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When you are so talented the world "uses you" for what you are good at, not stopping even w/ overuse of tendons showing as a child. They did this to me in gymnastics in grade school. Life long problems as an adult

make her bury herself in her own lies

wellness is a choice

With the USA at stake, these imbecilic trolls spent more than 12 hours on being democrat operatives

I remember this

such a predator

They target the innocent

stalker on my thread today

still banned

Is she a male?????????????
This would blow my mind.

Glad to see this

pure evil


beyond belief

so powerful


this is so sweet


Created 6 years, 7 months ago.

4678 videos

Category News & Politics

Government is out of control Take Your Freedom Back. They work for US, not the reverse.
Socialism has been a plot in the making - every person has to take their own freedoms back
there is no one person that is going to do it, we all have to do it together.