ call #5 - originally broadcast June 20, 2021

#KingdomWarrior #KingsInChrist #WarriorsForChrist #WeLiveByACode

The BEST Warrior App BONUS Offer out there:

Get the FULL WarriorApp ARSENAL + Warrior LAUNCH Program + HERO Foundry Accelerator Access All-in-One

Starts at ~ 13:33

🚨 For a VERY Limited Time you can currently arm yourself with:

👉 the FULL unrestricted Warrior App suite
👉 PLUS the weekly LAUNCH Calls
👉 PLUS our private HERO Foundry Workplace network
👉 + HERO Tribe calls ALL for one low price
👉 (SAVE $50/mo OFF the PUBLIC App subscription right now!)


🚀 Plus delve in to the WAKE UP WARRIOR Challenge, where I'll share MY examples from the early Covid experience + lots of BONUS resources!


Join your brothers for our weekly HERO Tribe call, where iron sharpens iron as we expand our Kingdoms and build our Vaults, sharing the entrepreneurship journey alongside fellow Rising Kings:


#WarriorApp #WarriorStack #WakeUpWarrior #WarriorLaunch #WarriorChallenge #WarriorsWay #WarriorOS

The Path of Production

The PRINCIPLES of Power fortify the bridge between Poverty and Prosperity… but how does one tread upon it?

The tangible steps lie in the Path of PRODUCTION.

Climbing from Scarcity towards SUCCESS is a four-stage cyclical JOURNEY that constantly evolves, prompting growth, introspection, and enlightenment.


👑 Join fellow Warrior KING entrepreneurs for our Business-focus WAR ROOM MasterMind going into Q2, where iron sharpens iron as we expand our Kingdoms and build our Vaults, sharing the entrepreneurship journey alongside fellow Rising Kings…


#WarriorsWay #WarriorOS #WakeUpWarrior #KingdomBuilders

👑 Join your brothers for our Business-focus WAR ROOM MasterMind going into Q2, where iron sharpens iron as we expand our Kingdoms and build our Vaults, sharing the entrepreneurship journey alongside fellow Rising Kings…


#WakeUpWarrior #WarriorsWay #KingsCouncil #WarRoom #HerosJourney #KingdomWarrior

Digging out of the PIT and climbing toward the PEAK of Success is a four-stage cyclical JOURNEY that constantly evolves, prompting growth, introspection, and enlightenment.

This sacred PATH *is* the evolution of your soul as GOD intended it — from the bottomless ABYSS to the Heights of HEAVEN — over and over and over again.

Let’s embark on this transformative HERO'S JOURNEY that leads to the heights of Prosperity...


👑 Join your brothers for our Business-focus WAR ROOM going into Q2, where iron sharpens iron as we expand our Kingdoms and build our Vaults, sharing the entrepreneurship journey alongside fellow Rising Kings…


#KingsCouncil #WarriorKings #KingdomWarrior #BleedBlack #WeLiveByACode

The PATH of Production

The PRINCIPLES of Power fortify the bridge between Poverty and Prosperity… but how does one tread upon it?

The tangible steps lie in the Path of PRODUCTION.

Awakening is a four-stage cyclical JOURNEY that constantly evolves, prompting growth, introspection, and enlightenment.


Join elite fellow entrepreneurs for our Business-focus WAR ROOM going into Q2, where iron sharpens iron as we expand our Kingdoms and build our Vaults, sharing the entrepreneurship journey alongside fellow Rising Kings…


#WarriorOperatingSystem #WarriorOS #WarriorsWay #WakeUpWarrior #WeLiveByACode

The Principles of POWER

The journey from Poverty’s PIT to Prosperity’s PEAK is neither linear nor uniform.

It requires more than just external change; it demands an internal TRANSFORMATION...

The transformational SHIFT that bridges these two extremes is powered by Principles of TRUTH, anchored in the depths of human potential.

Let’s delve into these Divine PRINCIPLES that define our Path and empower our ascent to the FREEDOM of Having It ALL across Body, Being, Balance & Business.…


Join your brothers every week for the HERO Foundry Accelerator call, where iron sharpens iron as we expand our Kingdoms and build our Vaults, sharing the entrepreneurship journey alongside fellow Rising Kings…


#WarriorOS #WarriorOperatingSystem #WarriorsWay #WakeUpWarrior #WarriorChallenge #WinningImpossibleGames

The Peak of Prosperity

Human existence is an undulating journey of valleys and peaks. Having delved into the darkest abyss of the human experience in previous weeks, we now find ourselves on the precipice of the most luminous peaks where prosperity is found. Often misconstrued solely as material wealth, prosperity is an alignment of soul, purpose, connection and Having It All as God intended. It embodies a state of spiritual, emotional, and physical affluence across Body, Being, Balance & Business. Let’s embark on this ascent to understand the transformative power of true prosperity.


Join our private community every week for the HERO Foundry Accelerator call, where iron sharpens iron as we expand our Kingdoms and build our Vaults, sharing the entrepreneurship journey alongside fellow Rising Kings…


Join your brothers every week for the HERO Foundry Accelerator call, where iron sharpens iron as we expand our Kingdoms and build our Vaults, sharing the entrepreneurship journey alongside fellow Rising Kings…

HERO Foundry LIVE Acceleration training - 23 January 2024

The GAME Framework:

- FOUNDATIONAL Fact Map: What are the FACTS of Where You Are (ACTUALLY) AT, Today?
- IMPOSSIBLE GAME Fact Map: What is the Radical VISION for Where You are COMMITTED to Going in 1 Year?
- FUTURE Fact Map: What's in the Way, what must be overcome, to reverse-engineer your next Quarterly MISSION and make progress towards GROWING into the person who can achieve your "IMPOSSIBLE" Targets?

What is YOUR guiding star and IMPOSSIBLE Targets for 2024?
Share in the comments below👇

Join us inside the Wealth Accelerator:

#WarriorOS #WarriorsWay #WinningImpossibleGames #WakeUpWarrior

Come join me and our small, elite mastermind group to learn the Operating System that SAVED MY LIFE in 2018 and helped me rebuild a thriving life and location independent business after LOSING IT ALL, while successfully balancing and GROWING ALL other areas of my life - health, family, fun, spirituality - and let's make the WORLD your Oyster in 2024!


(Starts at ~6mins)

If you want Financial, Time, and LOCATION Freedom…

Join us as we double down on OFFER Creation, learning Sales Funnel design, Perfect Webinar, Strategic Seduction, etc. with our own creative 'Startup Incubator' LABORATORY environment at the HERO Foundry:

#entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #herosjourney #makemoneyonline #profits #wealth

Join us TONIGHT (Tuesday) 5pm California time / 8pm NYC

- New Return and Report framework for the call
- My General's Tent #36:
- Coach Sam's book Every Man a Leader:
- Allan Carr's Easy Way to Quit Smoking:
- The new Warrior ARMORY 3.0 dashboard released today:

Going into the BELLY OF THE DRAGON with David James and our brother Marty Goldman, as he prepares to attend WARRIOR WEEK 66!

"Without each other, you will not make it."
–Coach Sam Falsafi, Warrior Lead Trainer

Referenced on this call:
* Warrior Week 39 documentary -
* Bill Phillips coaching -
* Kings in Christ calls with Jeremy Finlay - join here:
* I have listed the first 7 #KingsInChrist call recordings here inside the Shelter:
* Dr. Myles Munroe - the King, the Keys, and the Kingdom:

RECORDED Live Sep 21, 2020 inside the HERO Foundry private training grounds.

🎯 Follow our entire STACK Training series here:

Just watched a great launch event for Matthew McConaughey's new Road Map course that pairs with his Green Lights book (another funnel I'll need to "hack"!)

Playing in the HERO Lab with my brother Dwight Turner tinkering on the HERO Visa Services site and the new Marketing AI tool inside ClickFunnels 2.0

Funnelhacking session: Matthew McConaughey's new Roadtrip course (companion to his Greenlights book, produced with help from Dean Graziosi & Jeremy Finlay)

HERO Foundry LIVE training - 5 July 2018

Independence Day article - "What does Freedom mean? and what does it COST?"

40 principles to live by (from Dr. Jordan Peterson)

12 Rules for Life:

Principles by Ray Dalio:

The 5 directives I had written on our family whiteboard in my wife & my bedroom for nearly a year:

- Teamwork makes the dream work.
- Think positive / be grateful.
- Focus on your vision for the future.
- Do what needs doing.
- Have fun!
(Repeat every day)

What are YOUR guiding Principles and Values?
Share in the comments below👇

Recorded November 6, 2021

Join us inside the HERO Foundry at

Paul McCartney Live at Coachella Music Festival 2009 (and more!)

877 views on YouTube before they BLOCKED this worldwide 😥

Paul McCartney, Thievery Corporation, M.I.A., Chemical Brothers, LMFAO & Etienne de Crecy live in concert at Coachella Valley Music & Arts Festival 2009, against the stunning backdrop of Indio, California sunsets, palm trees, art installations & fire sculptures.


Created 4 years, 5 months ago.

23 videos

Category Education

Chase greatness, seek truth, live fully!

Sorting myself out, one step at a time, and following in the footsteps of the Hero's Journey with the three wisemen — Joseph Campbell, Jordan B. Peterson, and M. Scott Peck. Trying to write something worth reading or do something worth writing.