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The rise of militant agitators on our streets in the names of BLM, ANTIFA, EXTINCTION REBELLION, MARX, And more. The professional footsoldier of the SJW Ranks is back. Lighting fires, destroying and harming wherever she or he goes. What if Jesus walked among them as they committed these crimes? what would he say?

Marxist violence has been a long tradition held across the world by those who are disassociated with contemporary society. Today our world is under attack yet again by extremists terrorizing people in the streets using benevolent phrases such as Black Lives Matter whilst threatening people and destroying property. [CARELESS] Dedicate this song to the communities suffering Oppression from these militants. "What if Jesus walked among us and held them accountable? " I hear you calling from heaven's gate". "I see them falling from heaven's grace". More can be found a www.n1m.com/carelessofficial

Evening star video credit
Aneem navan pedels

The term has arrived! Shot in England at The famous Joiners Arms in Southampton Hampshire.
Camera team
Claire Kyle, Ben Richards, James R Hunter, CottonBro (Pexles), and Steff (Pexles) come together to bring this 80s retro concept video. pixels, neon, and Lofi old school
Thanks to many are credited at the end of the video.

25 FEET PER SECOND: https://youtu.be/NNUmzOTWdVA

The new term is here. Meeting new people, lots to see and do.
This is about the moment you return to college and discover that one great person that changes your life.
This is also our Anthem for Trump 2020 campaign. Thank you President Trump for your steadfast commitment. Our Lead character in this video wishes you the best! Carefree, live free #TRUMP2020
Thanks to Claire Kyle, Ben Richards, The Joiners Arms SOUTHAMPTON, Steve Lee (The Nexus club Southampton) plus Stef with an F and Cottonbro for their camera work (Pexels)

Marxist violence has been a long tradition held across the world by those who are disassociated with contemporary society. Today our world is under attack yet again by extremists terrorizing people in the streets using benevolent phrases such as Black Lives Matter whilst threatening people and destroying property. [CARELESS] Dedicate this song to the communities suffering Oppression from these militants. "What if Jesus walked among us and held them accountable? " I hear you calling from heaven's gate". "I see them falling from heaven's grace".

More can be found a www.n1m.com/carelessofficial

A British independent music video about British Post Punk band CARELESS, by UK artist Gregor Anderson.


Created 5 years, 6 months ago.

4 videos

Category Vlogging

A public statement of current affairs, questionable occurrences, creative genius, and human expression.
Society has so much to offer in this world and corporations attempt to control our freedom of expression.
Freedom of speech and the right to know common truth aside from political gain is essential for a civilized world.
This channel is to be developed gradually into something for the common person to scan and appreciate at whatever level.
We do not judge you. we embrace open thought and open discussion.
May we all learn to live together and find a way to remove manipulation and aggression in our lives.