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On Deportation

THE RACE PROBLEM necessitates deportation / repatriation / resettlement / expulsion. Just as aliens have swamped our territory — have been physically transferred into our homelands to destroy our people — they can be transferred out.

The first step is to immediately and completely halt all “legal” and illegal non-white immigration.

The second step is to reverse the formidable mass of economic and political incentives that were crafted to create the present debacle. This includes enforcing existing immigration law, which is routinely violated by local, state, and federal governments, the judiciary, and law enforcement. It is widely-recognized that such changes would powerfully encourage so-called “self-deportation.”

Though such measures provide a good start and are essential components of any healthy population policy, they are not enough. Inasmuch as we are confronted with an imminent threat to our survival, all non-whites, including Jews, must go. It does not matter how rough the process must be, just as it does not matter to Jews, government, and other anti-white elements how catastrophic their policies are to us (or, for that matter, to Middle Easterners).

The sooner such measures are implemented, the less assimilated and hybridized the imported arrivals remain, the easier and cleaner the process will be. It will become more difficult — though no less necessary — with each passing year before decisive action is taken.

Elsewhere I have noted that not only did Abraham Lincoln not advocate racial mixing, he favored the resettlement of American blacks outside the United States.

Nevertheless, his position was less radical than it sounds. Most blacks did not want to go — quite sensibly from their point of view, since they did not consider themselves Africans — and hardly anyplace wanted to accept them. However, Lincoln insisted that emigration must be noncompulsory and conducted at government expense.

His Virginia-born Attorney General Edward Bates, on the other hand, demanded compulsory deportation: the Negro, he maintained, would never leave voluntarily. Since the correctness of Bates’ position is unassailable, Lincoln’s resettlement policy obviously was not a far-reaching program. (Bates and his South Carolinian wife, by the way, had 17 children in an era when childbirth was nowhere near as safe, or infant mortality rates as inconsequential, as they are today.)

Contra Lincoln, everywhere whites live, in addition to closing the gates to the artificially-created flood of racial aliens, resettlement must be mandatory.

The prevailing policy of white racial destruction — genocide — is a crime according to international law. Because the perpetrators constitute the ruling class, they will not prosecute themselves, any more than Communists were punished after the “fall” of that System.

Mexicans being deported from Los Angeles, 1931
It is palpable that today’s criminals do not occupy any kind of moral high ground. They stand self-condemned under their own laws, never mind their constantly reiterated, hypocritical moral pronouncements.

Ethnic cleansing and genocide conducted by means of mass immigration and other methods are not morally superior to racial separation through mass deportation. What is presently being done is by far the greater evil. Concealment of crimes by the media or elites is not equivalent to non-commission of the underlying acts.

Replacement migration constitutes the next-to-last stage in a comprehensive program that began with anti-colonialism and the relinquishment of white colonies overseas, followed by the destruction of several white-ruled First World nations in southern Africa, one of which possessed nuclear weapons. The latter governments were replaced by black-Jewish coalitions of “ex-” Communists.

As a New York Times reviewer noted, “ethnic cleansing was viewed not so long ago as a legitimate tool of foreign policy. In the early part of the 20th century, forced population shifts were not uncommon, as multicultural empires crumbled and nationalism drove the formation of new, ethnically homogenous countries.”

There are numerous historical precedents for removal, including

Expulsions of Jews from various countries in Europe (1290–1944)
Expulsion of Moors and Moriscos from Spain (1492/1609)
Repatriation of blacks to Africa: The American Colonization Society and Liberia (1816–1847)
The Indian Removal Act (US, 1830)
Russian resettlement of Muslim Circassians, Ubykhs, Abkhaz, and Abaza to the Ottoman Empire (1864–1867)
Reciprocal mass expulsions from Greece and Turkey (the Lausanne Agreement, 1923)
Mexican Repatriation (US, 1930–1935)
Soviet deportation of Koreans to Soviet Central Asia (1937)
Soviet deportation of 1.5 million Crimean Tatars…

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The Germania, written by the Roman historian Publius Cornelius Tacitus around 98 AD and originally entitled On the Origin and Situation of the Germans (Latin: De origine et situ Germanorum), is a historical and ethnographic work on the Germanic peoples outside the Roman Empire.



Chapter I
Geography of Germany. "The various peoples of Germany are separated from the Gauls by the Rhine, from the Raetians and Pannonians by the Danube, and from the Sarmatians and Dacians by mountains - or, where there are no mountains, by mutual fear.

The northern parts of the country are girdles by the sea, flowing round broad peninsulas and vast islands where a campaign of the present century has revealed to us the existence of some nations and kings hitherto unknown.

The Rhine rises in a remote and precipitous height of the Raetian alps and afterwards turns slightly westward to flow into the North Sea. The Danube issues from a gentle slope of moderate height in the Black Forest, and after passing more peoples than the Rhine in its course discharges itself into the Black Sea through six channels - a seventh mouth being lost in the marshlands.

Chapter II
The Inhabitants. Origins of the Name "Germany". The Germans themselves I should regard as aboriginal, and not mixed at all with other races through immigration or intercourse. For, in former times it was not by land but on shipboard that those who sought to emigrate would arrive; and the boundless and, so to speak, hostile ocean beyond us, is seldom entered by a sail from our world.

And, beside the perils of rough and unknown seas, who would leave Asia, or Africa or Italy for Germany, with its wild country, its inclement skies, its sullen manners and aspect, unless indeed it were his home?

In their ancient songs, their only way of remembering or recording the past they celebrate an earth-born god Tuisco, and his son Mannus, as the origin of their race, as their founders. To Mannus they assign three sons, from whose names, they say, the coast tribes are called Ingaevones; those of the interior, Herminones; all the rest, Istaevones.

Some, with the freedom of conjecture permitted by antiquity, assert that the god had several descendants, and the nation several appellations, as Marsi, Gambrivii, Suevi, Vandilii, and that these are nine old names.

The name Germany, on the other hand, they say is modern and newly introduced, from the fact that the tribes which first crossed the Rhine and drove out the Gauls, and are now called Tungrians, were then called Germans.

Thus what was the name of a tribe, and not of a race, gradually prevailed, till all called themselves by this self-invented name of Germans, which the conquerors had first employed to inspire terror.

Chapter III
The National War-Songs. They say that Hercules, too, once visited them; and when going into battle, they sing of him first of all heroes.

They have also those songs of theirs, by the recital of which ("baritus," they call it), they rouse their courage, while from the note they augur the result of the approaching conflict. For, as their line shouts, they inspire or feel alarm.

It is not so much an articulate sound, as a general cry of valor. They aim chiefly at a harsh note and a confused roar, putting their shields to their mouth, so that, by reverberation, it may swell into a fuller and deeper sound.

Ulysses also, in all those fabled wanderings of his, is supposed by some to have reached the northern sea and visited German lands, and to have founded and named Asciburgium, a town on the Rhine inhabited to this day.

They even add that an altar consecrated by Ulysses and inscribed also with the name of his father Laertes was discovered long ago at this same place, and that certain barrows with monuments upon them bearing Greek inscriptions still exist on the borders of Germany and Raetia.

I do not intend to argue either for or against these assertions; each man must accept or reject them as he feels inclined.

Chapter IV
Physical Characteristics. For my own part, I agree with those who think that the tribes of Germany are free from all taint of intermarriages with foreign nations, and that they appear as a distinct, unmixed race, like none but themselves. Hence, too, the same physical peculiarities throughout so vast a population.

All have fierce blue eyes, red hair, huge frames, fit only for a sudden exertion. They are less able to bear laborious work. Heat and thirst they cannot in the least endure; to cold and hunger their climate and their soil inure them.

Chapter V
Climate and Soil. Precious Metals. Their country, though somewhat various in appearance, yet generally either bristles with forests or reeks with swamps; it is more rainy on the side of Gaul, bleaker on that of Noricum and Pannonia.

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ARYANS: Who We Are - Indo-European Conquerors

By Dr. William L. Pierce

- Indo-Europeans Conquered Middle East, Perished through Racemixing
- Mighty Hittite Empire Was Built by Nordics, Destroyed by Nordics
- Aryan Warriors Ruled Persian Empire, India
Only Total Separation Can Preserve Racial Quality

BEFORE WE DEAL with the next Indo-European peoples of the Classical Age — the Macedonians and the Romans — let us review briefly the history of our race to this point, and let us also look at the fate of some Indo-Europeans who, unlike those we have already studied, invaded Asia instead of Europe.

The White race of today consists of three principal White elements — plus, unfortunately, a certain admixture of non-White elements. The former are the Cro-Magnon element, a White Mediterranean element, and the Nordic element.

Original Europeans

The Cro-Magnons were the original White people of Europe. Their traces go back 35,000 years, into the last of the great Ice Ages. They were a tall, rugged race, a race of hunters, who thrived on the frozen tundra which covered most of Europe during Upper Paleolithic times. They were the most culturally advanced race on the planet during those times: their art and their skill in making weapons, clothing, and tools surpassed those of all other races.

When the glaciers retreated about 10,000 years ago, some Cro-Magnon tribes followed them northward, continuing their ages-old lifestyle as big-game hunters. Their descendants today are to be found primarily in Scandinavia and the British Isles.

Other Cro-Magnon tribes learned new lifestyles along the seacoasts of northern Europe or in the forests which sprang up across Europe in the wake of the glaciers. But these Cro-Magnon tribes of the Mesolithic Age, whose members lived by hunting, fishing, and gathering, were spread quite thinly across Europe, Their lifestyles were not suited for a high population density.

Neolithic Revolution

Along the southern coastal fringes of Europe and in adjacent areas of northern Africa and the Middle East — areas which had been less affected by the great ice sheets of the previous age — lived men who were smaller and more gracile than the Cro-Magnons of the northern forests and coasts. Collectively they were the Mediterraneans, although they were by no means as nearly racially homogenous a group as the Cro-Magnons. Some we would have regarded as White and some as non-White, although it might have been difficult to decide just where to draw the line.

When the glaciers began retreating in Europe, the climate of the Mediterranean area changed as well. Varieties of wild, grain-bearing grasses flourished, and men began deliberately cultivating these grasses as a food supply. They also began keeping animals as a food source, instead of relying solely upon hunting. Thus began the Neolithic Revolution.

The Neolithic Revolution caused a population explosion, with an enormous increase in population density in those areas which had shifted from hunting and gathering foodstuffs to stock raising and farming. As the climatic zone suitable for farming advanced northward, the farming peoples flooded into a Europe with a relatively low population density, racially swamping the Cro-Magnon inhabitants in many areas.

Two civilizations arose in the wake of the Neolithic Revolution, one in the Middle East and one in Europe. The latter civilization, centered in the Balkan area, we have called Old Europe.


Then, around the middle of the fifth millennium B.C., a new racial type made its first impact on Old Europe. The people of this type were taller and more rugged than the White Mediterraneans, but not so tall or rugged as the Cro-Magnons. They were the Nordics, and 7,000 years ago they occupied a large area in Russia, mostly steppeland, north of the Black Sea and between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea.

Their language was Proto-Indo-European, from which Greek and Latin and the great Germanic, Celtic, and Slavic language families of Europe evolved. They were an extraordinarily energetic people, who hunted, farmed, and raised livestock. In particular, they domesticated horses, riding them and using them to pull their swift, light, two-wheeled chariots over the grassy plains.

Their social structure was aristocratic, and their religion was solar. They were, in contrast to the Mediterraneans, quite homogeneous racially and culturally. Homogeneity was a consequence of the mobility which their use of horses gave them; men from the extreme limits of the ancient Nordic homeland were able to remain in genetic and cultural contact.

When these Nordic horsemen of the northern steppes (or battle-axe people, as they have been called) outgrew their grassy homeland, some of them migrated westward into Europe. We have followed the fortunes…

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Germany: Jewish Propaganda Losing its Grip

ONE IN EVERY TEN Germans wants their country to be led by a ‘Führer’ applying ‘a firm hand for the common good.’

And 71 years after National Socialist Germany was overrun by Communist and “democratic” conquerors, 11 per cent of people questioned by the university researchers said Jews have too much influence in society.

Overall 12 per cent think Germans are by nature superior to certain other peoples [the original article did not specify further]. Other findings included four out of every ten people thinking Muslims should be prohibited from immigrating to the country and half of respondents in a survey of 2,240 people saying they feel like ‘foreigners in their own country.’

Thirty per cent claimed Germany had been ‘infiltrated by too many foreigners in a dangerous way.’ And three out of every five Germans believe migrants who have arrived in the country seeking sanctuary from war and terror are bogus. ‘They are not really at risk of any persecution in their home country” was the question they agreed with.

The study entitled ‘The uninhibited middle’ argues “extremist” thinking has become more acceptable in mainstream German society — and some Germans are actually daring to express the radical “extremist” idea that they should have their own country again.

The immigrant-critical Alternative for Germany (AfD) party delivered hammer blows to Chancellor Angela Merkel’s CDU conservatives in regional polls in March and looks set to send MPs into national government in the general election in the autumn of next year.

Report co-author Dr Elmar Braehler said ‘The potential for extreme right or populist right-wing parties is still higher than what electoral results have yet shown.’

The survey noted an increase in negative attitudes towards Gypsies, with half of respondents saying such people should be banned from city centres.

And attitudes toward perverts are moving in the opposite direction from those desired by the billionaire Jews and their politician employees: 40 percent of people said they found it ‘disgusting’ when homosexuals kissed in public — an increase of 15 per cent in a similar survey in 2011.

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Countering Jewish CivNat Propaganda

I SAW an Internet commenter’s thread promoting civic nationalism, and chimed in with some important facts of which his readers needed to become aware.

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YOU WERE doing well, Dennis, until you started trying to distinguish nationalism from racism. Nationalism is about race, always. (If there’s a word for “allegiance to the state,” it doesn’t come to mind just now.)

The key to understanding the meaning of nationalism correctly is found it the first three letters of that word: *nat.*

It means birth, and it prefixes a number of words that should illustrate the principle involved.


And nationalism: a love of the people who share with you a common birth (or ancestry).

A nationalist is someone who loves the people who are descended from the same fathers that are his fathers also. Nationalism is racism. Your race is your nation.

Any alternative way of defining citizenship defines a country; it does not define a nation.

The governments of many countries have long engaged in a form of semantic propaganda, in which they (try to) seduce people into the belief that the country and the nation are the same thing. It isn’t.

Humans evolved to be tribal. And whereas it may be possible, at times, to configure a country that works (is productive, is at peace with itself) while being multi-racial, this state is difficult to maintain because it is psychologically unstable. It will fall apart like a house of cards when adversity arises.

It is much better, by far, to organize a country as a nation, with one race, and one race only. This was Hitler’s idea, and it was, and still is, a good idea. Of course, there are other potential causes of disunity, including religious differences, but when you make a true nation — that is, a racially homogeneous country — you eliminate the biggest source of disunity.

Now I understand that you are Jewish, and that Jews have a long, long, long habit of going into other people’s territories, and then changing the cultural norms and the social value systems and the laws of the host peoples, converting what had been a nation into a mere country, beset by problems with cultural conflict, misinformation, and debts arising out of usury.

Your ideal is the Jewish one, and it is a parasite’s ideal, the ideal of a people who use other people to gain what they want.

There are niches in Nature for parasites. But only a hypocrite blames the animal who does his best to scratch the fleas out of his fur or bite off any tick that has bitten him. And that, really, is what…

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The Jews Are Our Misfortune Redux

American Dissident Voices broadcast of 4 May, 2024

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by Kevin Alfred Strom

FOR SEVERAL years now, especially since the George Floyd riots and the 2021 coup that installed Resident Biden, anti-White and Soros-backed prosecutors’ offices in our major cities have refused to prosecute even flagrant cases of shoplifting, theft, rioting, mayhem, and other crimes, including some violent crimes. Some cities have even openly announced that certain laws will no longer be enforced, because they want to stop what they sometimes refer to as the “disproportionate policing” of “people of color,” a part of America’s massive “systemic racism” problem, they claim. So criminals, Brown criminals anyway, go free. Officers are basically forbidden to make arrests for a long list of infractions. The thieves and looters have free rein and no fear of arrest across many major urban areas. Thousands of business closures have been the result. There are now entire YouTube channels devoted to showing the empty buildings in our cities which just a few years ago were filled with thriving businesses. The private property of homeowners and business owners large and small are unprotected and have been for several years now.

But all of sudden, this week, for “some reason or other,” everything changed. Hundreds of super-aggressive, violent, and legally questionable arrests suddenly started being made — ostensibly, to protect the “private property rights” of universities. The real reason, though, was this: The “word went out” from the real rulers of America and the West — the Jewish power structure — that the increasingly massive and spontaneous protests on US campuses against Israel’s genocide of Palestinians “must be shut down.”

The protests have mostly taken the form of meetings, speeches, and tent encampments that last for days or weeks on open squares of the college grounds. In some cases, the students have also occupied university buildings. The Jewish-controlled media, Republican Israel-worshippers, and university spokesmen have repeatedly claimed that “outside agitators” deserve credit for the protests, but have provided almost zero evidence of this. (I think if you went down to the protest in your city and handed out a few dozen National Alliance fliers or stickers — not a bad idea, really — there would instantly be claims in the media that “racist Nazi outside agitators” from Upper East Tennessee were really controlling everything. What fun!) But this is mainly a real student-driven phenomenon. These young people come from a lot of different backgrounds, but nearly all of them, including protest leaders, really are students and really are deeply outraged at the ongoing invasion, displacement, starvation, daily torture, and massacre of the Jews’ latest innocent victims. The students are demanding an end to Israel’s war against largely defenseless Gaza that has killed nearly 40,000 so far and destroyed the homes and workplaces of millions, and they are also demanding that their universities’ typically massive endowment funds divest themselves completely from Israel-linked companies and thereby stop funding the Israeli war machine. They also decry US support for the genocidal Jewish state.

I’ve seen drone footage from some of these protests, and they are massive. The encampment squares often overflow with people, doubtless including thousands who have come to listen and learn, and the crowd sometimes spreads out to cover the streets for blocks. It’s true, I suppose, that these squares and buildings are technically the private property of the anti-White propaganda mills and financial behemoths that our universities have become, but I can’t fault the students — many of whose families slave to pay huge tuitions, or who mortgage their futures to rapacious Jewish banks so they can attend — for having a certain feeling of ownership there. And I also can’t fault them for their encampments and their civil disobedience. Wasn’t the Jewish press all warm and fuzzy about civil disobedience back when St. Michael King was using it as a tactic against the “evil Whites” who used to run America? They loved civil disobedience then. But now that students are protesting against Israel and Zionism — and their murderous crimes — and their power over America, well now it’s time to start swinging billy clubs and bashing heads and making arrests! (And they’ve done more than that. Jewish-run political agitators have actually printed the names and faces and residencies of pro-Palestinian protestors on the sides of huge trucks, along with accusations that these people are “terrorists,” and driven the…

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If the concept of problem, reaction, solution had a mascot it would the this group of psychiatrists.

Also see the Frankfurt School.


You’re Being Manipulated

OUR REALITY is carefully constructed by powerful corporate, political and special interest sources in order to covertly sway public opinion. Blatant lies are often televised regarding terrorism, food, war, health, etc. They are fashioned to sway public opinion and condition viewers to accept what have become destructive societal norms.

The practice of manipulating and controlling public opinion with distorted media messages has become so common that there is a whole industry formed around this. The entire role of this brainwashing industry is to figure out how to spin information to journalists, similar to the lobbying of government. It is never really clear just how much truth the journalists receive because the news industry has become complacent. The messages that it presents are shaped by corporate powers who often spend millions on advertising with the six conglomerates that own 90% of the media: General Electric (GE), News-Corp, Disney, Viacom, Time Warner, and CBS. Yet, these corporations function under many different brands, such as Fox, ABC, CNN, Comcast, Wall Street Journal, etc, giving people the perception of choice.

“As Tavistock’s researchers showed, it was important that the victims of mass brainwashing not be aware that their environment was being controlled; there should thus be a vast number of sources for information, whose messages could be varied slightly, so as to mask the sense of external control.” — Specialist of mass brainwashing, L. Wolfe

New Brainwashing Tactics Called ‘Astroturf’

With alternative media on the rise, the propaganda machine continues to expand. Below is a video of Sharyl Attkisson, investigative reporter with CBS, during which she explains how “astroturf,” or fake grassroots movements, are used to spin information not only to influence journalists but to sway public opinion.

“Astroturf is a perversion of grassroots. Astroturf is when political, corporate or other special interests disguise themselves and publish blogs, start facebook and twitter accounts, publish ads, letters to the editor, or simply post comments online, to try to fool you into thinking an independent or grassroots movement is speaking.” ~ Sharyl Attkisson, Investigative Reporter

Astroturf and manipulation of media messages | Sharyl Attkisson | TEDxUniversityofNevada

How do you separate fact from fiction? Sharyl Attkisson finishes her talk with some insights on how to identify signs of propaganda and astroturf.

Here is a summary of astroturf tactics. Once you’re aware of them, you will notice just how popular they have truly become:

- Creating of Wikipedia pages, monitored by corporations.
- Creating a social media presence, including Facebook and Twitter accounts, run by paid professionals.
- Secretly funding non-profit organizations to create third-party support and web presence.
- Search engine optimizing web pages such as blogs and third-party sites that support a specific agenda.
- Financing industry research that is deceitfully presented as independent opinion.
- Funding experts working on unrelated projects, while in reality creating paid consultants.

These methods are used to give people the impression that there is widespread support for an agenda, when, in reality, one may not exist. Astroturf tactics are also used to discredit or criticize those that disagree with certain agendas, using stereotypical names such as conspiracy theorist or quack. When in fact when someone dares to reveal the truth or questions the ‘official’ story, it should spark a deeper curiosity and encourage further scrutiny of the information.

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What is Cultural Marxism?

What is Cultural Marxism?

Bradford Hanson BRADFORD HANSON (EDITOR) · 13 FEBRUARY, 2019

MARXISM ENTERED the world stage in 1848 when the Jew Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels published The Communist Manifesto. It’s important to understand that communism’s ultimate goal was always a worldwide revolution and worldwide government. As it was the rich, white West that dominated world affairs at that point in time, it was the West that communists sought to attack, believing (with good reason) that the rest of the world would fall after the West was conquered.

Communism won a substantial victory when Russia was captured during the “Russian” revolution in 1917. The Marxists believed that world war would cause the workers to rise up and seize power in Western countries — but it didn’t happen; the workers didn’t revolt, despite the destitution that followed WWI. The Marxist theorists subsequently set about…

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We thought we knew Paris Hilton. We were wrong. This is the untold true story that shaped the woman, and the iconic character she created.

Text PARIS to 833-240-3728 for updates

0:00 Intro
5:20 Paris’ Early Years
12:00 Nicky Weighs In
16:37 A Crazy Lifestyle
31:25 Nightmares
44:28 The Teenage Years
51:08 Bad Relationships
1:09:53 Stories of Abuse
1:20:50 Survivors Reunion
1:30:02 Breaking the Silence
1:37:45 Telling Mom The Truth
1:42:02 Credits


Paris and her Sister are both male MTF Androgyne Trannies like Jessica Simpson, Jennifer Aniston, and the rest of Victoria’s Secret Models (See Mr. E). This is why Paris needed to use a surrogate to have children. You can see by her nipples they are small male nipples and under her panties in many of her photos is a very small penis from taking female hormones since birth just like Jennifer Anniston’s bikini photos of her on the beach.


Paris Hilton And Kim Kardashian Best Friends Forever Turned Frenamies | TransVestigation LadyBoys Let's go Transpocalypse | Tyrannosaurus Jurassic Treat Awaits YOU!


Paris Hilton gets candid about why she thought she was asexual

Paris Hilton is getting candid about navigating her sexuality and why she thought she was asexual in her 20s.

Hilton became a household name in the early 2000s, and her fame was magnified by her 2003 reality show The Simple Life, in which she starred alongside Nicole Richie.

Throughout her time in the spotlight, Hilton had several high-profile relationships, and she recently opened up about her journey with her sexuality throughout her early 20s.

Hilton explained that she privately thought of herself as asexual because of her disinterest in sex, saying “anything sexual terrified” her.

“I was known as a sex symbol, but anything sexual terrified me,” she told Harper’s Bazaar.

“I called myself the ‘kissing bandit’ because I only liked to make out. A lot of my relationships didn’t work out because of that.”

Hilton described how her view of herself and her sexuality was complicated because of her past experiences. She recounted being groomed by a male teacher in middle school, her sex tape was released against her will in 2004 and she was romantically linked with a celebrity each week.

It wasn’t until she met her now-husband, Carter Reum, in 2019 that she felt comfortable with her sexuality. She came to better understand herself and realised that asexual was no longer the best way to describe herself.

“It wasn’t until Carter that I finally am not that way,” she said. “I enjoy hooking up with my husband.”

Paris Hilton described Reum as the “opposite of what [she] had been used to when [she] was looking for guys”. She said he is “smart” and a “good person”.

The couple fell in love quickly after meeting in 2019, moved in together and got married in November 2021. They welcomed their first child together, via surrogate, earlier this year.

“I just feel like after all the hell I’ve been through, I’m finally getting what I deserve, which is someone I can trust and someone to build a real life with,” Hilton said.

Paris Hilton also reflected on the way she was treated by the media and the public abuse she faced in the 2000s. She said she was treated like “sport” alongside Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan

“We were just young girls discovering life, going out to a party. And we were villainized for it,” she said.

She added that she’s happy to have made it out on the other side and “proud of the woman that [she’s] become”.

Paris Hilton has been a long-term friend of Britney Spears and openly spoke out against Spears’ conservatorship, which long traumatised and exploited the “Toxic” singer.

When Spears’ conservatorship ended in 2021, Hilton tweeted that she was “so happy that this day has finally come”. Hilton said the singer was the most “resilient, kind and inspiring soul”.

In 2022, Hilton revealed she turned down a gig to perform for president Joe Biden and “all the leaders of the world” because she didn’t want to miss Spears’ wedding.

The reality TV star said the wedding was “one of the most iconic nights” of her life, and she was emotional when Spears walked down the aisle.

“Seeing her walk down the aisle, this angel, who’s just had a horrible time these past 13 years to finally have her freedom and to be able to do what she wants and have that happy fairytale ending was just beautiful,” Hilton said.




Diversity is THEIR Strength: The Elites’ War on Humanity

by Dr. William L. Pierce

THREE OR FOUR years ago the slogan most diligently promoted by the controlled mass media was “diversity is our strength.” Posters with this slogan and a broad, multi-hued band of stripes representing skin colors of various races were displayed in classrooms and workplaces all over the country. Clothing advertisements in all of the slick, yuppie magazines pushed the same theme. The idea was that the fewer White people and the more Blacks and Browns and Yellows we have in America, the stronger and more prosperous we’ll be.

I had friends who laughed at this propaganda campaign. They couldn’t believe that anything so stupid would catch on. I didn’t laugh, because I had learned long ago that P.T. Barnum was right on target when he said that no one had ever lost a nickel by underestimating the intelligence of the American public. Actually, it’s not that the public is stupid in the sense that they can’t learn how to tie their shoes or get across the street safely. It is that the public will believe anything if they believe that others believe it. That’s the lemming factor. And this “diversity is our strength” brainwashing campaign was pushed hard. You saw this foolishness wherever you looked. And pretty soon it was clear that the lemmings had begun to believe it. My hate mail began containing indignant questions such as, “Why are you against immigration? Don’t you know that diversity is our strength?”

This promotion by the Clinton government and the media of the nutty idea that the more diversity we have the stronger we are didn’t really change any policies or trends. I suspect that the aim of the media bosses in launching it was to head off growing restlessness about the refusal of the government to control America’s borders. Illegal immigrants were pouring into the country — and of course, still are — and the Clinton government was pretending not to notice, but many ordinary citizens were noticing and weren’t happy. The media bosses decided to stifle the criticism of the Clinton government’s immigration policies by persuading the lemmings that immigration, legal or illegal, is a good thing, as long as the immigrants aren’t White, because non-White immigrants add to our “diversity” and thereby make the country stronger.

And the government kept doing just what it had been doing, and the diversity has kept increasing. The consequences are catching up with us, and they aren’t good — but the diversity-mongers are maintaining their pretense that we’re becoming stronger and stronger by becoming less and less White. A few days ago I saw a brief report on the CNN news program I watch about the increasing diversity in America’s classrooms. More and more of the children in America’s schools were born in the Third World, or their parents were, and, oh, isn’t it a wonderful thing? Just imagine how much stronger our schools are than they used to be!

Well, yes: we have a lot more metal detectors in the schools than we used to. I guess that’s a sign of strength. We’ve had more school shootings since the beginning of the Clinton era than in the whole prior existence of the United States. The experience of dodging bullets undoubtedly strengthens the students. The pregnancy rate of unwed White female teenagers in the schools is approaching the Black rate. Probably that’s a sign of strength too.

One of the nuttiest expositions of the “diversity is our strength” creed that I’ve heard is the one put forth by Federal Judge Patrick Duggan last December in his ruling on a discrimination suit against the University of Michigan by two White students who were denied admission while less-qualified non-White students were admitted. The judge, in ruling against the White students and in favor of the university’s racial quota system, abandoned the old liberal argument that quotas are needed to make up for supposed past injustices to Blacks and other non-Whites. The reason for making the university more “diverse,” according to the judge, was not to benefit minorities. It was to benefit the university and its White students. The real goal of our universities is not to educate students in the traditional sense but rather to condition them to become “active participants in our pluralistic, democratic society once they leave.”

Judge Duggan believes — or says he believes — that racial diversity strengthens the university and the White students in it by rubbing their noses in as much diversity as possible and thus conditioning them for life in the New World Order of democracy and multiculturalism where there will be no White majority in America or anywhere else, if he and his kind are successful.

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Telegram founder Pavel Durov sat down with Tucker for his first on-camera interview since 2016. The social media app Telegram has over 900 million users around the world. In this clip, Durov talks about the pressure tactics the US government has used against him, including sending FBI agents to his home.

Tucker on Telegram


US Postal Service Running “Covert Operations Program” Monitoring Americans’ Social Media Posts

THE LAW enforcement arm of the US Postal Service has been quietly running a program that tracks and collects Americans’ social media posts, including those about planned protests, according to a document obtained by Yahoo News.

The details of the surveillance effort, known as iCOP, or Internet Covert Operations Program, have not previously been made public. The work involves having analysts trawl through social media sites to look for what the document describes as “inflammatory” postings and then sharing that information across government agencies.

“Analysts with the United States Postal Inspection Service (USPIS) Internet Covert Operations Program (iCOP) monitored significant activity regarding planned protests occurring internationally and domestically on March 20, 2021,” says the March 16 government bulletin, marked as “law enforcement sensitive” and distributed through the Department of Homeland Security’s “fusion centers.”

“Locations and times have been identified for these protests, which are being distributed online across multiple social media platforms, to include right-wing leaning Parler and Telegram accounts.”

A number of groups were expected to gather in cities around the globe on March 20 as part of a “World Wide Rally for Freedom and Democracy,” to protest everything from lockdown measures to 5G. “Parler users have commented about their intent to use the rallies to engage in violence. Image 3 on the right is a screenshot from Parler indicating two users discussing the event as an opportunity to engage in a ‘fight’ and to ‘do serious damage,’” says the bulletin.

“No intelligence is available to suggest the legitimacy of these threats,” it adds.

The bulletin includes screenshots of posts about the protests from Facebook, Parler, Telegram and other social media sites. Individuals mentioned by name include one alleged Proud Boy and several others whose identifying details were included but whose posts did not appear to contain anything threatening.

“iCOP analysts are currently monitoring these social media channels for any potential threats stemming from the scheduled protests and will disseminate intelligence updates as needed,” the bulletin says.

The government’s monitoring of Americans’ social media is the subject of ongoing debate inside and outside government, particularly in recent months, following “a rise in domestic unrest.” [Read: Black and other anti-White rioters will get a pass, while any White resistance, or even the most innocent discussion of possible White resistance to this organized violence, will receive intense law enforcement scrutiny and likely prosecution. — Ed.] While posts on platforms such as Facebook and Parler have allowed law enforcement to track down and arrest “rioters who assaulted the Capitol on Jan. 6,” [sic] such data collection has also sparked concerns about the government surveilling peaceful protesters or those engaged in protected First Amendment activities.

The US Postal Inspection Service did not respond to specific questions sent by Yahoo News about iCOP, but provided a general statement on its authorities.

“The Internet Covert Operations Program is a function within the US Postal Inspection Service, which assesses threats to Postal Service employees and its infrastructure by monitoring publicly available open source information,” the statement said.

“Additionally, the Inspection Service collaborates with federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies to proactively identify and assess potential threats to the Postal Service, its employees and customers, and its overall mail processing and transportation network. In order to preserve operational effectiveness, the US Postal Inspection Service does not discuss its protocols, investigative methods, or tools.”

The Postal Service isn’t the only part of government expanding its monitoring of social media. In a background call with reporters last month, DHS officials spoke about that department’s involvement in monitoring social media for domestic terrorism threats. “We know that this threat is fueled mainly by false narratives, conspiracy theories and extremist rhetoric read through social media and other online platforms,” one of the officials said. “And that’s why we’re kicking off engagement directly with social media companies.”

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The Legendary Fire 🔥

by Douglas Mercer

WE NOW MOVE into the sacred part of the calendar, that season that is so hallowed as it is the time that our savior Adolf Hitler was born.

He was both a man against time and a man for all time, and his memory shall never be eclipsed. Born in inauspicious circumstances he, uneducated by the lights of the world, he was able to not only limn the lineaments of destiny but came within a breath of enacting it. His fundamental predicate was that it was the Aryan race which was both the purpose and the hope of the Earth. He worshipped his ancient kin, the Greeks, for their first flickering of this titanic consciousness — a consciousness which showed beyond all proof that it was the White race alone who are the Promethean people, the ones capable of bringing the legendary fire of the gods to man, and lighting the way to an unlimited future.

Beyond mere politics or culture, he rightly saw the Germans as inheritors of this august mantle, the only people who at that moment in history had the ability and the right to be the bearers of Earth’s destiny.

He intuited right away that it was the Jews who were the sworn enemy of this destiny; that they were a pygmy people who yet had an uncanny power of destruction and devastation; that the Jews were literally the shadow people of the Germans and dogged their ascent at every turn.

Thus when he came into his own it was necessary for the Jews to hurl epithets at him, epithets which have clung to his person like lies cling to the world: petty bourgeois, unlearned, small, nonentity, resentful, unhinged, evil. These are the arrows that the destructive power will always aim at the truth in this world; they are the demonic properties that will always seek to thwart high Providence.

For his part Hitler recognized the danger in his midst, and saw the German people ringed by world-enemies without, and by Jews from within; he saw everything unsound and unwholesome and unseemly washing over his sacred homeland. He saw racemixing extolled; he saw sexual perversions abound; he saw culture debased; he saw the German people demoralized — that is, he saw Jews at every turn.

Against all chance he took his small party to the very heights of world history in order to set the time aright, to defeat these mortal threats and this mortal enemy, the Jews. As he made his admittedly unlikely way higher and higher, as victory began to seem not only a real possibility, but greatly plausible, the Opponent began to shriek and redoubled its efforts to defeat him — defeat him who they knew sounded the final death knell for their parasitic existence.

Jews worldwide saw the emergence of the light in Germany, and they began to cry out about an “impending dark age” of “totalitarianism,” of unbridled “persecution” of their kind. The mundane world, sunk in ignorance, believed these lies and came to the fore to support the “poor Jews.” This penultimate battle played itself out across the icy steppes of Russia, the palm could have gone other way, but in the event the hallowed truth of high destiny could not be achieved — not then.

And with his fall, that universal devastation that he warned us of has befallen us as well, we who live amid the rubble of our people, we who live in a world given over to destruction, immorality, materialism, lies, and stupidity the likes of which it has never known before.

But the final battle is far from being over — it indeed has not yet even been joined. For great, creating Nature always gets the final say, and is currently preparing a ground for not only its resurgence and rebirth, but its greatest and its most emphatic victory. That is: The legendary fire that was kindled in Greece, moved on to Rome, was reborn in the Renaissance, and was reborn again in England and then in Germany, did not die because it cannot die. It is not mortal.

We live in the interregnum between the two peaks of this battle, though the final one will dwarf the first. But anyone with two good eyes and one good brain and one good heart can see the fire burn — not in the distance but within ourselves, within our race, and within our minds.

When this legendary fire which is the property of the gods becomes fully our own it will burn the world away; its flames will then fly higher and higher, and will be a beautiful light to light the way for millions of wondrous hearts, the hearts of our own people.

Then this fire will no longer be just a story, or a folk tale, or a race-memory, or a legend — but an ever-present reality which will imbue and permeate everything we see. And then the old fighters, among whom we count ourselves, will be vindicated; as, finally, unending vista upon vista will open up before us; finally among millions of our own; finally in the paradise promised; finally in the corridors of the gods…

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Demonflyingfox (@demonflyingfox) takes you back to the 1950s with the Simpsons like you've never seen them before—a real family in a vintage sitcom! The AI film nails the era's style with spot-on visuals and narration that make it feel like a rediscovered classic!



4d ago

This is the first sort of interesting thing I've seen done by AI, but I wouldn't want to watch any more of this, and it makes me kind of queasy. Not ethically, (though that too), but physically i feel a little seasick watching it.

Pete Ashton
3d ago

I've been mulling over why I find this stuff not just ugly but ultimately boring and uninteresting, and trying to be a bit constructive and not just shitting on something other people clearly enjoy.

I think it boils down to asking "What if?" but not actually doing anything interesting with that premise. "What if The Simpsons but in the real world" is an arguably interesting starting point but to do nothing I've not seen a thousand times before with it feels redundant.

Contrast this with the emojii paintings Waxy shared recently I've seen this sort of thing done SO many times I almost closed the tab, but they have a certain something, a spark. They're not just technically interesting, they touch me in some deep way, which is not bad for emojii art on Instagram.

(There's a 40% chance I'm going to regret posting this comment.)

Tra H
3d ago

I think it all boils down to the knowing it comes from AI. My reaction to watching these videos is always just "Yeah, I could see that working as live-action TV show". I'm not really engaging with any of the details or visuals because I know they were just created by AI.

However, if instead of using AI, actual people did the casting, costume design, acting, built all the sets and made the exact same video I'd be blown away. I'd have watched the video more than once to actual appreciate their work instead of getting the gist of everything in the first 15 seconds or so like the AI video.

David Nir
3d ago

I wanted to reply to Tra H's comment just to say I fully agree. Some years ago, there was a live-action version of the opening couch gag, and it was decent, though I wasn't blown away. (The fact that it was filmed in the UK hurt the verisimilitude a bit. Everyone's a critic.)

But it's the kind of attempt I wanted to see, and would want to see more of in the future. I guess what worries me is the possibility that a lot of people actually would like/enjoy the AI approach (or not even realize/care that it's AI), and that it will start to become pervasive.

Pete Ashton
3d ago

@Tra. Maybe - the AI stuff is objectionable on so many levels, but then so are emojis. ;) I'm still not convinced it would be interesting as live action, because there's nothing really there.

It's like the old Marvel What If comics - "What Doctor Strange was bitten by a radioactive spider?" is a fun cover, but you've got to build something out of it otherwise it's just a fun cover.

OK, here's an example where I'm totally on the fence - Patrick Willems' Wes Anderson X-Men trailer. I veer between being impressed that they pulled it off to disappointed that they didn't actually do anything with it.

Tra H
3d ago

@Pete I was actually searching for that Wes Anderson X-Men video, but I couldn't remember what was being parodied, so couldn't find it. I think that's a perfect example of what we're talking about, an AI could make something similar enough, and we've seen them do it, but none of them are engaging in the slightest, there's nothing there to engage with. With the X-men video, there's something behind it that actually drives a response from me.


Zion’s Cultural Putsch: The Judaization of American Literature

by Vic Olvir

IN THE PAST quarter-century or so a rather peculiar fate has befallen American literature: the tradition of the American novel begun by such illustrious names as Hawthorne, Melville, Twain, and James, and carried on by such as Fitzgerald [pictured], Faulkner, Hemingway, and Wolfe, has now seemingly devolved upon writers whose names happen to be Bellow, Mailer, Malamud, Wouk, and Roth. Further, the critical establishment that nurtured and sustained the rise of the former group of writers has been transformed; it now consists more and more of Jewish critics reviewing Jewish writers in publications owned by Jews. This change in the racial composition of American literature’s ruling class has wrought a profound transformation in the moral and aesthetic quality of the literature itself; above all, it has imparted a new meaning — and a more intense truth — to anthropologist Hans F.K. Guenther’s observation…

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Benjamin Fulford Report: One last battle and the Rockefeller/Hitler branch of the KM will go down

April 29, 2024

The global white hat alliance scored major victories last week in the ongoing secret battle for the planet Earth. Klaus Schwab Rothschild, the Battenbergs (British Royals), Hillary Clinton Rockefeller, Barack Obama Hitler, Bill Gates and Dr. Anthony Fauci were all executed at Guantanamo Bay, according to Pascal Najadi the son of the co-founder of the World Economic Forum who claims to be directly involved.

We have independently confirmed with MI6 that Schwab is gone and know the others listed have all been placed on an execution list.

Mossad sources confirm the British royals have also been killed. This is why riderless horses – one of them is painted red to look like blood- are galloping around London. In Revelations 6:2, John describes seeing the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and describes how he “looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him.”

This came after the Head of Israeli Intelligence Major General Aharon Haliva resigned due to the failure of the October 7th false flag in Gaza. His resignation triggered “a wholesale tsunami or clear out at Director General of Military Intelligence around the world… they are all gone,” says the head of MI6.

In other proof, Israeli Minister of National Security, Ben Gvir was involved in a horrific traffic accident while leaving Ramala.

Next Israeli Minister Haim Biton’s father was seriously injured in a Jerusalem car crash.

Now the International Criminal Court is issuing arrest warrants for Benyamin Netanyahu and other Israeli officials.

We also know the surviving members of the Rothschild family have agreed to work with the alliance. This means one last big battle against the Hitler/Rockefeller bloodline should end this war and liberate humanity.

The surviving Rockefellers under David Rockefeller Jr. are definitely desperate and dangerous cornered beasts now.

This is especially true now that Rockefeller Secretary of State Anthony Blinken returned home empty handed from his beg/threaten mission to China last week. Take a look at his expression as he poses with Chinese President Xi Jinping and you can see he is deeply disappointed and scared.

Blinken started the meeting by sucking up to China saying: “The United States does not seek a new Cold War, does not seek to change China’s system, does not seek to suppress China’s development, does not seek to revitalize its alliances against China, and has no intention to have a conflict with China.”

Xi responded by saying “Honor words with actions rather than say one thing but do another…Today, as I see it, dwellers of the same planet should help each other. We live in an interdependent world and rise and fall together. With their interests deeply intertwined, all countries need to build maximum consensus for win-win and all-win outcomes. This is the basic starting point for China to view the world and the China-U.S. relationship,” Xi said.

Behind the scenes, Blinken asked for trillions of dollars of loans in exchange for promises to fight “climate change,” while simultaneously threatening to attack China with weather warfare weapons, Asian secret society sources say.

The Chinese told him to buzz off and the meeting was cut short as this video shows:

Xi Jinping: When will he [Blinken] leave?

Assistant: He’s leaving this evening.

That is why Blinken outright threatened Beijing over what Washington describes as China’s support for the Russian army in a press conference after the talks.

Since he left empty-handed, the Rockefeller faction is definitely running out of money fast. As a reminder in 2007, just before the US went bankrupt during the “Lehman shock” and was bailed out by China, the U.S. national debt was below $10 trillion, the budget deficit was about $160 billion and interest payments were approximately $400 billion. Now the debt has surpassed 34 trillion, is growing by $1 trillion every hundred days and debt servicing costs have topped $1 trillion.

They are definitely going to try to steal your money to keep in business. The IRS has been using AI to access bank accounts of American Citizens without any kind of a search warrant…

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American Dissident Voices broadcast of 13 April, 2024

by Kevin Alfred Strom

Listen to Broadcast

THIS WEEK I will begin a three-part series in honor of the great German leader, and leader of our race, Adolf Hitler — in one week it will be the 135th anniversary of his birth. Hitler’s great philosophical and spiritual work was continued and expanded by William Luther Pierce, the National Alliance, and the Cosmotheist Church. This series will consist of updated versions of our best works on this topic of all topics. Today we begin with “The Mythopoeic Power of the Hero.”

Let me also remind you that you can get the very best education on National Socialism, Adolf Hitler, and the epic struggle of an awakened Europe against the Jewish dagger aimed at our hearts, by reading the works we have made available at Cosmotheist Books. From the very best translation of Hitler’s Mein Kampf, the all-new work of scholar Thomas Dalton, to works on Hitler and National Socialism by L. Craig Fraser, Savitri Devi, Hans Schmidt, Martin Kerr, Alfred Rosenberg, Ernst Hiemer, Joseph Goebbels, William Pierce, and others — and also including a massive and growing series of volumes written or published by Dr. Dalton, including The International Jew, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, The Steep Climb, The Riddle of the Jews’ Success, Eternal Strangers, and many many more. That’s all available for you — and there are very few subjects more important than this one — at our bookstore at

And now, “The Mythopoeic Power of the Hero.” Listen…

* * *

The Mythopoeic Power of the Hero
by Kevin Alfred Strom

ADOLF HITLER. What passion his name incites! – among his people; among his enemies, who we now know to be our enemies also; among those who totally misunderstand him; among those who intellectually understand him – and among those who deeply, emotionally, and viscerally understand him.

We once had a talented volunteer editor who quit helping us, in part, because National Vanguard was too pro-Hitler. He told me that he winced every time we talked about Hitler in a positive way. And one of our more prolific commenters on National Vanguard went further in a recent comment of his:

Actions speak louder than words, and Hitler attacked and demeaned members of his own race, as a German chauvinist who just wrote of pan-Aryanism while looking away at Jewish blood possibly flowing in himself and others running the Reich. Bombing England and torpedoing her colonial cargo ships come to mind first. But how did he sidestep the fact that pure Aryans existed in Russia and Poland, whose soldiers he starved when taken prisoner? . . . There is no need for Hitler references except to point out political correctness’s erroneous attributions to him. Hitler led Germany to ruin.

I have to stop there and say that there’s no credible evidence that Adolf Hitler had Jewish ancestry – that’s just another slander devised by Jewish propagandists to demoralize good people – people for whom Jewish ancestry in a White leader is a negative thing.

But were there part-Jews who were allowed to be in some responsible positions in the Third Reich’s military establishment? Yes, there were – though not at the highest level. But at middle levels – yes, it happened. In retrospect, this can be seen as excessively tolerant, and a mistake. Perhaps it’s this kind of occasional softness toward apparently loyal part-Jews on the part of the German National Socialists that inspired the meme I first saw almost 40 years ago, and which still survives today, in which we see an image of Hitler with the words “Next time, no more Mr. Nice Guy.”

I’ll merely mention, since they are so well-known, Hitler’s high regard for Great Britain and extreme disinclination to fight a war with her, and the great efforts he made to preserve peace with her.

As for pan-Aryanism, Hitler’s change in attitude from his earlier disparagement of Slavs and his focus on Germans only has been well-chronicled in James Harting’s excellent article “Hitler and the Slavs in Historical Perspective,” which you can read on National Vanguard. In it, he says in part:

Contemporary National Socialists view Adolf Hitler as the symbolic leader of the whole of the Aryan race. I, personally, believe that this conception of Hitler is correct and I embrace it enthusiastically. In Mein Kampf and elsewhere, Hitler spoke repeatedly about the fundamental, trans-national unity of the Aryan race, and specifically about the pan-Aryan nature of the struggle against international Jewry.

. . . Increasingly as the War went on, Hitler found himself as the de facto head of all of the Aryan peoples of Europe, and not just of the Germans or of the Germanics. Indeed…

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Heinrich Himmler on the Bolshevik Revolution

Translated from the Original Third Reich Book SS Defender against Bolshevism “Die Schutzstaffel als antibolschewistische Kampforganisation”.

I NOW COME to the Russian revolution. It is not my task to once again repeat the dates. Instead, the important thing in this context is the reference to the methods.

First the discontent of Russia’s socially suffering folk is systematically exploited and used for revolutionary propaganda. A number of Russian leaders who wished to abolish serfdom, especially Minister Stolypin, are eliminated before they can carry out their reforms for Russia’s benefit by Jewish anarchists. All possible means are used to agitate Russia into war against Germany. Remember the role of Jewish/Free-Mason activity to start the World War.

The next phase of the Bolshevik revolution then starts in Russia. Freemasonry calls this the shift from the “system of the yellow flag” to the “system of the red flag”. In parliamentarian jargon: rule passes form the democratic- bourgeois parties to the moderate socialist party – by us the social democrats and over there the Mensheviks. At their head stands the Jew Kerenski, a man whose treatment is a classic example of Aryan kindness. His Jewish mother — if I may here insert this instructive episode — had been sentenced to death because of involvement in anarchist attacks, but she had been pardoned by the father of the last Czar, because she was pregnant with Kerenski.

Precisely this man, who owed his life to Aryan kindness, deposes the last Czar and paves the way for Bolshevism.

But there were still too many forces of resistance left in Russia. This folk is again cold-bloodedly agitated into an offensive. Once again, Aryan Russians are sent to the butcher’s block. The final dissolution is made possible. There is another change, to use the Freemason’s jargon, the “system of the red flag” is replaced with the last system, the “system of the black flag”. In parliamentarian terms: rule passes from the moderate socialist party into the hands of the radical socialist party, the Bolsheviks. Nothing more stands in the way. With the full power of the state the Jews complete the radical slaughter of the good blood that resists them. All the others bow in fear and terror. One could quote from the Book of Esther where it says: many Persians become Jews out of fear of the Jews! In the system of the black flag all of the non-Jews of weak character defect to the Jews. They become executioner helpers and helpful spirits, informers and spies against their own people.

The perfection of these methods of extermination can be seen from the tactics of the Russian secret police. Again and again, they themselves systemically organize rebellions with key agents against their own regime in order to again and again find the leaders who would participate in such an uprising and neutralize them. Every resistance leader — every one in this tortured Aryan folk still able to think or even become a leader against the Bolsheviks and Jews — falls.

If you examine the Russian revolution, you will find many parallels to the German revolution of 1918. The only difference here was that a benevolent God, a kind Providence created a dam and summoned resistance forces. At the right time, in 1919, Adolf Hitler started his work.

Looking at everything, you can add countless more evidence, minor and major, for this blood picture of bolshevism in the history of nations.

I hardly think you will disagree with me. I ask you to look — not at specifics with exaggerated Aryan/ German objectivity — rather at the general line. You will see that — in Jews, sub-humans and their auxiliary organizations — we are confronted by skillful opponents. They are clever and capable in the organization of destruction. They know how to use every opportunity and possibility, in the saloon or in the chamber of the state minister or monarch. They master assassination, poison, direction of lethal steel, starvation of entire undesired population segments, intrigue, defamation of individual leaders, playing personalities against each other (who should be friends to the death), the fight on the street and in the comers of bureaucracy, uprooting the peasant and misuse of religion. They realize better than we that there is no key to peace in these battles, rather only victor and vanquished and that defeat in this conflict means the death of a folk.

You will also note that this enemy has won not a small number victories. He could write the names of the nations destroyed by him on his flag of destruction.

All of you should never forget that these observations deal not just with the Bolshevism of the past and present, but also of the future.

* * *

The Untold Holocaust: Allied Forces’ Treatment of Germans

Dutch political commentator Eva Vlaardingerbroek delivered a speech at the 2024 CPAC Hungary convention.

EVA VLAARDINGERBROEK: Hello, Hungary, hello, Budapest, hello, fellow Europeans and American friends. Thank you so much for having me. Allow me to skip formalities for a moment and dive right into a subject that is not so cheerful, but very, very necessary to discuss.

Let me walk you through the past seven days in Europe. This week in Stockholm, three elderly women in their 70s were stabbed in broad daylight on the streets. In London, four people were stabbed in a time span of just 42 hours.

In Paris, hundreds of African migrants took to the street to riot. And in Brigolo, also in France, yet another church was burned down to the ground. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is just a few incidents in just a couple of days on our beautiful continent.

But we all know that these incidents aren't incidents anymore. If there's one thing that's for sure, it's that we know, and our governments also know, that there is a link between mass migration and crime. In a Dutch city of Dordrecht, something interesting happened the other day.

They announced, and this is a small city in the Netherlands, in my home country, that a new asylum center will be put in that little town. And what did the municipality do? They said, we are going to offer citizens who live in the vicinity of this center a thousand euros to take extra safety measures. Our new reality in Europe consists of frequent rapes, stabbings, killings, murders, shootings, even beheadings.

But let me be clear about one thing. This did not used to happen before. This is a newly imported problem.

Samuel P. Huntington predicted this over 25 years ago, when he wrote, and I quote, in the new world of mass migration, the most pervasive, important, and dangerous conflicts will not be between the social classes. They will not be between the rich and the poor. They will be between peoples belonging to different cultural entities.

Tribal wars and ethnic conflicts will occur within civilizations. Well, boy, was he right. And the worst part is, we as a society seem to have become indifferent to it.

When another white boy or white girl dies at the hands of an immigrant, we might shake our head, we might let out a sigh, we might even get angry for a minute or two, and then we go on with our lives. We offer the family thoughts and prayers, but nothing ever changes. Ladies and gentlemen, what does that say about us? This is the response of a society that has already given up.

A society that has already accepted its defeat. But is this true? Have we given up? Do we really accept the new reality that our globalist leaders have in mind for us? I know one thing for sure, and that is that if nothing changes, if we don't start to seriously fight for our continent, for our religion, for our people, our countries, then this time that we live in will go down in history as the time in which Western nations no longer had to get invaded by hostile armies in order to be conquered. This time will then go down in history as the period in which the invader was actively invited in by a corrupt elite, and not only did this corrupt elite invite the enemy in, they made the native population pay for it too.

Everyone who has eyes can see it. The native white Christian European population is being replaced at an ever-accelerating rate. Let me back this up for you with some statistics from my home country.

Let's take Amsterdam, the capital. Amsterdam currently consists of 56 per cent migrants. The Hague, 58 per cent migrants.

Rotterdam, almost 60 per cent migrants. And, of course, most of these immigrants come from non-Christian, non-Western, African and Middle Eastern countries. Conclusion, the Dutch population is already outnumbered in the majority of our cities.

But let's look onwards. London, 54 per cent migrants. Again, conclusion, native population outnumbered.

Brussels, colour me shocked, 70 per cent migrants. Conclusion, native population majorly outnumbered. And other Europeans will, of course, follow suit soon if they haven't already.

So, I'm going to draw the forbidden conclusion here. The Great Replacement Theory is no longer a theory. It's reality.

And what's interesting about replacement is that the establishment will either deny its existence or, when they admit to it, they say that it's a good thing that the native European population is soon no longer a majority on its own continent. Dutch national disgrace and dubbed climate pope, Frans Timmermans, already stated in 2015 that diversity is humanity's destiny. And that Europe will be diverse.

And, of course, by now, I think we all know what they mean with the word diversity. It means less white people, less of you.

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The Yogi Bear Show is an American comedy animated television series and the first entry of the Yogi Bear franchise produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions that centers on the misadventures of forest-dwelling Yogi Bear in Jellystone Park. The show debuted in syndication on January 30, 1961, and ran for "33" episodes until January 6, 1962. Two other segments for the show were Snagglepuss and Yakky Doodle. The show had a two-year production run.

Yogi Bear

Yogi Bear (voiced by Daws Butler impersonating Art Carney) and Boo-Boo Bear (voiced by Don Messick) reside in Jellystone Park, and often try to steal picnic baskets while evading Ranger Smith (also voiced by Don Messick). Yogi also has a relationship with his girlfriend Cindy Bear (voiced by Julie Bennett).


Snagglepuss the Mountain Lion (voiced by Daws Butler impersonating Bert Lahr) tries to make his life hospitable while occasionally evading a hunter named Major Minor (voiced by Don Messick).

Yakky Doodle

Yakky Doodle (voiced by Jimmy Weldon in the style of Donald Duck) is a duck that lives with his best friend Chopper the Bulldog (voiced by Vance Colvig impersonating Wallace Beery). Chopper usually protected Yakky from being eaten by Fibber Fox (voiced by Daws Butler impersonating Shelley Berman) or Alfy Gator (voiced by Butler impersonating Alfred Hitchcock).


David Lane Touched by God; the Religion of Whiteness

by H. Millard

ARMAN SAYS that many others have also been touched by God, but many may not have received the full messages as Arman has. Nevertheless, if a Holy Book collecting in one place the true wishes of God as put into words by various Whites in various ways were to be published, David Lane’s 14 Words and his 88 Precepts should be included.

Such a book might unify Whites consciously into one religion of Whiteness with various branches — much as other religions have various branches but still are part of one basic religion. As with Hinduism, this Religion of Whiteness (which really already exists, but has different names) is hard to define, but we can say that all who believe in Whiteness would probably agree with this basic statement:

Our faith is intrinsically linked to our White genes, also called our White DNA code, and that God or Nature or the Divine, no matter how we define these terms, wants us to improve and evolve along a strictly White path and to never miscegenate and to do all things to increase our White population and evolve upward toward the Divine no matter how we define the term.

As is the case with many who have been touched by God and who have tried to do God’s work to have Whites survive, thrive, expand and evolve, Lane is often painted by the haters of God and Whites as some sort of enemy of all people, including Whites. This is a big lie. Lane was not an enemy of White people. He was just the opposite.

Whites are not “all people.” We are the White people. We are different. We are selected. We are also a minority on this planet because we are a later and newer evolutionary development. Our true religious and spiritual views are part of our biology. God has written his commands in our DNA code, but many stray and override this. Our true and natural religious and spiritual views are not simply products of our minds that can be changed like changing a shirt.

To repeat: Our religion and spirituality are intrinsically linked to our White genes and we are living, breathing prayers to God just by living Whiteness and replicating ourselves and not mixing or mating with other races. And this is so even if we are not fully conscious of it, or if we have some other ideas of the nature of God and existence that may not be exactly as what has been revealed to Arman.

A few others who we believe have been touched by God are Adolf Hitler, Friedrich Nietzsche, Charles Darwin and many others and their essential writings should be included in any White “Bible.”

Here’s what Nietzsche wrote: “Man is something that shall be overcome. Man is a rope, tied between beast and overman — a rope over an abyss. What is great in man is that he is a bridge and not an end.” (Thus Spoke Zarathustra)

All Whites should ask of everything: “Is this good for White people?” And the answer is that anything that increases the pure White population is moral and good and right — and anything that could harm Whites and keep us from making more like ourselves is evil. This means that things such as abortion, birth control, family planning, miscegenation, mixing with other races, celibacy, suicide, wars that do not serve us as Whites...

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If Hitler Had Won World War II We’d Have A Better, More Just World Today

LEGENDARY U.S. General George S. Patton realized late in the war that the United States fought the wrong country. Patton felt the U.S. should have sided with Germany to destroy Jewish Bolshevik/Communist USSR. This information comes from Patton’s diary entries, letters he wrote to his wife, and comments he made to military officers and staff.

World War II was incredibly complex. However, in the final analysis, WWII was essentially a war between two competing ideologies: Nationalism vs. Jewish internationalism/globalism. Adolf Hitler and his allies fought to preserve the concept of nationalism, not just for Germans but for all peoples the world over. Nationalism really just means the sovereignty of an ethnic people and the right of such ethnic people/nationalists — within their own bordered country — to self-determination. What is meant by self-determination? Self-determination just means an ethnic people preserving their unique culture and heritage and pursuing their collective goals as a unique people. This applies to any ethnic peoples: Nigerians, Germans, Swedes, Vietnamese, Mexicans, Tibetans, etc.

On the other side of WWII was Jewish (Bolshevik) internationalism (today we simply call this ‘globalism’). In the 1920’s, 1930’s, and of course during WWII, powerful Jewish internationalists were fervently advancing the Jewish worldview of eventually eliminating all nations… except for a Jewish homeland… (what was later to be — after WWII — the nation of Israel in 1948). Today we see that nothing has changed; Jewish internationalism/globalism still works toward gradually “merging” all peoples of the world (particularly in the Western World) into one globalist system with a global government, global laws, consistent global culture, global bank, global currency, etc. In short, Jewish globalism (i.e., the weakening and eventual elimination of all nations) is the exact opposite of nationalism (i.e., a world composed of nations … specifically, ethnically homogenous and bordered nations). The Allied powers of WWII (led by Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin, et al) were tools of International Jewry and thus de facto fighting for the Jewish globalist worldview. After the (Jewish-run) Allies won WWII in 1945, international Jewish forces were then free to exercise a Jewish ‘Sphere of Influence’ over the greater Western World (and as we see today, increasingly over the rest of the world).

Alternatively, if Hitler had won World War II and then exercised a Nationalist ‘Sphere of Influence’ over the greater Western World, we’d have a more just, fair, and moral Western World today. The rest of the world would have similarly benefited had the Germans been victorious since German influence would have surely spread elsewhere (ideas such as non-usurious banking and strong family oriented culture would likely have spread globally).

Had Hitler won World War II, what would be different in the post-war world? Here are a few examples:

1 – No USSR (the Soviet government murdered millions of its own people during its 70 year reign — to study this topic read the writings of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn; Hitler would have liberated the USSR, though taking large parts of its Western region for lebensraum, “living space”)

2 – No cold war (because there would be no USSR)

3 – No Communist Eastern Europe/Iron Curtain (when WWII ended, Eastern Europe fell to Communism — this was part of Stalin’s spoils of war)

4 – No Red China and Mao’s subsequent killing of 40 – 60 million Chinese (the USSR created favorable conditions for Mao’s Communists which ultimately led to Mao’s victory over Chiang Kai-shek’s nationalists in 1949, thus if no USSR, no Mao victory)

5 – No Communist North Vietnam (both the Soviet Union and Red China aided Ho Chi Minh)

6 – No Communist Cambodia and Pol Pot’s slaughter of 2 million Cambodians (Red China aided Pol Pot)

7 – No dividing Korea into North Korea and South Korea (the Allies split Korea after WWII ended, with North Korea becoming Communist… another of Stalin’s spoils of war)

8 – No Communist Cuba (given the previous, what support would Castro have had in the 1950’s?)

9 – No Communism anywhere (Hitler was the world’s most fervent anti-Communist)

10 – Liberalism and multiculturalism wouldn’t dominate Western ethos (both are Jewish creations and both have always been heavily promoted/advanced by Jews; thus if no Jewish influence, then no liberalism and no multiculturalism… at least certainly nowhere near the degree we see today)

11 – No Cultural Marxism and no political correctness (these are social engineering “tools” which came out of the Jewish think tank known as the Frankfurt School)

12 – No third world immigration into Western nations…

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Adolf Hitler as the Exemplar of Indo-European Ideology


WHAT IS IT ABOUT Adolf Hitler that continues to fascinate the world? Why do people, especially those of European descent, find him so endlessly intriguing? It is not just his followers and sympathizers who find him captivating: Even his enemies and those who are conflicted about him fall under his spell.

Clearly, there is something about Hitler that resonates deeply in the Aryan psyche, on a sub-rational level. Something about Hitler attracts us all, even if we do not understand what it is. It goes beyond words. And the more one learns about Hitler, the stronger this attraction becomes.

Part of the answer to the enigma of Adolf Hitler is that we see in him, to one degree or another, an idealized reflection of ourselves. He is more than just one Aryan man: he is an exemplar of all Aryan humanity.

Georges Dumézil and Indo-European Ideology

The French scholar Georges Dumézil (1898-1986) is the father of modern Indo-European studies. Following the Second World War, academic, scholarly investigation into Aryan prehistory and origins came to an almost complete halt. Research in this field was deemed to be Politically Incorrect (to use a contemporary term). Due to its association with National Socialist racial theory, the very world “Aryan” itself was declared out of bounds, and was replaced by the more-neutral term “Indo-European” (IE). For some two decades following 1945, Indo-European studies were only acceptable if they were strictly limited to the realm of comparative linguistics, that is, tracing the common origin of words in the various languages of the IE language family.

Dumézil was one of the scholars in the tiny, tightly-circumscribed field of Indo-European linguistic studies. Unlike his colleagues, however, Dumézil was daring enough to think forbidden thoughts, and to go beyond the bounds of what was academically acceptable. In studying ancient IE texts from many lands, especially those of a mythological nature, Dumézil noticed that they had more in common than just a similar vocabulary. Rather, they also described a common society, that was based on a common ideology or way of looking at the world.

The various IE mythologies, including those of the ancient Greek, Roman, German, Celtic, and Hindu peoples, were all polytheistic. In each, there was a community of divine beings. The individual gods and goddesses of one mythological tradition had a corresponding deity in the other mythologies. For example, the Germanic Thor corresponded closely to the Roman Mars and the Vedic Indra. Furthermore, each god had a distinct social role to play in the divine community, that was likewise a reflection of a social role in actual IE society, such as the chieftain, the warrior, the smith, the mother, and the farmer. Dumézil perceived that the mythologies of the ancient and prehistoric IE peoples described a social hierarchy that was common to all of them. This structural hierarchy in turn was a manifestation of a common IE ideology, or thought world.

In essence, what Dumézil was saying was that our distant Indo-European (Aryan) ancestors not only had a common language, but also a common religion and a common social structure. He later expanded this further to include a common legal system. The implication was that this common IE patrimony was genetically based — that is, that it is encoded in our genes and not just transmitted culturally from generation to generation. (Dumézil never made this claim himself, but left it to his students to elaborate on the basic research that he did.)

Later, the scholars Marija Gimbutas, Edgar Polomé, and Roger Pearson would build on Dumézil’s work, and expand the field of Indo-European studies to formally include not just linguistics, but also mythology, archaeology, ethnology, and anthropology.

Functional Tripartition

The essence of Dumézil’s theory of Indo-European ideology is termed “Functional Tripartition.” There are three levels to the IE social hierarchy, each of which serves a certain social function:

First Function: Sovereignty or leadership
Second Function: Force, which enforces the decisions of this First Function
Third Function: Productivity, which provides the material basis for society
An illustration of the functions from mythology is provided by the Germanic gods:

First Function: Odin, king or lord of the Gods
Second Function: Thor, defender of the Gods
Third Function: Frey, God of prosperity and fertility
Each of these deities was honored with a statue at the great heathen temple in Uppsala, Sweden: one god for each function.

Dumézil wrote numerous books explaining and expounding various aspects of this theory. In English, his most popular and readily available book is Gods of the Ancient Northmen (1973).

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JAG Pulls Plug on Klaus Schwab

April 26, 2024

The saga of globalist kingpin Klaus Schwab culminated in his death Wednesday afternoon, after President Donald J. Trump reportedly ordered Vice Adm. Darse E. Crandall to “pull the plug,” a GITMO source told Real Raw News.

Schwab, suffering from organ failure and acute Adrenochrome withdrawal, had been on life support since arriving at Naval Hospital Guantanamo Bay on April 19, and staff had questioned whether he would recover to be deemed fit to stand trial, a prospect that diminished with each passing hour.

Schwab’s all too merciful death came two days after a supposed Red Hat tried to assassinate him in his hospital room. As a brief aside, JAG was critical of RRN’s “sensationalist headline” asserting that Red Hats had “infiltrated” GITMO, for the claim lacks substantive proof. Currently, only the would-be assassin’s dubious admission links him to the Red Hats, whom he could be trying to implicate for reasons unknown. “If he’s really a Red Hat, we’ll find out, but he could be a lone wolf or a clever Deep State plant. The title of your article suggests that GITMO was invaded by an army of Red Hats, but that’s not the case. Please do better,” JAG told us. We will do better going forward.

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Benjamin Fulford Report: Fake US government buys a week of time with bitcoin fraud and by stealing Russian assets

April 22, 2024

The pedo-blackmailed and bribed acting troupe that pretends to be the US government just bought itself a little more than a week’s survival time by means of outright crime. The Rothschild/Rockefeller owners of the US Corporation did this by fooling many people with real money to invest in a hallucination of their creation known as Bitcoin. They also stole money Russia earned by selling real products such as gas and oil. However, since the US corporation is burning through a trillion dollars every hundred days, it means the $95 billion bribery bill they just passed only bought them a little over a week of time.

House Speaker Mike Johnson, the traitor who passed the bill is a brainwashed Christian Zionist completely comprised by the KM Deep State. Johnson is now finished politically as are the rest of the Satanists’ slave politicians.

The problem with the Satanists is that while they are the best liars in the world, lies do not reflect reality. The reality is that, in the physical world of things and people, the tide has turned and their central bank fraud is ending. This chart showing Chinese US government bond sales are causing US interest rates to rise and the US real economy to implode is an illustration of that. The Chinese make money by selling real things and have pulled the plug. This is draining the lie-based US swamp. As the money drains away, more and more big lies are being exposed.

Take NASA (Not A Space Agency) as an example. NASA in Hebrew means “to deceive.” The evidence is now overwhelming that NASA is a giant con job. NASA is a $26 billion per year fraud supported by murder and bribery. Here are some examples: In the first picture you can see astronauts on the moon without oxygen masks.

See Photos

In the next you can see NASA took a picture from a landscape in Bulgaria, turned it red and called it Mars.

The 1976 movie Capricorn One linked below is almost certainly based on a true story of an astronaut who exposed the fraud of moon travel and led to the end of “manned trips to the moon.”

Other frauds continue though. The war in Ukraine and the so-called fighting between Iran and Israel are cases in point. The $60 billion the KM plans to “send to Ukraine” will be mostly spent on buying stockpiles of old weapons to send to the synagogues there for resale on the world’s arms markets, according to Russian FSB sources. “It is about provoking Ukraine into further hostilities down to the last Ukrainian, putting guaranteed money in the pockets of the US,” Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters.

The $28 billion of money for Israel is being spent on bribes as well as such things as the provably fake recent Israeli “missile attack” on Iran.

The $9 billion sent to Taiwan is being spent mostly on bio-weapons operations in Taiwan intended to kill off a large percentage of China’s population. That is why China hasn’t released death and cremation data since the massive COVID-19 outbreak in December 2022 when …

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Hollywood’s Jewish Phallocrats

Some of the abuse depicted in this article may be too shocking for sensitive readers. They, and children, should not read it.

by Thomas Müller

LONG BEFORE HARVEY Weinstein sullied the reputations of “White men,” Hollywood Jews in positions of power coldly used women as sexual receptacles. They ruined the lives of countless girls and women who refused, or fought back, and they emotionally damaged those who submitted out of fear or a moment of weakness. The cynical and ambitious White females formed a sick, symbiotic relationship with their abusers.

Upton Sinclair once remarked, “Jewish traders sold Christian girls into concubinage and into prostitution, and even today they display the same activity in the same field in southern California where I live.”

F. Scott Fitzgerald summed up the Hollywood scene of his era: “A Jewish holiday, a Gentile tragedy.” (Gabler, 2)

In the 1940s, the novelist Raymond Chandler was in Hollywood, and assigned to work with Jewish writer and director Billy Wilder. Chandler was appalled by the way the married man would constantly and openly “chat up” young starlets with whom he had innumerable sexual trysts, evidently regarding them as mere entertainment and simply his “due” for being a man of his position (or as one of the “chosen”).

Chandler said he was disgusted by Hollywood’s Jewish elite and later wrote to a friend: “Los Angeles has nothing for me anymore. It’s only a question of time until a Gentile has to wear an armband there.”

Jewish film producer Arthur Freed
When child star Shirley Temple was 11 years old, she was asked to come — alone — into the office of Jewish film producer Arthur Freed to “talk about her upcoming films.” Temple was already one of the most popular stars in Hollywood. She was hardly of an age to even understand the meaning of the term “casting couch,” nor did she particularly need Freed’s favor. But Freed simply couldn’t restrain himself.

According to Temple herself, Freed had only uttered a few sentences about her films when he suddenly exclaimed, “I have something made for just you,” while taking down his pants. As he exposed himself to her, he proclaimed, “You’ll be my new star!”

White child actress Shirley Temple (1928-2014)
Temple was protected by her very real innocence of such things, and could only laugh. Her laughter enraged Freed to the point of forgetting all about his sick lust. Temple said that Freed yelled at her, “Get out!” He then shouted, unmindful of his disarray, imperiously pointing to the closed door, “Go on, get out!” (Wall Street Journal)

Harry Cohn (1891–1958), the founder of Columbia Pictures Corporation, was part of the Eastern European Jewish mogulocracy that came from nowhere. Cohn was a tyrant. His temper was his chosen tool for getting his way. Listening devices throughout his studio helped him eavesdrop on subordinates and a sound system allowed him to blast anyone who annoyed him.

Cohn filled his shelves with silk stockings and expensive perfumes. He helped entrench the Jewish systemic abuse of WHites in the movie industry during his four decades in film. From the start, Cohn used his aggression to exert control over female stars. Not only did he force them to change their names and their appearances, but he regularly forced them to trade sex for employment, then scrutinized and even spied on them. He relentlessly demanded that the actress Rita Hayworth in particular “sleep with” him, bugged her dressing rooms, and imposed financial penalties for “insubordination.”

In the words of E.J. Fleming — whose book The Fixers focused on how Hollywood studios controlled their stars’ images — Cohn “was said to have verbally or physically raped every woman that ever worked for his studio.” (emphasis ours)

Early in Marilyn Monroe’s career as a struggling actress, Harry Cohn invited her to an “overnight cruise” on his yacht. Monroe was required to strip naked for Cohn in his office. As she bent over, at his direction, he approached her, penis in hand. When she declined his advances, said Monroe, “I had never seen a man so angry” (Jordan, 91; Wolfe, 211-212). Cohn then “banned her from the [Columbia] lot after she refused to accompany him on a yacht to Catalina Island.” (Leaming, 8)

“You know,” Monroe once said, “that when a producer calls an actress into his office to discuss a script that isn’t all he has in mind…. I’ve slept with producers. I’d be a liar if I said I didn’t.” (Summers, 34-35). In 1955, 20th Century Fox awarded Monroe the richest per-film contract of any actress. “It means,” remarked Monroe, “I’ll never have to suck another Jewish cock again!” (McDougal, 217).

“By 1953,” Ted Jordan reports, “Monroe could be virulently ‘anti-Semitic’ (a sentiment that grew as she got older). To my discomfort, she would…

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Tick Tock

American Dissident Voices broadcast of 16 March, 2024

by Kevin Alfred Strom

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I HAVE TITLED today’s broadcast “Tick Tock” — spelled properly, as in the sound of a clock ticking. I’m well aware that “TikTok” — the name of the social media firm founded in China — is spelled differently. In fact, it’s a little interesting that what they left out when they respelled the phrase was two Cs, which could stand for “Communist China,” or for “Chinese conquest,” or for “carbon copy” (as in a copy of everything about their users being “cced” to China), or maybe for something else, or maybe for nothing at all.

What TikTok has done is really quite impressive. You would have thought, prior to the company’s launch in late 2017, that what Americans needed least was yet another social media platform. I mean, how many different ways — email, telephone, Zoom, text messages, Usenet, Instagram, Facebook, X, Gab, the whole lot — do we really need to communicate with each other? Surely, the market had already been saturated — and saturated by real professionals, largely Jews and others conditioned by capitalism to act like Jews, to extract the last possible tenth of a cent from all the data they gather about you while you “like” and “follow” and chat with your “friends” and goggle at celebrities and “influencers” fine-tuned to your personality and lifestyle to keep you staring at the screen for as many hours of your life that they can possibly steal.

But in comes TikTok, with an even lower and provably more accurate opinion of the American and other White cattle than the Jews, and they build a colossus of more than a billion individual downloads of their TikTok “app” (application, or computer program) within the first 14 months of the company’s existence, more than Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram during the same time period. And they’ve done nothing but rise like a rocket since then. Among young people, they are now the primary social medium. How did they do it? Primarily by recognizing that many, many of our people these days are dumbed-down almost to the point of Negritude, have the attention span of a hyperactive chimp, and, thanks to Jews, are addicted to Congoid-style “dancing” and “music” and demand these as a near-constant backdrop to everything they do. Noam sayin’? (Of course, there are exceptions to these generalizations on the platform, but this is how they won their position.)

TikTok’s founders, looking at how much the existing social media giants depended on text and reading, and seeing a fast-growing portion of the population to whom reading and writing are difficult and irksome, decided to concentrate on videos. And, unlike YouTube, they emphasized very short videos, in no cases longer than 10 minutes, and very often only a few seconds long, thus making their content more attractive to the cultureless worker-bee people we’ve been breeding in recent generations who have very little time for anything but being more “productive” for Schlomo, and to dumbed-down folks who become bored if they have to think about any one thing for more than a quarter of a minute.

And thus they are a huge success, bringing untold billions in revenue to their Chinese parent company ByteDance. Although the Jewish-owned and Jewish-dominated social media giants still stand, TikTok has shamed them and in some ways has beaten them at their own game. And TikTok, like all centralized social media networks, has influence over society. And TikTok is controlled by Chinese, not by Jews, and thus has broken the Jewish media monopoly — and for this “sin,” they are about to be punished.

The Chinese power structure has similar interests to the Jewish power structure that misrules us here in the West, but they are far from identical. Both power structures are profoundly anti-White. Both seek to control what people see and hear. Both seek to limit speech. Each pushes its own fake historical narrative. Both seek to enforce a stifling intellectual orthodoxy that is anathema to free-thinking European-descended peoples. Both are deeply race-conscious, yet they characterize the self-determination of any of their captive peoples as “extremism,” “separatism,” or “racism.” But the Chinese power structure regards Jewish power as a competitor for the hegemony and power they seek for the Chinese elite, and thus as an enemy, no matter how much they cooperate at times when it is in their mutual interest to do so.

(I’ve read stories that TikTok has allowed some criticism of Jews and the Jewish agenda on their platform, too — if true, yet another reason for the recent moves against the company.)

This is what the proposed TikTok ban just passed with the support of both parties in the US Congress is all about. Congress isn’t proposing that the social media…

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No to Hopelessness; No to a Brown America

American Dissident Voices broadcast of 9 March, 2024

by Kevin Alfred Strom

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IN PHILADELPHIA — America’s first capital city, now a quarter-White, half-Black Hellhole trending rapidly toward the civilizational level of Haiti, a city that was once unironically called the City of Brotherly Love — there have been mass shootings at the city’s transit facilities for four consecutive days; three have died, more than a dozen shot, one victim shot more than nine times. Surveillance camera video shows masked but anatomically Congoid gunmen exiting a stolen car and then converging on students at a bus stop, then literally filling them full of lead. The endless refrain of the more truthful news reports on these incidents is “no arrests were made,” And our beloved Jewish-run “mainstream media” always fail to mention the race of the attackers.

So, who’s running the show now in Philadelphia? Blacks and Mulattos are in almost all the top positions, with some remaining Whites on staff — I wonder how they stand it! — keeping an undeserving governmental structure from totally collapsing. The District Attorney is the Soros-backed Jew Larry Krasner.

If you want to see what the “leadership” stratum of today’s Philadelphia looks like, just take a look at the video I’ll embed (in the text version of this broadcast on of January’s swearing-in ceremony for new Police Commissioner Kevin Bethel, a Mulatto. It’s a sad, sad sight to see the mostly older White officers in the audience and in the color guard, now serving this group of mostly light-skinned Blacks — to see and hear the “soul” version of The Star-Spangled Banner sung at the ceremony — and to see and hear the mostly well-meaning Bethel describing various violent incidents including one in which he and his officers had to install bulletproof blankets on the windows of a school to prevent gunfire from hitting and killing students. (Adding to the bizarre, surreal nature of this event is the fact that it took place in Philadelphia’s Kensington district, where literally right outside the doors of the ceremony’s venue, hordes of deranged and damaged people, Black and White, roam the streets mindlessly like zombies, gesticulating meaninglessly, bumping into objects, their minds and souls destroyed by the animal tranquilizer called “Tranq” which has been sold freely on the streets there for years, a direct consequence of the “go easy on non-White crime” policies of the Black-Jewish coalition that runs the city.

But neither the Black mayor nor the Mulatto Police Commissioner can overcome the realities of race. No one — certainly not a collection of 100-IQ Mulattos — can keep an effective rein on nearly a million feral and heavily violent 70-IQ Negroes; nor can they stop the gang and tribal warfare that is rising there as the inevitable consequence of multiracialism. Nor can they make a city that has gone 75% non-White into the city it was when White men created it and its great culture, architecture, and institutions. Nor do they even want to do so, since they are Brown and are therefore, naturally, absolutely committed to the browning of their city and this nation. They don’t even have the competence to keep a bare minimum of order, much less maintain the White man’s civilization that was handed to them — much, much less create anything like it. It is a far, far cry from the days half a century ago when Mayor Frank Rizzo urged Philadelphians to “vote White” — and they didn’t.

Predictably, yesterday, Commissioner Bethel and Krasner blamed the string of shootings on “guns.” They also said they suspect that the four continuous days of shootings at transit stations are “targeted” attacks and are the result of a “dispute.” I am sure that said “dispute” is yet another example of an infinity of such Black-on-Black or Black-on-Mestizo “disputes” — all of them stupid, pointless, and forgotten-in-a-month revenge or turf war killings over which howler monkey troop owns which crumbling edifice or other. Kevin Bethel will be utterly unable to make them see things any other way. After all, these are the kind of people who will risk life and limb and decades in prison to get a couple hundred dollars from a convenience store till — and knife you through the heart if you look at them wrong.

And the violence isn’t just happening in Philadelphia. In the first 66 days of 2024, there have been 71 officially designated mass shootings in the US — and many, many more shootings that didn’t meet the criteria for being put in that category — almost all of them in our heavily non-White cities.

It’s gotten so bad on the New York City subways, for example, that the Governor of New York…

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In 1932, the Freemason Army Chief of Staff, General Douglas MacArthur, was commanded to break up the Bonus Army, a gathering of American First World War veterans who were striking over the government's refusal to make good on their bonus obligations made during wartime. Two veterans were killed in the assault, and an eleven-week-old baby died from what was believed to be a gas-related illness. The Bonus March was led by the communists of the Workers Ex-Servicemen's League.


Invaders’ “Rights”

by Douglas Mercer

WHO EVER HEARD OF such a thing as “invaders’ rights”? Jews, that’s who. Aliens who have absolutely no right to be here, who are in flagrant violation of our sovereignty, who are not covered under the US Constitution (except of course they are: wink, wink), who are per se criminals — these aliens, according to Jews at least, have rights we need respect, rights as invaders.

In an attempt to relieve the strains on NYC, Adams announced plans to move 300 male migrants out to New York’s suburbs, specifically Rockland and Orange counties, much to the chagrin of officials there, who sued to prevent the mayor from doing so. After reportedly being informed by Adams that he would not send migrants to Orange and Rockland counties, officials discovered 15 minutes before the buses arrived, that that was not the case.

The liberal scum in the high-income districts talk a big game about how they love the migrants; how the migrants are saintly and deserve every consideration; how the migrants “enrich” any community they are dropped down into. But their love of non-White migrants has an expiration date and that is whatever date the migrants come flooding into their own neighborhoods. When that happens they welcome the stranger just long enough to kick them the Hell out. It happened in Martha’s Vineyard, where the wine-drinking and smart-car-driving insects made a big show of love and compassion — and then called in the Army to clear the migrants out; it happened just the other day in an Illinois community that supposedly went 97% for Biden — when the dark invaders arrived the locals were seen screaming bloody murder to be rid of them. It happens in America and Europe when the cities try to fob off the interlopers on White rural communities. It’s going to happen in France when they clear out the dark “human” rubbish in advance of the 2024 Paris Olympics (and they say Hitler did a whitewash in 1936 — ha!). And now it’s happening in New York, where the uber-Marxists are pushing the aliens out into the Whiter suburbs.

“It’s a complete mess and the government has not been forthright and honest with us. Now they’re talking about some males coming in forced to wear an ankle bracket so we know where they are,” Orange County Executive Steve Nehaus stated. Additionally, Neuhaus claimed NYC officials are randomly booking hotel rooms for 30 days with the option to go longer.

This is “fair housing,” turbo edition. In this case they don’t have to get places re-zoned to move in the poor coloreds, they just book a room and voila! — instant enrichment (and death for Whites). Hell, the other day they kicked out some homeless veterans to make room for the dusky hordes. They want to palm off a problem of their own creation on the rest of the nation. The fact of the matter is these human time bombs shouldn’t be anywhere in our nations — not in the cities, not in the suburbs, not in the rural retreats. They should be back home in the jungle, or the favela, or the chicken farm where they belong.

Adams says New York is at a breaking point due to the number of migrants who keep arriving in the city and needing services. It was recently reported that it’s costing New York City up to five million dollars a day to house and feed illegal immigrants. However, neighboring counties of New York City are worried about a new plan by Eric Adams to relocate illegal aliens out of the city.

Now he’s going to cry us a river? When the problem hits his back yard? The gall of them. They’ve got a lot of chutzpah, don’t they — they make their bed but won’t lie in it with filthy Guadalajarans; they make their cities “sanctuaries” for aliens; they vote in pro-illegal policies, and they flack for pro-alien politicians — but then when the tide gets too high all of a sudden they become Tom Tancredo. You might say you want them to suffer the aliens good and hard, but unfortunately aliens have legs and can get on buses and planes, and everyone plays hot potato with them until gradually they filter out into the mass an no one knows exactly where they are anymore. And the money they cost us (hundreds of billions at least) is fungible; one way or another the chronic mess they bring will end up on our doorsteps. (Actually we’ll be lucky if the Brown flood stays out…

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Gender Dysphoria and Politically Induced Delusions

Defeating the Jewish power structure will bring healthier times. Support the National Alliance.
by David Sims

GENDER DYSPHORIA IS A mental disorder that afflicts one person in 10,000, beginning in childhood. It’s rare. Of children (mostly boys) who actually do have gender dysphoria, most (around 70%) will outgrow it without drugs or therapy.

Most of the problem with so-called “transgender” children today is the result of transgenderism being made trendy by the Jewish-controlled media and perverted cultural doings.

Boys and girls are flattered by predatory adults, usually in public schools, who tell the kids that they have the maturity and the sagacity to make decisions that will change the course of their lives. Then these predators introduce the idea of “changing sex” as a wonderful adventure that has only positive outcomes.

Most of the children who are thus beguiled into assenting to hormone therapy, puberty blockers, and transsexual surgery don’t really even have gender dysphoria. They are simply trying to please the adults who have been presented to them as authority figures and as Really Smart People Who Can Help Them.

I think that the predatory adults who do this to children should be either executed by the state (after a trial, of course) or sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.

Prior to 2007, there was no known instance of gender dysphoria among teenage girls. Today, there are many girls who claim to have the disorder and who claim, further, that they need to have their breasts whacked off and to get testosterone injections — instead of help in overcoming the disorder.

The contention that “transgender kids” (children who have been beguiled into assenting to “transgender therapy”) will commit suicide if they don’t get “gender-affirming care” is pure leftist lies.

Humans have been around for hundreds of thousands of years. Recorded history goes back about six thousand years. If transgender suicide risk (in the absence of “gender-affirming care”) were a real thing, then there would be historical evidence for it. But there isn’t.

Instead, this supposed suicide risk was never mentioned prior to 2020. It is quite a new idea. And it is a lie.

It’s the same sort of lie that sold the covid-19 mRNA vaccine to millions of gullible people worldwide: a self-serving lie told by predatory therapists and unscrupulous medical professionals through the institutions for which they work.

* * *

“Transgender” People Don’t Exist

And remember: this sickness is purposely promoted by Jews to undermine White unity and mental health, to destroy White families, and to reduce the White birth rate.

by David Sims

IN THE opinion pages of a feminist magazine, I asked how a lesbian would be able to tell the difference between a transgender-claiming-to-be-female who asked her (the lesbian) for a date, and an ordinary heterosexual man in drag hoping to swive a pretty lesbian. Either of them could claim that “her” male genitalia is a convenience should the relationship progress to the point of intercourse.

I admire the chutzpah of Sunu Chandy: “It seems as if that particular witness does not believe that transgender people exist.” They don’t. There are no transgender people. There are only people with a mental disorder called gender dysphoria. It is not possible for anyone to really change his or her sex. The harm done by the delusions of gender dysphoria include willful self-mutilation, or hiring someone else to do the mutilating. A doctor can’t transform a male into a female, nor a female into a male; the doctor can only mutilate a male into resembling a female, as a fake — and vice versa.

There are only two sexes: male and female. There are also extremely rare persons who have birth defects that give them abnormal bodies, and in some cases it might be impossible to assign them to either sex. But these very variable birth defects don’t constitute a separate sex; they’re irrelevant to the subject of the “transgender” mental illness; and their existence doesn’t mean that there are more than two sexes.

* * *

Child Abuse: “Fifty Children Every Week” — Some as Young as Four — Placed in “Gender Reassignment” Clinics

Children as young as four are among 50 children a week being referred to gender reassignment doctors, it emerged last night.

Two four-year-olds, four children aged five and 17 six-year-olds have been referred to the specialist Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS) in London.

THE NUMBER OF CHILDREN who visited the clinic in the last six months has risen by 24 per cent to 1,302, giving a weekly average of 50.

If the pattern continues over the next six months, the clinic could be visited by at least 2,600 children in 2017…

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Racial Terrorism Is Not the Way to White Victory

Back in 2012 – before Dylann Roof’s attack; before the attack in New Zealand by Brenton Tarrant; before the attack in Pittsburgh by Robert Bowers; and before other similar incidents — New Order supporter James Harting published the following essay on his blog on Stormfront. It is as pertinent today as when it was first written.

by James Harting

I HAVE SAID this before, but it bears repeating over and over again until it has sunk into even the densest skull: We must emphatically and unequivocally reject terrorism as a strategy for White revolution.

Our enemy is the most powerful political-economic System ever to exist. It controls the government of every major country, it dominates the global capitalist economy, and it possesses mass media with an international reach. The Jewish component of this System consciously seeks the extermination of Aryan humanity as a long-range goal; the non-Jewish element of the System is merely indifferent to White survival and goes along with the Jews’ plans out of convenience. In confronting and defeating this colossal monstrosity, it is necessary to more than nip at its heels — which is all that terrorism does.

Terrorism is truly the weapon of the weak and the desperate. Terrorists typically target undefended, or “soft,” civilian targets. But these targets themselves are not the seat of power. No government in the history of mankind has ever been toppled by terrorism. Rather, terrorists seek to force concessions from the ruling regime while leaving it in power. A successful terrorist campaign is essentially reformist, not revolutionary, in its practical effect: ultimately, terrorism is not revolutionary but counter-revolutionary. Our goal must be to overthrow the anti-White System, not to “terrorize” or scare it!

And if unsuccessful, terrorism can actually do serious harm to the cause that it purports to champion.

Consider the example of the resistance of the Klan movement to the System’s integrationist schemes in the American South in the 1960s. I am not a squeamish or hypocritical person. I shed no crocodile tears for the various “civil rights workers” executed by the White Knights of Mississippi, or by the United Klans of America, or by Byron de la Beckwith. But these various acts of racial terrorism did not substantially slow down the anti-White forces. To the contrary, they provided a legal and moral justification for massive federal intervention. In the end, not only was the modest goal of promoting Negro voting rights achieved, but the entire White power structure that had been in place in the South for a century was dismantled. That was the practical effect of pro-White terrorism: it did not bring White victory, but rather hastened White defeat!

It is not some random Jewish media propagandist, or a Sikh invader praying in his temple in Wisconsin, or even a Negro sitting in the Oval Office, who is the real enemy of our Race. They are merely symptoms of the problem — they are not the problem itself.

The problem is that we, as a people, have lost control of our country and our future. The solution to that problem is to fight to win them back; it is not to lash out blindly at our tormenters in an emotional and ineffective manner.

The masters of the media are steadfast in their portrayal of any resistance to White extinction as “terrorism.” Sadly, there are people associated with the struggle for White survival who are only too glad to go along with them. Some people have read the revolutionary fantasies of Dr. William Pierce, in his novels The Turner Diaries and Hunter, and are unable to separate fiction from reality. Others simply have an emotional or psychological makeup that finds murder, mayhem and destruction pleasurable for their own sake, and have attached themselves to the White people’s movement as a justification for their own warped desires. These people are not part of the solution, but rather they are part of the problem!

I advocate what serious National Socialists have always advocated: we can only bring our Cause to victory by winning the hearts and minds of the great masses of our White brothers and sisters. Once we have a substantial percentage of the White population behind us, there is nothing that can stand in our way. (Note: I said “substantial percentage,” not “majority.”)

I have heard the argument that, “The White masses have rejected our Movement and our message, so it is futile to waste our time, money and energy in trying to convert them.”

But this is a false argument if I have every heard one! The great masses of White people do not know that we even exist, or at best they are only dimly conscious of our existence. The average White American has never held a piece of National Socialist or WN literature in his hands, even on…

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Created 3 years, 10 months ago.

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Unalienable Rights

Unalienable Rights are the Inherent, Sovereign, Natural Rights that existed before the creation of the State, and which, being antecedent to and above the State, can never be taken away, diminished, altered, or levied by the State, except by Due Process of Law.

The Original, Permanent, Unalienable Rights of every Man or Woman, includes:

1.) The Right to Life, Freedom, Health and the Pursuit of Happiness
2.) The Right to Contract, or Not to Contract, which is Unlimited
3.) The Right to Eama Living Income by being Compensated with Wages or a
Salary in a Fair Exchange for one's Work
4.) The Right to Travel in the Ordinary Course of one's Life and Business
5.) The Right to Privacy and Confidentiality, free from Unwarranted Invasion
6.) The Right to Own, and Hold Property, lawfully without Trespass
7.) The Right to Self-Defense when threatened with Harm, Loss, or Deceit
8.) The Right to Due Process of Law, with Notice and Opportunity to Defend
9.) The Right to be Presumed Innocent, suffering No Detention or Arrest, No Search or Seizure, without Reasonable Cause
10.) The Right to Remain Silent when accused, to avoid Self-Incrimination
11.) The Right to Equality in the eyes of the Law, and to Equal Representation
12.) The Right to Trial by Jury, being an Impartial Panel of one's Peers
13.) The Right to Appeal in Law against Conviction or Sentence, or both
14.) The Right to Expose Knowledge necessary to one's Rights and Freedoms
15.) The Right to Peaceful Association, Assembly, Expression, and Protest
16.) The Right to Practice a Religion, and to have Beliefs, of one's choosing
17.) The Right to Love, and to Consensual Marriage with Children, as a Family
18.) The Right to Security from Abuse, Persecution, Tyranny, and War
19.) The Right to Refuse to Kill under command, by reason of Conscience
20.) The Right to Live in Peace and be left alone when Law-Abiding

Surely, the most critical failure of The People is their failure to ensure the teaching and common knowledge of their Unalienable Rights if you do not know your Rights, you effectively have none. By the path of ignorance, whether by Apathy or Deception. The People arrive in a State of Exploitation, Oppression, and Tyranny.


The Consent of the Governed Essential Principles

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are
Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed "

The United States of America was the first modern state formed around the principle of consent of the governed. The term implies that the people of a country or territory have the right of self-rule and must consent, either in a direct referendum or through elected representatives, to the establishment of their own government. In most modern cases, the form of the state is a repubic, or rule by voting citizens within an agreed-upon constitutional and legal framework. But some monarchies also operate with the consent of the governed, as in the United Kingdom, where over time the monarch has given up most political and administrative functions to elected officials and the government is formed through regular elections.

Government / Aristocracy has no power except the power bestowed upon it by the people.


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