1 Independent Thinker

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1 Independent Thinker

1 Independent Thinker


A compilation of news and weather reports from 2020-2022 by Mike Morales.

Michael Todd Morales (July 12, 1966 - April 28, 2023)

Mike Morales was one of the trusted sources of information in the largely "controlled opposition" alt-media world. His channel, "Above Ground World News" focused on geoengineering projects, weather warfare, and other subversive conspiracies against the masses that resulted in what government and its media lackeys erroneously term "climate change."

Not only did Mike expose the wicked agenda of the New World Order cabal and their weather modification agenda, he reported on critical issues of the day that the lamestream mockingbird managed media would either suppress or ignore. He laughingly referred to Covid as the "cornholio" so as not to trip YouTube algorithms. Like many who had their bullshit detectors fine-tuned and calibrated, Mike knew the alleged pandemic was a swindle from the get-go.

While other so-called "truth-tellers" (gatekeepers, shills, cointelpro) in 2020 were proclaiming the pandemic to be genuine and pushing the fear-factor, Mike was producing evidence that this world-wide health scare was in fact a well orchestrated fraud of unprecedented proportion designed to control and cull the population and usher in the Great Reset.



Mike also had a keen interest in astrology and the wonders of our infinite universe and would often show his viewers the fascinating images he took from his homemade observatory. Mike's videos would always end with the closing remarks... "Much love, no fear, armor up, and eyes to the skies." Mike's intrepid and tireless efforts to bring truth to the world will not be forgotten.

The next video is a collage of clips from Mike's videos. Thanks for watching & sharing.

Eyes to the skies... show people the lies!

Michael Todd Morales (July 12, 1966 - April 28, 2023) R.I.P.


Richie From Boston — 04-05-2024


An edited version mainly focusing on the corrupt legal system. (BAR association for lawyers)

Anyone who thinks Malone has Joe 6-pak's best interests in mind better think twice. Same goes for a lot of doctors, researchers and scientists who have profited from deleterious vaccines and drugs all their working lives, but now have suddenly become critical of the covid vax or how the 'pandemic' was handled. If someone is not against ALL vaccinations, or push other Big Pharma drugs for the non-existent virus, they should not be trusted.

Maria Zee Show featuring 'The Raging Dissident' Jeremy McKenzie.
(edited ad-free version suitable for sharing)

Sabrina Wallace is a daughter of a Rothschild mother (both parents are from Space Force / black projects), and is a survivor of DARPA N2 testing for human augmentation and ongoing electronic warfare.

The WEF & their government lackeys have been blabbering about cyber-attacks and power grid failures for years. They've put the blame on everything from system failures, to cyber-terrorism, to solar flares, to polar shifts, and to climate change. RichieFromBoston makes the case that they might use the April 8 solar eclipse as a scapegoat to cover their own plans to switch off power over much of the nation. Perhaps, or perhaps it's another ploy to ridicule the "conspiracy theorists" when it doesn't happen. We'll know soon. In any event, it would be wise to prepare for the worst

Shelley Ann Clark typed the Free Trade Agreement…. TWO VERSIONS… AND CANADIANS NEVER SAW THE REAL ONE! The “mainstream” media won’t touch her and lawyers and politicians will not sue her. Clark became a whistleblower after she was ordered by PM Brian Mulroney to falsify documents dealing with the Canada-U.S. FTA. Between 1986 and 1988 Clark was ordered to falsify, shred and eventually remove key briefing papers designed to mislead provincial premiers as to what was really being given away in the Free Trade Agreement (FTA). Under threat of having her career destroyed, and becoming unemployable she was commanded to secretly remove and transfer key documents to the trunk of her boss’s car.

The Sale of a Country: Behind the Scenes at Canada-US Free Trade Negotiations Office Paperback – Sept. 26 2011
by Shelley Ann Clark (Author) https://tinyurl.com/The-Sale-Of-A-Country

The Sale of a Country is a riveting account of what took place behind the scenes at the Canadian Free Trade Negotiations Office. Shrouded in a veil of secrecy, clandestine meetings, midnight shredding of briefing books and key working papers, there was still time for the creation of a "SEX PIT". The man who was parachuted in by former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney to do the deed was a sexual predator. His need for sex led to carelessness and bad judgment that almost destroyed the Prime Minister's plan to leave a legacy that he was the one who had achieved a Free Trade Agreement with one of the world's most powerful countries, the United States of America, where everyone else had failed.

RFK Jr. says he's not an anti-vaxxer but advocates for a "safe" vaccine. Therefore he's "pro-vaccine" as long as the experimental chemical concoction is considered by Big Pharma to be "safe." The problem with that is there has never been a safe vaccine and never will because in order to manufacture such a product, all the harmful ingredients would first have to be removed from the formula. All that would remain is H2O and other benign ingredients that might not be damaging to health, but certainly wouldn't have any beneficial value in fighting disease. The Supreme Court has even stated that all vaccines are "unavoidably unsafe."

As Dr. Andrew Kaufman has stated... "Your body is full of natural wisdom. It can heal itself from almost any insult. It is powerful and amazing. If you support your body’s wisdom, you will return to vitality." No vaccines or drugs required.

Kennedy also says vaccines should be tested on animals before experimenting on humans. How many millions of animals have suffered and died due to this logic? How many humans have suffered the same fate? Kennedy states himself that billions have been paid out of court for vaccine damage, and this was AFTER all the proper testing had been performed.

Until RFK makes it unlawful to mandate medical interventions, and opposes the manufacture and administration of vaccines altogether, he's a part of the problem, not the solution.

And for those who think the polio vaccine cured the disease, better think again. A little bit of knowledge can be dangerous.

• Polio not eradicated, just renamed — Health Freedom Idaho
• An Overview on the Polio Vaccine — Mary Tocco (News With Views)
• Little Known Facts About Poliomyelitis Vaccinations — Whale
• 1976 — 60 Minutes Investigates Swine Flu Scare

1. An insightful report on how the public, and children in particular, are being programmed with visuals that influence and mould their minds and thought processes, thus resulting in a loss of ability to use their own imagination to form ideas and concepts. As seen in much of the "entertainment" industry these days, the imagery used is often unethical and immoral.

2. "I Watched It On The Radio" - A 1989 music video relating to an era when children had greater opportunity to imagine and think for themselves, rather than being indoctrinated with bias and conceptions from corporations and their influencers.

News reports from 2012 and 2015 disclosing government experiments involving aerial spraying on U.S. cities. Government scientists and researchers have performed thousands of human experiments, including those to determine the effects of ionizing radiation and radioactive contamination on the human body, generally on people who were poor, sick, or powerless. Most of these tests were performed, funded, or supervised by the US military, Atomic Energy Commission, or various other U.S. federal government agencies.

The experiments included a wide array of studies, such as feeding radioactive food to mentally disabled children or conscientious objectors; inserting radium rods into the noses of school children; deliberately releasing radioactive chemicals over U.S. and Canada; measuring the health effects of radioactive fallout from nuclear bomb tests; injecting pregnant women and babies with radioactive chemicals, amongst other unconscionable undertakings.

Much information about these programs was classified and kept secret. In 1986, the United States House Committee on Energy and Commerce released a report entitled "American Nuclear Guinea Pigs: Three Decades of Radiation Experiments on U.S. Citizens."

Cover picture by David E. Dees (July 9, 1957 – May 31, 2020)

A condensed version of a recent Healthy American (Peggy Hall) video retaining all the critical information.

A followup to this video is found here: https://www.bitchute.com/video/I9ndhA7KpHU/?list=notifications&randomize=false

A condensed episode focusing on the background story of the movie Titanic, and the connection with Henry Ford's conflict with the International Jew.

All the benefits of living in Kommie Kanada.

Law Dictionary: "Unavoidably Unsafe" is a product that is incapable of being made safe for its intended and ordinary use. In 2011, the Supreme Court ruled that “vaccines are unavoidably unsafe.” This is shown by the increasing numbers of vaccine-related deaths and chronic illnesses. Vaccines are so unsafe, in fact, that in 1986 vaccine manufacturers of vaccines were deemed “liability free”, because of the onslaught of lawsuits at the time that were exacting a heavy toll on the pharmaceutical companies. In response, the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) was established to compensate families who experienced vaccine injuries or death. As of 2019, NVICP had paid out over $4 billion, using tax dollars.


Topics include the Jewish question, the holocaust, defiance, immigration & destruction of America, religion , paganism, govt. corruption, pornography, Jewish payoffs, Alex Jones, truther sites, etc.

People will believe anything

Pfizer Board of Directors, Former FDA Scott Gottlieb is connected to a BioTek company called Resilience. The CEO of In-Q-Tel, Chris Darby, who is in charge of the CIA's investment management group is also on website of Resilience. Resilience partnered with Moderna in 2021. If you go to US Govt. spending and look up contracts, you can see Resilience is being heavily funded by the Government. ($142 million since 2013). They are also known by 7 other names, Nanosphere, Nanotherapeutics, etc. They are even funded by the Dept of Defense. Bob Nelson of "Arch Venture Partners" started the company and appointed FDA bio-defense expert Luciana Borio, an infectious disease doctor who is also also VP of In-Q-Tel and has ties with the Gates Foundation, Council of Foreign Relations & Goldman/Sachs banking.

I created an edited and abbreviated version of a recent OB video that Jim Rizoli posted on his channel. This one retains the highlights and essential info of the original but saves over an hour of watch time.

Justice for Germans

Germany - The REAL Holocaust Hidden From The History Books

HELLSTORM - The REAL GENOCIDE of Nazi Germany, the Biggest Cover-up in Human History


Created 4 years, 6 months ago.

213 videos

Category Health & Medical

In the political theatre, there is no left or right. There's just the illusion of choice and a vulture in the middle waiting to devour you. On the world stage there are basically two kinds of people: Those who think the government cares about them, and those who think.


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