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We need to head back for the Mirror competition. What is it and how does a box take part in it?

Time to take on Sart and we have another tough battle in store for us. I think we are going to need a little bit of grinding.

It is time to find Sart and maybe some of the treasure in his Pyramid. These are some nice traps we need to navigate.

We have to go and secure the river for the nymph. Only problem is that monsters already occupy it and it is being poisoned from up stream.

We need to rush back and acutely fight our way to the boss and get some answers. Why didn't we do this the first time?

We need to help the Goddess with what is messing up her garden. Who has ever heard of a Nymph causing mischief???

We are told the leader of the town has been taken by the enemy. He is doing something weird with the guards.

We try to go over the huge gape only to need to find some diamonds. What is Poseidon doing in an area with no water???

As we continue along the next place we need to go is blocked by guards. Their leader is talking in strange but familiar ways.

Now we need to cross a desert. Why does it need to a desert that is super hot. What about a desert at night were the temp is cold. Just to change things up a bit.

It is time to find some of the missing greek gods. But Fenyx can't act herself and needs a mortals help. Enter Ash.

It is time to enter the Mescher Realm, help Illuginn and then beat him up. Why do we need to be a Cat? How about a dog or rat?? It is another hard battle with Illuginn.

We hit the final trials of Zeus to enter the panthion. Will some of his old habits start to show up??? What are your thoughts on the game. Should I continue?

We continue to delve into the temple trying to get to Illuginn's realm. This is really big. How did a small group people build something so huge??

We finally go back and finish the quest for Aphrodite. This was a long time coming.

The town is haunted and we need to find the cause in the old haunted mansion. How does Hugh not beleive in ghosts after what he has been through. Also what do you think of the little minigame. Then we need to go to the temple next door.

More trials for Athena. What are the thoughts on the creativitiy of the trials?

I have done some grinding and know we are able to make good speed through the swamp. This does not mean that it is now easy.

What can I say by we have to do more and more trials.

We continue to trugde through the swamp on battle at a time. This game really makes you struggle for your progress.

It is time to start doing Athenas trials. How is everyone enjoying the DLC?? DO you like how platformy it is??

We do some tests before going to Soggy Swamp. What is with the typing's that we keep running into.

We complete the last trials before the blessing trial and Hephaistos just keeps talking us up. Man needs a spine and think better of himself.

It is finally time to get the essence from Voltgar. As we prepare for the battle Voltgar Tells us some secrets about those who took Thomas. What do they want and how does Voltgar know this???

We continue with the trails and keep rolling balls everywhere. Did Hephaistos make all the trails we have had to do?


Created 3 years, 1 month ago.

772 videos

Category Gaming

This is a channel for playing RPG and strategy games. Right now the main ones are Total-War and Fan-made Pokemon. When I am close to finishing a play through feel free to suggest what game or faction to do next.