Supplemental Sense

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Supplemental Sense

Supplemental Sense


If I were only allowed to take one supplement for the rest of my life, the choice would not be that hard. It’s vitamin D by a mile. It’s really quite amazing to me that something so important gets overlooked or misused to the degree that vitamin D does. I’m about to set that all straight right now and show you how to best supplement this critically important hormone. So let’s get started.

Vitamin D is what’s called a prohormone. These are substances in which the body converts into a hormone. This particular prohormone is used in over 1000 different functions in the body. Vitamin D being a hormone is often linked to testosterone production. There have been numerous studies done on the correlation between vitamin D and testosterone. One study done at a Medical University in Austria found that when healthy males take 3332 IU’s of vitamin D daily for a year, they end up with 25.2% more testosterone on average compared to the placebo group. Many other studies seem to confirm that trend. Oh, and I will mention that vitamin D is more effective at preventing the flu than the actual flu shot is.
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Now D3/K2
Carlson D3/K2

I want to remind everyone that while sanitization is important, over sanitizing is detrimental to your health. Remember that there are many good microorganisms on our skin too. Germaphobes that wash their hands constantly are the ones that seem to catch every cold because they are killing their natural defenses at the same time. Just use common sense when it comes to sanitization.

Other things to consider that could be hurting your immune defenses are stress and sleep. This entire pandemic has people in hysteria and fear. That places an enormous amount of stress throughout the body. This is something everyone has to confront for themselves. Can you give up total control of your life? You can prepare up to a degree but need to realize after that, you need to come to a peace about what is uncontrollable. Faith is very important to our overall health as well. Regardless of your own spiritual beliefs, prayer or meditation is so valuable to relieving your stress. The realization that you can't control everything and giving it up to a higher power is so therapeutic and healing.

Now if you want some other ways to combat stress, I’d strongly encourage you to try out some ashwagandha or rhodiola. These adaptogen herbs work on the adrenals to balance out the stress hormones. I have always told people that if I was only allowed to have 3 supplements for the rest of my life, ashwagandha would be one of them. It is my favorite herbal remedy out there. Get the KSM-66 brand as it is the most well researched and effective type on the market. There aren’t side effects to ashwagandha either so double dosing is fine if need be. This is the product I take and I have made a video on it before if you’d like to hear about it more in depth. I will also link the product in the description and every other supplement I talk about today.

Some key supplements before bed are ZMA. Zinc, Magnesium, and Vitamin B-6. Most of us need more magnesium and zinc in general but this particular combi..

Omega 3 fatty acids have anti inflammatory effects, EPA and DHA are crucial to our overall health. I think I’ve seen just about every chronic health condition under the sun linked to omega-3 deficiency. And while this is definitely helpful information to us health nuts, it’s not quite a simple as we are led to believe.

Here is a quick rundown of the fats. You have the 3 main types being saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated. The difference between them is their chemical structure of bonds. Unsaturated fats are not saturated to the max with hydrogen molecules like saturated fats would be. And polyunsaturated contain carbon chains with two or more double bonds. Monounsaturated with obviously just the one double bond. Many foods contain 2 or even all 3 of these types of fats to different degrees. The key problem here is that polyunsaturated fats are way more susceptible to oxidation. They are chemically unstable. They are way more vulnerable to be damaged by heat, light, or oxygen. This means they are far more likely to oxidize and go rancid. And constantly consuming these fats could lead to all sorts of chronic health problems like diabetes, obesity, heart disease, hypertension, dementia, autoimmune disorders, and much more. Oxidized fats cause unwanted inflammation.

PUFAs are typically consumed in the form of vegetable oils and these are very high in omega-6. These would be canola, soybean, safflower, sunflower, flax, cottonseed, and rapeseed just to name a few. They also come from fish, seeds, and nuts. Some of these things are touted as being healthy and they probably are in some respect when they are fresh. But that is pretty rare. Most of the vegetable oils we eat have undergone many heat processes and have been exposed to oxygen. If you buy a canola oil off the shelf at your grocery store it’s almost guaranteed to have chemically changed it’s structure to something now harmful to you.

When a restaurant refers to something being butter on their menu it is in fact not real butter, but some combination of vegetable oils and margarine. So if you regularly eat out, you are in fact destroying your health no matter how healthy the foods you choose are.

Have you ever gotten the fish burps from a fish oil supplement you’ve been taking? I have, and I was just told it’s normal or maybe that i’m not digesting them well. Yeah, that was a huge lie. You get the fish burps because the oils have gone rancid. And why wouldn’t they, just think about what these fish oils go through to become a supplement. They are most definitely exposed to heat, light, and oxygen. They sit on shelves for months or even years. By the time you purchase them, the oil is completely different from a freshly caught fish.

Check out what Harvard Medical School has to say about fish oil? They have an article titled Fish Oil: Friend or Foe? They say “The answer is more friend than foe, if the fish oil comes from food sources rather than supplements.” I 100% agree! If you are really concerned about not getting enough omega 3 there are many great ways to do so without consuming the damaged fish oil supplements.

Fresh, wild caught fish is the best source. And the best fish are mackerel and salmon. Other great foods would be things like oysters, spinach and chia seeds. And you are due to get at least a little bit of omega 3 from animal products in general. If you eat a lot of beef like you should, you aren’t likely to get deficient in omegas in the first place. I am not going to promote any particular fish oil product because regardless of how reputable or high quality the supplement is, we just can’t predict how well preserved each bottle stays from manufacture date to purchase.

In the end, the cons outweigh the pros with fish oil supplements. Plus, they just aren’t worth the money. There are plenty of other great supplements you could be spending your money on while you consume your omegas from food sources.

Why are these untraceable and supposedly incurable diseases like fibromyalgia and restless leg syndrome becoming so prevalent today? Fibromyalgia is becoming more common each year. It is estimated that 10 million Americans suffer from it and 3-6% of the population worldwide are affected. Restless leg syndrome seems even more common at 5-15% worldwide. How are so many people affected by these phantom-like conditions today? Well, finally you get that answer and the things you can do to completely cure these miserable conditions on your own.

Fibromyalgia is a condition described as a central nervous system disorder. Basically, the thought is that the nervous system becomes hyperactive and every little sensation becomes amplified to the degree of pain and discomfort. And the symptoms don’t end there. Insomnia, depression, restless leg syndrome, chronic fatigue, and brain fog can all manifest with fibromyalgia.

The real disappointing thing is that allopathic medicine has no answer for the condition. You go see your doctor about this and can have all of the testing done in the world and nothing will be found in your bloodwork or in imaging. And even though nothing can be pinpointed, you will probably still be given some sort of medication just to give you the sense that your visit was worth the time and money. While they fully know you will be back again soon still suffering and willing to try another medication. No prescription medication in the world can help you though.

The only way to cure fibromyalgia is by finding the root cause and fixing it from there. There is a reason that this condition has exploded recently in America and around the world to a degree. What else has drastically changed in the last 50 years? How about our exposure to chemicals? Aspartame, monosodium glutamate, glyphosates, and genetically modified foods. All of these things have been proven to affect the central nervous system. There is plenty of scientific literature out there about each of these chemicals altering the hundreds of different neurotransmitters in our brains.

They also disrupt circulation and respiration. Without the proper oxygen and blood flow, essential nutrients aren’t getting to your extremities very well. This is where restless leg syndrome comes in. You are now subconsciously moving to try and create better circulation. And to top it all off, REM sleep takes a major hit as well. Living in this state long term is a recipe for diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, and probably any disease known to man.

So let's go over how we best avoid these chemicals and then some great supplements geared towards reversing fibromyalgia. I think most of you watching a channel like mine might already be aware of things like aspartame, msg, and GMOs, but some people like to have a nice list of what to avoid.

Curcumin was used in a study of 62 individuals with fibromyalgia and symptoms of widespread pain, dizziness, cramps, and paresthesia (a burning, tingling, or prickly feeling) in the extremities were significantly reduced. There was also improvement in levels of fatigue.

CoQ10 was shown to improve symptoms of fatigue, morning tiredness, and pain in a study in which the test subjects took the coq10 for 40 days. These people took 300 mg per day of ubiquinone. The ubiquinol form would likely require a much smaller dose. And finally, those with vitamin D deficiency saw great improvement of fibromyalgia symptoms when given vitamin D supplementation. There were significant levels of pain relief seen in a study in which the subjects took vitamin D for 20 weeks.

Vitamin D3/K2

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Boswellia serrata has been traditionally used in folk medicine for centuries to treat various chronic inflammatory diseases. The most well known practitioners using boswellic acids come from Ayurvedic healers in India. These acids derive from the resin of Boswellia trees known as frankincense. I am about to show you why this particular substance is such a great anti-inflammatory agent and which boswellia supplements are the very best out there for your specific needs.

Boswellic acids are 11-keto-β-boswellic acid (KBA) and 3-acetyl-11-keto-β-boswellic acid (AKBA) α-Boswellic acid (αBA) and its isomer β-Boswellic acid (β-BA) Acetyl-α-Boswellic and Acetyl-β-Boswellic acid. Boswellic acids are able to inhibit pro-inflammatory enzymes such as 5-lipoxygenase. AKBA showing the most potent effect.

Research has shown great promise with boswellia against lung and bronchial issues, neurological problems, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, some cancers, wound healing, asthma, anxiety, mood, ulcerative colitis, and irritable bowel syndrome.

Now there are a lot of boswellia supplements out on the market today. I’d say it’s one of the more confusing supplements to shop for with all of the different standardizations and trademarked formulas. You have just the regular full spectrum boswellia resin, various standardized extracts, the phytosome form, Boswellin, 5-Loxin, and ApresFlex formerly called Aflapin. There may be some other trademarked brands as well. But these are boswellia products you are most likely to see. I will go over the pros and cons of each.

The dosing guidelines are generally 300-500 mg 2-3 times per day. But this can vary depending on what condition you are taking it for. For example, the Arthritis Foundation recommends 300-400 mg 3 times per day but you would need a much higher dose than this for irritable bowel diseases. Boswellia can be a powerful remedy when it is taken correctly and in the most bioavailable forms. And it’s certainly a safer long term option than non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen or acetaminophen. Please share this video with people you think can benefit from boswellia. Click that like button and subscribe if you haven’t already. Until next time, stay healthy everyone.


Boswellia Phytosome

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Basically, heme-iron is what you get from many animal products and has great bioavailability. Plants and eggs offer the non heme-iron. And while plants usually contain more iron than meat, it is far less bioavailable.

So foods to be aware of are things like eggs. Just one boiled egg can impair iron absorption by 28%. Trying to get iron from eggs is like trying to get hydrated from drinking ocean water. Oxalates also make any mineral tough to absorb. Foods like kale, spinach, wheat bran, chocolate, nuts, tea, and spices like oregano, basil, and parsley contain high amounts of oxalates. Polyphenols that you get from coffee, apples, many berries, and peppermint are also a problem. And some of those oxalate foods I already listed also have polyphenols. Then there are phytates which are compounds found in soy protein and fiber. So be careful about the things you are consuming when taking iron. I’m not saying to cut out all these foods from your diet, some are healthy foods. It’s just the timing that’s important here. I wouldn’t eat any of this stuff within two hours of iron consumption.

So what can you eat with your iron supplement? Meats are going to be your best friend. Beef, poultry, salmon, and pork are all options. Consuming just 50 g of meat can lead to 2-4 times more iron absorption. And beef may be the best meat for enhancing iron bioavailability. Citrus fruits are also great. Or maybe your a big fan of orange juice like me.

So on to the more supplement based section. The best supplement to aid in iron absorption is vitamin C. Studies show that 100 milligrams of ascorbic acid can increase iron absorption from a specific meal by over 4 times. Our body wants to immediately oxidize iron supplements and produce toxic byproduct waste. The antioxidant protective vitamin c prevents this from happening, leading to better uptake. I don’t think you should ever supplement iron without vitamin C. Not only because of its help in bioavailability but it’s actually saving you butt from iron induced heart problems.

Vitamin A has also been shown to benefit iron absorption but only beta carotene, not the retinol form. And betaine HCL can also be of help to the breakdown of food in digestion. Most people with iron deficiencies have low levels of stomach acid further compounding the low iron problem.

Calcium, magnesium, zinc, and copper supplements should not be taken within 2 hours of your iron supplement. These minerals share the same receptors in the body. Only about 800 mg in total can be handled. Just one calcium supplement at 300 mg has been shown to drastically impair iron uptake. And that not only applies to supplements but to dietary intake as well.

Like with many mineral supplements, be aware that some may still label their bottles with the total compound amount per serving while others state the elemental amount. Minerals are always bound to something else. 325 mg of ferrous sulfate does not mean you are getting 325 mg of iron. That is an absurd amount of iron to be taking if that were the case. You are likely getting about 65 mg of iron, which is still quite a bit. I wouldn’t recommend that form anyway, just an example to read the doses carefully. Most of the dosing recommendations you see for iron deficiency are based off of the poorly absorbed ferrous sulfate. So while they are telling you to take 100-200 mg of iron per day, you must adjust this when using a better iron supplement.

The best iron supplement in my book has to be the Ferrochel glycine bound chelated iron. This stuff has effectively twice the absorption ability than the ferrous sulfate I just mentioned. Numerous studies have confirmed it being safer and gentler than most others. And this form is also not affected by phytates. So that’s one less thing you need to worry about in your diet. The body can also better regulate this form of iron meaning that the more you need, the more you absorb. This, along with a liposomal vitamin C, and betaine hcl supplement is going to be the ultimate stack for correcting an iron deficiency.

Source Naturals Ferrochel
Liposomal Vitamin C
CL Betaine HCL

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Milk thistle contains numerous plant compounds that are generally referred to as silymarin. These compounds are known to be anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant. Silymarin has been extracted and used to treat a wide array of ailments for centuries. It is probably most well known for its positive effects on the liver and kidneys. And with all the toxins we are bombarded with on a daily basis, having optimal liver and kidney function is a crucial piece to longevity.

Because of legalities milk thistle is just another one of those “supports a healthy liver” remedies. But we are smarter than that. We have noticed its uses for liver damage, alcoholic liver disease, fatty liver disease, hepatitis, and even liver cancer. And while it isn’t the answer to these major diseases, milk thistle has been able to produce significant results against them. It repairs and protects liver cells from toxic substances. It has been shown to stop cancer cells from dividing and reproducing. And there is even some evidence for reducing the life span of cancer cells. More studies on humans need to be done here, but it does look promising.

Let's just run through some of the other great benefits that milk thistle can give. It promotes healthy prostate function, fights free radical damage in the gastrointestinal tract, prevents neurological conditions like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, promotes strong bones, boosts breast milk production, improves insulin sensitivity, and can even help treat acne. Now, like I said before it’s not the answer to serious diseases in these arenas but milk thistle’s antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects are beneficial to them.

Milk thistle effectively activates NRF2 or nuclear factor erythroid-2 related factor. Yeah, all of that. It’s one thing to consume antioxidants but another to turn on our own bodily production of them. The most powerful antioxidants are those that our body produces like superoxide dismutase SOD and glutathione (often refer..

The first herbal I want to discuss is bilberry. Bilberry contains compounds called anthocyanins. I guess you could call this the king of anti’s. These flavonoids are not only antioxidants, but anti-inflammatory, anti-allergenic, anti-viral, anti-mutagenic and antimicrobial. They have been shown in numerous studies to improve circulation and the integrity of fine capillaries in the eye.

Cells in the eyes are extremely sensitive to oxidants. Anthocyanins will counter oxidative stress in the retina, and help to reduce inflammation in the tissues of the eye. Bilberry has been accepted and used in the treatment of cataracts and glaucoma. It is even said that bomber pilots in WW2 would eat bilberry jam to give them night vision. Hard to believe that but pretty cool if that's true.

Next up are the carotenoids lutein, astaxanthin, and zeaxanthin. These also possess anti-inflammatory properties and have a large body of evidence backing their promotion of eye health. They are known to improve or totally prevent macular degeneration. What they do in the macula is block blue light from reaching the underlying structures in the retina. This reduces the chances of light-induced oxidative damage that would lead to macular degeneration. Many studies have found that a mixture of these carotenoids is many times more effective than any one of them, even at the same total concentration.

I think by now you may be seeing a pattern here. Antioxidants are crucial for eye health. And another one that I want to mention is sulforaphane which mostly comes from broccoli. Researchers at John Hopkins found this compound to greatly protect the eyes from UV light, diminishing the chances of macular degeneration. Broccoli also contains indole-3-carbinol which sets off a chain of events to detoxification of the retina. And no problem if you don’t like broccoli. There are broccoli extracts and I3C supplements on the market.

If diabetes is the main concern for your eye health I would still con..

Shilajit is an extremely rare and prized substance worldwide. It's healing benefits seem unrivaled by most. It has been studied for treating conditions like Alzheimer's disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, diabetes, obesity, asthma, low testosterone, epilepsy, parasites, jaundice and many more.

It naturally contains over 85 ionic minerals, fulvic acid, humic acid, and phytonutrients. The combination of these compounds allow for better nutrient absorption and assimilation of minerals within the body.

Finding the real deal however is quite the problem. Shilajit should be in a black, tarry, resin form. Many supplements you find in the United States are definitely counterfeit or contain just a fraction of the real substance. That is why I have left you with this link to a legitimate shilajit product.

Lotus Blooming Herbs Shilajit

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What makes a protein powder high quality? There are three layers to dive into when figuring this out. The type of protein should be the first thing you evaluate. There are protein supplements from countless sources these days. You have whey, casein, pea, beef, soy, hemp, egg, rice, and many more. So what makes one source better than another? Generally it’s the amino acid profile that each source brings to the table. Luckily many products these days list out that profile right on the label.

The key aminos you should be concerned with are branched chain aminos. These would be leucine, isoleucine, and valine. Leucine being the king of the 3. They are essential amino acids which means that your body can’t produce these, you need to consume them. There are 9 essential aminos, but what makes these 3 special is that they are mostly responsible for stimulating muscle protein synthesis and producing a positive nitrogen balance or anabolic state. The reason you are buying a protein powder in the first place is to gain or retain muscle mass, am I right?

When we compare these various sources of protein we find that whey packs the most branched chain aminos. This is why you hear so much about whey protein so much from the health community. Now the next layer is about the different forms of whey. There are multiple levels of refinement that whey can go through. This is where we see terms like concentrate, isolate, and hydrolysate. Concentrate is of lesser refinement.

Generally these are less than 80% pure protein and in the supplement realm it is the cheapest whey out there for companies to buy.
The isolate is usually around 90% purity and is probably the most common form you will find. But sometimes they will mix in concentrate with the isolate and you don’t want that. Isolate is a good purity and actually will contain less lactose if you have a sensitivity there. It will be faster and easier to digest than just about every other protein there is.

Which brings us to th..

Polysorbate 80 is used as an emulsifier to improve the consistency of gel capsules and to make pills disperse in the stomach. Studies have found correlations between the consumption of polysorbate 80 and increased risk of blood clots, stroke, heart attack, heart failure, and of tumor growth or recurrence in patients with certain types of cancer.

And a recent study has found a strong connection linked to bowel problems. Relatively low concentrations of polysorbate 80 induced low-grade inflammation, obesity, and prompted robust colitis in mice. They suggest that the consistent use of emulsifiers might be contributing to an increased incidence of metabolic syndrome and other chronic inflammatory diseases.

Titanium dioxide is used as a whitening agent in many supplements and topical products. It has been shown to cause lung inflammation and damage. There is also strong evidence that the nanoparticles can damage DNA and compromise the immune system. Those are the risks from just being constantly exposed to it. When you ingest this stuff then we are talking about kidney damage and intestinal inflammation. It can impair enzyme activity and lead to nutrient absorption issues at the very least. Studies have shown that iron, zinc, and fatty acid transport were significantly decreased following exposure to titanium dioxide nanoparticles.

Then we have the artificial sweeteners conveniently hidden away in most protein powders and many other supplements that come in powder form. As we all have heard from the health community, “sugar is evil” so many products are taking advantage of this craze by promoting zero sugar on everything they can. They also make sure you know that they use “natural sweeteners” like stevia, xylitol, or erythritol. But at the same time many of these products also squeeze in some sucralose or acesulfame potassium (Ace-K) which are artificial sweeteners. Go down the protein powder aisle sometime and you will be amazed at how many products have both of these sweeteners in them.

Sucralose may actually lead to diabetes and insulin resistence. And this has even been studied on humans. All the subjects were deemed insulin sensitive to begin the study and were given either sucralose or water. Oral glucose tolerance tests were given after consumption and found that those consuming the sucralose showed a 23% decrease in insulin sensitivity.

Acesulfame K contains the carcinogen methylene chloride. Long-term exposure to methylene chloride can cause headaches, depression, nausea, mental confusion, liver effects, kidney effects, visual disturbances, and cancer in humans. Do I need to say more? The FDA does not require any further testing on this sweetener, therefore leaving it in limbo and available to all manufacturers for further use.

Then we have the artificial colors, things like Red 40, Blue 1, Blue 2, Yellow 5, Green 3, etc. Many people seem to be aware that these agents are not optimal for great health. These synthetic dyes are especially harmful to children. They have shown to induce allergic reactions and increase symptoms of ADHD. Many of these contain the compounds benzidine and 4-aminobiphenyl, in which research has linked to cancer. Always look for the natural food colors that come from beets, carotenes, or annatto.

Next up is talcum powder, often denoted as talc has been associated with cancers of the lungs and ovaries. And mesothelioma (yeah the one from those commercials). Talc contains asbestos but apparently there is also asbestos-free talc. I don’t know about you but I would rather just avoid it all together than take a risk here when there are plenty of other options out there without talc.

And the final ingredient I want to talk about in this video is the highly polarizing magnesium stearate. This is actually an extremely good flow agent in the manufacturing of supplements. I know because I worked with it while manufacturing supplements. Very little is needed in the process compared to many other agents. The rap sheet on this compound is that it can cause digestive problems, suppress T-cells, and contain formaldehyde.

The digestive tract issues aren’t a factor unless massive consumption of the mag stearate is occuring. It’s very unlikely you’d ever meet the consumption requirements for this. The suppressed T-cell study has later been shown to be quite flawed in many aspects. No better study has ever been able to prove this theory. And the formaldehyde thing is a bit overblown as mag stearate produces far less formaldehyde than many regular fruits and vegetables do.

Tinnitus can be caused by many different conditions including ear infections, build-up of inner ear wax, Meniere's disease (or vertigo), vestibular disorders, hypertension, exposure to loud noises, allergies, low thyroid function. And tinnitus is listed as a common side effect from the use of over 250 different medications. So not all tinnitus cases are equal or will respond to the same treatments.

Tinnitus can be cured or at the least tamed. Most of the time it is the symptom of a highly inflamed nervous system or body. There are great supplements out there like pine bark extract or Pycnogenol. Other great things to try include ginkgo biloba, vitamin B12, and anti-inflammatory herbals like turmeric, garlic, ginger, dandelion, and green tea.

Here is the link to my Pycnogenol

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The first supplement I want to talk about is berberine. This is one compound classified as alkaloids. It is normally extracted from the roots, bark, or stems of shrubs called berberis. Berberine promotes glucose uptake to the cells by activating AMPK or Adenosine Monophosphate Kinase. This enzyme is used in the cellular energy system.

What makes berberine so great is that it works on multiple different metabolic mechanisms. For one, it decreases insulin resistance. It increases glycolysis which helps break down sugar within the cells. It decreases sugar production in the liver. And it slows the breakdown of carbohydrates in the gut which means slower absorption of glucose.

Depending on your size you should aim for 1-2 grams of berberine daily. Most studies done on berberine showing significant results, patients were given at least 1 gram of berberine per day. This alkaloid is said to work as well as some pharmaceutical drugs and is obviously a much safer route to go.

The main mineral I want to focus on is chromium. Chromium plays an essential role in regulating blood glucose because it assists in enhancing the function of insulin. Chromium, like berberine activates AMPK which regulates metabolism. There are numerous studies concluding that chromium promotes insulin sensitivity. You should take about 60 mcg per day. That is roughly half the recommended daily intake. This should be a no-brainer supplement for your diabetic defense arsenal. It is also very inexpensive.

And yes, I didn’t forget about cinnamon. This is probably the most well-known supplement for combating insulin resistance. But there are still many people that don’t know about ceylon cinnamon. This is considered the “true” cinnamon even though it is not the common form found in grocery stores. That would be cinnamon cassia. The cassia species is a low quality cinnamon that is very high in coumarin which can lead to liver toxicity. Ceylon on the other hand is a high quality and highly prized spice.

Cinnamon has been shown time after time to have anti-diabetic and blood sugar controlling effects. This is thanks in part to a compound it contains called cinnamtannin b1 which exhibits insulin like biological activities and antioxidant properties. The main rule of thumb with cinnamon is to find the ceylon type and shoot for 300 mg per day with meals. Preferably split it up into 3 100 mg doses throughout the day.

Finally, I will touch on the fat soluble vitamins that promote insulin sensitivity. These would be vitamins A,D, and K2. Vitamin A increases the activity of insulin receptors within cells. Cells within the pancreas called beta cells are responsible for creating insulin. They happen to have a large quantity of cell surface receptors for vitamin A. There is an undeniable correlation between diabetes and vitamin A deficiency.

Vitamin D and K2 work to improve calcium metabolism. This is important imbalances of calcium is correlated with insulin resistance and abnormal beta cell functioning. It’s best to get vitamin A from animal products but if you choose a supplement, go with the retinol form for better bioavailability.

The vitamin D and K2 supplement I personally take is right here. They work synergistically, so take them together if you can. I always prefer liposomal sprays for absorption over the pills. Since these are fat soluble they will store up in your body so be aware of how much you are consuming. Don’t megadose these vitamins for more than one or two days. It’s usually safest just to follow the recommended serving on the label.

With a solid regimen of consistently taking the berberine, chromium, and ceylon cinnamon. And making sure your aren’t deficient in the fat soluble vitamins. Your chances of reversing insulin resistance are astronomically better. Not only will your blood glucose levels be better regulated but things like metabolism and cardiovascular health are also going to be improved. Wouldn’t it be nice to enjoy sweets again, and not have to worry about it costing you a foot?

The kinds of frequencies coming out of these boxes are going to be in the 20-40 GHz range. That is not just a step up in intensity, that is an exponentially massive step up from 4G. Essentially every city is going to be a hotbox of electrosmog. And it’s only going to get worse. Plans are already in the works to further this technology and push it up into the 60-90 GHz range. To put these numbers in perspective, the US military developed a weapon called the Active Denial System which was an direct-energy weapon that fires a high powered beam of 95 GHz towards an individual. It is intended as a non lethal weapon but so are tasers.

Regardless of how bad you think this will get, it’s never a bad idea to prepare your body for increased exposure to radiation. Diet is obviously the first thing you should be modifying, but this is a supplement channel so I will leave that for others to discuss. Here are the first supplements you should be looking for.

Potassium Iodide. I have covered this compound in previous videos so check that out too if you’d like. But when it comes to radiation of any kind, the thyroid is the most susceptible and most important gland in protection. The thyroid ensures programmed cell death of damaged and diseased cells. Cancer cells shrink when given iodine. It also helps to remove heavy metals and has a protective effect on brain tissue.

It is always important to be sure not to overdose on iodine. I would stick to the recommended amounts but be consistent with it as it’s sometimes hard to retain iodine with all the exposure we have to the other halogens that can push it out. It’s also very helpful to take it with magnesium, vitamin C, and selenium for better bioavailability.

Next up is spirulina. This provides cell protection and proper bone marrow functioning including production of red blood cells which are destroyed by EMF radiation. Be sure to take the recommended serving size consistently here as well. I would take the powder form as it’s easier to get a large amount in quickly. I don’t enjoy the taste so mixing it into a drink is just not my thing. If you are like me, try throwing the scoop of powder in your mouth and quickly washing it down with a drink of orange juice. That’s the quick and painless way.

I already kind of mentioned selenium with the iodine stack. Selenium is so important because it protects your DNA from radiation damage. Add in the fact that it helps to better utilize iodine, and you have a must-need mineral in selenium for EMF radiation.

Mineral intake in general is vitally important when exposed to radiation, electrolytes especially. You far more likely to lose these nutrients because of radiation. So if you are already concerned that you may be low in potassium, magnesium, and calcium, be sure to supplement accordingly. Also check out my videos on electrolytes for great food options as well. EMF radiation actually removes the protective calcium coating from the outside of cells which leads to losses of all these minerals.

Finally I want to mention supplements with high antioxidant content. You may already know of some great ones and if you are currently taking some, keep doing so. These are supplements like curcumin, alpha-lipoic acid, green tea, vitamins c and e, and astaxanthin. I’m not a major fan personally of these as many can lower testosterone levels. But if you know that you have had major exposure to radiation, then by all means go nuts. The vitamins are obviously of no threat to T levels but the others are questionable at best. I would prefer to just eat a high antioxidant content diet.

So there you have it. When it really comes down to it, you need to look out for your own health. Communication companies aren’t going to stop their quest for more economic growth and certainly aren’t going to admit that they are doing any harm to people’s health. Don’t sit around and let your body deteriorate. Get protected now! Thanks for watching.

CBD Oil… Where to begin? This compound has been all the rage lately and seems to be headed for the supplement hall of fame already, if there were one. I will be answering many common questions about this highly polarizing compound and hopefully help you in deciding whether its worth consuming and what to look for in a product. Is it a legitimate powerhouse remedy or just another over-hyped fad?

CBD stands for cannabidiol. It is just one of many cannabinoids that derive from a cannabis plant. THC would be another one, and that gives the psychoactive effects of a high. CBD does not and since most products are extracts of hemp, there is usually no THC that comes along with it. It seems like most skeptics have finally come around to the fact that CBD products don’t get you high or addicted. So now that we’re past that, let's move on to the good stuff.

CBD cures all and is responsible for all that is right in the world. Haha, well maybe we are getting a little ahead of ourselves during this craze. CBD does have some real good evidence for treating epilepsy though. There is no debate there. But the pain management and anxiety uses are still very unexplored as far as the scientific world is concerned.

Now I know that every story has a sliver of truth to it, so I’m not pretending like all claims are false until the established medical authority has graced us with their seal of approval. And it’s not really the question of whether CBD can relieve these symptoms (because I believe it does) but it's things like dosing and administration of the remedy that are far from being determined yet. Also CBD does not cure these conditions. Which means you’d essentially have to take it forever if you aren't trying to fix the root problem.

I’ve seen recommended doses ranging from 1 mg to 500 mg per day. Nobody has a clue. There is still so much yet to be studied before we know the most effective CBD treatments for anxiety and pain. So I will give you the best available information at the moment. I’m sure I will receive a message 5 years from now about how wrong this information is, lol but whatever.

It is said to follow the dosing of 1-6 mg per 10lbs of body weight. That 1-6 mg range is dependant on the severity of the condition you are trying to treat. Anxiety is on the low end. Most people would need anywhere from 10-40 mg of CBD per day. Pain would have a much wider variation as we all know it does. There seems to be no side effects to mega dosing CBD so it really comes down to finding the right dose for your own pain level. It would also come down to how much money you are willing to spend, I guess.

Remember that CBD is in the spotlight right now. So many shady people want to take advantage of naive consumers. It’s going to turn into a big money grab eventually. There will be many products out there that contain no CBD. Only buy brands you know you can trust.

When you are out shopping for your product be aware that there are Hemp Oil products that don’t contain any significant CBD. Your safest bet is to always see a listing for CBD on the label. That way you can also know how you are dosing it. But some products will also use the term hemp extract. This means you probably are getting some CBD but hard to know exactly how much.

Liquid extracts are also generally more bioavailable than pills. I always prefer alcohol based tinctures over the glycerine based as glycerine can form a coat over your teeth and inhibit remineralization. It’s not a big deal once in a while but constant glycerine contact day after day could spell trouble.

CBD has and will continue to help many people manage their ailments but just remember it is only a temporary reliever not a miracle cure to everything. I hope this was helpful to you. Hit one of those buttons, hopefully the like and the subscription ones. And stay healthy everyone.

Nootropics have become a highly popular subject in the health community lately. And it’s not too surprising I guess considering the rise in dementia conditions in the US. We also had that popular movie “Limitless.” And we are all in a very fast paced rat race looking to get ahead, so we will seek out any advantages we can.

But the nootropic realm is filled with numerous different drugs and supplements. And frankly, there just hasn’t been enough time to compile great evidence on most of them yet. Many of them are unproven or don’t present long enough track records to show they are safe. But don’t get discouraged, I am going to give you one sure fire nootropic supplement that has the backing it needs. Phosphatidylserine.

Roughly 50% of PS in your body can be found in the brain tissue. This phospholipid plays a role in cell membranes. It can affect important signaling pathways for cell survival and communication. Because of its importance in brain function, Phosphatidylserine has become a well researched nootropic over the years.

Research has shown time after time that phosphatidylserine improves cognitive function, working memory, processing accuracy, processing speed, and general memory attention. Not to mention that PS is also known for reducing fatigue, stress, ADHD symptoms, and cognitive decline. There have even been great results shown for reducing symptoms of various dementias.

There are many reasons why PS is able to do this. For one, it enhances brain glucose metabolism thereby increasing the fuel for brain activity. It also increases acetylcholine production that is necessary for memory and learning. Add in the fact that it stimulates the release of dopamine while reducing cortisol levels, and now you are in a better state to think and learn.

Now to get the most effective dose of PS, you have to supplement it. The dosage used in many studies ranges from 300 mg to 800 mg per day. I would stick to the lower end of the range as it becomes quite expensive otherwise. The 800 mg seems to be used for those people doing weight training and looking for better recovery and progression. And finally, this should be taken on an empty stomach for best absorption.

Most of the supplements are going to come from soybean or soy lecithin. Many people don’t like to consume soy or can’t because of allergies to it. I avoid soy as much as possible, but in this case it’s fine. What harm the small amount of soy could do to you is completely nullified by what the PS is doing for you. Now if you are allergic or just want the alternative there is sunflower based PS too. It’s just a bit more expensive and a little harder to find.

So that’s the rundown on PS. It is one of my favorite supplements and I hope it can be of service to you and your health. Hit the like button if you enjoyed the video. You can also follow me on facebook. Stay well everyone!

Four simple nutrients can help you regain your peak metabolism.

The first nutrient is iodine. Iodine deficiency affects more than 2.2 billion people worldwide. There are a couple of reasons why it has gotten so bad. Until recently, about 25% of the iodine in the diet was from wheat, because iodine was used in the processing of flour. Now most of it is processed with bromide. What makes it even worse is that bromide inhibits the activity of iodine already in your body. The same goes for the other halogens flouride and chlorine, which are both in our water supply. From 1971 to 2011 iodine intakes in the US dropped by 50%.

Iodine plays a key role in the production of thyroid hormones. Every cell in the body depends on these hormones for regulation of their metabolism. Increased thyroid hormone levels stimulate fat mobilization and almost all aspects of carbohydrate metabolism.

Like in my previous video on sodium, I recommend a good iodized sea salt. There aren’t many foods that naturally contain iodine. As far as supplements go, nascent iodine is the most bioavailable form. But there is controversy about this free form iodide actually remaining a singular atom by the time you take it. You may just be paying big bucks for a “nascent iodine” that’s actually potassium or sodium iodide. I use the potassium iodide product pictured here.

Next up is vitamin D. About half of all Americans are deficient in vitamin D. This is a lot like iodine in the fact that we don’t usually get much from the diet. Sunshine is the best source and that’s just not reliable to many people geographically.

Vitamin D helps the body absorb weight loss nutrients while also optimizing the efficiency of our metabolism. On top of that, when vitamin D is low, hormones signal for more fat storage.

Now you can get a little bit of vitamin D from fatty fish and fortified foods. The only vitamin D I really eat comes f..

Welcome to the second part of my series on electrolytes. Electrolytes are minerals in your body that have an electric charge. They are needed for a variety of functions for your muscles, nerves, and pH and fluid balance. In the first video I covered potassium and its relationship to sodium. So I figured it would be best to talk about the “big bad” sodium next. I would have to say that sodium is probably one of the top 5 most demonized nutrients, right up there with things like sugar, saturated fats, and cholesterol. So this should be a pretty fun topic to discuss. I will go over why sodium is so important for our health and how it’s gotten such a bad reputation lately. I will also go over the differences between all the different kinds of salts like table salt, sea salt, himalayan salt, etc.

Now a lot of times sodium is referred to as salt and visa versa. And that’s because salt is mainly composed of sodium and chloride. So even though we realize there are other elements to salt than just sodium, we can generally link the two terms as similar things.
Salt was a highly valued currency in ancient times. Yes, that’s right. It wasn’t only a commodity back then, many times it was the actual currency. Wars were fought over it. The Latin word salarium meant “salt money.” See the connection. That is how important this substance was to everyone at that time. Now I know some of you may be thinking, “well of course, they didn’t have refrigerators back then to keep food from spoiling.” And while that is a good point and salt was their preservation mechanism, there were still many other reasons for salt being such a big deal. Like staying hydrated for one.

Sodium affects the fluid balance all throughout our body. Mainly regulating blood volume. It is just as essential for life as breathing oxygen is. Recent research has also suggested that eating salt can reduce the risk of infection and kill harmful bacteria. This is due to it boosting classical macrophage activation...

98% of Americans don't get enough daily potassium. This is a big problem considering how high the sodium intake for most Americans is. There is a proper ratio of needed electrolytes and when that ratio is off balance things like hypertension, stroke, and osteoporosis are much more likely to appear.

This video will discuss the easily fixable problem and address potassium supplements. I will give you ideas for foods to add into your diet and make them a part of your core group of foods. Things like potatoes, coconut water, spinach, beef, etc.

This information should help 98% of people and it's so easy to do.

This is your simple and fast cheat sheet to immune boosting supplement shopping. I go over many of the most popular supplements for the immune system including oregano oil, colloidal silver, vitamin D3, vitamin C, olive leaf extract, mushrooms, probiotics, prebiotics like larch tree aribinogalactin.

I let you know what you should look for and what to not waste your money on. Don't spend hours of your day researching the best products when it's all right here.

These are the products I personally own and would use myself if sick:

Sovereign Silver Bio-Active Silver Hydrosol

Now Supplements, Vitamin D-3 & K-2 Liposomal Spray

Swanson Fiberaid Larch Tree Arabinogalactan (Ag)

Swanson Olive Leaf Extract

North American Herb and Spice, Oreganol P73

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This is the cropped version of one of my old videos on Testosterone. This is the main part and the good stuff. If you are shopping around for the best testosterone boosters and not sure what actually works and what's just snake oil, this is your quick guide.

If you've been searching and trying out numerous joint formulas and products, search no more. I am going over the most potent and effective supplements for joint pain in this video.

My multivitamin video

Hyaluronic Acid
Celadrin cream
Celadrin pills
kollaGen II-xs

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I touch on the multitude of joint supplements on the market today. With so many it's hard to try them all and know what is actually working for you. Some are good like curcumin, turmeric, tart cherry, boswellia, glucosamine, chondroitin, and MSM. But I cover the powerhouse remedies in this video like hyaluronic acid, celadrin, and type 2 collagen.

For people with osteoarthritis especially, you should notice major relief with just a few of these things. Since it is a degenerative condition, something like hyaluronic acid can deplete over time. It plays a role in the synovial membrane which is what coats articulating bones and the synovial fluids is what provides that shock absorbent around joints.

All of these remedies are naturally anti-inflammatory and have no side effects. They are well tolerated by most everyone. And the great thing is that they are fast acting too.

There are many so called "testosterone boosters" out there on the market and many people make some very outrageous claims. These products I mention in this video are plain and simply just proven testosterone supporters. They are natural so you don't need to worry about potential side effects like testosterone replacement therapy carries. Or any of those awful oral steroids.


My Ashwagandha video

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I just give you my three favorite supplements and go through how they work and why I take them. I go over coleus forskohlii (forskolin), l-carnitine tartrate, and ashwagandha. There are many more great things to take like a multi mineral for example. Boron, magnesium, calcium, zinc, etc. are all crucial to optimal hormones.

I think many times people are just looking for the magic bullet and they get conned into garbage and may even hurt themselves. I just wanted to give an honest review on three great supplements to start with on your journey to feeling youthful once again.

I answer three commonly asked questions in this video about protein powders for those losing muscle mass and anti aging purposes. Also, about the best coQ10 choices. And finally, the best b-vitamin complexes.

The purpose of this video is to give you the real inside information about these products and to equip you with the knowledge to make purchases that are worth your money. Understanding all the minor differences in supplements can be a daunting task for those just wanting quality products.

I go over the differences of protein powders and how to spot cheap quality like those that spike their proteins with amino acids. I also let you know if ubiquinol is worth the money. And one easy trick to quickly spot a high quality b-complex supplement. These are not absolutes, there are always some unique exceptions but following the advice I share here will generally give you an advantage over the brilliant marketing charades these brands use to fool you.

My video on coQ10 and other heart healthy supplements

Dymatize Nutrition Hydrolyzed Whey

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The king of adaptogens! This is my official ashwagandha review. Ashwagandha is just a bundle of benefits and really no known side effects. If you are looking to improve your adrenal health and have good clean sustained energy then this herb may be the one you are searching for.

The liquid extract supplement I personally use

If you prefer capsules over all other forms then the KSM-66 product I linked is what you want.


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I go over the very best attributes of this herb and what to look for in buying an ashwagandha supplement. KSM-66 or liquid extracts should be the only options you weigh. I really hope this video can help you decide if ashwagandha something you'd benefit from and guide you to the right one.


Created 4 years, 10 months ago.

31 videos

Category Health & Medical

Breaking Through The Nonsense. This channel is all about information and common sense when it comes to supplements. I want to help people be informed when making decisions with their health.