Grumpy Acres Farm

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Grumpy Acres Farm



Our chickens have finally come home to roost. It's 2 months laatr than we wanted; they are home though. Thanks to Dead Hedge Farm for fostering our birds while we moved and built the infrastructure needed. Take a peak at what we did to finally get the coop functional, and hear Grumpy G's call to action for this video.

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Music @ - Kevin MacLeod

Grumpy G spends some time getting the 4 wheeler up and running. While doing that, he talks about the importance of having a circle of support for the homestead, as well as building skill sets that will help you thrive.

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Music by Joystock
Music by GoodBMusic at Pixabay

See what happens when lightening strikes a building protected by an EMP Shield device.

EMP Shield's main page:
EMP Shield's Test Data page:

US vulnerable to Chinese electromagnetic attack, experts say:
FoxNews -
Whitehouse Wire -

Use this code to get $50 off the purchase of each EMP Shield product you may decide to buy: grumpy

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Music by GoodBMusic at Pixabay

Yoda was doing some more canning and she was reusing the rings from the steaming turkey broth incident. She found 3 rings, out of a box of 12 that would not cinch down properly. Once taken past finger tight, they just POPPED right off the jar. The rest of the ring tightened down just fine. Yoda's often used short cut aside, it certainly seems like bad rings may have played played a part in the tragedy. Yoda expresses her frustration with the general situation of things

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Music by GoodBMusic at Pixabay.

We decided to set up a temporary paddock for the goats and sheep to graze in with the Premiere One movable fencing. Watch as Grumpy G sets it up and how the animals react to the new grazing space.

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Our content can be found on these platforms:

Music by GoodBMusic at Pixabay and Joystock

We got more work done on the goat/sheep pen. The plans and timeline for bringing them home changed a bit. Watch the video to see what happened.

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Music by Joystock -

Yoda gives a quick update on the status of the goat/sheep pen build, as well as what she had to go through just to get a new driver's license and tags for the vehicles.

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Music by Joystock -

Yoda does some more canning. This time she is canning sloppy joe mix. She shows you how to prepare protein for long term storage. This is a great way to fortify your family's food well being in lean times. So don't worry about canning meats and watch the video.

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Our content can be found on these platforms:

Music by GoodBMusic at Pixabay and Joystock

Even for the experienced, things don't always go as planned. Yoda had a mishap while she was pressure canning the turkey broth from the previous video. Luckily, no one was hurt; it sure did make a mess, though.

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Music by GoodBMusic at Pixabay

Grumpy G takes you on a more in-depth tour of where the goat/sheep pen and paddocks will be and talks through the plans for finally bringing them home.

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Music by Joystock -

Yoda gives a quick explanation on how to utilize the entire Thanksgiving turkey. We try to ensure very little goes to waste at Grumpy Acres. Enjoy

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Music by Joystock

Enjoy the first installment of "The Tao Of Grumpy G" as he pontificates, or bloviates depending on where you are sitting, on the universal truth about compliance.

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Music by GoodBMusic at Pixabay

While we were helping out with Hacks For The Homesteader's chicken processing day, we found out that no one knew how to dress out a chicken whole. So, G stepped up and gave an impromptu class on how to do it.

Go check out Hacks For The Homesteader's YouTube channel. Let's help them build their viewership and support the community:

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Our content can be found on these platforms:

Music by GoodBMusic at Pixabay

After the great experience of butchering meat birds at Hacks For The Homesteader's place, we follow up with how we preserve all that protein for future use. Watch the video and see how Yoda, and crew, pressure can the meat for long term storage.

Go check out Hacks For The Homesteader's YouTube channel. Let's help them build their viewership and support the community:

Don't forget to Comment, Like, Share a Subscribe to joins us on our journey towards a life done free.

Our content can be found on these platforms:

Music by GoodBMusic at Pixabay

Grumpy G starts working on building a new loafing shed for the goats and sheep. We are using an Arrow Storage 10x15 carport as the basis for the new loafing shed. Grumpy G isn't the best at putting these things together, so it isn't perfect. Just gotta keep reminding ourselves that the goats and sheep don't care how it looks, as long as it keeps them warm and dry.

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Music by Joystock -

Raising and processing your own birds is a great way to beat inflation and take control of you food supply. Recently, we went up to hacks For The Homesteader's place to help out with and document graduating 48 choocks to the freezer and canner. A large portion of our homesteading circle showed up as well. It was a very productive and enjoyable day. If you watch the video, we'll walk you through the process.

Be forewarned, this video deals with dispatching and processing live birds. If you are squeamish, or find watching where food comes from offensive, go find another video. If you are open minded, are looking for education on the topic, this video is for you.

Go check out Hacks For The Homesteader's YouTube channel. Let's help them build their viewership and support the community:

Don't forget to Comment, Like, Share a Subscribe to joins us on our journey towards a life done free.

Our content can be found on these platforms:

Music by Joystock -

Raising and processing your own birds is a great way to beat inflation and take control of you food supply. Recently, we went up to hacks For The Homesteader's place to help out with and document graduating 48 choocks to the freezer and canner. A large portion of our homesteading circle showed up as well. It was a very productive and enjoyable day. If you watch the video, we'll walk you through the process.

Be forewarned, this video deals with dispatching and processing live birds. If you are squeamish, or find watching where food comes from offensive, go find another video. If you are open minded, are looking for education on the topic, this video is for you.

Go check out Hacks For The Homesteader's YouTube channel. Let's help them build their viewership and support the community:

Don't forget to Comment, Like, Share a Subscribe to joins us on our journey towards a life done free.

Our content can be found on these platforms:

Music by Joystock -

Time to show everyone the new wood stove, and the video didn't turn out like we thought it would. Stick around a see what happened.

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Music by Joystock -

Went to a campout type of thing this weekend and had a discussion with a "neighbor". One of the topics we talked about was capital and its use.

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Music by Joystock -

Just a little metaphysical pontificating around the burn barrel.

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Music by Joystock -

Let's talk about EMPs, CMEs and lightening strikes; more importantly how to protect your home and vehicles from them. In this video we tell you a little bit about a device called "EMP Shield" and our association with the company that makes them. Don't take my word about them; check out the test data and make your own decision. Click the links below to go to the test data page or see what kind of protection you can get.

EMP Shield's main page:
EMP Shield's Test Data page:

Use this code to get $50 off the purchase of each EMP Shield product you may decide to buy: grumpy

Don't forget to Comment, Like, Share and Subscribe in order to join us on our journey towards a Life Done Free.

Our content can be found on these platforms:

Music by Joystock -

Yoda and I were driving around checking out the area and we found something that completely shocked us. Watch the video and see what has us offended beyond words.

Our content can be found on these platforms:

Intro music by Joystock -
Exit music excerpt - "Lyrics of Fury" by Eric B and Rakim

Well, apparently you enjoyed Part 1 of the tour video, because you are back for Part 2. Either that, or you are a glutton for punishment. Either way it is, we are glad you came back. In Part 2 of the video tour we look at more of the property, and I discuss more of the opportunities and challenges we have. Towards the end, I do kind of go on a semi-rant about freedom of choice and being honest about the choices we make. If you are offended by it, well, maybe you needed to be offended. Any way it goes, we hope that you enjoy Part 2 and will like and share the video. If you haven't already, be sure to subscribe to our our channel and hit the notification bell so you know when more content is posted.

Our content can be found on these platforms:

Music by Joystock -

Just a quick update on the status of the Grumpy Acres channels on Bitchute and Rumble. Thanks for being here and supporting alternative video hosting platforms.

Don't forget to Comment, Like, Share a Subscribe to joins us on our journey towards a life done free.

Our content can be found on these platforms:

Music by Joystock -

Happy 246th Birthday Marines!

Don't forget to Comment, Like, Share a Subscribe to joins us on our journey towards a life done free.

Our content can be found on these platforms:

Music by Joystock -


Created 2 years, 11 months ago.

51 videos

Category DIY & Gardening

Follow our homesteading journey. Learn from our experiences and unchain your self from an ever increasingly fragile system.

We started this leg of our journey around 2015. We looked at the world around us and decided to strike off in a new direction. We went in search of modern self sufficiency. We bought a house on some land and started towards building a homestead in our little corner of the world. What we found along the way has been liberating and life changing. We aren't anywhere near our ultimate destination, so the journey continues. Come along with us and start your own journey towards a Life Done Free