Official Tesla BioHealing

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Official Tesla BioHealing



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How can Life Force Energy improve your health?

Each of our 5 trillion cells is like micro-batteries with a storehouse of energy. When we were born all our cells were fully charged to the optimal 70 to 90 millivolts. As we age, or when there is illness or stress, or toxins in the body, some of our cells become depleted in energy. What do we say when a battery loses its charge? We say the battery is dead. The same with cells. When their energy is low the cells are weak and when they lose their charge, they die. Once cells are restored to their full energetic vitality, they go to work, doing what they do best, repairing DNA, producing ATP, the body’s energy molecule, and reproducing healthy copies of themselves. It may be said that old age, sickness, and death are caused by cells dying faster than the body can produce healthy vital cells. Anti-aging then is simply when cellular production exceeds cellular death.

Energy permeates our world, our universe, and all people, down to our cells, our molecules, and all our atoms. Our energy field is the collective sum of the energy of each of our trillions of cells. The body and its energy field are like an orchestra playing a symphony. If each instrument is tuned to the same scale, there is coherence, resonance, order, and harmony. If instead, the tuning is off, the result will be dissonant and disharmonious, creating chaos, disorder, and disease. Increasing the level of Life Force Energy in your cells can bring your body back into a state of harmony and keep you healthy throughout your life as well.

How is our energy field affected by the environment?

Our energy field has a dynamic ability to interact and adapt to any environment. Our energy system constantly adjusts in an attempt to remain in a balanced state of harmony, or homeostasis. Many things influence our energy level. EMFs generated by cell phone towers, toxins and pesticides, poor food quality, negative people, and even our own negative thoughts vibrate at a lower frequency and can influence our energy field negatively. Healthy food, clean air and water, happy people, and positive thoughts vibrate at a much higher frequency and support a healthy and balanced energy field. A strong energy field can more easily repel negative influences from our surrounding environment. The Life Force Energy generated by our devices builds the vitality of the body on a cellular level which helps defend against environmental factors while also supporting physical and emotional wellbeing.

Life Force Energy Units Standard Measurements and Meanings for the Sick and the Healthy.

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Tesla BioHealing technology is a data-driven, natural, safe, and highly effective health solution. Based upon Nikola Tesla’s original discoveries “harnessing the forces of nature to the service of mankind”, Tesla BioHealing has pioneered new breakthrough medical devices that generate a field of pure Life Force Energy – a natural, powerful environment for the body’s innate healing intelligence to be optimally supported.

At the core of every cell, Life Force Energy is present. Not only is it present, but it is a vital force of nature essential for human cells, and the cells of all biological systems, to carry out their functions optimally. Life Force Energy has been acknowledged both in ancient cultures and modern-day scientific communities as a vital substance innate in all living things and available at various levels in our environment.

You can think of Life Force Energy as similar to oxygen in the sense that it is a naturally occurring substance that our cells utilize every day and have need of in specific quantities. However, if you need to use oxygen therapeutically it needs to be concentrated and delivered to your system in much higher quantities than is available in the everyday atmosphere. The same is true of Life Force Energy. Our bodies produce and utilize Life Force Energy consistently, but this level of concentration is not enough to offer our cells the optimal level of support as we age or when we become ill or injured. In other words when we are lacking life force.

Tesla BioHealing OTC Medical Devices create their own environments of pure Life Force Energy, offering a much higher concentration of this natural healing force than is available in everyday environments. Once a person or pet is within this potent field of Life Force Energy, the body can absorb this vital energy at will and as needed just like it does every day, only know there is much more available for the cells of the body to benefit from. Once the body is given enough Life Force Energy to work with, cellular self-repair mechanisms can begin to activate much faster and more profoundly than previously was possible.


Created 2 years, 5 months ago.

2 videos

Category Health & Medical

OUR MISSION - To bring proven scientific medical research and breakthrough bioenergetic technology together to enrich, enhance, and extend the lives of our customers.

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How is this technology different from other energy-based therapies and scalar wave devices?
Tesla BioHealing technology generates a field of pure Life Force Energy that does not need to be forced through the body via any type of frequency programming or vibratory mechanism. The cellular structures of the body already know how to interact with Life Force Energy, and when they have enough Life Force Energy available, they are able to uptake it naturally and activate their own self-repair mechanisms in order to begin functioning optimally and healing the body as they are intended to do. We rely on the body’s innate intelligence to conduct the healing and prioritize the energy how your cells see fit, versus sending specific frequencies through the body at specific times.

Tesla BioHealing OTC Medical Devices create an environment of highly concentrated Life Force Energy that the cells of the body can use at will. Allowing the body’s innate intelligence to be in charge of the healing process facilitates much deeper and faster therapeutic results, even in unexpected ways since there is always more going on within the intricacy of our cellular systems than current medical science can comprehend. Furthermore, because there are no magnets or electricity involved in the generation of this Life Force Energy field our medical devices are perfectly safe for anyone with a pacemaker or any kind of medical implant, and even enhance the benefits of those undergoing other forms of energy therapies or traditional medicine treatment courses.

Although a Nikola Tesla inspired technology, Tesla BioHealing OTC Medical Devices harness Life Force Energy in a completely unique way than what is typically understood in regard to scalar waves. In fact, the way in which this Life Force Energy is generated is a technological and medical breakthrough, not requiring any electricity to achieve. These devices act independently of any mechanical or electrical energy source, therefore offering an even safer solution than what is typically delivered with scalar wave therapies. In addition to being a completely safe and pure source of Life Force Energy, many experts in the field of energy medicine tell us that our technology is the strongest and most healing energy-based medical device that they know of.