Chili Bu Revolution

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Chili Bu Revolution

Chili Bu Revolution


What are macronutrients?
Macronutrients are nutrients that your body needs in large amounts to function optimally.

The three main macronutrients are protein, carbohydrates and fat. They’re considered essential nutrients, meaning your body either cannot make them or cannot make enough of them.

For example, proteins provide essential amino acids, while fats contain essential fatty acids. Your body utilizes these components for specific functions.

Macronutrients also contain energy in the form of calories. Carbs are the main energy source, but your body can use other macronutrients for energy if needed.

The calorie content of each macronutrient is:

Carbs: 4 calories per gram
Protein: 4 calories per gram
Fat: 9 calories per gram


“What matters most is how well you walk through the fire.”
~Charles Bukowski

“The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire.”
~Ferdinand Foch

“In everyone’s life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit.”
~Albert Schweitzer

Remember that your first wealth is your health, invest wisely or don't, the choice is yours.
~Buddha Sadu Gains
Non ducor, duco

“For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack.”


The greater the obstacle, the greater the glory in overcoming it; and difficulties are but the maids of honor to set off the virtue.

the correct Political choice
"your first wealth is your health, invest wisely or don't, the choice is yours"
~Buddha Sadu Gains
Non ducor, duco


Whether you are a health freak, a little plump, or just diet conscious; you must have heard the famous saying – ‘Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dine like a pauper’.

Here’s what it’s all about. Following a proper eating time schedule along with the type of foods you eat during the day can determine your physical health and mental wellbeing.

Studies suggest that our body requires energy to sustain throughout the day. And most importantly the timing along with what we eat is essential to maintain the flow of vitality. As highlighted, eating the right meal at the right time will do wonders for your health and help you lead a well-balanced life.

Health Benefits Of Eating On Time
-Our body works on a daily circadian rhythm which includes – metabolism of fats, cholesterol, and glucose flow.

-Observing the internal body clock to eat helps in proper digestion of the food hence improves our metabolism and ultimately curbs weight gain.

-Eating heavy dinner leads to gaining more calories and thus causing obesity.

-After fasting for 8 to 12 hours when we wake up, our body requires a high glucose level that helps to maintain our energy level throughout the day. Thus improving our productivity and reducing stress.

-The right meal at the right time is a great formula to prevent cardiac diseases as well as prevent type 2 Diabetes.

-Following our circadian rhythm breakfast provides all the nourishment we require to keep the rhythm intact.

-Late breakfast or skipping the most essential meal of the day leads to low blood sugar levels and ultimately erratic blood pressure thus leading to a plethora of diseases.

-It would take a longer time to react and decreased productivity due to crash diets.

"your first wealth is your health, invest wisely...or don't"
~Buddha Sadu Gains
Non ducor, duco


“And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.”
~Friedrich Nietzsche

Part of my 'warm up' for the mornings training session!
~Buddha Sadu Gains

It’s hard not to be happy when you’re dancing.
And, it turns out, when you “dip it low, pick it up slow, roll it all around, poke it out, let your back go,” you’re getting a pretty badass workout, too.

12 Benefits of Dancing
-improves agility and flexibility
-improves balance and coordination
-improves cardiovascular health
-improves muscle tone and strength
-maintains and builds bone strength
-aids in weight loss or maintenance
-improves memory and cognition
-improves mood
-reduces stress levels
-provides an opportunity to socialize
-boosts self-esteem
-easily adaptable to meet your needs


“Only disciplined ones are purely free in life and indisciplined are slaves to their moods and passions.”
~Eliud Kipchoge


Another day investing in #mindbodysoul

#noneedtopanicitsallorganic here on the Farm,

FKN eh
Super Silver Haze '98 x Chem Dog '91


A minor geomagnetic Solar Storm impacted Earth overnight from the 18th to the 19th,
I was out with the pack around 3am catching some photos and noticed that the Northern Lights had intensified about an hour later, so back out I went.

Photos were taken with differing ISO's and shutter speeds on a Huawei P30 Lite

“Breath is the bridge which connects life to consciousness, which unites your body to your thoughts.
Whenever your mind becomes scattered, use your breath as the means to take hold of your mind again.”
~Thich Nhat Hanh

“Improper breathing is a common cause of ill health.
If I had to limit my advice on healthier living to just one tip, it would be simply to learn how to breathe correctly.
There is no single more powerful – or more simple – daily practice to further your health and wellbeing than breathwork.
Practicing a regular, mindful breathing exercise can be calming and energizing and can even help with stress-related health problems ranging from panic attacks to digestive disorders.”
~Dr. Andrew Weil,
Integrative medicine physician & Author

“My words come from an upright heart; my lips sincerely speak what I know. The spirit of God has made me; the breath of the Almighty gives me life.”
Job 33:3-4

“Thus spirit = breath = life, the aliveness and power of your life, and to speak of your spirit (or soul) is to speak of the power of life that is in you.”
~Frederick Buechner

"your first wealth is your health, invest wisely...or don't"
~Buddha Sadu Gains
Non ducor, duco


"You’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think."
~A.A. Mine

I like to challenge myself daily,
I enjoy being disciplined and investing in my mind, body & soul so my latest foray down this road was with a 100 Day/100 Kettlebell Swings added to my current regiment of #physicalfitness

"Your first wealth is your health, invest wisely"
~Buddha Sadu Gains


“Do question, even the basics!
You will be a fool for once!
If you don't, you will be, for a lifetime..”

It’s hard not to be happy when you’re dancing.
And, it turns out, when you “dip it low, pick it up slow, roll it all around, poke it out, let your back go,” you’re getting a pretty badass workout, too.

12 Benefits of Dancing
-improves agility and flexibility
-improves balance and coordination
-improves cardiovascular health
-improves muscle tone and strength
-maintains and builds bone strength
-aids in weight loss or maintenance
-improves memory and cognition
-improves mood
-reduces stress levels
-provides an opportunity to socialize
-boosts self-esteem
-easily adaptable to meet your needs


“He who seeks wisdom is a wise man; he who thinks he has found it is mad."

This video contains a brief example of a curl variation that keeps constant tension on the bicep through the full ROM,

Dr. Gains aka Dr. Michael Kamalu comprehensive explanation video
Athlean-X & Mentzer are WRONG! Pull-Downs / Chin-Ups DON’T Work Biceps at Both Ends!! (THIS Does) 💪


Traumatic experience can be one-off or recurrent in nature.
Common forms include physical or sexual abuse, or emotional or physical neglect. Experiencing trauma in childhood can result in severe and long-lasting effect on psychological health.

Various psychological illnesses can have association of trauma, for e.g., depression, anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), drug and alcohol misuse, alterations in personality and dissociative disorders.

Unresolved trauma can haunt us throughout our lives in ways that often don’t seem direct.
As adults, we may attempt to forget or gloss over the past.
We may think, “My childhood wasn’t that bad” or “Many people had it worse than I did.” We don’t realize that these old wounds can have all kinds of physical and psychological effects.

Certain events may involuntarily trigger reactions in us that we haven’t thought about in years: guilt, shame, fear, or anger sourcing from early in our lives.

Although our instinct may be to bury the past, minimize, or avoid our pain, feeling the feeling of what happened to us can actually lead to healing. It can help us separate our early experiences from the present day and identify the negative overlays these experiences have on our current lives, including our physical health and relationships.


1 Corinthians 16:13-14
“Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love.”

“There is no magic wand that can resolve our problems. The solution rests with our work and discipline. ”
~Jose Eduardo dos Santos

“Through self-discipline comes freedom.”

“For a man to conquer himself is the first and noblest of all victories.”


Well after 107 days of dedicated Dead Hangs my grip strength has improved to the point that I increased my overall dead hang time by a staggering 40+ seconds!

“A sensible man will remember that the eyes may be confused in two ways—by a change from light to darkness or from darkness to light; and he will recognise that the same thing happens to the soul.”


Perfect SHOULDER HEALTH in minutes a day with PERFECT HANGS!
The Amazing Benefits of Just Hanging (Do This Every Day!)

What is an Energy Vampire?
An energy vampire is a person who feeds off your emotional or psychic energy. People who display energy vampire traits generally lack empathy, consideration, and/or emotional maturity.

As a result of the pain or insecurity they feel inside, energy vampires are addicted to preying on the vitality of others as an attempt to heal their inner suffering.

Energy vampires may be attracted to you because they unconsciously desire to resolve a deeper problem within their psyches — and they perceive YOU as the solution to their problems.

Instead of taking self-responsibility for their lives, Victim/Martyr Vampires continually blame, manipulate, and emotionally blackmail others.

The Melodramatic Energy Vampire thrives on creating problems. Often, their need to create constant drama is the product of a dark underlying emptiness in their lives. Melodramatic Vampires also love seeking out crises because it gives them a reason to feel victimized (thus special and in need of love).

Energy Vampires display many of the following characteristics:
-Resentment and anger issues
-Whining and complaining
-Insecurity, e.g., the constant need for reassurance and acceptance.


Everything in the universe has a rhythm, everything dances.
~Maya Angelou

Anyone who knows me knows that I like to dance, tho I don't dance well I dance often and the reasons are numerous,

Dance can lead to:

1. Better Brain Health
A study done by The New England Journal of Medicine found that dancing can boost your memory and even prevent the onset of dementia. Other studies have also found that aerobic dance exercises can reverse volume loss in the part of the brain that controls memory (the hippocampus), which tends to shrink during late adulthood.

2. Improved Flexibility
The movements associated with dance can increase flexibility and reduce stiffness. Don’t over-exert yourself though – even the simple stretches associated with dancing can help ease joint pain and any soreness from other more strenuous exercises.

3. Minimized Stress
A study conducted by the Journal of Applied Gerontology found that partner dance accompanied by music can relieve stress. Other studies have also shown similar results, with some indicating dance can increase levels of the hormone serotonin, which can improve your mood.

4. Reduced Depression
A study looking at the effects of dance on patients experiencing depression found that those who participated in an upbeat group dance showed the least number of symptoms associated with depression and were more energetic and upbeat as a result.

5. Weight Loss
Increased movement also usually means increased weight loss. A study in the Journal of Physiological Anthropology found aerobic dance training can help you lose just as much weight as biking or jogging.

6. Increased Energy
Research from The Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition found a weekly dance program can improve adults’ physical performance and increase their energy levels.

7. Improved Cardiovascular Health
Of course, the faster you dance, the faster your heart will beat, which can lead to a stronger and healthier heart.

8. Better Coordination Strength & Balance
Dancing requires lots of fast movement and good posture, which can help you gain better control of your body. Moreover, there are 3 primary planes of motion; unlike simple movements such as walking and cycling, which only involve the sagittal plane of your body, dancing works your body from all planes, which means ALL your muscles are involved, not just some.

9. Improved Social & Emotional Health
A dance class is a great way to make new friends and branch out socially! Having positive relationships is a major contributing factor to better mental health – it can increase feelings of happiness, reduce stress, and even lead to a stronger immune system.

10. Higher Self-Esteem & Confidence
Studies show that dancers tend to report higher levels of self-esteem and more confidence.

So, crank up the music, play your favorite song, and start moving! Make dance a part of your overall health and wellness routine.

Do you know any #comfortbunnies
Nothing grows in the #comfortzone

Remember friends that a strong mind, body and soul are not made in comfort.

"your first wealth is your health, invest wisely....or don't"


Muscles Do WHAT?
To achieve the highest accomplishments within the scope of our capabilities in all walks of life we must constantly strive to acquire strong, healthy bodies and develop our minds to the limits of our ability.
~Joseph Pilates


#restdays are important but are subjective and unique to each person,

Some athletes have higher recovery levels and listed below are a few symptoms that #restandrecovery is seriously needed whereas some of us are fine with #activerestdays

The key take away here is that you should listen to your body!

Overtraining symptoms are diverse and different for each person, but here are a few symptoms you should watch out for:

-Loss of appetite
-Severe fatigue
-Slower healing & longer recovery times
-Changes in mood and ability to focus or concentrate
-Amenorrhea : Missed or very irregular periods
-Aches & pains : particularly of the joints
-Depressed immune system : increased chance of catching colds and other infections
-Changes in performance : if you find yourself moving slower, lifting less than you're normally able to, having to take more rest breaks and generally not push yourself as hard as you normally do, you could be overtraining.

'Your first wealth is your health, invest wisely"
~Buddha Sadu Gains


No pharmeceutical can rival exercise when it comes to slowing the aging process - particularly the aging brain.
~Dr. Rhonda Patrick

The body is incredibly adaptable, and we can make positive changes to our health at any age.
~Steven Gundry

You see, you don't get old from age, you get old from inactivity, from not believing in something.
~Jack LaLanne


From this video

“The foundation of a strong self comes from small acts of daily discipline.”
~Ophelia Filek

“Day by day, what you choose, what you think, and what you do is who you become.”

“How long are you going to wait before you demand the best for yourself?“

"Your first wealth is your health, invest wisely"
~Buddha Sadu Gains

We've all heard the saying 'use it or lose it' which is applicable to mental, physical and spiritual well being not too mention it also applies to skills/knowledge one may posses,

Study's have shown that
'Declining muscle mass is part of aging, but that does not mean you are helpless to stop it.'

'How to Keep Muscles Strong as You Age
Here’s why older adults naturally lose muscle mass over time and how regular physical activity and resistance training can help'

'How Can You Avoid Muscle Loss as You Age?
It's common, but you can do something about it'

"Your first wealth is your health, invest wisely"
~Buddha Sadu Gains


You do not have to look very far to see how #weak society has become,

Surprise, surprise a study has shown that kids, young people, the #youth of the current generation have turned into #pencilneckgeeks who are #slaves to their electronic devices
(go figure, who would have seen that coming)

“Be careful what you water your dreams with. Water them with worry and fear and you will produce weeds that choke the life from your dream. Water them with optimism and solutions and you will cultivate success.”
~Lao Tzu

Your first wealth is your health, invest wisely
Non ducor, duco


Are you a Super Ager?
(details below)

“The greatest fear in the world is the opinion of others, and the moment you are unafraid of the crowd, you are no longer a sheep, you become a lion. A great roar arises in your heart, the roar of freedom.”


Research suggests that moving out of your comfort zone is the key to staying mentally and physically young.

Finding role models who are older than we are gets more difficult as we age. But in the last few years, medical science has identified a new group we can aspire to join — the super-agers. The term refers to people in their 70s and 80s who have the mental or physical capability of their decades-younger counterparts.

4 Habits of ‘SuperAgers’

Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum


“Synchronicity is an ever present reality for those who have eyes to see.”
~C.G. Jung

You need 3 daily wins:
It is amazing how many people do not meet this simple criteria.

:A physical win.
Walking, running, lifting, swimming...

:A mental win.
Reading, writing, creating, learning...

:A spiritual win.
Praying, meditating, studying, growing...

Be a wholistic winner!


Created 2 years, 1 month ago.

313 videos

Category People & Family

Invest in your mind, body and soul,

Be mindful and realize that we are all connected,

Pay it forward with random acts of kindness,

Support your small local farmers and boycott factory farms,

be real, fearless and live to your full potential and finally....








(*applicable during Zombie apocalypse)