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We really missed these kind of videos from Jonathan and we know that he is so busy!
He and the Chosen cast worked so hard to promote the Chosen Season Four! They travelled in so many places, then he has his collaboration with Hallow!
Ofcourse he does not have the amount of time to spare like he used to! So, this LIVE video is so much appreciated!
This is a rebroadcasting of his LIVE with my reaction and comments!
For all of you that do not have instagram!
Link to the original video and please follow Jonathan's Instagram is here

This litttle sweet video will show Jonathan Roumie progressing in years and in wisdom :)
Take a look! Big thank you to the Chosen Arabic Insta account of a big fan of the show!

This interview is from twenty years ago, when CNN was still a trusted name in the Media, when Tucker Carlson was collaborating with them, when the level of degeneracy was not to the extreme that we see today..When the pop industry was not so wicked as today..
How things have changed in twenty years,,
Britney Spears looks here so fresh..still..So, is Tucker Carlson..

In November 2023, socialist Pope Francis removed Bishop Joseph Strickland of the Diocese of Tyler, Texas.

Strickland, appointed in 2012 by Pope Benedict XVI, had been vocal in his criticism of the Vatican’s approach towards LGBTQ issues, abortion, and the discussion around allowing priests to marry.

But despite Pope Francis’ efforts to silence him, Bishop Strickland continues to speak out.

On Friday, Bishop Strickland published his latest letter warning of a confused understanding of authority’ that has invaded the Catholic Church.

Reza, we wish you a happy birthday, may you walk in Light every single day of your life, may you always be surrounded by people that love you, treasure you and appreciate you!
From me and my family loads of love! From all of us, The Chosen fans and not only, we love you!

This is the sad state of Western world societies for a long time now, but it seems that in the last few years the level of sin and debauchery reached sky rocketing levels.
Its sad..we can only pray for them- sadly they will discover the truth the very hard way

MSNBC highlights two new polls showing Biden leading Donald Trump, with one even showing him leading by 5 points among likely voters

This is mind blowing! When a politician lies he-she really believe their own lies

This is something that i share on this channel with joy! I am convinced this lady posses a beauty that is superior to the model of beauty that our society presents!
What you think? Let me know

This is so cool! Take a look at this awesome actor how he loves to be happy and this is a good reminder for all of us too, to be happy!
Life is so sad many times! Lets have moments like that more and more

Do you feel protected and safe by the british police?

Lets remember together when Jonathan visited the most idiotic show in television and brought the LIGHT OF JESUS there!
Lets take a look ! Be blessed!

So, my beloved friends and brothers, this is the latest video with Jonathan and get ready to be amused and feel good!
LAUGHTER is always a good medicine! A huge thank you to @TheChosenSeries for allowing us the Chose fans to share, comment and post fragments from their lives, videos! We love you guys!!

This is Jonathan but the voice ofcourse is not of him! I enjoyed watching this sweet little video with him! Take a look and be blessed!
Thank you to @thechosentvfr for this awesome video!
And for all of you that speak french...


Created 2 years ago.

1904 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

I will post videos about my faith, interesting stuff that i find on the internet and some times politics! Stay close