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Tutorial file: https://colab.research.google.com/github/kodindonesia/kicolab_Manuals/blob/master/02_Manual_Style_Transfer_helper_kicolab.ipynb

Let's create art with this detailed, beginner tutorial about Artificial Intelligence. We will use AI to transfer the style from a painter to a photo. Then we will use another AI to magnify the resulting painting.

00:14 Tutorial overview with examples
01:24 Overview of the Colab Python code
06:16 Opening the Colab code above, logging in Google, and copying the code to your Google drive
07:24 Start running the Python code in Colab
09:06 Choosing your favorite painting style, and starting the Python class to do Style-Transfer
10:29 Choosing your original photo, and visualizing the inputs (content + style) in Colab
12:20 Creating the stylized result: your painting!
13:25 How to apply the style only partially (less heavily)
14:59 Making a video using Style-Transfer
17:52 How to create high-definition paintings by using another AI to magnify an image

Our videos appear first on Bitchute/BitSlide, and only later on YouTube.

Artificial Intelligence Introduction. Tutorial in Colab about Face-animation with Deep-Learning (Deep-Fake). In this tutorial you only press a few buttons: we will not go into the detail of the Python code.

Tutorial Code: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1ZHuEdSTIHpPlaBIMpTupqQYeSzaq7l1G

00:00 Artificial Intelligence playlist Introduction: Machine Learning and Deep Learning overview.
02:01 Face-animation (Deep-Fake) example.
02:15 Tutorial introduction: Face animation is a Deep-Learning tool that uses a video of a face to animate a photo.
03:05 Tutorial: overview.
05:00 How to open the tutorial in Colab (use the link in this video description above, log in your Google account, and save the Colab notebook into your Google Drive).
06:20 Do not worry if the code looks long and difficult: this time we will not explain the code: we will only press a few buttons to run the code and to produce the video-result we are after.
07:03 How to upload the input files from your computer into Colab.
09:52 The inputs: a video of a face, and photos of faces: what inputs work best.
11:53 Let's begin to press the buttons to process the uploaded inputs.
13:35 How to choose the image to use as input face photo.
14:04 How to choose the video to use as input face driving video.
14:18 How to visualize the inputs.
15:21 Generating the output video (without audio).
16:00 How to add audio to the output video.
16:12 How to download the output video (with audio).
18:34 Face-animation (Deep-Fake) greetings.

Our videos appear first on Bitchute/BitSlide, and only later on YouTube.

Create hundreds of different images and videos with the 'Maurer rose'

Tutorial code: https://colab.research.google.com/github/kodindonesia/COLAB_Canvas-Video_Tutorials/blob/master/02_Tutorial_Rose.ipynb

02:00 this video description you can find a link to a 'Manual' with examples on how to use Canvas_cv and Video_cv to create images and videos
02:58 log in your Google account. Open the tutorial code by clicking on the link above. Alternatively, in the video we explain how to choose a tutorial from GitHub. Remember to click on the "copy to drive" button
04:00 wikipedia explanation: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maurer_rose#Explanation
05:43 the code on wikipedia is incomplete. Our tutorial includes a better version (wikipedia code only accepts a few values of 'd'. And our 'rose' version 2, which you can find at the end of the tutorial code, can draw also roses with 6, 10, 14, etc. petals)
06:48 we code the Maurer rose as a curve ('d' equal 1)
09:11 drawing a Maurer rose without the curve: as a group of lines ('d' greater than 1)
09:44 drawing a Maurer rose with both the curve and lines
12:07 how to download the drawings
12:22 creating videos

Manual to draw and to make videos: https://colab.research.google.com/github/kodindonesia/COLAB_Canvas-Video_Tutorials/blob/master/00_Manual_Canvas_cv_and_Video_cv.ipynb

Our videos appear first on Bitchute/BitSlide, and only later on YouTube.

Introducing Colab by creating images and videos in Python

Tutorial code:

00:30 Examples of the images and video that we will create together
01:46 Login into your Google account, and then search "Colab" to begin
02:33 Select the "Github" tab in the opening page of Colab
02:51 Search for "Kodindonesia" in the "Github" tab in the opening page of Colab to see our tutorials
02:52 Quick explanation of what "Colab" means
04:11 Press the "Copy to Drive" button to save to your Google Drive, and to be able to make changes to the code
04:52 Pressing the "connect" button allows you to use a powerful computer offered by Google for free
06:33 In Colab, you can add blocks of code by pressing on the "Code" button. You can also add links to web internet pages and other text by pressing the "Text" button
06:44 How to run code in Colab, by pressing the play button in each block
07:06 Kodindonesia provides a helper library to make it easier to start having fun in Colab
07:58 Example of how to use the canvas to draw and to display the drawing
21:13 Example of how to create videos

Our videos appear first on Bitchute/BitSlide, and only later on YouTube.

We come back to the Mars Lander 2 puzzle to add a trigonometric solution

4:40 explanation of the trigonometry calculation of the landing angle
7:09 Arcosine is the function to get the angle from the sine (desired acceleration)
7:55 conversion from angle in radians to angle in degrees
9:16 trying all the scenarios

Spoiler alert: first try to solve the problem by yourself, or while following this video tutorial.
Solution code:

Our videos appear first on Bitchute/BitSlide, and only later on YouTube.

A fairly difficult puzzle: Let's solve it together, to learn more C# concepts

07:16 convert one line of text into a "List of integers"
10:57 "Tuple": to group individually named-variables
11:34 "List of Tuple": to identify the landing area
14:57 ready to rock and roll! We start writing the puzzle's solution!
16:12 "Properties" can be used to give a name to often-used formulas
26:50 we try, but the code needs one improvement
27:55 we write the improvement
30:14 success on the first scenario!
30:57 trying the 2nd scenario shows a mistake in the code, and we fix it
32:26 success on the 2nd scenario: where the lander starts quite far from the landing area
33:28 success on the 3rd scenario: where the lander starts very fast and in the wrong direction
35:03 success on the 4th scenario: where the landing area is inside a deep canyon
35:36 we try the last scenario, but the code needs one last improvement
40:13 success on the last scenario: where the landing area is on top of a mountain

Our videos appear first on Bitchute/BitSlide, and only later on YouTube.

Tutorial Files: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1tQHeVzOfgOXbMvprzmX1dbDH0n6PL6dk?usp=sharing
02:45 rules of the sudoku puzzle
03:55 inputs and outputs
04:59 solutions
10:00 show arrows indicating the precedents (input cells for the current cell's formula)
13:05 convert input text to many Excel cells ("space separated" information)
18:09 starting to create the solution from an empty sheet
18:27 COUNTIF()
24:17 INDEX() to re-arrange cells (like we did in the Onboarding tutorial)
29:25 AND() condition

03:31 loop within loop: "for" loop within the "while" loop (game loop)
03:43 "for" loop is mostly used to iterate n times, with a counter variable
04:27 (1) "for" loop initializes the counter
04:38 (2) "for" loop verifies when to stop with a condition
04:49 (3) "for" loop updates the counter. For example, i++ increases it by 1
05:57 coding the solution

To chat with the Indo Koding family: https://discord.gg/kWTJtqx

04:01 the goal
07:58 loop inside a loop
08:02 "for" loop
10:00 to "run" a program: step-by-step
17:04 coding the solution
21:04 eliminating an error in the code (debugging)

To chat with the Indo Koding family: https://discord.gg/kWTJtqx

Tutorial Files: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/17cdGzPZu8Bat3OZUqtFojwS36XPUzc10?usp=sharing
04:22 CodinGame "Show Testcases" button, to see inputs and outputs of many puzzles.
09:49 MID() get part of a text
15:53 FIND() find the position of a text inside another text
19:47 UPPER() to convert a text to upper case

To chat with the Indo Koding family: https://discord.gg/kWTJtqx

Tutorial files: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1cg6GOoOfOnmMRwtxAhL_yPLYFow0pmtW?usp=sharing
02:17 CodinGame puzzle explanations, inputs, and outputs
06:54 presentation of the final Excel solution, before re-creating it
12:58 starting to re-create the solution
13:40 giving a unique code for each board's cell: string & string
14:52 locking rows and columns of a formula with $ and the key F4
16:28 showing the goal/light on the grid: IF(condition, valueIfTrue, valueIfFalse)
17:44 moving Thor step by step towards the goal
19:17 CodinGame OUTPUT: choose(index, valueIf1, valueIf2, valueIf3)
21:37 beyond the solution: let's also show the path of Thor in the board
22:36 MATCH() formula. How to find an element in a group

To chat with the Indo Koding family: https://discord.gg/kWTJtqx

13:11 we create our first "method" method_name() : indented group of instructions
14:13 first "function" function_name() : indented group of instructions, return value
15:10 "bool" data can be true or false variable_name = condition
15:49 using constants, instead of disseminating numbers, is a good habit CONSTANT_NAME capitalized = constantValue
18:31 "ternary operator " variable_name = valueIfTrue if condition else valueIfValse
20:40 how to compare your code with other people's code in CodinGame

To chat with the Indo Koding family: https://discord.gg/kWTJtqx

02:57 variable types: string
06:51 variable types: integer
08:51 conversion from string to int: int.Parse("123")
13:24 C# comments: // and /* */
13:37 input, output: Console.WriteLine() Console.ReadLine()
18:51 loop: while (condition) { group of instructions }
23:50 if (condition) {} else {}
28:31 how to organise the code elements together

To chat with the Indo Koding family: https://discord.gg/kWTJtqx

04:51 Variables: string, integer data types
08:13 convert string to integer number
08:45 Comments: # single line and multi-line '''
09:43 Inputs and Outputs: input('"question") print("output")
12:14 Loop: while
15:10 step-by-step code execution: what "RUN" means, and the "Debug" button
18:25 if then else

To chat with the Indo Koding family: https://discord.gg/kWTJtqx

Tutorial files: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Q8lhUA0cFAMwwpNJcs2ja9ecddsk6jFE
03:32 instead of Excel, you can use "LibreOffice Calc".
05:49 variable type: String/Text (left aligned)
06:20 variable type: Number (right aligned)
06:49 variable type: Date (right aligned)
07:02 variable type: Boolean (aligned to the centre)
07:13 cell name
08:19 formulas (usually begin with =)
12:05 solving the CodinGame Onboarding puzzle in Excel: inputs, outputs
14:42 rearranging data from vertical to horizontal, and creating groups of four
15:19 copy & "paste-special", with transpose
16:25 INDEX(group_of_cells, pointer), cell I6 = INDEX($D$6:$D$65, $H6 * 4 + I$4)
17:34 copying formulas and blocking rows / columns with $
17:41 copying formulas horizontally / vertically by dragging with mouse
19:28 formula to calculate the outputs
19:39 converting from string/text to number: the why and the how-to
23:11 IF(condition, outputIfTrue, outputIfFalse)

To chat with the Indo Koding family: https://discord.gg/kWTJtqx

02:57 variable types: string
06:51 variable types: integer
08:51 conversion from string to int: int.Parse("123")
13:24 C# comments: // and /* */
13:37 input, output: Console.WriteLine() Console.ReadLine()
18:51 loop: while (condition) { group of instructions }
23:50 if (condition) {} else {}
28:31 how to organise the code elements together

To chat with the Indo Koding family: https://discord.gg/kWTJtqx

Kalian belajar Coding dengan game.
Mulai dari video ini.

To chat with the Indo Koding family: https://discord.gg/kWTJtqx


Created 3 years, 9 months ago.

17 videos

Category Science & Technology

Kodindonesia is presented by Pristy, a recent graduate with two degrees in Engineering. This channel is about bringing some fun to learning technology. The videos are mostly in Indonesian, with some English too, after the initial video presentation.
Subjects include Excel, Python, C#, solving puzzles, coding games, and learning more about what Artificial Intelligence can do.