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Talking with someone who either has Trump Derangement Syndrome or is being paid on Facebook to attack those like me who called attention to the criminal outcome of the sham of a trial designed to interfere with the coming election and keep the current puppet in the White House.

The video recording of the Islam exposing FB group, continues.

Video recording an Islam exposing group on FB, continues.

The video recording to the Islam exposing Facebook group, continues.

The video recording of the Islam religion on Facebook groups... continues.

The video recording of the Islam exposing Facebook group, continues.

According to Muhammad, MOST of the residents of "the hell fire" are women. WHY women? Because. according to Muhammad), women have PERIODS and are 'deficient in intelligence" (i.e. they are stupid compared to men). Question. IF Mr. (pbuh) is right, well, WHO gave women periods and made them "deficient in intelligence" (stupid)?

The video recording of the Facebook group I keep getting banned from for exposing Islam, continues.

The video recording of the Islam exposing Facebook group continues.

The video recording of the Islam exposing group on FB, continues.

The video recording of the Facebook group that exposes Islam, continues.

The video recording of a Facebook group that exposes Islam, continues.

Thanks, Israel, you got me reading Jeremiah 49 again when you attacked Iran. I thought I was free from reading Jeremiah 49 ever again when the Saddam statue went down, but... I wrong.

The video recording of the Facebook group "Israel Vs the Mole Muslims", continues.

Two scriptures saying the exact same thing in Jeremiah 50 and 49 may have been fulfilled due to Israeli excursion unto the "habitation of the strong". IF so, we could be in for some exciting times if this means Jeremiah 49 is to now be fulfilled completely. By the way, I said "Iran", I meant to say "Israel". Hey, getting old, what can I say?

O Muslim, what has happened to Allah? Allah had the power to turn Jews into camel milk avoiding rats, but COULDN'T get Iran missiles and drones to attack them? Then, when Israel calls Iran's bluff by attacking Iran deep into its territory, Iran cowards and DOEN'T attack Israel with its strongest!?! O Muslim, where is Allah? Oh, by the way, I say Israel kicked Allah's patooti in prostration because the Quran says Allah prays for the prophet, so, Allah must have his patooti up in the air for some god. I'm thinking that god is the god of the "risings and settings" because Allah swears BY the god of risings and settings according to the "clear book" (Quran).

All my life it has been "you meant it for evil, but God meant it for good". It's no longer that. Do you remember it the way I do? If not, maybe I came from a parallel universe different from yours? I wonder.

A Genesis 50:20 situation happened in Australia. It could have been tragic, but, it brought attention to a man who seems to be for our time. Bishop Mar Mari Emanuel got attacked by a Muslim, but, seems to have survived, becoming a kind of Obi Won Kenobi of Bishops after being struck down.

O Muslim! I believe I know what would have been Mr. (pbuh)'s favorite episode of the Twilight Zone.

What happens in the latest eclipse concludes an event that points to God behind the timing of eclipses that cannot be denied. This is too much of a coincidence to remain an atheist, folks. Oh, by the way, "Tav" in Hebrew is not an X, but is more of an "N". In PHOENICIAN. both Aleph and Tav look like A and X respectively, and it is the PHOENICIAN Aleph/Tav that appeared over America in the three eclipses since 2017. The Alfa and Omega in Illinois happened near the crossing of both major eclipses, passing over both in 2017.

I recently talked with a Muslim about Quran 12:111 that has the Quran saying that IT is a book that "explains EVERYTHING FULLY in DETAIL". When I asked him if he believed that was true, he said it was, but, he said it meant EVERYTHING in the Torah. With that, I put it to the test by asking him if the Quran explains EVERYTHING fully in detail about the SPOT-LESS lamb's blood placed over doorways to keep the Angel of Death from killing the 1st born of Israel, asking him if THAT was "fully explained in detail" in the Quran, among other things. So far, he ignores my questions about that.

The Facebook Group with "Israel Vs the Mole Muslims", get video recorded before it goes the way of its predecessor "Islam Vs Reason".

The video recording of the Facebook group "Israel Vs the Mole Muslims" continues before it is yanked off of FB like the other group that did the same thing... expose Islam.

Although I call this part 18, it's actually part 19 of recording the Islam exposing Facebook group called "Israel Vs the Mole Muslims". It's being recorded just in case it gets yanked off of FB like its predecessor, "Israel Vs Reason" a few months back.

The video recording of the Facebook group "Israel Vs the Mole Muslims", continues.


Created 4 years, 11 months ago.

615 videos

Category Health & Medical

My ten year old LiveLeak account called "Rammat" was deleted for my exposing the problems with the Koran and Islam in general. Thus, I'll be putting on the videos that possibly got me deleted over on that web site, and, putting them here. First LiveLeak removed most of my videos, then it made it so NO one saw my videos, then it deleted my account. LiveLeak was like my home away from home, but, hey, you can't question Islam, so, I'll question it here until BitChute goes the way of most social media by selling out to terrorist Islam. Not all my videos deal with Islam, like not all of my videos dealt with Islam on LiveLeak. I'll just post here what I used to post there.