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When THEY say "philanthropist" and WE say "philanthropist", we're clearly not talking about the same thing.

[NOTE: My apologies--I didn't realize the original included a lengthy crypto commercial at the end. This is a re-upload of the original sans the commercial.]

"Pfizer 1990--the very first spike protein vaccine for corona virus--isn't that fascinating? That we were told the spike protein is a new thing that we just found out...filed the first patents for coronavirus in 1990."

"Most of you don't know that coronavirus as a model of a pathogen was first isolated in 1965. Coronavirus was identified, in 1965, as one of the first infectious, replicatable viral models that could be used to modify a series of other experiences as a human condition...in 1966, the very first COV coronavirus model, was used as a transatlantic biological experiment in the human population."

"But then we had an interesting development in 2002, and this date is most important--because in 2002 the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill patented, and I quote, "an infectious replicatable defective clone of coronavirus". Listen to those words: infectious replicatable defective. For those not familiar with (the) language, let me unpack that for you: 'infectious replicatable defective' means a weapon."

"...a chemical dumbing down of society. So everyone is sort of mediocre. That leaves them dependent on government, because they can't excel... .05ppm--which is half of what is being put in the water--she found significant death of neurons in the brain, and damage to the blood vessels that supply blood to the brain. Fluoride reduces reproduction, it influences sperm motility." WHY WOULD THEY PUT THAT IN YOUR PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY? Why do you let them?

What happens when agencies created outside of Constitutional norms---to "protect and serve you"---from things like self-appointed elite with tyrannical goals, end up serving and protecting the elite from you instead? THIS is what happens: criminals attempt to criminalize anyone who refuses to be victimized by criminals. It's not only blatantly absurd, but an extremely dangerous and slippery slope.

1986 Documentary (by 5th Estate) on fake news via the CIA

Recorded in 1991: Elitist thanks members of the main stream media for covering up their true agenda.

Yellen says America can afford another war. The looting of a nation continues. What happens when the well runs dry? They move on to the next one.

History of the Eugenics Crusade and how social engineers turned it into a family fun fad.

It's through a better understanding of "social engineering" we come to realize the decline of human values, worldwide, is neither natural nor accidental. Things are the way they are, because someone wants them way. This is how they get what they want.

Ex-banker risks everything so the world can know the truth--for that we are in his debt.


THE DEEP STATE HIDING IN PLAIN SIGHT: –Mike Lofgren, former congressional staffer for the House Senate Budge Committee (28 years) in a 2014 interview with Bill Moyers


“It’s a hybrid of corporate America, and the National Security state…everyone knows Wall Street and its depredations, everyone knows how corporate America acts. They’re both about the same thing. They’re both about money—sucking as much money out of the country as they can—and they’re about control. Corporate control, and political control.”

“It [deep state] is the red thread that runs through the history of the last three decades—it’s how we had de-regulation, financialization of the economy, the Wall Street bust, the erosion of our civil liberties, and perpetual war.”

“[because of the deep state]…government is broken, it’s dysfunctional. It’s grid-locked. Well, that’s true, and that is the visible government—the Constitutional government we learn about in Civics 101—and it’s grid-locked. But somehow, Obama can go into Libya, he can assassinate U.S. citizens, he can collect all our phone records, without [permission] from anyone. He can bring down a jet carrying a President of a sovereign nation, and no one seems to connect the two—the failure of our visible, constitutional state, and this other government that operates according to no constitutional rules, or any constraint by the governed.”

“Well, it’s all the National Security functions of the government—it’s the Pentagon, it’s Homeland Security, it’s the State Department, it’s also Treasury because they have a kind of symbiotic relationship with Wall Street.” [Moyers: they control the money.] Absolutely. That’s why there’s such a flow, not only of money, but of personnel, between Wall Street and the Treasury Dept.”

“Why does a person sometimes perpetrate good if nobody is watching? Well, it’s only possible because slumbering inside you, however unconsciously, is a kind of…a kind of observer, who sees everything you do. And what else could it be than eternity, than infinity? Something that surpasses all conceivable horizons of our conduct.” –from the documentary I AM FISHEAD

Extremely important information for both 'Long-Covid" sufferers *AND* Epstein Barr Virus (ME/CFS) sufferers--is there really hope of getting your lives back? There is, and for some it's already happening. Keep the faith and educate yourselves.

"In 1913 America was a free country. Then a band of powerful bankers achieved their fathers' and grandfather's goal. America has never been the same. Soon, the world will never be the same." --Aaron Russo, Freedom to Fascism

“I had a friend, Nick Rockefeller, who was part of the Rockefeller family---when I was running for Governor of Nevada he came to me, introduced himself to me through an attorney, and we became friends. We started talking about things---I learned a lot from Mr. Rockefeller. One of the things we used to talk about was the ultimate plan for the banking industry—what they wanted to accomplish.

The goals of the banking industry, not just the Federal Reserve System, but the private banks in England, Germany, Italy, all over the world---they all work together---and they’re all part of the Communist Manifesto. Central Banking is one of the major planks of the Communist Manifesto. We talk about American being a capitalist country, but yet at the same time we have a Central Bank---that plans everything for us---and the Graduated Income Tax is another plank of the Communist Manifesto. So right there, you have 2 major planks of the Communist Manifesto that have been brought in because of the Federal Reserve System.

The ultimate goal these people have in mind is to create a One World Government—run by the banking industry---run by the bankers…the whole agenda is to create a One World Government where everybody has an RFID chip implanted them---all money is to be in those chips (digital)…and if you’re like me or you, and you’re protesting what they’re doing, they can just turn your chip off.” --A. Russo

"Catherine Austin Fitts explains the Commonlaw Right of Offset---what you have when you owe someone money, who also owes you money--you simply discharge your debt, against the debt the other person owes you...it creates the opportunity for us to discharge our debts to the government, against the money they have stolen from us. With $96 Trillion dollars missing or stolen from public treasuries, which has been confirmed by Professor Mark Skidmore at Michigan University, the government now owes every man, woman and child in the United States, roughly $300,000.00 each."

"The term 'Climate Change' refers to the deliberate destruction of national food supplies, not some global consequence of normal human activity. YOU ARE NOT CAUSING GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE."

Buried official testimony of Maria Zack: "I don't understand why we're stealing American's election".

UNDP: The network of global control being erected that will relentlessly monitor and grade your submission to it with a 'social credit' compliance score.

NSBA: The National School Board Association wanted the military deployed at schools to monitor parents at school board meetings.

They say history doesn't repeat, but it sure does rhyme. How much farther down this road do we really want to go, before common sense prevails?

Part of me wants to apologize for not making this documentary sooner, but experience taught me the world wasn’t previously ready for it. It is both my great hope and belief that this has changed.

There is nothing I can do to prepare you for what you’re about to experience, except perhaps to encourage you, in that no matter what you hear, keep going until the end of it. Preconceptions are only a hindrance now, as none of this is going where you expect it will. It certainly didn’t for me, and I personally lived it. Still, this story and Message isn’t my story---it’s OUR story---and it’s up to all of us to write its proper ending…or new beginning.

The entirety of the Message is being released in 6 different parts. This is only the Prologue.

"Humanity once again stands at a most important fork in the road; a moment exhilarating and exasperating, liberating and terrifying. May we have courage and moral fortitude to choose the path of countless wonders." --Crystal Clark

February 24, 2024

Dr. Meryl Nass--may you be blessed. It's understandable that good people have an incredibly difficult time coming to terms with the obvious depopulation agenda working from numerous angles. Over time it becomes undeniable this agenda is the antidote to a betrayed yet awakening public. Or, as a dear friend of mine once stated, "It's purpose is to rid themselves of accusing faces". Be strong, stand your ground, and refuse to participate in your own demise out of ignorance.

It's understandable that good people have an incredibly difficult time coming to terms with the obvious depopulation agenda working from numerous angles. Over time it becomes undeniable this agenda is the antidote to a betrayed yet awakening public. Or, as a dear friend of mine once stated, "It's purpose is to rid themselves of accusing faces". Be strong, stand your ground, and refuse to participate in your own demise out of ignorance.


Created 4 months, 3 weeks ago.

41 videos

Category Education

"Humanity once again stands at a most important fork in the road; a moment exhilarating and exasperating, liberating and terrifying—may we have the wisdom and moral fortitude to choose the path of countless wonders.”

–Crystal Clark