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This video is OLD, although explains how and why

I was not aware that NASA was so integral, and all these agencies reported to them

Did you?

Again, if this was NOT happening they would be suing. And they are NOT

Hundreds, if not Thousands have been sent to Gitmo or the other half dozen places to handle the volume of Pedophile’s / Adrenochrome junkies


funny. I heard that Queen (the artist) not the fake Queen who was taken out years ago
Then a fake funeral was made for the masses. And if you noticed, they had a GOAT leading the ceremony. What does a goat represent??? Devil/Baphomet.

If this crap (which I LOVE) wasn’t true, don’t you think that these famous people would be suing the arse off Q?

Please go to there are SO many entries of who, how, why, and it explains their last day on this earth

Again, if that site was NOT true, it would be banned

I’ve been watching it for years

Don’t you people who don’t believe what I’m saying? I have been banned off of numerous sites, and I have never done anything other than share my opinion

Doesn’t that make you the slightest curious as to where the global elites were doing to us?

If we are NOT allowed free speech, humanity is doomed.

Stand up. And do NOT let them coerce you again

Love to you ALL,

I posted this as it is discussing events of our Sun May 2024

Since it is only May 8, I felt it was relevant

He somewhat lost my attention when he says NASA (Not A Space Agency).

Who knows what is really happening

Again, I have seen lots about this. But I have NOT posted. Why? Because I don’t really understand it

Although I know we are getting closer to something big happening

Don’t worry, be happy. Geez whilikers I like that song!!

Love to you ALL,

I see many of posts about solar flares, honestly I do not understand

Have no worries (not like we could do anything anyway)

From what I’ve heard this will be a good thing for humanity

Love to you ALL,

Have to say they are really shoving it in our faces with all the satanic dark agenda stuff right now. We know how dark Eurovision is and its connection to child trafficking like many big events around the world. As Q says sometimes you cannot tell PEOPLE THE TRUTH.
You must show them.

If you think Madonna performances are demonic….well this goes all out. This is Satanic Witch Bambie Thug performing for Ireland for the semi final Eurovision contest, with black demonic black eyes, 666 paedophile symbols on her head doing a satanic ritual surrounded by fire and standing within a pentagram. The music is in a low frequency as she casts spells on stage in front of millions. Her outfit gets ripped off to reveal the transgender colours while being satanically possessed dancing with another demon. The song ends with ‘CROWN THE WITCH’ plastered behind them. This music is called ‘ouija-pop’ and the song is called ‘Doomsday Blue’.

Met a lady Tammy who quit her job after 25 years refusing to get the jab.

So did her husband

They work now in completely different industries that are on the same page

Her granddaughter was being taught about transgender in elementary school

They took the child out, and are now homeschooling

Kudoo’s to you and your family to STOP following what “they” are forcing on us.

Learn to say NO. Do not Comply.

Love to you ALL,

Many may not understand this, although I believe once the EBS happens (Emergency Broadcast System) Humanity is going to be free.

The entire system was created to enslave humanity. Political, Legal, Medical, Educational... is going to change

I'm SO excited!

In the meantime, I will continue to smile, be happy, talk to strangers, life is good! ('Life' is 'God/Yaweh') I believe the Yewah is the proper pronunciation, although, I am not 100% positive. I have heard it many times, initially I was confused. Although, it makes sense that they would lie to us about the name.

I also heard 'Jesus' is not correct. It is a acronym that they made up. Basically that we are slaves.

When I come across the correct acronym, I will post it. I would hate to mislead anyone.

Love to you ALL!

President Trump said he would rather risk imprisonment than comply with a gag order in his on-going criminal trial, just hours after the corrupt judge overseeing his criminal hush-money trial threatened to put the current president of the new republic in jail.

The Precedent is set. BOOMERANG incoming. These epic moves we are witnessing are setting the stage for previous presidents to be investigated and jailed - no previous presidents have immunity. Trumps poll numbers will hit a whole new level of biblical. Some genius chess moves are being made by the WHs right now. Trump is sacrificing himself, the same way Jesus did for his people.

Justice is coming in a big way.

Cross your fingers....

I am LOVING this sting operation on the Deep State. He is beating them at their own game.

I’m not trying to be fancy. I don’t sell anything. I’m just trying to educate enough people so that hopefully word will trickle down to my family, friends and neighbours that ALL think I’m crazy

I’m the ONLY one of all of them that was not vaccinated

And I purposefully do not post negative stuff I hear, and I hear a LOT of sudden deaths have become common in adults the last few years


Love to you ALL!

The reason I posted this, is my father does listen/watch this lady a LOT. I had to run in and she him that she appeared on my conspiracies channels

He didn’t have much to say. Believing it or not

I assumed/believed it was HOT magma under the earth crust, which gave us volcanoes

Now I’m very confused

What are YOUR thoughts??

Love to you ALL,

Is it flat? Is it round? Who knows for sure

It almost sounded like Elon had a AI voice. Maybe it wasn’t him at all

Geez whilkers- you don’t know who to believe!!!

Not sure who made this, LMAO!

Live your life. Laughter is the best medicine!

We are basically living in a dream world. What is real, is only what you can feel, touch and see

The strings of our PUPPET MASTERS have been dismantled, and soon we will find out HOW much they have been lying to us

Spoiler Alert.... Just about everything....

Once you do more research, you will find the facts don’t add up

Have you noticed how many interracial, transgender commercials and TV programs there are?

It is programming.

Being done on purpose

Woot woot!

I don't care how long it takes, I know it's coming....

I'm sure it will take a few months for everyone to actually believe they will be free

I've heard, others could take years. From being programmed for so long

Most of us have already seen this. I encourage everyone not believing Trump is President to watch to have a better understanding

Sit back, and enjoy the show. Babylon is falling.

That will make more sense after you watch it

Too bad I don't believe this was created by hand

History proves there was better technology than we have now. So obvious.

Having insight into this covert psychological war is life-altering.

It’s difficult to even put into words.

It changes you.

It forces you to figure everything out for yourself.


Because what we are living through has never happened before.

There are no books about it.

There are no documentaries.

There are no classes.

There is no training.

We can’t ask our parents or grandparents what “they did”.
Because they never lived though anything like this.

No one has.

Just keep reminding yourself of everything you’ve seen with your own eyes the last 4 years.

And ask yourself…

Do I really believe that Trump and the Military did ALL OF THIS just to win another four year election?

Do I really believe there isn’t going to be justice for the stolen election ?

Do I really believe there isn’t going to be justice for COVID ?

Do I really believe there isn’t going to be justice for the CHILDREN?


Too many of us know.

That’s why,

Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming

Entertainment is becoming MORE and MORE brazen about their satanic rituals

Yet, people continue to blindly follow

If the people only knew this was really happening

Every time society complies, the rulers add MORE rules, regulations, laws etc

Reducing your freedoms


Created 1 year, 5 months ago.

919 videos

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